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    Chickensoup's Avatar Contributor
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    Rogue/Resto Drood Strategy 2v2 Arena

    Just so you guys know that I did not write this. I just want to share it with ya guys, so here it is

    Top Builds

    Druid 3402728.3%8114217.2%13113713.1%

    General Information

    Restoration Druid/Rogue may be seem to be a weak team at first, but it can be one of the strongest combinations in 2v2 when you put in the time to work on coordination and strategy.

    One of the main strengths is the fact that both of these classes have huge amounts of control that can be used to take an opponent of out combat for large chunks of the match. Another is their ability to re-stealth mid match if things are not going well.

    Killing pets is a crucial strategy that must be used against certain teams. Hunter and Warlock teams are extremely hard to beat and often mean killing their pets multiple times during a match. Matches can go on for 15+ minutes; meaning bring a lot of water and flash powder for each game (I've easily used 30 water in one single match).

    Even against the toughest teams this combo still has a chance if played perfectly to pull out the victory. Which makes this team very strong in a constantly changing player vs. player environment.

    With practice and good knowledge of your class, it is easy to become very competitive with this elusively fierce setup.


    • Huge amounts of CC.
    • Re-stealthing.
    • Large amounts of mobility.
    • Overpowered cool downs.

    • Leather armor makes you weak to heavy melee teams.
    • Pretty weak to very well played double DPS teams with Rogues.
    • Fairly hard learning curve.

    Note: As a general rule, having a Human Rogue on your time is preferred. Being able to open on other Rogues and Druids is priceless.



    8/11/42 - This standard spec is very good. It gives feral charge, strong healing talents, and Control of Nature. Not a lot of offensive power but good for survivability. I would recommend this spec to new Restoration Druids.

    11/11/39 - This has both survivability and a bit of offensive power with Insect Swarm. It loses a few decent Restoration talents such as one point in Empowered Rejuvenation, but it is my personal choice since I believe a strong offensive for the Druid at crucial moments in a match can make the difference between winning and losing.

    13/11/37 - This spec is often used for strong offensive spell casting and long range CC. This spec includes Nature's Reach which allows you to Cyclone 20% farther away. It also helps to DPS from farther away. The negative effect is that you must lose a decent amount of points in Restoration talents, making people who have low amounts of healing already, even more gimped.Recommended for veterans only.

    This spec is very strong for Druid/Rogue. The new Cyclone allows you to grab an extra 4 yards of range. Dreamstate also allows for a huge increase in mana per 5 seconds. It does lack Feral Charge and Improved Bash, but on the other hand it allows you to tank in Moonkin form, giving you CC options in that. This spec is the most offensive Restoration spec there is currently and can allow for huge burst damage when needed. I just want to share it with you.


    41/20/0: Mutilate is a strong spec. However, in general it has a lot of trouble against Druid/Warrior. It is stronger against caster type teams. This burst is ridiculous with Cold Blood and the ZG trinket. I played this spec in Season 2 to Gladiator and it was fantastic, it hasn't lost its shine in Season 3, and should be even more powerful in the 2.4 patch.

    20/0/41: This is the standard Shadowstep build, in my opinion the only other viable spec for this combo. It has great mobility and damage output. It also has huge amounts of cool downs through Preparation. It is my Rogue's choice of spec and preferable for me in Season 3.

    Last edited by Chickensoup; 07-28-2008 at 09:15 PM.

    Rogue/Resto Drood Strategy 2v2 Arena
  2. #2
    Chickensoup's Avatar Contributor
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    Stay as offensive as possible. Have the Druid stay in Bear form 90% of the time putting pressure on the Hunter while the Rogue attacks him as well. The Druid should eat all of the traps he tries to put down. When you have the opportunity to kill him have your Rogue Blind the Druid or Cyclone him and lay on the DPS through Wrath and Moonfire spam.

    It is important put as much pressure on them as much as possible. If you don't they will be able to drain the Druid down over time due to the pet and Viper Sting.

    If the Hunter is not specced for Improve Revive Pet then killing the pet is a possibility, which will give you the advantage. Just make sure the Druid is watching fo itr when the Rogue gets CC'd, so he can stop the Revive Pet.

    Alternate Strategy:
    Have the Rogue stay on the Druid the entire time. The Druid should be offensive and take all the traps. Most likely the Rogue will be Scatter Shotted and pushed through Frost Traps, so Shadowstep really helps. If the Druid stays in Bear Form the whole match the Viper Stings will no drain, and also helps to mitigate the damage of the Hunter. Just watch out for Scare Beast! With help from the Druid CC, you have a chance to take him down before the Hunter takes away all your mana and then you and your partner.



    Killing the pet once, even twice, is pretty important. Once it is dead, make sure the Rogue tries to Kick and prevent the Fel Domination from resolving, once this happens you'll probably have to kill it again or just lose.

    Once it is dead you should do everything you can to ensure that it is not revived, so be mindful if the your Rogue is CC'd. Then it will be the Druid's job to stop him from getting another one out.

    Keep the Rogue on the Warlock and drink when you can, help to take him down by CC'ing the Druid then DPS'ing when you have the mana.

    Overall, this fight is hard, but possible to win. Experience proves itself here.



    This set up destroys low-mid rated Druid/Rogue teams. Though in the high ratings, Druid/Rogue has the advantage. If the Warrior gets on the Druid, you are almost guaranteed the win. Having a Human Rogue really helps here because he is able to open on the Druid while still in Cat Form.

    Your Rogue should be on the Druid the entire time. Kicking, Deadly Throwing and stunning any type of CC. As the Druid your job is to CC the Warrior down giving your Rogue the opportunity to go for him.

    Separating the Warrior from the Druid is extremely important. Later in the match you can Root the Warrior far away from the Druid, then Travel Form to the Druid and assist with DPS and Stuns.

    It is very important that the Druid help in DPS and controlling the Druid. If he gets away from your Rogue you should Cyclone him to help regen the Rogues energy and let the Rogue catch up. Try your hardest to keep the Warrior away from the Rogue so he can not Hamstring him!

    If you are lower on mana than the other Druid and your Rogue is out of cooldowns you should strongly consider re-stealthing and literally just restart the match.

    Drink when you can!



    This team, if played correctly, is definitely your counter comp. Attempt to get a Sap on the Rogue and immediatly get on the Mage. You will strongly increase your chances of winning if you can pull it off.

    Make sure you don't let the Mage get any Sheeps off on the Rogue. If the Rogue does get stuck in a Polymorph this will surely results in a long CC chain which ends with your Druid being killed. If the Rogue can stay on the Mage and help cripple the other Rogue it will make it a short period of time before the Mage runs of of gas and dies.

    If the Rogue trinkets CC have your Rogue throw a Blind on him ASAP. This will ensure the Druid is poison free and full on HoTs for a possible burst.

    In General Blood Elves can cause you some problems. Their CC + Silence means the Druid probably won't last long against one burst, especially in caster form. If the Rogue sees this happening it is important to try and disrupt this by any means necessary. Since it means imminent death, for your healer and then you.

    Make sure to stay defensive at all times and stop any hard Shatter/stun combos.



    Our strategy is to primarily stay on the Warrior. Blessing of Freedom and Dispels make keeping the Warrior off the Rogue and keeping the Rogue on the Paladin quite difficult.

    Cyclone, Feral Charge, and stun the Pally to force the Paladin bubble. During this time he may put Blessing of Protection on the Warrior, but just Cyclone him and heal your Rogue.

    After the bubble is down you can take 2 routes. Get on the Paladin or the Warrior. My personal preference is to get on the Warrior and CC the Paladin. Make sure your save some mana so you can DPS the Warrior during the 6 second Cyclone. Also try to get your Rogue to Blind the Paladin right out of bubble, giving you even more time to take down the Warrior. Once again, if the Warrior gets low and the Paladin is out of CC's on him, just Cyclone the Warrior a few times to help Regen your Rogue's energy.

    From this point on just make sure you don't run out of mana and you are golden. This is one of the matchups newer Druid/Rogue teams have trouble with, but in the end should be free points.



    A fairly easy team before the 1800's, once you get a bit higher their coordination becomes stronger and your chances of winning start to diminish. Generally, you should stay on the Priest for the majority of the match (if the Rogue is Shadowstep!). Mana Burns and Fears on you can ruin this match for you. Though, if you do decide to kill the Rogue, your Druid will need to kite the Priest the entire time to stop him from dispelling you and Fearing -> Mana Burning.

    Assist the Rogue as much as possible with Feral Charges/Bashes/and even Roots covered by Rank 1 Faerie Fire, Moonfire and Insect Swarm. Making This makes him dispel two or three times and helps your Rogue take him down faster.

    If their Rogue is Mutilate, stay on him. Mutilate Rogues, though they can burst generally get wrecked by equally skilled Shadowstep Rogues. They also can get taken down to 0 without the annoyance of Cheat Death.



    If played correctly this combo can give you a very hard time. Your Rogue must be smart about evading Fear since he will be on the priest 100%. If he is Feared, the can drink thanks to the Warrior being on your Rogue and the Priest being far away. Make sure your Druid stays on/near the Priest, so this can't happen!

    Cover your Roots through Rank 1 Moonfire and Faerie Fire so as to waste the Priest's mana as well as keeping the Warrior away from your Rogue longer. Save the Blind for after the Warrior trinkets a Cyclone trinket.

    Watch out for Mana Burns on the Druid, they can often sneak up on you and turn the tide in their favor.

    Be aggressive this fight.



    This should be played nearly identically to Mage/Rogue. This team has less burst, but more disruption. Fears are as deadly as Polymorph, though you cannot be Sapped after a long sheep.

    I find this team to be a bit easier since there is no Ice Block and Warlocks are very easily CC'd by the Rogue through kicks, stuns, and cloak. Their Rogue will probably have to be on your Rogue 100% of the time, making it all the more important to be vigilant of his HP at all times.



    This is a team that if you play perfectly, should be winnable every game. The Rogue should stay on the Shaman the majority of the match. The Druid should Moonfire(Rank 1) any Windfury Totem he sees, because this can significantly increase the Warrior's damage on the Rogue. See druid macros.

    If the Warrior goes for the Druid, you basically win, because there is no dispel for your Roots.

    When the Druid is able to CC the Warrior for a decent amount of time and the Rogue is fine on health, he should be DPSing the Shaman, to put extra stress on him. Often when a Shaman is being attacked, they may forget to lay down totems which makes this match even easier.

    In any case, watch out for strong burst, and make sure to keep the Rogue topped off. Also, Rooting the Shaman is important in the 2.4 patch since their mobility is increased with Ghost Wolf, Earthbind, and Frost Shock.

    Thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed!

    Credits go to Swifted on Burning Blade server, US.
    Last edited by Chickensoup; 07-28-2008 at 08:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Opirity1's Avatar Banned
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    Pretty col guide Chicksoup , but since im not 70 yet , uselesss for me , +rep for effort tough


  4. #4
    Bukowski's Avatar Member
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    Great Guide im using it now and its great!!

  5. #5
    hugmepls's Avatar Contributor
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    atleast put the original link if you copy & paste (I know you mentioned it is not yours..)

    Druid/Rogue Strategy - Arena Junkies

  6. #6
    Chickensoup's Avatar Contributor
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    I thought giving credits to the person who wrote it would suffice.

  7. #7
    deadfate's Avatar Active Member
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    Rogue\Druid, or Druid + anything.

    1.)Add spells to key bindings
    2.)Apply your face to key board
    4.) profit

  8. #8
    Chickensoup's Avatar Contributor
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    True dat >.>

  9. #9
    TechnoViking's Avatar Member
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    lol, rogue and resto druid is simply OP and basically a free ride to the 2400 rating, who needs a strategy for it?

  10. #10
    da_bizkit's Avatar Elite User
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    arenajunkies[.]com coppypasta ?!
    -Rogues Do It From Behind-

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