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  1. #331
    Godofdeath19's Avatar Member
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    She asked for my acc name...

    3 accounts in 1 day
  2. #332
    MooChan's Avatar Banned
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    Can u use the waitting ones?

  3. #333
    fatality3's Avatar Member
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    LOL check this out

    Please wait for a site operator to respond.
    You are now chatting with 'Cavin'
    Cavin: Hello, welcome to SwagVault. How may I help you today?
    hellgate: hi i made a pl order , and am not able to log in. they changed the password i think. but i really need to log in. can you retrieve it for me?
    hellgate: order number 1043570
    Cavin: sry sir
    Cavin: we dont change ur pw
    Cavin: could u retrieve ur pw with secret question
    hellgate: no i cant get into the normal WoW website
    hellgate: it says my account password is wrong
    hellgate: i checked my email and it says it was changed
    Cavin: on the website
    Cavin: theres a button
    Cavin: retrieve ur pw
    hellgate: yeah that one doesnt work
    Cavin: sry sir
    Cavin: we only have the former pw u gave
    Cavin: was it suspension or something ?
    hellgate: I know it that password it worked perfectly now i cant get tin
    hellgate: no its not suspended
    hellgate: because i didnt receive an email
    Cavin: could u contact with blizz plz
    Cavin: to get pw back
    Cavin: only the account owner can get it back
    hellgate: That takes very long because it takes a long time for them to reply i've tried it took them like 2 weeks to finally respond. I sent many emails and only one came back
    hellgate: i am the account owner
    Cavin: sry for the inconvenience
    Cavin: we dont have a way to get ur account back
    hellgate: can i just get my account details back?
    Cavin: i think the computer of lvler got virus
    Cavin: so blizz reset the pw
    hellgate: i just want to go on it for 5 minuts
    Cavin: sry ,u need get ur pw back urself
    hellgate: well what was the info after i submited it?
    Cavin: we keep secret for customers
    hellgate: i am a customer
    hellgate: i am very unsatisfied with the service
    Cavin: rly sry sir
    Cavin: i cant give u the pw here
    hellgate: why not
    hellgate: my friend had the same problem but another friend didnt
    Cavin: account owner never ask for account details from us
    hellgate: when did i say that?
    hellgate: hello I need to retrive me account details back please
    Cavin: could i have ur phone number ,email address paypal email ,full name ,and ur address plz
    hellgate: omg ur a DOUCHE ****ING STUPID CHINESE PIECE OF SHIT!!!

  4. #334
    Me0w's Avatar Contributor
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    Stop bumping this. This is since long dead, the powerlevelers knows about this scam and unless you can provide them with additional info and not just the order ID, you wont get the Account name and password.

  5. #335
    Siretu's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Oglethorpe View Post
    Well, it seems like they're actually learning from their mistakes and is asking more questions than "what is your id?".

    mary 03-09 10:11:00


    You 03-09 10:11:03

    You 03-09 10:12:08
    i recently made a pl order and i am unable to login. they changed the password i think and i really need to check something out on the account real quick. can you retrieve it for me?

    mary 03-09 10:12:23

    order id ,account name and char name

    mary 03-09 10:12:28


    You 03-09 10:13:28

    mary 03-09 10:15:16

    account name and char name
    Lol, I met her too.

    Welcome to our company website! We provide the lowest price and the best service。
    Please choose the department or service item to get live help.
    Thanks for choosing us! E_mail[email protected]
    mary 03-21 09:02:55

    mary 03-21 09:02:55
    hello ! may i help you ?

    You 03-21 09:03:03
    You 03-21 09:03:33
    Yes, I ordered pl from you yesterday

    You 03-21 09:03:54
    I wanted to get in to buy an auction

    You 03-21 09:04:05
    but you seem to have changed the password

    mary 03-21 09:04:32
    u there ?

    You 03-21 09:04:38
    can I check it fast or are you pl'ing right now?

    You 03-21 09:04:39
    mary 03-21 09:05:31
    order id plz

    You 03-21 09:05:34
    You 03-21 09:07:00
    r u there?

    03-21 09:09:39
    sir ur order id plz

    03-21 09:09:39
    sir ?

    03-21 09:09:39
    u there ?

    You 03-21 09:10:18
    my order id is EU-CP-E20083201413435****
    mary 03-21 09:11:22

    mary 03-21 09:11:22
    hello ! may i help you ?

    mary 03-21 09:11:33

    You 03-21 09:11:46
    Hi, I dont think we can hear eachother, say yes if you hear me

    You 03-21 09:12:20
    I order pl from u, and today I wanted to buy an auction but you changed the password

    You 03-21 09:12:32
    can I go in and buy it?

    mary 03-21 09:13:18
    ur acc plz

    You 03-21 09:13:28
    You 03-21 09:18:24
    hello? are you there?

    mary 03-21 09:19:00
    sir ur acc name plz

    You 03-21 09:19:56
    but u changed it!! I cantt log in anymore

    mary 03-21 09:20:11

    mary 03-21 09:21:45
    sir ,ur order id plz

    You 03-21 09:21:52
    my order id is EU-CP-E20083201413435****, I got 25 hunter on the acc too

    You 03-21 09:22:40
    plz, i want to play today

    mary 03-21 09:22:46
    sir ur acc name plz

    You 03-21 09:22:58
    but u changed it !!!!

    mary 03-21 09:23:01
    plz acc name

    mary 03-21 09:23:23
    we promise we wont

    You 03-21 09:23:33
    omg this sucks!!!

    You 03-21 09:23:53
    I give u acc for pl and you hack me

    mary 03-21 09:24:04
    I'm very sorry ! please trust us !

    You 03-21 09:24:35
    u take the acc and dont give it back and say trust us! how can i

    mary 03-21 09:25:37
    i konw ur feelings but we never to do that

    You 03-21 09:26:06
    so y do u take my acc, why cant i get it back?

    mary 03-21 09:27:49
    maybe hacked ur acc we havenot have it done

    mary 03-21 09:27:49
    plz trust us

    You 03-21 09:28:08
    so what is the acc info then?

    You 03-21 09:28:24
    dotn u have a big server with that

    You 03-21 09:28:31
    so you can see who hacked me?

    mary 03-21 09:30:23
    sorry i dont know

    You 03-21 09:30:46
    you dont write the acc info somewhere? how come you dont forgets the acc info?

    You 03-21 09:33:00
    plz can i just get the info!!! its not fair, i did nothing wrong beside orderr pl

    You 03-21 09:35:32
    u got my payment didnt u? or is that why you hacked me? you can keep the money, i just want my acc

    mary 03-21 09:37:04
    if u can tell us ur order we can serve for u

    You 03-21 09:37:26
    my order? my order id?

    You 03-21 09:37:33
    You 03-21 09:37:47
    you said u know how it feels, then give it back to me!!!

    mary 03-21 09:37:54
    or ur email do u have ?

    You 03-21 09:38:18
    i think its my parents eamail, i dont know it

    You 03-21 09:38:30
    and you probaly changed it too

    mary 03-21 09:39:16
    but the order is not correct

    You 03-21 09:40:08
    You 03-21 09:40:31

    EU WOW PowerLeveling 50-60 (1-4 Days)
    You 03-21 09:40:46
    You 03-21 09:40:57
    the 4th order from the top

    You 03-21 09:41:13
    the fifth

    You 03-21 09:42:10
    thats weird, i copy and paste it from the report site, but i cant search it

    You 03-21 09:42:55
    you cant search any of the ids

    You 03-21 09:43:44
    have you deleted the acc?!?!

    mary 03-21 09:44:01
    sorry we havenot change it

    You 03-21 09:44:10
    did you check the link?

    mary 03-21 09:45:10

    ur acc name ?

    You 03-21 09:45:24
    u changed it !!

    You 03-21 09:45:38
    i told u like a million times!!

    You 03-21 09:45:49
    i just want my acc

    You 03-21 09:45:56
    u can keep the money

    You 03-21 09:46:11
    plz? i wont report u

    You 03-21 09:46:37
    it was probaly u who took the acc and thats y u wont give it back

    You 03-21 09:47:16
    give it back plz or i'll report u!

    mary 03-21 09:47:22
    ur oringal acc ??

    mary 03-21 09:47:22
    and thecharacter

    mary 03-21 09:47:23

    You 03-21 09:47:52
    ye, im the orginal owner of acc and char

    You 03-21 09:48:04
    until u took it!

    mary 03-21 09:48:46

    mary 03-21 09:48:46
    why cant you just give me your original acc name

    mary 03-21 09:48:46
    i think you should know it if you have ordered it in our website

    mary 03-21 09:49:08
    so plz just give me the infor

    You 03-21 09:49:16
    i had it but then u changed it

    You 03-21 09:49:30
    fu, im reporting u

    She said something else after like, You only copied that from the report site.

  6. #336
    moreno's Avatar Member
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    This window requires Javascript support. Please enable scripting. [Operator] hi
    [Visitor] Hello.
    [Visitor] i made a pl order , and am not able to log in. they changed the password i think. but i really need to log in
    [Operator] what game and char name plz?
    [Visitor] My parents bought this account for me from ebay as my birthday present and wend to this website right away, And i really cant remember it sorry..
    [Visitor] not the name.
    [Visitor] game is world of warcraft
    [Operator] did u talk to us yesterday?
    [Visitor] But i need to go soon becose iam on school atm
    [Visitor] ? yesterday?
    [Visitor] no
    [Visitor] why
    [Operator] i told u that no this char here
    [Operator] do not u remember that friend?
    [Visitor] no
    [Visitor] where are you talking about?
    [Operator] ok then ur char name plz
    [Operator] here
    [Visitor] Like i said.....
    [Operator] friend if u can not tell me the char name i could not help u anymore u see
    [Visitor] well i understand that.
    [Visitor] i need to go to class now Ill will search my name tonight
    [Operator] so ask ur parents for the char name plz
    [Operator] ok
    [Visitor] i will do that
    [Visitor] thanks Bb
    [Operator] np

    Some other ppl didt this yesterday at the same Site and same Operator :P

  7. #337
    SHalnark's Avatar Member
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    Live4game.com , i tried on this site , couldnt do anything .

    How are their information numbers or order numbers . if someone can give me an example of this .

  8. #338
    SHalnark's Avatar Member
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    this is the conversation ive had , pretty funny

    You are now chatting with 'Amy'

    Amy: Welcome ,i am the customer service ,can i help u ?

    you: Yes , hold on a minute please

    you: My son ordered some game currency for an account and he wants redirected to another

    you: Hello , sorry but i haven't got any experience with this , what is the process that i need to do to establish the matter.

    Amy: k

    you: bare with me , my english is poor

    Amy: could u tell me ur orderNO

    Amy: let me check for u

    you: Ah , he gave me some number or code

    you: would you hold on , ill search for it

    Amy: ok

    Amy: yeah

    Amy: take it easy

    you: Im not sure if this is the code " EU-20082202346318 " would you check it please

    Amy: it's about the golds ?

    you: Its game currency

    Amy: give me the full number

    Amy: sorry what's that ?

    you: I think its gold , they buy and sell it in the game

    you: i havent played the game so im not sure , its wow game currency

    Amy: ok

    Amy: let me try

    Amy: do u have the paypal email ?

    you: the number i have is a bit faded , can i maybe get the info on the process through my email ?

    Amy: just tell me ur paypal email

    you: ok , let me check on it .

    Amy: k


    you: sorry for taking long

    Amy: it's ok

    Amy: my pleasure

    you: Hmm , i dont have any paypal email .

    Amy: how does ur son pay for us ?

    you: my son has one i think , over my credit card to buy this thing he wanted

    you: this is embaracing , he makes a mess and sends me to fix things .

    Amy: could u ask him ?

    Amy: but if u havent any infor i can check it for u '

    you: he told me about paypal , that he wanted to buy online gadgets and sorts . I gave him my credit card for that purpose on limited .

    you: He gave me a name and process

    Amy: but how may i help u

    i stopped right there and told her that ill get back later when i have more info on the subject.

  9. #339
    spiderpigz's Avatar Member
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    ill go test it my self

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