Commented/5 starred/ subscribed
After a few hours I announce winners
I am giving away many accounts that are phished from my youtube video.
Comment here and message me asking for which number you want.
Each person can only ask for one number at a time.
More will come!
For a higher chance of winning
1. Say thanks in some kind of way
2. Comment on my youtube video
3. Do anything that will impress me
[ame=""]YouTube - World of Warcraft "Emerald Dream" Trailer[/ame]
DOMBO - 70 Orc Warrior
Silentkenny - 74 Mage, 70 Warrior
Ryuker - 68 Warlock
Magesr1337 - 70 Shaman
Fireblast - 73 Paladin, 59 Deathknight
Last edited by Poofy; 11-22-2008 at 05:07 PM.
Commented/5 starred/ subscribed
Rep People who you found helpful!
I will go for number one.
I will make up a joke and im posting on your tube account now.
done ALL the youtube shizz
and impressive stuff - I just crit a 15k with my lock =0
would like 1
Last edited by lewis10123; 11-22-2008 at 10:45 AM.
I'm going for number 2
Impressive: (Yes I <3 TF2) And if you don't believe this is me, compare avatars xD
Snipers 4 ever
Last edited by Dombo; 11-22-2008 at 10:43 AM.
Posted as CodeD3mon, 5 starred, favorited, and subscribed.
PMing you know.
Ok I commented video,5 Star Rated,Favorited,Channel Comment,Subscribed,MMOwned Comment. Would love the 74 mage![]()
Last edited by Drakath; 11-22-2008 at 11:00 AM.
commented,subscribed,5 starred, thumbsed up and also if youd like will advertise on some of the sites i know of and my own, just pst me if u want me to do this, also favorited
Last edited by Jon Lajoie; 11-22-2008 at 11:01 AM.
Posted winners. More account giveways coming soon. Check this thread everyday.
New account posted.
I'd love that 68 Warlock.
Thanks in advance :P
Something to impress you: I can do a backflip
And I'm about to comment on your Youtube video under the name Inbetween2345
edit: Also wow that video was very well done! I can see why you're having so much success
Last edited by Ryuker; 11-22-2008 at 12:14 PM.
I would to have thi account plz !!!!!
68 Warlock
All info except for sq/a. I have cd-key
I don't have nothing since i can access to the giveaway section ...bad luck
plz plz plzzzzzzzzz !:wave::wave:
commented / and starred for your youtube video
and +rep
and to conclude i can say that i pratice mountain bike downhill but not at his amazing level lol :
[ame=""]YouTube - Red Bull Rampage 2008 Highlights[/ame]
-commented / and starred for your youtube video with darknife123
-add comment with osefe1 and 5 starred
-add comment with osefe2 and 5 starred
really need a full info acc pls :s
Last edited by darknife; 11-23-2008 at 09:31 AM.
... like i said bad luck![]()
Commented. 5 Starred. Favourited and thanked. +Rep for setting this great deal up.
Koaproductions is my user.