Hi! I finally have something to contribute! I hope its not a repost, and most of you probably already know this, but maybe someone dosen't! Then this is for you!
I have had problems making custom NPC's so I found an easy way(cheat way lol) to do it!
1. Find a NPC that already exists in the game that you like, for this example I am going to use Cuzi, shes a bag vendor in Exodar.
2. Find out her spawn ID
3.I use HeidiSQL so I looked in the database under creature names and did a search for Cuzi
4. Her info comes up, here you can change her name, subname, level,etc...
5.Once you change to your liking, save it
6. then look under vendors in the database, put in her spawn ID for a search, then her items that she sells comes up
7.Here you can add to her inventory like custom items you made or delete items, adjust sell prices, whatever you want! Make sure you save it!
8.Next restart the server and spawn the NPC you altered!
Now this works great and is easy, as long as you dont mind altering existing NPC's, my advise is not to delete the existing sell items in case they are the only NPC that carries that item! I used this to create a starter gear NPC for my fun server!Hope this helps! Just trying to contribute!
PS This technique is not good for making like a ton of NPC's just like 1-2, cause wherever you chose this NPC from is also going to be altered.