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    WizardTrokair's Avatar <Walks Through Walls>
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    Exploration Tutorial for WoW

    There are some common methods used in WoW to access these hidden locations. Here I attempt to describe all of them, with details. The purpose is to expose new explorers to every exploration method currently available to us. Many people and threads contributed to the information here, but I have compiled it in one location for your use.

    For the reading impaired, Cashrock has summarized many of the methods listed below into one video.
    (Keep in mind this video was made for patch 5.4.8... so much of it is now outdated)

    ITEMS / ABILITIES / METHODS used to explore the World of Warcraft:

    If you are in a confined space where your head touches some sort of ceiling, you can often make your body grow, causing your head to push beyond that ceiling. At this point you can usually jump through the ceiling and to the area beyond. A disconnect or logout is often needed to push through the ceiling. Items that will make you grow include (but are not limited to) the [Elixir of Giant Growth], [Darkmoon Firewater], [Winterfall Firewater], the [Vrykul Drinking Horn], [Burgy Blackhearts Handsome Hat],and large mounts (like the [Reins of the Wooly Mammoth]).

    An explanation video can be found here: Mounting Through 5.2 - YouTube
    Here is a thread dedicated to this trick: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/worl...here-only.html

    Some items will completely bypass walls, but only under certain conditions. Often the item needs to be used when you are standing on a surface that goes through the wall you are trying to get past. Examples of these spots include castle walls that intersect with mountains, or tree branches that stick through invisible walls. Items that will go through these walls include the [Fishing Chair], [Mushroom Chair], [Darkmoon Tiger], and [Sandbox Tiger].

    An explanation video can be found here: Darkmoon Tiger - WoW Explorations patch 4.3.3 - YouTube

    The Mage spell Blink can be used in many ways for exploration. It can be used at the last second of a long fall to completely avoid fall damage. It can be used when slow falling to change the direction of your fall. There are many doors, walls, and objects in the game that can be blinked through. If you are standing on an object that intersects with an invisible wall, you can typically blink through that invisible wall.

    An explanation video can be found here: Mage Blink - WoW Exploration - YouTube

    The Rogue spell Shadowstep can be used to get through walls and to climb up steep inclines. If the mob you are targeting is where you want to be, simply shadowstep to it. This is an extremely powerful tool.

    An explanation video can be found here: out of UK.avi - YouTube

    The Warrior spell Heroic Leap or the Demon Hunter spells Infernal Strike or Metamorphosis can be used to get through many walls and to climb up steep inclines. The abilities can also be used mid-air, so can be used in conjunction with things like Rocket Boots or Rocket Jump for maximum efficiency.

    An explanation video can be found here: The Power of Heroic Leap - YouTube

    The Warlock spell Fear or the Mage spell Polymorph can be used to get through many walls. You can also use it to get past instance portals. When under the effects of fear or polymorph you will often walk right through invisible walls. You stay wherever you land when the effect wears off… so with several attempts you can easily have dueling friends (or friends of the other faction) polymorph or fear you toward your goal.

    There are many items and abilities in WoW that can increase your speed. Sometimes all you need is that little speed boost to make a jump that was previously impossible. You can increase your speed using a Swiftness Potion, or the ever powerful Darkwater Potion. There is also items like the Rocket Boots Xtreme and Xtreme Lite.

    There are several items and abilities in WoW that allow you to walk on water. Sometimes you need a solid jumping point to reach your hidden destination, but the only surface to jump from is water. Use the Elixir of Water Walking, the Shaman ability Water Walking, or the Death Knight’s Path of Frost. There is also the Azure Water Strider Mount, and the Angler's Fishing Raft.

    One of the best ways to get to hidden areas in non-flying zones is the ability to fall very slowly. A Mage’s Slow Fall, a Priest’s Levitate, a Noggenfogger Elixir, and various parachute cloaks can grant you this effect. There are also items such as Evonices Landin Pilla or the Very Soft Pillow. As mentioned above, a well-timed Blink can change the direction of your slow fall.

    The Mage spell Ice Block can be used to completely avoid fall damage. It stops all forward momentum immediately, so it is a great way to stop short when you are trying to land on a certain ledge. It can also be used to remove negative buffs (debuffs), which can allow you to get past some barriers meant to keep explorers at bay.

    The Goblin racial ability Rocket Jump, and the Engineering items Rocket Boots Xtreme and Xtreme Lite can be used to get to very hard to reach places. If you can’t fly, but need to span a large horizontal space, these items can help you get there. The Rocket Jumpcan be used while already in the air, so can be used to change direction with a turn of the body, or in conjunction with abilities like the Warrior’s Heroic Leap. When the boots are used with speed potions you can go even faster.

    An explanation video can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruRL39dWIH4

    The Shaman’s ability Far Sight and the Hunter ability Eagle Eye can be used to see extremely high or distant places that are impossible to reach normally. The Shaman ability can be chain-cast to get your sight to just about any location. The Hunter ability cannot normally be chain-cast, but you can force it to chain by using the macro: /cast !Eagle Eye. You can also use that Eagle Eye macro to pass through solid objects, like boxes or trees. Simply stand on the item and chain-use the macro until it knocks you down. You will then fall through the objects.

    An explanation video can be found here: World of Warcraft How To Bypass Objects (Hunter) - YouTube

    This Warlock ability is amazing when trying to make a difficult jump. The ability teleports the caster back to the Demonic Circle. Use this when you are wall jumping at a difficult spot, and falling would mean a lengthy start-over. This 'reset button' makes the Warlock the best to have around when attempting hard jumps through the air.

    The Warlock's Soulstone can be used to bring you back to life. This can be used when exploring to get down from high places without using a slowfall. Simply fall and die, then use the Soulstone to continue your journey. When used below the deathline, this can kick you into Offline mode.

    The Warlock ability Eye of Kilrogg, and the item MiniZep Controller can be used to get a bird’s eye view in locations where you can’t fly. They are also great ways to see if a floor or wall is solid. If you find yourself at the end of the line, use one of these items to look that extra distance.

    The Origami Slime item releases many slimes onto the surrounding area. The Crashin' Thrashin' Racer is a car that can be sent on the ground a short distance. You can use these items to test for solid flooring, or even to plan your next steps carefully. Classes with pets, like Warlocks, Hunters or Mages, can also use their pets “move to” ability to test for solid ground. The Crashin' Thrashin' Racer in particular is an amazing tool. It has a very minimal cooldown and is the best tool to find the right path.

    The Horde Mechano-hog or the Alliance Mekgineer's Chopper are the only ground mounts in WoW that can jump in-place. They are also 2-seat mounts, which can be used to eject your passenger through some mountains and invisible walls. These mounts seem to have a very tiny model size, slipping through narrow places and sticking to mountains. This is why many explorers prefer the hog/chopper as their ground mount.

    The Gnomish Gravity Well launches you into the air, and can be used several times in a row to get higher. Typically you fall straight down from this… however if you slowfall and then disconnect at the apex of your launch, you can log back in and push your character to drift down in a different direction. You can also use Blink to change your direction during the descent. If you combine the height of the Gravity Well with the push of the Goblin Glider you can reach many forbidden ledges. Very useful in non-flying areas. Typically this item cannot be used in instances, but exceptions have been found...

    The Goblin Glider is one of the most amazing exploration tools out there. On mountains it can allow you to jump in a U-turn, enabling you to reach that far-away ledge. It can be used with the Gnomish Gravity Well to go up and over walls. It is essentially a slowfall where you control your direction.

    An explanation video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9UatgZS4yo

    The X-52 Rocket Helmet shoots you high into the air in flyable zones, as long as you're outdoors. This can be useful if you do not yet have the ability to fly and want to reach objects above you. This is also useful if you fall under the world while exploring in a flyable zone and want to correct it (eg, use it very soon after falling and you'll be shot up back up into the world, saving yourself from dying). In the same way it can be used to escape from places under the world where you can't fly out from, as long as they're close enough to the surface.

    Join the Brew of the Month Club during the Brewfest event in October, and you will get a new brew to sample every month. The month of March offers the Aromatic Honey Brew, which causes a fear-like effect that can push you through invisible walls, instance portals, and even some terrain. This is an amazing item. A damn shame it only lasts through March.

    An explanation video can be found here: Outside of Ragefire Chasm 4.3 - YouTube
    ... and another one can be found here: Aromatic Honey Brew exploration (instanced Stormwind, Ironforge & Orgrimmar) - YouTube

    The World of Warcraft is mostly hollow. If you look underneath the ground, or behind that mountain wall, typically there is just empty space. This is a great way to travel and to explore, but beware, travelling in this space typically disconnects you. It is for this reason that offline-mode is best when travelling under the world. Not only do you go undetected, but you will not be kicked from the game. Find a way to get under the world, and then you can fly up into just about anything. Most outdoor cave entrances can be glitched through (using growth/mount through walls method) to get underneath the world. Want to get into a closed building or tower? Try to get underneath the world and then fly up into the hidden location.

    Bodies of water in the World of Warcraft extend infinitely below the ground. This means if you are flying or jumping beneath the surface of the ground, and you jump toward water, the water will “catch” you. As mentioned in the Travel Under The World section above, this sort of travel will disconnect you from the game, so is best done in offline-mode as to not be interrupted.

    Do you want to explore a current end-game raid instance, but you do not have a friend to create a raid party? Ask any friend (or a random player from Trade Chat) to join your group on one of their alts, and they can then log back onto their main and continue to play. Raid members do not need to stay online with you. All you need is you and your (offline) friend to enter an end-game raid instance. Older raid content can be entered by single players not in a raid party.

    Mountains in WoW may look like smooth surfaces, but they are actually covered in little invisible ledges and platforms. Climbing mountains using these invisible platforms is known as “wall jumping”. Sometimes you can use auto-run to walk up these platforms…this is known as “wall walking”. Some platforms are too large for a mount to land on, but you need a mount’s jumping speed to get to them… in this case you jump while mounted (to gain the speed), but then dismount right after jumping, so you are landing on the invisible platform un-mounted. This is known as “wall mount-jumping”. All three of these methods are difficult and take much practice… but can get you places that are absolutely impossible to reach otherwise.

    An explanation video can be found here: Explore Tutorial :-D Patch 3.3.0 - YouTube

    If you have a class with a pet and a Warrior using Intervene, you can climb up mountains that you normally wouldn't be able to climb. Simply send the pet up the mountain and have the Warrior intervene. This also works with a Druid using Treants and using Wild Charge, or using a Rogue's Shadowstep. This is an extremely powerful way to climb mountains and an amazing exploration tool.

    An explanation video can be found here: [Guide] Intervene Climbing - YouTube

    Some objects in WoW take longer to load than others, such as doors, barrels, mailboxes and crates. Occasionally you can use this fact to pass through these barriers. Simply log out of the game while on top of the object (like a mailbox), and you may be standing inside that object when you log back in. Push forward during a loading screen into a BG or Arena, and you may get through a barrier that is supposed to hold you back before the barrier properly loads (such as the pink bubble in Eye of the Storm, or the gates in Arenas). The use of lag, weather created by a program or by things running in your background, can increase the object's load time.

    The act of disconnecting from the WoW server can be a very powerful tool that can confuse the game in many ways. Often times it is needed in conjunction with other glitches in order to make them work. Disconnecting in an unknown zone, or when the game is confused about your current location, and you can appear in your faction’s default location (Westfall for Alliance, Crossroads for Horde). On a PC, this can be done using a 'disconnect macro', pressing Alt+F4, or clicking the red “X” in windowed mode to close WoW. On a Mac, press Alt+Command (Apple key)+ESC in full-screen mode. The current disconnect macro used in patch 5.3 is not necessarily instant, and can contain some lag, but is still quite effective.

    A currently working disconnect macro for Warlords of Draenor is as follows:
    /run for v=1,500 do for i = 1,GetNumFactions() do SetWatchedFactionIndex(i) end end

    Playing WoW while disconnected (offline) from Blizzard servers has huge advantages for exploration. You are typically not affected by server-side restrictions like fatigue, falling damage, no-man's land debuffs, or breathing underwater when playing in offline mode. It eliminates the frustration of being disconnected from the game when travelling under the world or between walls... because you're already disconnected (duh!). This mode can be achieved by several methods. One method is to physically pull your LAN card out from your modem (which lasts only for a few seconds on a PC before disconnecting you, but seems to last a few minutes on a Mac). Mac users can use the Terminal program to cause lag. More information on that here. The best current method to disconnect from yourself, however, is to use the 'Change Realm' option on your Character Screen, and then disconnecting once you are in the game. This is a very powerful exploration tool.

    An explanation video can be found here: Offline Mode - Easy Method - YouTube

    Playing WoW with heavy lag can offer similar advantages to exploration than playing offline. You can temporarily get around barriers like fatigue, damage, cooldowns, and loading windows...anything that relies on speaking to the Blizzard server. Lag is caused when your computer and the Blizzard server are speaking to each other slower than usual. It can be achieved by many things. Special macros, too much activity in a small area, maxed out video settings, and running several programs or videos in the background of WoW can all cause game lag. There are several third party programs that you can download to purposefully restrict the flow of information to cause lag.

    Some mobs have abilities that simulate things listed above, which you can then use for exploration. Examples include, but are not limited to, mobs that can fear you through walls, or mobs that can lift you into the air. Sometimes you can take control of a mob and use it's abilities. This is an area where you can get creative.

    An explanation video can be found here: Outside instanced AQ40 - YouTube

    There is an invisible line on the vertical axis of every WoW zone. Explorers call this the "death line". If you go below it, you hear a "whoosh" sound, your camera stays put while your character plummets, and you die. If you land on the ground below that line and can be resurrected, you come back to life in offline mode. Your camera still wants to stay high (and often does), but you can run around below the death line and explore large areas that were previously impossible to reach.

    You can glitch quests and quest items to achieve impossible explorations. This one is a bit vague, as every quest in WoW is different. Typically quests that have vehicles, cinematics, or phasing are the easiest to glitch. Often times the glitch will involve disconnecting or abandoning the quest at a crucial time. Results can be as wild as invisiblity, teleporting to a different location, or walking on air. This is another area where you can get creative.

    I encourage you to add to my current list with your own items / facts / methods that you always keep in mind when doing your own explorations.
    I will attempt to keep this list updated with the suggestions below... but I am only an old Wizard, and I do grow tired.
    Last edited by WizardTrokair; 05-29-2018 at 08:14 AM.

    [Project]  Exploration Tutorial for WoW
  2. Thanks DimSumSomwhereNear (1 members gave Thanks to WizardTrokair for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Teryaki's Avatar Legendary Explorer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    A very good idea, since most people don't know all of these possible ways of exploring. A lot of them can be obtained with any class as well, so you are not just limited to being a Mage, Warrior, Rogue, Shaman, etc. Also, elaborating on how to successfully use these tools is a good idea, like the fact that you must be a certain level below the mountain you want to Heroic Leap to, or the use of Noggenfogger with Heroic Leap in order to jump the mountains, Even simple ones like using blink while slow falling to choose which direction you would like to move, would be helpful to others. If you would like help on any of these I would be more than happy to help and find ways to make exploration a whole lot easier. I look foreword to the video!
    My Exploration Channel: Teryaki's Channel

  4. #3
    Nyarly's Avatar ★ Elder ★ Lorekeeper of Exploration
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    "Rocket Jump" the goblin racial.
    Levitate (same as slowfall).
    Iceblock for mages to prevent fall damage.
    What about model editing ?
    Maybe lag induced macros aswell but it might be what you're thinking about when saying "* Pushing through doors / objects / obstacles before they properly load".
    That thing you do to prevent dying from the bottom end of the world (if you know what i mean :/ After the "woosh" sound)

    I'll try to think of more things but your list is already quite impressive!

    Really nice idea anyway, the more people aware of this, the more explorers we might see in the future. And that's really ****ing great!
    Last edited by Nyarly; 01-15-2013 at 06:24 AM.

  5. #4
    WizardTrokair's Avatar <Walks Through Walls>
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    Originally Posted by Teryaki2 View Post
    Also, elaborating on how to successfully use these tools is a good idea, like the fact that you must be a certain level below the mountain you want to Heroic Leap to, or the use of Noggenfogger with Heroic Leap in order to jump the mountains, Even simple ones like using blink while slow falling to choose which direction you would like to move, would be helpful to others.
    Yes, this is exactly what I plan to do... not only bring the items / methods / tools to people's attention, but then elaborate on different ways the abilities can be used to explore. And yes, I will need some help from friends to get video on the abilities that I don't have (shadowstep, heroic leap, etc). Thanks for offering to help! I may take you up on it.
    (Also, for what it is worth, it was actually your post regarding "switching directions during a slowfall using blink", and NanaCry's reaction to that, which inspired this whole idea. )

    Originally Posted by NanaCry View Post
    "Rocket Jump" the goblin racial.
    Levitate (same as slowfall).
    Iceblock for mages to prevent fall damage.
    What about model editing ?
    Maybe lag induced macros aswell but it might be what you're thinking about when saying "* Pushing through doors / objects / obstacles before they properly load".
    That thing you do to prevent dying from the bottom end of the world (if you know what i mean :/ After the "woosh" sound)
    Thanks NanaCry! I'd +rep you if I could... suggestions like this are exactly what I am looking for.

    I completely forgot about the Goblin racial (I don't have one). I also forgot Levitate works like Slowfall, so that is great. I typically blink to avoid fall damage, so I always forget that Ice Block works too, perfect suggestion! By "pushing through items before they load" I only meant doors and bubbles, like you can do at the beginning of a BG, or mailboxes/barrels which you can sometimes get through before they properly load on your screen. So "Lag-inducing macros" is another great suggestion that I did not include on my original list, thanks! Also I completely forgot about resurrecting / soul-stoning beyond the death line as an exploration tool... another great suggestion for my list.

    Model editing I did consider... as it can be a great exploration tool... just not sure if I will include it, only because my YouTube channel has always been based around "using no 3rd party programs", and I have only personally done model editing through programs like EverMorph.

    Keep 'em coming! This is great.
    Last edited by WizardTrokair; 02-16-2012 at 04:22 PM.

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    Malfurion's Avatar Contributor
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    Don't forget the "Die + jumpdown + revive yourself"-Method, via ticket menu. (What's the english name for this? I know it, but I don't get it, damn!)
    That's a powerful tool for exploring instances like Scholomance, Hellfireramparts and some more.

    Then, you can add a macro to far sight. The shamans version is good: You can move around with it via clicking into another circle from the cast. But hunters version breaks if you click it again. But there is a macro, that changes the cast to the shamans version: You can move after casting the first one. Yes, this sentence is.. still bad, I know. But I'm sure you know what I mean. Right? :-/
    Okay, that's the macro: /cast !Far Sight
    This should work, if there is a mistake in it, I'm sorry, I've changed it from the german version. You have to insert the cast's name then.

    What about facts.. mhm.. I think of blinking and heroic jumping. There are often places where it doesn't work. Ever tried to jump in this case? This can help much! Jump a few times and cast. your spell again. It can take a few times, but this can help. Try it at the scarlet monastery. I've noticed that at the portal from Doans instance - If you want to blink out of the instance - I will get ported. Now again with jump - Win!
    I will throw in a method: Ever thought of fearing mobs? You know it: There is a place you want to reach, but you can't get to it. Maybe there is a large wall and you can not climb it. But wait. Wasn't there a undead spirit? I thought they can fear.. Woooow, I'm through the wall!
    Okay, that's a lucky situation, but there are still a few where you can use this sucsessful!

    But never forget the greatest fact - Exploring will never die and there will be ever a way to explore something. Blizzard can take us many ways, but there will ever be places we can reach which they don't want to reach. Never give up too early, there are so many places to see.. But most of you know this, right?
    (Please don't hit me for the bad english, I think the whole post is damn bad. :-/ )

  7. #6
    Teryaki's Avatar Legendary Explorer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by WizardTrokair View Post
    Yes, this is exactly what I plan to do... not only bring the items / methods / tools to people's attention, but then elaborate on different ways the abilities can be used to explore. And yes, I will need some help from friends to get video on the abilities that I don't have (shadowstep, heroic leap, etc). Thanks for offering to help! I may take you up on it.
    (Also, for what it is worth, it was actually your post regarding "switching directions during a slowfall using blink", and NanaCry's reaction to that, which inspired this whole idea. )
    I do have an 85 Warrior as well as an 85 Rogue that is my main. I can mess around with Shadowstep a bit. I also have an 85 Hunter Goblin.

    There are two more possible abilities that I have used in the past to do some of my explorations.

    The first would be Killing Spree as a Rogue. This one is in the Combat tree, and can be used kind of like shadow step, but it is much harder because you do like 3 or 4 jumps at the same mob, so you could possibly move the mob out of the door/wall you are trying to get though.

    The other is Disengage as a Hunter. This one is also tricky to get used to, as you jump backwards. It is good for jumping up mountains, but you also need a mob nearby to get into combat. Could be used with Goblin rocket ability as well.
    My Exploration Channel: Teryaki's Channel

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    jjshadoe's Avatar Sergeant
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    As a warlock without engineering, there are several things I use (that I haven't already seen mentioned):

    - Slowfall trinket quest rewards (Evonice's Landin' Pilla, Very Soft Pillow) and Slowfall cloaks from Sha'tari Skyguard.
    - Healthstones/Soul Harvest to keep my health up from drops without losing too much time.
    - Soulstone to rez from a drop that I have no slowfall cooldowns to use or misjudged.
    - Soulburn: Demonic Circle: Teleport to get a quick 50% speed buff for running jumps where I can't use a mount
    - Demonic Circle: Summon/Teleport to get back to pain-in-the-ass-to-get-to spots that are part of a difficult jumping sequence without having to do the whole damn thing over again when I screw up.
    - Eye of Kilrogg to test out areas that may or may not be solid, or see if there is anything actually worth pursuing or any other reason you can think of to want some reconnaissance while exploring, which is invaluable
    - Metamorphosis: Demon Leap to get through invisible walls a la Blink
    - Mechano-hog since it's one of the only ground mounts that can jump in place
    - Mechano-hog/Goblin Trike because they are both shorter than some character models (I'm fairly sure)
    - Various shape-shifting items because sometimes you can make a jump or fit into a smaller space with a different character model (Muradin's Favor, Darkspear Pride, Orb of Sin'dorei, etc.)

    That's all I can think of right now!

    +Rep for Trok, great thread idea!
    Last edited by jjshadoe; 02-17-2012 at 03:14 PM.

  9. #8
    Flamestar666's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Teryaki2 View Post
    The other is Disengage as a Hunter. This one is also tricky to get used to, as you jump backwards. It is good for jumping up mountains, but you also need a mob nearby to get into combat. Could be used with Goblin rocket ability as well.
    This is not completely true, Combat can be forced by someone inside of an instance if you are inside of one by starting a boss, You can duel outside of instances, and in unknown areas if you are zoned into something.

    One other things I have been playing with is with [Target Dummy] and mobs. If you throw a low level target dummy somewhere, you can charge/pounce/shadowstep a mob that can run up to it to kill it.. Cardboard assassins could work too, since they use an AOE taunt.

    Oh and I almost forgot, I like [Origami Slime] too They are useful to see where there is and is not ground.
    Last edited by Flamestar666; 02-17-2012 at 02:29 AM.

  10. #9
    Thundathigh's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Sounds like an awesome idea Trokair, I know that it was difficult to start exploring until I had seen people do a bunch of methods like the ones you're listing.
    Some other ones you might want to include are...

    *Fear / Polymorph through walls or up hills.
    *Objects you can use to test for places to blink or place objects through (ie in Black Morass Exploration at 1:45 using a Blue Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller, a Mini Zep or a Flame Orb.)
    *Ele shammies Thunderstorm for those who lack Rocket Boots.

    Hmm this is going to be one long video! =P Gl dude
    Last edited by Thundathigh; 02-17-2012 at 03:08 AM.

  11. #10
    Teryaki's Avatar Legendary Explorer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by Flamestar666 View Post
    This is not completely true, Combat can be forced by someone inside of an instance if you are inside of one by starting a boss, You can duel outside of instances, and in unknown areas if you are zoned into something.
    Guess I didn't quite think that one out far enough. I don't usually use disengage for my explorations, but I remember seeing it done back in 3.3.5. Thanks for pointing out other possibilities with disengage! I just thought of it because I remembered I had an 85 Goblin Hunter and disengage + Goblin rocket ability may come in handy (haven't tested it out myself.)
    Last edited by Teryaki; 02-17-2012 at 03:38 AM. Reason: Typo, I seem to make those a lot when its close to 1am...
    My Exploration Channel: Teryaki's Channel

  12. #11
    WizardTrokair's Avatar <Walks Through Walls>
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    Originally Posted by Thundathigh View Post
    Hmm this is going to be one long video! =P Gl dude

    Indeed... I'm already starting to get a bit overwhelmed. Even the small response we've got here shows me that there are many valid exploration tools that I had not even considered!

    Not 100% sure this will end up as a video... but I really think we should keep this thread going. I would like to perhaps continue to compile everyone's answers up into the first post, and then aim to get this one a Sticky status once we have a comprehensive list of all the tricks of the trade. It would give new explorers that found this forum a huge starting point, IMHO.

  13. #12
    TehVoyager's Avatar I just love KuRIoS
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    Nice Trokair. Rep.

    Did you hear Cat form Druids are getting a Blink-Clone in MoP called "Displacer Beast" or something?

    Thaaaaaaaats right. Druids will soon be explorers too. ^_^

    Tro i cant rep you as i need to spend more rep blablabla.
    stop being so awsome! jeez!
    Last edited by TehVoyager; 02-17-2012 at 02:42 PM.

    (don't post things I post to Patreon.)

  14. #13
    Teryaki's Avatar Legendary Explorer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Don't feral Druids have an ability similar to Heroic Leap, and Killing Spree? I have an 85 Druid, but I play as Resto, so I never tried out feral in Cata. Thats pretty cool that they get a Blink ability in MoP!
    My Exploration Channel: Teryaki's Channel

  15. #14
    jjshadoe's Avatar Sergeant
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    Another one -

    - Utilizing the pet "go to" target reticle to see where ground may or may not be

  16. #15
    WizardTrokair's Avatar <Walks Through Walls>
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    UPDATE: I am now aiming for a comprehensive sticky thread with this project, rather than a video.

    I have updated my original post with a scary looking wall of text. (wall of text crits you for over 9K damage)
    The wall of text will be formatted by me later this weekend, and will eventually look so pretty that you'll actually want to read it.

    Thank you all for helping me to create this list! I am giving +rep (whenever the site lets me) to all that helped me compile this.

    Together we can inspire the explorers of tomorrow and provide them with the proper tools to succeed.

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