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  1. #1
    Zomtorg's Avatar Contributor
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    This has been posted on recently, and I just wanted to share it with the members of Ownedcore. Any thoughts?
    I just found my long lost bastard child... : wow

  2. #2
    Dante's Avatar M.L.G. ╰ ╯╰ ╯ ╰ ╯ ╰ ╯ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    He was in scholomance before the inctance changed and the dungeon is still in the game somewhere and it says OLD because it is.. the old version?:P
    I don't have a skype account. Contact me through pms or through discord.

  3. #3
    Zomtorg's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by DanteLarka View Post
    He was in scholomance before the inctance changed and the dungeon is still in the game somewhere and it says OLD because it is.. the old version?:P
    That is more than obvious. The question would be, where exactly in the game is the Old Scholomance?

  4. #4
    Devanh's Avatar Contributor
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    He left it logged out in Scholomance since 5.0.4 hit. "ScholomanceOLD" is the name of the original map now that it is deprecated, and you can see this by going on websites such as Wowhead and looking at items that used to drop there. I was logged out in old SM before the patch hit but I was simply kicked back to my hearth location upon login in, so I doubt he will actually still be in the instance; however my character did not have the zone name below when logging in. Bear in mind that it is client side information and not necessarily accurate... when trying a rollback once I was told I was in Thunder Bluff, which made me think it had worked, but upon logging in I was actually in Orgrimmar.

  5. #5
    Zomtorg's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Devanh View Post
    He left it logged out in Scholomance since 5.0.4 hit. "ScholomanceOLD" is the name of the original map now that it is deprecated, and you can see this by going on websites such as Wowhead and looking at items that used to drop there. I was logged out in old SM before the patch hit but I was simply kicked back to my hearth location upon login in, so I doubt he will actually still be in the instance; however my character did not have the zone name below when logging in. Bear in mind that it is client side information and not necessarily accurate... when trying a rollback once I was told I was in Thunder Bluff, which made me think it had worked, but upon logging in I was actually in Orgrimmar.
    The idea of this thread that I made is not to say "He logged out in scholomance and that's that". What I had in mind is that the fact that his character is in ScholomanceOLD - which of course is NOT the current Scholomance, means that somewhere within the game the instance ScholomanceOLD EXISTS. The reason of why I posted this in the Exploration Forums is to make us think where this instance might be and whether or not it's accessible in some way.

  6. #6
    spoutnik's Avatar Elite User
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    I'll try my best to give an accurate answer.

    Yes, the Old Scholomance instance still exists, like the Old Scarlet Monastery and the Old Zul'Gurub still exists.
    The maps are still present in the game files and I'm sure that they haven't been deleted from the server.

    In those screenshots, the first column is the map#ID, the second the name in the game files, and the last one the "official" name (notice the "of old" and "ancient" )

    Originally Posted by Zomtorg View Post
    that somewhere within the game the instance ScholomanceOLD EXISTS.
    I'm 99% sure that Blizzard removed the old entrance. Well, "removed" might not be the best word, but rather "changed" it.
    Let me explain : when you go through a portal (like the Scholomance one), the client (your Wow.exe) asks the server "I went though this portal, now what map must I load ?" The server then checks in his list what map is connected to the portal, and then send to the client "Okay buddy, load map #x". The client then loads the map told by the server, and the server moves the character to the map, and loads the mobs, npcs and quests related to the map (the terrain, models and the skies are handled by the client).

    In our situation, when you go through the Scholomance portal, the server orders your client to load the map 1007 (New Scholomance).

    I'll anticipate your next questions being :
    1. Is it possible to change what the server tells ?
    -> As a matter of fact, yes, there is a way (well, I know a way that could work), but you might not like it (I don't like it either) as it involves third-party software. In one word : packet-editing. Analyze the packets exchanged by the client and the server with a software like Wireshark, find where the map#ID is, then change it to another one. It's quite "dirty", and I wouldn't recommand it to anyone as the probability of getting banned is high.

    2. Wouldn't a good old model editing work ?
    -> No. You would still be in the new Scholomance server-side.

    3. So, we won't be able to go there ?
    -> The probability of being able to go to the old scholomance server-side is quite low, but not zero ! I know that RaoV used to have a way (that has been fixed) to increment the number of the current map and that they were able to reach Emerald Dream serverside, so maybe someday a similar thing may happen again

    Hope I could help ^^

  7. #7
    Teryaki's Avatar Legendary Explorer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    I believe this is because he logged out before 5.0.4 hit, and since he was still on that map ID, the game recognizes that he is in ScholomanceOLD because the new Scholomance is a new map id. However, if Blizzard has put checks in, when he logs into that character he will be ported to a main city, or wherever his hearth is set to. Blizzard usually does these checks, but I am not sure if they did it to Scholomance, since if you look at Scarlet Monastery, you will see that you can log out and still log back in during this Hallow's End event. If they do indeed do these checks, after Hallows end for Scarlet Monastery, anyone in that instance will be ported out to their hearthstones or main cities. I will be testing this out and log out after a Horseman run today and see if I can still be in Scarlet Monastery tomorrow.
    My Exploration Channel: Teryaki's Channel

  8. #8
    Malfurion's Avatar Contributor
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    Very interesting. Zomtorg, have you logged in with your character? If you've done so, what happend to him? Have you been at the new scholomance? Or at your hometown?
    Might be useful to know what happend to the character.

    Dear people, we know there is an existing old instance, now we have to find it. Is the new scholomance well explored? Might there be any connection to the old one? The chance isn't very big, but who knows what blizzard hides in this new instances?
    I will give it a look tomorrow, I love this idea of finding the old scholomance. After this it's only a small step of finding really great things like old naxxramas or things like this. (Okay, maybe there is no old naxxramas, but as a explorer i need hope, without this, I really don't need to spend my time on this!)

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