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Get a dpser that can stealth (rogue, druid, NE hunter, etc.) group up with a priest. have the dpser stealth on the floor of the arena and the priest on the upper level where he cannot be attacked, about the time the event starts people will start to enter the arena. When people are on the upper level waiting for event to start, have the priest challenge to a duel, once/if they accept quickly use MC (mind control) and make them jump into the arena (preferably the middle of the arena so they cannot run) type /forfeit and they will be in the arena and have the dpser kill them, halarious on lowbies have fun
(first post ever, hope you liked it)
[sorry if this already exists as a post, i searched for 10 minutes and couldn't find it]
Kirasha - 70 Gnome Rogue - Medivh