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  1. #1
    Scumstation's Avatar Super Moderator ♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰♰
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    Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts - August 2023

    Originally Posted by Blizzard

    To provide more transparency on the actions we take against cheating and exploitation, here is a breakdown on the number of actions that were taken over the last month, August 2023:

    Total Exploitative WoW Account Actions in August 2023: 145566

    All of these actions were for cheating or exploitation, which primarily result in permanent bans or 6-month suspensions. This number does not include other actions such as those taken on accounts with character name or in-game language violations. We continue to evolve our methods and act against these malicious accounts on a daily basis.

    Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts - August 2023
  2. #2
    Eryx's Avatar Former Staff ✲ B26354 ✲ CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    I'm surprised they even had 145k active players, so I wonder how many that is left after this banwave?

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