Easy way to get more for your items/sell them menu

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  1. #1
    partytime0000's Avatar Member
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    Easy way to get more for your items/sell them

    Ok so I am almost 100% sure this has been posted before but thats fine by me don't rep I don't want and for most people this is common knowledge but for some it's not but anyways lets get to it

    I use this in combination with buying stuff for cheap and selling high

    when you have an item you wanna sell put it in AH and say in trade <insert item here> in AH for <insert price here> .

    [colorThen you log out onto your bank/alt and say WTB <previous item> <previous price + however much try to make it believable>. And 99% of the time you will sell it.

    When you have a taker simply say some shit like your sister has to go on or something and log out preferably checking AH first

    We are playing peoples greed with this scam 6): I sold soulcloth gloves today that i bought for 35 saw 2 others in AH for 400g put mine for 350 and offered 500 on my alt.

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    Last edited by partytime0000; 06-24-2007 at 02:21 PM.

    Easy way to get more for your items/sell them
  2. #2
    zurret's Avatar Member
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    Re: Easy way to get more for your items/sell them

    Posted befor as you said

  3. #3
    partytime0000's Avatar Member
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    Re: Easy way to get more for your items/sell them

    Yeah i just read the other one but it is for me kinda hard to read i find this one a little easier personally but whatever :/

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