either gone within 60 seconds, or fake
Alright i've scammed two accounts and dont want them. I will just write it here in the thread because none understand that if they do it the accounts will be taken fast. But i dont care who gets it anyway.
They are both EU.
Account: jopeter
Password: 4300doppes
Account: Goalien
Password: superman12356
either gone within 60 seconds, or fake
WTF! 4 min ago and both are gone!
gone :P atleast who took post here so we can kno atlest :P
they are real. And all should use the account checker on wow forums
PLEASE! Stop writing the accs here
all the leechers will take them jsut make so anyone PM's you for one
I want a account SO DAMN MUCH
Well mate, i actually made a thread about what not to do on Account giveaway section but none have readen it, about 70 only. its not good.