Buy piloted boost or an account? (After being banned last season) menu


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    cowboy337's Avatar Member
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    Buy piloted boost or an account? (After being banned last season)

    Hello guys,
    I got banned last season for account sharing, and they also took my glad mount. ( I got duellist in rbg and arena S1 as my first season, around 2k cr in S2, but yeah these guys did like 80-5 in one night, so it was a bit too obvious)

    I was on a very empty server, and there was only this one guy with a very toxic guild name who was running around with his glad mounts. Once he saw me he directly messaged and insulted me, so I guess he and his guild also massreported me.

    I remember seeing a lot of news about banwaves in the end of S2, but this season I haven't seen anything like that. Has blizzard stopped working on that?

    Right now I am thinking about either buying selfplay, piloted or directly a glad account from blazing, because time is really running short.
    My fear right now is that I might be on some sort of "watchlist" after being banned already. So I'm wondering where my lowest risk is.

    Honestly, my biggest problem in arena is that I just can't find any teammates. I usually play classes that are mostly focused(ret, feral) and whenever I die I get fingerpointed like hell and people just leave. It's so frustating to sit in LFG for hours.
    Just for that purpose I started my first heal class 1 week ago and directly got to 1800 within 2 days with around 60 games, just because I can find people so easy.
    I don't really mind the money, I'm just thinking about my best chances.

    Buy piloted boost or an account? (After being banned last season)
  2. #2
    mp987's Avatar Member
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    Piloted is a sure way to get banned, even in S1. The safe way was self-play where some really obvious boosts were untouched. Most bans resulted in people keeping their mounts in S1.

    In S2, Blizzard stepped up their game as you say. Most people lost their mounts, even if selfplay. That said, I think the carry sites like Blazing, LFG and so on alongside all boosters got very complacent as it felt like Blizzard abandoned the game in S2 (it didn't). Mind me asking what site you used? The 80-5 is a really troll stat and a dead giveaway...

    Have not heard of any disqualifications for S3, but they will surely come in the coming weeks. Can happen after season ends officially.

    Again, I would not use piloted. Maybe try some selfplay coaching. Ask for some 2.8kxp coaches i.e. lower rated than the 3.3-3.5k. Why would a 3.5k xp player play with a 2.4k player? Also, some of the well-known players are notorious boosters. They have like 3k games played at 2.4-2.5k even though they are Rank 1 every season Unfortunately, PvP is a low participation mode where people know each other at the higher rankings. You're like top 5% if you're above 2.1k right now....

    From your story, it sounds like ppl know each other on your realm and ppl may check in on you come this seasons end - I would look to transfer elsewhere + name change in your case. You have to delink your alts on check-pvp too.

    The problem with having 1x glad is that you're expected to perform well if you continue to PvP. Good luck out there.
    Last edited by mp987; 07-19-2022 at 05:50 AM.

  3. #3
    cowboy337's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for your answer! Really giving me some good perspective here.
    I used
    Ngl, it was crazy impressive to see them play. I choose the streaming option as well and they streamed on twitch. They did a huge mistake tho, because they used that same twitch account to stream another 50+ boosts. And I saw at least 10 people that I knew myself on those streams. It's really crazy to me that some of these people are still not banned. I would've love if blizz would be more consistent, maybe then I wouldn't dare to give it another try, but here I am haha.

    From your story, it sounds like ppl know each other on your realm and ppl may check in on you come this seasons end - I would look to transfer elsewhere + name change in your case. You have to delink your alts on check-pvp too.
    Yes, I did transfer all my chars and renamed each of them. Was some quiet expensive shit there.

    But yeah, I have to contemplate a bit more and see what I'll do there. Thank you!

  4. #4
    mp987's Avatar Member
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    No problem at all.

    I know some sloppy boosters are selectively streaming on twitch whilst on the job which is a massive no-go. But your story sounds even worse than that...

    Just assume that whatever you do, people are actively looking to report the slightest nuance of boosting. There is a lot of frustration with boosters as boosting is considered a top reason why it prevents normal players from advancing their ratings (which is true) just like you stated your annoyance with Lfg. Hell, sometimes people assume someone is boosted just for a tiny mistake and even throw around the word without really meaning it...Either way, Blizzard is cracking down on it massively as people point towards RMT as a major issue with WoW, whether it is PvP, M+ carries, raids or even freaking mage tower lol. Trade channels are full of spam, many people have quit the game over it.

    I would advice you not to get boosted just for the mount/title without actually improving your game play at all. I do think there is actual merit in real coaching and paying for that, just like you would pay a ski instructor to teach you how to get down the slope efficiently...but you are not going to get better at the game when watching someone play your character. If you truly don't care about PvP, it's a different story but it does seem like you're trying to hustle out there.

  5. #5
    MistiServices's Avatar Contributor Top Quality - Low Price !
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    Contact us if you need boost to glad on safe way.
    We did few of them in s1 and s2, so far 0 bans. But its slow and takes whole season to be done!

  6. #6
    sionzhe's Avatar Active Member
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    Sorry for my eng. Here is my experience

    I bought pilot boost again after being banned in season 2 and I got banned on august 9nth and today (august 27th) i got mount delete again, but blizzard kept gladiator's s3 achievement this time.
    I think there is no way to buy acc sharing services.
    I didn't log on my account 10 days before boost and a week after, did some another pc loggins with different internet providers. I didn't change password not before nor after boost. I transfered my character to wow2 from wow1 to different language server and change nickname (btw only wow1 got banned) - but as u can see it doesn't work

    The guys who boosted me both times got rmt ban and mount delete too

    I think the safest way is pre-order new account with ur real name for transfering character with mount in bags, but it must be too much expensive. I saw such a service at the beginning of season 3 for $2000. I mean the booster will create new account with your real name and do new character for future transfering.

    Another way is name change on new account with seller's name on your name after transfering character with mounts in bags, u can buy all 3 sl mounts for 700-800$ with this way. As i saw name change costs around 150$ but there is ~ 5-10% chance to get banned and permanent character delete, at least that's what the seller told me.

    Or you can buy an hourly selfplay service, but i think it will cost u more then 6-7k till the time u get gladiator

    And there is the main question, won't blizzard delete this transferred mounts if they notice u did it on two times banned and mounts removed account?

    Btw, does someone know why don't blizzard delete Feats of Strength mount's achievement? For everyone sees u got boosted?
    Last edited by sionzhe; 08-27-2022 at 01:30 PM.

  7. #7
    mp987's Avatar Member
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    Hey. Sorry for the (very) late reply, just saw this.

    Sucks to hear you got banned, but piloted is a sure way to get banned these days since shadowlands…

    Afaik this whole account transfer is also a red flag and gets banned.

    You probably have heard that blazingboost stopped offering WoW boosts because “safety cannot be guaranteed”. It was never guaranteed but my guess is too many ppl had problems, even if their review sites are relatively clean. More interesting is that the stopped ALL blizzard boosting services including Overwatch. hearthstone etc. some were not profitable but in the end, probably a case of Blizzard cracking down on the business.

    How it going since S3 - did you buy more boosts in S4 or now in dragonflight?

    Again, I think the easiest is to just buckle up and learn the game and do it all self play, even tho that is probably very risky for you account. Maybe you have a good friend, and you just hire a 3rd booster to explain you guys how to do things and help out.

  8. #8
    sionzhe's Avatar Active Member
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    Hello mp987

    No, i didn't buy a boost in sl s4, i just ragequited after mount delete of s3 till df prepatch

    I haven't bought boost this season yet, but there were some of my thoughts how i wanted to do this (is there any risk to getting mount delete? (Glad Acc Sharing))
    PPL there talk that even that won't work, so now im thinkin about buying selfplay boost (what is too bad for me, because im playing ret paladin which are not more then 10-20 in eu+na regions together above 2400/gladiators already) , or buying an account with mount in bag after season's end
    Frankly speaking i wanna buy the way i was talking in my thread, i think it could work
    Last edited by sionzhe; 02-14-2023 at 02:38 PM.

  9. #9
    mp987's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by sionzhe View Post
    Hello mp987

    No, i didn't buy a boost in sl s4, i just ragequited after mount delete of s3 till df prepatch

    I haven't bought boost this season yet, but there were some of my thoughts how i wanted to do this (is there any risk to getting mount delete? (Glad Acc Sharing))
    PPL there talk that even that won't work, so now im thinkin about buying selfplay boost (what is too bad for me, because im playing ret paladin which are not more then 10-20 in eu+na regions together above 2400/gladiators already) , or buying an account with mount in bag after season's end
    Frankly speaking i wanna buy the way i was talking in my thread, i think it could work
    Hey again.

    Sounds interesting. I see you’re trying to circumvent the account imprint on your computer. I see two issues with this 1) you need to have different bank details for step 1 and 2) there is a cool-down on transfers, so you could get caught whilst travelling between accounts in the midst of a ban wave.

    What I heard is that if you keep the mount in your inbox and don’t use it, it will not be removed. Can’t verify because everyone uses it normally.

    At the end of the day, boosting is not illegal if blizzard gets their cut. So if you do self play and trade some larger sum of gold to make it credible, you’re good to go.

    Ret paladin right now is going to be a struggle. As you said, hardly anyone is above 2.4K with that spec. Wait for inflation and see what 10.0.7, and decide if you do a self play + gold payment.

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