How to make gold for the upcoming MOP menu


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    dan151204's Avatar Sergeant
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    How to make gold for the upcoming MOP

    So how are you making gold now that things like ores, gems and herbs are falling in price due to the release date of MOP being announced?

    How to make gold for the upcoming MOP
  2. #2
    Found's Avatar Banned
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    The best thing to do is stock up on green -> epic items to be disenchanting and so forth so you can quickly level professions, that's the optimal way to make money at the launch of an expansion. With the release of cata I made ~500k in 2 weeks off of random bullshit like that.

  3. #3
    papyraven's Avatar Member
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    I'm going with inscription and selling lots of glyphs at the patch day, but that requires a lot of work...

  4. #4
    ketrish's Avatar Contributor
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    want 100% guarantee profit ?
    stack lets say 1000 or any valuable material due professions' leveling and rise its price like 200-1000% on launch :P - it's called stockpile :P

  5. #5
    lalalarawrla's Avatar Knight-Champion
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    Check for people who are trying to level engineering and BS and stuff on your server. I have someone offering me 300g for a stack of MoP herbs and ore. So I am sticking with my gathering proffessions and am just going to power level them and farm farm farm! Hopefully bots will be out with gathering profiles shortly after launch :P

  6. #6
    Mikelo22's Avatar Member
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    Old world mats from Outland and Northrend will maintain high demand as new players level their professions. Saronite Ore and Cobalt Ore is already outpacing Elementium and Obsidium by more than double the price already on my server. If you want to stick with mining Cata ore, you might try switching to Obsidium since not only does the market cover shufflers, but a large amount of obsidium is also required for profession leveling. Whereas, not nearly as much Elementium is required.

    Another idea would be to look up profession guides, like the ones at | 1-525 Profession Leveling Guides - Cataclysm. Many people blindly follow these guides. So, to use this to your advantage, start stocking up on various "chokepoint" mats for different professions. From personal experience, one of the most notorious chokepoints for leveling JC is Golden Draenite. Right now, this stuff is often selling for 5-10g on the AH. But as demand goes up, the prices should be expected to rise to 100-250g each. I currently buy all the draenite I can find for 5-10g and when there none on, I gouge people by pricing them for 150g each and they DO sell. Because people are blindly following these guides.

    Other nifty ideas would be Abyss Crystals. They are great storage savers because you can either sell the crystals or shatter them into Infinite Dust/ Greater Cosmic essences. Both of which are needed to level enchanting. I think something like 600 Infinite Dust is needed in total, so demand for this should also skyrocket.

    Gathering Profs are also very valuable at the start of MoP. This is because supply cannot come close to meeting demand. Therefore, the price of ore/herbs is extremely high the first couple weeks of the expansion from people trying to powerlevel their profs back to cap. So I would recommend making your first level 90 someone with gathering profs. In Cata, I know people who made hundreds of thousands of gold by selling raw mats early on. Blizzard is restricting this a bit with MoP by not allowing flying mounts until level 90, so you can't just go to the high level zones straight away at level 85.

    You could also look into stocking up on Hypnotic Dust. This stuff is extremely cheap on some servers and, like Infinite Dust did in Cata, will eventually see its price rebound in MoP. Just try buying when you think the price of Hypno Dust has reached its low point. The only problem with this plan is that it takes up a lot of bank space and is not nearly as space-friendly as, say, Abyss Crystals. So this suggestion would be contingent on how much space you have. Not only that, it may take a few months for Hypnotic Dust to fully rebound in MoP, so patience is another aspect. I would not recommend buying Celestial essences, Heavenly Shards, or Maelstrom Crystals. These will continue to crash for some time I believe.

    Certain pets may also be worth hoarding. Particularly Elementium Geodes. After the botters move on from Elementium Ore to the MoP ore, these pets will be extremely rare and hard to find. So if you find them on the AH cheap now, buy them and hold onto them until the expansion.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by Mikelo22; 08-15-2012 at 03:14 AM.

  7. #7
    tredlightly's Avatar Private
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    Good info about the chokepoints, and yes, a lot of people slavishly follow the professions guides because it's a lot easier to have someone say "do this" and craft to a formula. I would also recommend sticking to what you know. The AH is going to be volatile for the first few months/weeks and if you invest in the wrong thing, you'll waste time and gold. Scan the data often, watch the trends, and you'll see the opportunities come up.

  8. #8
    DDRNick's Avatar Active Member
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    I'm stocking up on embersilk cloth, frostweave cloth, and hypnotic dust. I'm assuming this will work because all the people coming back will want bags.

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