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    mudfish's Avatar Banned
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    Make players fall through the world

    INTRO: There has been alot of stories about people falling through the world from zeplins, elevators, and boats. But can you use this to your advantage? I wouldn't say advantage because you don't really benefit anything other than a good laugh. Also, a little side note, this is only good for alliance and you must be on a pvp server.

    So I was pretty bored on my priest tonight so i decided killing low levels on zeppelins would be pretty fun. I camped the zep going from grom'gol to org for about an hour. It's pretty well known that there is a bug out where if you DC while on zeppelin it is possible to fall through the world and end up in some crazy place. I wanted to try and make that controllable as far as really putting other players at an inconvenience.

    Pretty much, SOMETHING has to happen during that brief loading screen because that seems to the the area of effect with the known bug. I assume this would work with a lock but I will explain it from a priest POV.

    NOTE: You must be going from grom'gol TOO org as that is when your victim is flagged.

    1. You should be targeting a level 30-40 so there HP is not very high. You need to be able to make a pretty accurate guess at how much HP they have. You will be using a DOT to kill your target DURING the loading screen.

    2. You need to be staying at the bottom of the zep so you can see whats getting on it before you waste your time. You do need to zoom out so you can see the people getting on as you will need to hurry in some cases.

    3. Lets say you see a level 32 run aboard you guess he has 1700 life. As the zep takes off, run up there and DOT him up with just ONE dot (Assuming you are level 70 with decent gear) You need to time it just right so that the killing blow of your DOT kills them during the loading screen.

    4. If it worked, when you get out of the loading screen, their dead body will not be there.

    This happened to me but I wasnt sure if it had worked or not. I dont have a friend of the opposing faction on this server to test it out with. However a short time after I got a whisper from the guy who was pretty mad.

    TIP: If you goto the top of the zep(deck) while it is stationary, you will get booted from it. You can however goto the top while it is moving.

    Anyway, locks can try this or anyone with a DOT. I have not seen anything like this so I don't believe this is a repost. If it is a repost, than I am confirming that it works as of 2.4.2
    Last edited by mudfish; 07-07-2008 at 05:22 AM.

    Make players fall through the world
  2. #2
    T3h Sorrow's Avatar Active Member
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    take your name off the pictures, and theirs.

  3. #3
    Denial is Ok's Avatar Member
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    sounds complicated...and why do you have to be alliance...a horde could go on the boats
    and how does the horde person whisper you?

    I hate it when people mention +Rep in their signatures...oh

  4. #4
    mudfish's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by denialisok View Post
    sounds complicated...and why do you have to be alliance...a horde could go on the boats
    and how does the horde person whisper you?
    Well I can only confirm that this works with a zeplien. therefore your target would be horde. well...come to think of it you could be a horde priest dueling them. But really, who is dumb enough to fall for that trick anymore

  5. #5
    Strichnine's Avatar Knight-Champion
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    Originally Posted by mudfish View Post
    Well I can only confirm that this works with a zeplien. therefore your target would be horde. well...come to think of it you could be a horde priest dueling them. But really, who is dumb enough to fall for that trick anymore
    you didnt answer about the whisper question, how could he?

  6. #6
    Fezz0's Avatar Member
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    I agree with denialisok.

    How did that horde whisper you? Are you even sure that it's that horde? and how do we know that it isn't your friend helping you?

  7. #7
    mudfish's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Fezz0 View Post
    I agree with denialisok.

    How did that horde whisper you? Are you even sure that it's that horde? and how do we know that it isn't your friend helping you?
    it was a level 1 human warrior in northshire so I asume that he had a second account and just made a level 1 really quick to try and flame me. and if it was my friend helping would that take away from the fact that this is still exploitable?

  8. #8
    Heftydogg's Avatar Contributor

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    lol if you were a priest, why not just MC them off the zeppelin? Then they'd not only die from fall damage, but have to walk extremely far. You could do it all over again by the time they actually get back on the zeppelin.

    Plus if you got good aim you could maybe land them in some place they can't even get out of.

    The glitch with falling through the world is random. You can't reproduce it. If they die on the zep they will be revived once they finish loading. They probably just loaded faster than you and ran somewhere else.

    And your SS proves nothing. I could have my friend whisper me "OMG I just hacked Blizzard and have 200,000g and GM powers, wooooooot!" Does that make it real? Ofc not.

  9. #9
    Ferag's Avatar Contributor
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    1) No proof
    2) Heftydog owned you
    3) Lolclicker

  10. #10
    mudfish's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Heftydogg View Post
    lol if you were a priest, why not just MC them off the zeppelin? Then they'd not only die from fall damage, but have to walk extremely far. You could do it all over again by the time they actually get back on the zeppelin.

    Plus if you got good aim you could maybe land them in some place they can't even get out of.

    The glitch with falling through the world is random. You can't reproduce it. If they die on the zep they will be revived once they finish loading. They probably just loaded faster than you and ran somewhere else.

    And your SS proves nothing. I could have my friend whisper me "OMG I just hacked Blizzard and have 200,000g and GM powers, wooooooot!" Does that make it real? Ofc not.
    well considering how the path of the zeplin that I am talking about goes over water i dont think you would die from fall dmg. on another path, sure but thats not the path Im talking about. And yes, you can just MC them off...pretty old and if I had posted that all I would have gotten was "ZOMG EPIC REPOST BRO!" Also, you have done nothing to prove that this is or isnt possible. granted you did post an arguable opinion, dont you think thats the reason for a forum? To discuss the topic at hand.


    and Ferag, yes...Im a clicker..thats why I place my bars in the most inconvenient place on the screen other than shackle and one macro

  11. #11
    Heftydogg's Avatar Contributor

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    Originally Posted by mudfish View Post
    well considering how the path of the zeplin that I am talking about goes over water i dont think you would die from fall dmg. on another path, sure but thats not the path Im talking about. And yes, you can just MC them off...pretty old and if I had posted that all I would have gotten was "ZOMG EPIC REPOST BRO!" Also, you have done nothing to prove that this is or isnt possible. granted you did post an arguable opinion, dont you think thats the reason for a forum? To discuss the topic at hand.


    and Ferag, yes...Im a clicker..thats why I place my bars in the most inconvenient place on the screen other than shackle and one macro
    Ya but this isn't my thread. You're the one that needs to prove something. If you're so confident of your method, get a video of it. Because I guarantee you can't reproduce this. I've seen the 'fall-through-the-world' glitch happen from tons of different things. People dieing, getting stunned, entering BG's/Arenas, accepting summons. The point of making a thread here is to show an exploit. You've shown a whisper.

  12. #12
    mudfish's Avatar Banned
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    If I did post a vid, sure enough there is going to be at least one person to try and disprove it. in this case you. Even a video wouldnt prove it to you. because simply from my end there is no way. you could say "ok? so you edited your video, there is a cut scene at the loading screen" and that still wouldn't do any good. The point in posting this is to provide info too you (the reader) on how to abuse the bug with as much proof as possible. That I did. You can now take that info, use it, test it, test it again, and then report back with your exp. using this to confirm or say it doesnt work and the OP fails. Now to my knowledge you have not tested it, all you have done is let your ignorance prevail and call out "doesn't work!" before you have tried.

  13. #13
    gogobananas's Avatar Contributor

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    Originally Posted by Heftydogg View Post
    lol if you were a priest, why not just MC them off the zeppelin? Then they'd not only die from fall damage, but have to walk extremely far. You could do it all over again by the time they actually get back on the zeppelin.

    Plus if you got good aim you could maybe land them in some place they can't even get out of.

    The glitch with falling through the world is random. You can't reproduce it. If they die on the zep they will be revived once they finish loading. They probably just loaded faster than you and ran somewhere else.

    And your SS proves nothing. I could have my friend whisper me "OMG I just hacked Blizzard and have 200,000g and GM powers, wooooooot!" Does that make it real? Ofc not.
    From my experience (on my 43 alt), I tried to MC a 30ish hunter off a boat and the MC stopped after a second. A knowledgable person in my guild said it was intended to do that so you can't MC people off. Not to say you couldn't at 70 however. I'd like to point out though, why would he make a thread for a load of bullshit? These sort of things happen, but the timing would have to be emaculate. And 'you can't reproduce it'. How can you say that without throughly testing it yourself?

    Just stating my opinion.

  14. #14
    Heftydogg's Avatar Contributor

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    lol chill dude, im naturally skeptical of all exploits since 80% of them posted here are BS from leechers trying to get a quick rep. I seriously don't give a damn about it at all because I'm not going to waste the time I have glitching people off zeppelins, there's so much more to do in WoW.

    You shouldn't feel the need to post the video because of what I've said, it's for your own thread's credibility. And if you did post one, I'm not so skeptical that I would say 'omg you cut the clip' because that's just stupid. The fact that you're too lazy to get adequate proof of your 'exploit' though is pretty poor for your thread. Just re-read it, and if you care about it enough to prove it, try making a video. Nothing's free in life, you have to put some effort into it.

  15. #15
    strobel's Avatar Member
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    Pawn by heftydog

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