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  1. #46
    R3DINK's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    i just got my hacked gear back if they send u they some how dont c that ur gear isnt gone and send it back u have 2 pay 4 the gear 2 get it out of the mail so:P

    Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-
  2. #47
    h808ladykiller's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    you forgot your area code in your phone number =P

  3. #48
    boob77's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    hell it worked for me

    23:23[Zolthien]: Your feedback is highly valued. For any comments or concerns about the quality of service provided by our Customer Support Staff, please email [email protected].
    23:23[Zolthien]: Misstell. Sorry.
    23:23[Rajabit]: umm ok
    23:23[Zolthien]: Greetings, Rajabit. This is Game Master Zolthien.How are you doing today?
    23:23[Rajabit]: hi
    23:24[Zolthien]: What may i assist you with tonight?
    23:25[Rajabit]: i got hacked of my items! and im like freakin out now cus theyre so hard to get :'( and im getting tired now too
    23:26[Rajabit]: my two weapons if u have read. now i have to use my old weaps from back then before i got em
    23:26[Zolthien]: What exactly is the names of the two weapons?
    23:27[Rajabit]: fel steel long blade and blink strike. the mats for felsteel are a B and felsteel to a load of my money but i did it
    23:27[Rajabit]: but no im like !!!!
    23:27[Rajabit]: now*
    23:28[Zolthien]: Give me one moment please.
    23:28[Rajabit]: i heard about supposedly i can get my items back whats this?
    23:29[Zolthien]: Allright. Give me a few moments, im Sending this on up to my higher ups
    23:30[Rajabit]: mmmm ok plz help
    23:32[Zolthien]: Allright, I have some questions regarding the compromised account I would like to ask you.
    23:33[Rajabit]: um ok? go ahead
    23:33[Zolthien]: Is this the only character that was affected?
    23:33[Rajabit]: yes
    23:33[Zolthien]: Once again, What exactly are the items missing?
    23:34[Rajabit]: fe;steel longblade and the blinkstrike
    23:34[Rajabit]: felsteel
    23:34[Rajabit]: yea i checked my lil ones like my lvl 40's and nothin seemed wrong with them
    23:35[Zolthien]: Is there any other damage done, talents respecced, guild disbanded?
    23:35[Rajabit]: um. nope
    23:35[Zolthien]: When do you think this occured?
    23:36[Zolthien]: *Occurred
    23:37[Zolthien]: Hello?
    23:37[Rajabit]: oh yea i almost forgot since u jus reminded me i lost like 260 some gold too. i dono when it has occured exactly probly like last night or earlyer today. i went to work with my uncle and came home and found it like this
    23:37[Zolthien]: Allright one moment
    23:38[Rajabit]: im like shakin like crazy god i have no life >.>
    23:38[Zolthien]: Lol.
    23:38[Zolthien]: Who else has access to the account?
    23:38[Zolthien]: Family?
    23:38[Zolthien]: Friends?
    23:38[Zolthien]: Guild?
    23:40[Rajabit]: two friends but i know them way!!! to well they would never do anything like that i would report em even tho theyre my friends my guess is i probly have freakin spyware or a keylogger
    23:40[Rajabit]: whatever those things are
    23:40[Rajabit]: crap! brb gonna change my password
    23:41[Zolthien]: Wait.
    23:41[Zolthien]: Dont leave yet.
    23:41[Rajabit]: ok what?
    23:42[Zolthien]: Do you use any power leveling services?
    23:42[Rajabit]: no
    23:42[Zolthien]: or have you ever purchased gold?
    23:42[Rajabit]: no
    23:42[Rajabit]: isnt that not allowed?
    23:42[Zolthien]: Or do you or anyone who has access to the account download hacks?
    23:42[Rajabit]: uhh not that i kno of
    23:43[Zolthien]: Are you sure it wasnt your friends?
    23:43[Rajabit]: ok ive changed my password. yes im positive it want my friends
    23:43[Zolthien]: Allright.
    23:44[Rajabit]: wasnt*
    23:44[Zolthien]: Im sending this up now as we speak.
    23:44[Rajabit]: would you happen to kno any good antivirus or spyware stuff i can get
    23:44[Zolthien]: I would like to remind you that account sharing is a violation of our Terms of Use and can result in account action leading up to and including account closure
    23:44[Rajabit]: oh crap ok ill stop my friends from using my account
    23:44[Zolthien]: Np.
    23:44[Rajabit]: 0.o
    23:45[Zolthien]: Allright. it has been sent up
    23:46[Zolthien]: I assure you the proper steps will be taken and you should check your email frequently for information regarding the investigation
    23:46[Rajabit]: ok thank you. how would i get any note of being able to get these back
    23:46[Rajabit]: ok
    23:46[Zolthien]: If the investigators deem that your account was in fact compromised then you will be reinbursed.
    23:47[Rajabit]: well i hope so! if i dont thats gonna suk so much! i probly will quit this time. :'( hate to say but yea
    23:48[Rajabit]: ive tried quitting like 2-3 times
    23:48[Rajabit]: :P
    23:48[Zolthien]: lol
    23:49[Zolthien]: Well hopefully you stay with us
    23:49[Rajabit]: i hope so
    23:49[Zolthien]: Is there anything else i may assist you with tonight?
    23:50[Rajabit]: no nothing else. unless you can give me GM powers muwahaha jk
    23:50[Zolthien]: Actually you can apply for the position at www.blizzard.com On that page you can find a link for "Employment" under the "Inside Blizzard" section. It has all of the details of becoming a GM. =)
    23:50[Rajabit]: lol i wish. well kinda gave me a kick. i luike booku energy drinks they help
    23:50[Zolthien]: lol.
    23:51[Zolthien]: Is there anything else?
    23:51[Rajabit]: nope but thank you for youre help
    23:51[Zolthien]: Np
    23:51[Zolthien]: Alright, take care Rajabit. Please feel free to submit another petition if any further issues should arise. May the winds be ever at your back, and gently lead you to great reward.
    23:51[Zolthien]: Your feedback is highly valued. For any comments or concerns about the quality of service provided by our Customer Support Staff, please email [email protected].

    Noobish blizzard. but hey it worked! i have my blinkstrike and my felsteel long blade. i got mad weaps from this. no need to call them either.

  4. #49
    snusker's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    This does not work as blizzard can check wich items / how much gold you had before.
    My account got hacked once and I didnt even recieve items that I had in my bags and I did what you did etc.
    When I did a ticket about this they just said something like:
    "We cannot find in our records that this item (or gold) have belonged to you before bla bla bla...".
    Would be good if it worked though.

  5. #50
    kingbuilt's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    What was the number you called?

  6. #51
    grostafiote's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    fake as hell.

    GM can't (this mean they have no tool to) give you an item you never have. So they can go in history and undeleete an item, but they can't juste give you one.
    Only devs can.
    And you never talk to devs, are you ?

    PS : they have no limit in resoration, except they can't restore items lost since a long time (3 month, maybe 6, I don't remerber), so they can restore you 100 items... Stop 2 say bullshit
    Last edited by grostafiote; 07-22-2007 at 05:34 AM.

  7. #52
    himynameiscookies's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    when i tried to call Blizz i got a busy signal....is that normal? when will i be able to talk 2 them?

  8. #53
    Exelor1's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    Lol what a load of bullshit Blizzard wont give you a lvl 70 back unless you really had a lvl 70 on your acc cause they can check if there have ever been a lvl 70 priest on your account (they save records of your characters)

  9. #54
    r00flr00fl's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    Well, once I said my account must been hacked cuz my rogue is missing some items, the GM said they will close the account now for some analysis and that's what happened. So better be careful with that "my acc got hacked I miss x gold" etc.

    After that I replied "no, its okay, its my account and I can take care of it now, I have the full control again" he just said "we have to close your account now for further analysis, you will get disconnected now bye" ...must have been a GM with a bad day, damn whores.
    Last edited by r00flr00fl; 07-23-2007 at 06:01 PM.

  10. #55
    Gu1air's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    Originally Posted by boob77
    hell it worked for me

    23:23[Zolthien]: Your feedback is highly valued. For any comments or concerns about the quality of service provided by our Customer Support Staff, please email [email protected].
    23:23[Zolthien]: Misstell. Sorry.
    23:23[Rajabit]: umm ok
    23:23[Zolthien]: Greetings, Rajabit. This is Game Master Zolthien.How are you doing today?
    23:23[Rajabit]: hi
    23:24[Zolthien]: What may i assist you with tonight?
    23:25[Rajabit]: i got hacked of my items! and im like freakin out now cus theyre so hard to get :'( and im getting tired now too
    23:26[Rajabit]: my two weapons if u have read. now i have to use my old weaps from back then before i got em
    23:26[Zolthien]: What exactly is the names of the two weapons?
    23:27[Rajabit]: fel steel long blade and blink strike. the mats for felsteel are a B and felsteel to a load of my money but i did it
    23:27[Rajabit]: but no im like !!!!
    23:27[Rajabit]: now*
    23:28[Zolthien]: Give me one moment please.
    23:28[Rajabit]: i heard about supposedly i can get my items back whats this?
    23:29[Zolthien]: Allright. Give me a few moments, im Sending this on up to my higher ups
    23:30[Rajabit]: mmmm ok plz help
    23:32[Zolthien]: Allright, I have some questions regarding the compromised account I would like to ask you.
    23:33[Rajabit]: um ok? go ahead
    23:33[Zolthien]: Is this the only character that was affected?
    23:33[Rajabit]: yes
    23:33[Zolthien]: Once again, What exactly are the items missing?
    23:34[Rajabit]: fe;steel longblade and the blinkstrike
    23:34[Rajabit]: felsteel
    23:34[Rajabit]: yea i checked my lil ones like my lvl 40's and nothin seemed wrong with them
    23:35[Zolthien]: Is there any other damage done, talents respecced, guild disbanded?
    23:35[Rajabit]: um. nope
    23:35[Zolthien]: When do you think this occured?
    23:36[Zolthien]: *Occurred
    23:37[Zolthien]: Hello?
    23:37[Rajabit]: oh yea i almost forgot since u jus reminded me i lost like 260 some gold too. i dono when it has occured exactly probly like last night or earlyer today. i went to work with my uncle and came home and found it like this
    23:37[Zolthien]: Allright one moment
    23:38[Rajabit]: im like shakin like crazy god i have no life >.>
    23:38[Zolthien]: Lol.
    23:38[Zolthien]: Who else has access to the account?
    23:38[Zolthien]: Family?
    23:38[Zolthien]: Friends?
    23:38[Zolthien]: Guild?
    23:40[Rajabit]: two friends but i know them way!!! to well they would never do anything like that i would report em even tho theyre my friends my guess is i probly have freakin spyware or a keylogger
    23:40[Rajabit]: whatever those things are
    23:40[Rajabit]: crap! brb gonna change my password
    23:41[Zolthien]: Wait.
    23:41[Zolthien]: Dont leave yet.
    23:41[Rajabit]: ok what?
    23:42[Zolthien]: Do you use any power leveling services?
    23:42[Rajabit]: no
    23:42[Zolthien]: or have you ever purchased gold?
    23:42[Rajabit]: no
    23:42[Rajabit]: isnt that not allowed?
    23:42[Zolthien]: Or do you or anyone who has access to the account download hacks?
    23:42[Rajabit]: uhh not that i kno of
    23:43[Zolthien]: Are you sure it wasnt your friends?
    23:43[Rajabit]: ok ive changed my password. yes im positive it want my friends
    23:43[Zolthien]: Allright.
    23:44[Rajabit]: wasnt*
    23:44[Zolthien]: Im sending this up now as we speak.
    23:44[Rajabit]: would you happen to kno any good antivirus or spyware stuff i can get
    23:44[Zolthien]: I would like to remind you that account sharing is a violation of our Terms of Use and can result in account action leading up to and including account closure
    23:44[Rajabit]: oh crap ok ill stop my friends from using my account
    23:44[Zolthien]: Np.
    23:44[Rajabit]: 0.o
    23:45[Zolthien]: Allright. it has been sent up
    23:46[Zolthien]: I assure you the proper steps will be taken and you should check your email frequently for information regarding the investigation
    23:46[Rajabit]: ok thank you. how would i get any note of being able to get these back
    23:46[Rajabit]: ok
    23:46[Zolthien]: If the investigators deem that your account was in fact compromised then you will be reinbursed.
    23:47[Rajabit]: well i hope so! if i dont thats gonna suk so much! i probly will quit this time. :'( hate to say but yea
    23:48[Rajabit]: ive tried quitting like 2-3 times
    23:48[Rajabit]: :P
    23:48[Zolthien]: lol
    23:49[Zolthien]: Well hopefully you stay with us
    23:49[Rajabit]: i hope so
    23:49[Zolthien]: Is there anything else i may assist you with tonight?
    23:50[Rajabit]: no nothing else. unless you can give me GM powers muwahaha jk
    23:50[Zolthien]: Actually you can apply for the position at www.blizzard.com On that page you can find a link for "Employment" under the "Inside Blizzard" section. It has all of the details of becoming a GM. =)
    23:50[Rajabit]: lol i wish. well kinda gave me a kick. i luike booku energy drinks they help
    23:50[Zolthien]: lol.
    23:51[Zolthien]: Is there anything else?
    23:51[Rajabit]: nope but thank you for youre help
    23:51[Zolthien]: Np
    23:51[Zolthien]: Alright, take care Rajabit. Please feel free to submit another petition if any further issues should arise. May the winds be ever at your back, and gently lead you to great reward.
    23:51[Zolthien]: Your feedback is highly valued. For any comments or concerns about the quality of service provided by our Customer Support Staff, please email [email protected].

    Noobish blizzard. but hey it worked! i have my blinkstrike and my felsteel long blade. i got mad weaps from this. no need to call them either.
    lol dude i laughed in irl. you should seek a career in a comics agency or being a joker.

    your so called proof is full of bullshit and its clearly upon reading that you did your best to make it look real but you failed miserably.

    NO GM will talk to you like that.

    I have had 2 friends hacked in my guild basically they played from an internet cafe. They had their account freezed for 3-4 days until they investigated all the stuff.
    You get your gear back period with no gold or whatsoever.

    This thread is a proof of how many retards play this game.

    Thread should be closed imho.

  11. #56
    Duplicity's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    GMs use Caps!!!

  12. #57
    himynameiscookies's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    lol i got a 72 hour ban from this =)
    but its only cuz i told my friend about it....
    blizzard watches everything O.O

  13. #58
    PvPGoDeSk's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    does this work if your account was banned?

  14. #59
    devilish_hunter's Avatar Member
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    Originally Posted by Gu1air
    lol dude i laughed in irl. you should seek a career in a comics agency or being a joker.

    your so called proof is full of bullshit and its clearly upon reading that you did your best to make it look real but you failed miserably.

    NO GM will talk to you like that.

    I have had 2 friends hacked in my guild basically they played from an internet cafe. They had their account freezed for 3-4 days until they investigated all the stuff.
    You get your gear back period with no gold or whatsoever.

    This thread is a proof of how many retards play this game.

    Thread should be closed imho.

    I agree with you 100%

    A bigger obvious point proving he is lying:
    "23:43[Zolthien]: Are you sure it wasnt your friends?
    23:43[Rajabit]: ok ive changed my password. yes im positive it want my friends
    23:43[Zolthien]: Allright.
    23:44[Rajabit]: wasnt*
    23:44[Zolthien]: Im sending this up now as we speak.
    23:44[Rajabit]: would you happen to kno any good antivirus or spyware stuff i can get
    23:44[Zolthien]: I would like to remind you that account sharing is a violation of our Terms of Use and can result in account action leading up to and including account closure"

    That is admission of sharing an account out of your own household. Permaban. No warnings. Ever.

    Then there is the GM's name, and his toon name...
    There is such a GM, and he did speak with this toon... but the conversation was very different.
    The toon has semi-decent blue weapons, both certainly no blinkstrike.
    Finally this toon was not reported hacked.

    Seriously... stop lying. It is very easy to prove you are fulla p00p.
    I run 47 AddOns. My UI has an MP3 player. Unbuffed I am 10k hp/10k mana, 12k armor. I can wear shadow gear and destroy any 3 level 70 shadowpriests. At once. I AM a badass. And anything with C cups or better and pretty eyes will OWN me.
    Know your limits. That is life as a Pally in Warcraft.

  15. #60
    joho's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Taking Gold From Blizzard -.-

    dude_like_wow, you prolly not even know what an emo is, so dont talk shit about them. thx .

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