Why post here and not in the original thread. Waste of space.
1. DONT Rep trade (otherwise -25 rep).
2. DONT just post the User pass (anyone with 50+ posts can view these threads, and yes I have done this once).
3. DO Create a fun way of giving away your account.
4. DONT give out False information.
5. DONT Acccuse others of giving out False information.
6. DONT ask for rep (same consequence as ^^).
7. DONT post here requesting accounts, you won't get any.
8. DONT Bribe blackmail the people giving away accounts who they give their account to is their choice.
9. DO check up on your account giveaway post, there are people waiting on you!
10. DO go and find those scammed accounts you have sitting away and post them here right now!
Thanks BoB_Magic
But also I'd like to state what not to say when someone wants the most deserving, or why you want it. DO NOT WAIST other peoples time with stuff like "I need to test it with exploits n stuff pl0x gief me PL0XX" No one wants their account to go to someone who will most likely get it banned.
Also don't pull what I just did don't have a 1 sentence reply "I want the accounts cuz it b coo" No, don't. I think people who are worthy of that kind of account should have a 2-3 sentence paragraph minimum explaining your point wiht validity. And finally this is kind of a trust one, if you are going to get the and immediately sell it don't even try.
Thanks I hope this helps.
Why post here and not in the original thread. Waste of space.
lol, why not trade +rep?
Im Ohzar (Ccopy)
because its against the rules..... ? go read em once and maybe the retarted comments will be gone.
Account GiveawaysNo requests here.. Your only allowed to give the user Reputation here once they have given you an account.
L2R! Is typed on every page in Account Giveaways!
Looking for World of Warcraft and Burning Crusade CD-keys! PM me for info (I can offer web programming services in exchange).