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    bassman's Avatar Banned
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    wowstatchanger (the scam?) INFO!

    ----(please leave the copyright info below intact)----
    This post is copyright by the user posting it and - World of Warcraft Exploits,Hacks, Bots and Guides, where it was posted. You may not copy or reproduce the above on any other site without written permission from both the poster and

    Ok well there has been a few topics about-

    and about the video here-

    Ok well there was a thread made by someone here that went and bought it mayby but idk they got the DL address somehow and a mod deleted it only seconds after I went to look at it so I got the link just intime.
    I will not post the adress. You will find out later why.

    I went and downloaded it with winrar. I didnt extract anything inside it.

    to sum it up it gives you-
    memory optimizer
    perm edit
    T search
    1-60 FAQ text
    A read me text
    1-60 ally lvling and gold making guide
    1-60 horde lvling and gold making giude

    Pretty much what it gives you and guess what the 2 gold/lvling guides are crap the FAQ 1-60 text is pointless and as for the other things -

    The read me
    First install the memory optimizer.

    Use Ctrl+Shift+Esc. End all processes that isn't System excluding explorer.exe and WoW.exe.
    2) Once everything is cleared, log into WoW to whatever you want to use this exploit on.

    You can log in anywhere, log in normally. (Realize once you tone down the graphic settings you have to reset anyways)

    3) Now, before I continue, what my guild and I did was have friends buff us. For example, my druid friend would innervate me. However, this can be done with self-buffs anything with a timer actually, be it 1 sec- 30 min going from Sprint to Scroll of Agility. Think about the possibilities!
    You can keep that Berserking forever! You can keep that Rapid Fire forever!

    Now, I know this will come up inevitably:

    Can you unlimit buff pets?

    Answer: No, no you cannot. Somehow the method does not work with pets.

    -- Have your friend log in.

    STOP: Before you do anything, set WoW into windowed mode for maximum control. Trust me you do not want to be Alt-Tabbing out of maximizing mode.

    To load the wow.exe into Tsearch you must do this first:

    Load WoW (login to your character)
    Load Tsearch
    Load Permedit

    Select Permedit and grant permissions to Tsearch

    Now go to the Tsearch that is currently open.

    4) Use the Arrow thing on the top left of tsearch and scroll down to the process: WoW.exe. This will designate all searches toward WoW.exe.

    5) Go back into WoW and have your friend buff you (in this case my friend buffed me with Innervate)

    6) Quickly, I went into T-search. I searched for "Unknown Value"

    7) A BUNCH of addresses came up. A ginormous load of lag also came up. (NOTE : Lag is a part of this. The reason I wanted you to minimize lag is for 2 reasons: control & not crashing/dcing. However, I do want you to keep lag high as you can without crashing. More times than not, the timer for the spell will be a bit extended due to your lag and that split second may be the time you click the last search and get the value you need.

    As long as the buff is on, keep searching Value has not changed. Keep on doing this. This will shorten the gigantic list of spells a little bit. The more you do it the shorter it gets.

    9) When it wears off, keep searching 'has changed' this will shorten it even more.

    10) Have a friend cast the same buff on you again. Searched has changed. Then as long as it is on you, search NOT CHANGED.

    (NOTE: It is ESSENTIAL that your friend does not cast anything else.

    For e.g.

    1. Innervate
    2. Unknown
    3. Hasn't changed
    4. Hasn't changed
    5. Hasn't changed
    6. Innervate wears off
    7. Has changed
    8. Has changed
    9. Has changed
    ----Up to now, the user is doing it correctly
    10. Friend casts Rejuvenate
    -----> DO NOT DO THIS. You will have to log out to restart if you do this! The values will entirely shift if you do this ONLY DO ONE BUFF AT A TIME SO YOU CAN STORE IT. I REPEAT DO NOT DO THIS

    Rinse and repeat this method until your list is small enough that you only get a few 100 results.

    11. From here, the task gets even more tedious. Start from the first one, and freeze it. (Click the box and a blue smiley should appear). Go into WoW and wait until spell reaches its limit. If done correctly, it should not and keep last forever. Here is how it should look:

    Rejuvenate - 3
    Rejuvenate - 2
    Rejuvenate - 1
    Rejuvenate - 0
    Rejuvenate - 0

    Although it hits 0 it will not disappear and the spell is still active.

    If it disappears, then unfreeze and freeze the 2nd one. Rinse and repeat until you find it.

    Sound easy? Easier said than done. Realize that with each freeze you run the risk of crashing yourself due to some error in the memory address when you freeze. If you crash, the addresses may/may not reset. And you will have to restart all over again. So unless you have a patient friend when doing this the first time, you should self-buff.

    12. Once you have found the right address, do not rejoice yet. Right down the address (should be a combonation of numbers and letters). Next time you need it, simply punch in the address and freeze.

    Note: Each address is different for each spell and each player that casts it.

    For e.g.

    Billy casts on Bob ' Rejuvenation ' - Address: x <- variable
    Billy casts on Bob ' Innervate ' - Address : y

    They will have different addresses.

    Billy casts on Bob ' Rejuvenation ' - Address: x <- variable
    Joe casts on Bob ' Rejuvenation ' - Address : z
    Joe casts on Bob 'Innervate ' - Address : a

    You see how they differ? The cast must be from the same person consistently.

    Yes, this is one of the exploits where you need friends. That requires going outside. Don't cry! Just kidding.


    That is the end of the guide. Now, to understand and maximize this, you need to understand this.

    A memory address symbolizes the spell's activation. When the spell is active, the memory address pops up. When it is not, it disappears. You want to seek this address and when you find it, you want to freeze it. Freeze it will make it unchangeable, undisappearable - that means the spell is always active.

    Now what's up with the change not change?

    Well, at the beginning you have no idea what address it is so you search Unknown.

    When the innervate is cast, you want to put has changed caues the address appeared.

    When it wears out, your put has not changed because it disappeared.

    NOTE : Magnifying glass = search button


    basicly all it gives you is the unlimited buff hack which we already know how to do. A complete waste of money. Im just throwing this out there for those people who are tempted. This does not change your stats to w/e you want just gives u a tut on unlimited buffs thats somewhere on these foums already.

    wowstatchanger (the scam?) INFO!
  2. #2
    KuRIoS's Avatar Admin
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    Re: wowstatchanger (the scam?) INFO!

    only closed the topic as everyone should know that its a scam those who doesnt, well they need to get smarter asap cause that is just obvious.

  3. #3
    bassman's Avatar Banned
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    Re: wowstatchanger (the scam?) INFO!

    Yea. But at least its actually legitimate. I didnt find any viruses or anything. It gives you the progs and tut you need for inf buff hack, but still a waste of money when you can get it free here.

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