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    TheLoneWolf's Avatar Member
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    Custom Quests

    Alright everyone, I'm going to teach you, how to make a custom quest and a custom NPC that gives you the custom quest. First what you want to do is go ahead and open up Navicat. After that just open your
    main database which should be ascent, and then open up the creature names table. (This is made by me)

    You should see these columns, then type these in it:

    Entry: This is the ID that is used to spawn the NPC. I suggest putting a high number in here like 123456789123

    creature_name: Common sense..Just put what you would like your NPC to be called.

    Subname: This is the name under the NPC name. For example Tom Cool
    <Still Cool>
    (As if it was a guild name..)

    Flags1: To be honest I don't know what's this for, so just leave it 0

    Type: I suggest putting 7

    Family: Just leave that 0

    Rank: Leave that 0

    unk4: Leave that 0

    SpellDataID: Just leave that "null"

    male_displayid: If your NPC is a boy, I suggest putting a Male Display id here.

    female_displayid: If your NPC is a girl, I suggest putting a Female Display id here.

    The rest, you can leave it 0 until you get up to unknown_float1 and 2. Under those, I suggest putting a 1. Civilian and Leader, you can leave those "null".

    Ok your done with this part of the guide. Now to move on to creature_proto.

    So just open the creature_proto table.

    You should see these columns, and type these in it:

    entry: This is the same id used to spawn your mob. As I said earlier *This is the ID that is used to spawn the NPC. I suggest putting a high number in here like 123456789123*

    minlevel: This is the minimum level you will see your NPC.

    maxlevel: This is the maximum level you will see your NPC. For instance, if you put 2 for minlevel and 6 for maxlevel and you spawn your NPC a couple of times. You will see a bunch of level 5's 4's 3's and 6's.

    faction: This is the faction of your NPC. I would put a neutral id which is 529. So Hordes and Alliances can speak to it.

    minhealth: This is the minimum health of your NPC. So it could be like 5000

    maxhealth: This is maximum health of your NPC. So it could be like 10000. So basically it will be 5000/10000 *It's at half it's HP*

    scale: This is the size of your NPC. Don't go over 6 or it could lag your server. 5 and down is better.

    npcflags: This is the flag of your NPC. I suggest putting 16 which is for a quest giver. I think, but I suggest you putting 16.

    attacktime: This is how long it takes for your NPC to attack. Just put 1710.

    mindamage: This is the minimum damage your NPC deals

    maxdamage: This is the maximum damage your NPC deals

    rangedattacktime: Just leave it at 0

    Now just skip all of those columns until you get to walk_speed.

    walk_speed: Just put 2.5 there

    run_speed: Just put 8

    And skip the rest and your done with this part of the guide.

    Now time for the 'quests' table.

    Go ahead and open up the 'quests' table.

    You will see these columns, and type these in it:

    entry: This is used for later. Just put a high number here like 555666555

    ZoneId: For the ZoneId, Put a number for an area. For example. If you put 1, It will say this: You Quest (Dun Morogh). I suggest putting 5. Which is blank.

    QuestSort: The same for ZoneId. Just put a 5 or leave it at 0.

    QuestFlags: This doesn't effect the quest. So you can leave it at 0.

    MinLevel: This is the minimum level a player could pick up the quest. Example. If you put a 24 here, You have to put level 24 to get the quest.

    MaxLevel: This is the level of the quest. For example. If you put a 5 here. It will be yellow to 5 and gray to the 20. Get it?

    Type: This is the type of the quest. Here are the Id's for this column:
    0 blank (Solable)

    RequiredRace: This is the specific race tha can pick up the quest. Here are the Id's for it. Just for you to remember, this is done binary. So if you only want Orcs to have this quest, put a 2. If you want Orcs and Undeads to only be able to pick up the quest, put a 18 here. Your just adding them all together. 2+16=18.
    1 = Human
    2 = Orc
    4 = Dwarf
    8 = NightElf
    16 = Undead
    32 = Tauren
    64 = Gnome
    128 = Troll
    512 = BloodElf
    1024 = Dranei
    690 = All the Hordes Races
    1101 = All the Alliance Races
    If you want all of the races to be able to pick up the quest, put 1791 here.

    Just skip the rest until your up to Limittime

    Limittime: This is how much time you get to finish the quest.

    SpecialFlags: Doesn't seem to be special. It doesn't effect the quest, just leave it at 0.

    PrevQuestId: The Id of previous quest you have to complete before getting this new one.

    NextQuestId: The Id of the next quest you get after completing this current one.

    SrcItem: This is the Id of an Item number you get when accepting the quest.

    SrcItemCount: How many of the items you get when picking up the quest.

    Title: The name that appears inside your quest log.

    Details: The text at the top when you pick up a quest (basically the explanation for the quest).

    Objectives: Text at the bottom when you pick up the quest. (tells you what you need to do).

    CompletionText: This tells you that you complete the quest. For example. When you turn in the quest. You will see text that says: Yay you completed the quest!

    IncompleteText: Text you get when you go to turn in the quest. (This gives the gray out continue if you haven't completed the requirements or the pushable continue if you have). Meaning, if you haven't completed the quest, and you still have it, and you go to the quest giver, it will tell you that you haven't finished your quest yet and it will show a gray ? over it's head.

    EndText: Text that shows at the bottom of the quest. For example:

    Blah blah blah blah blah
    yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Of course!
    You can skip the rest until you are at ReqItemId1:

    ReqItemId1-4: The Item Id's needed to complete the quest.

    ReqItemCount1-4: How many of the item(s) you need to complete the quest.

    ReqKillMobOrGOId1-4: The creature Id number of the creature you want to require to be killed. Found inside creature_names.

    ReqKillMobOrGOCount1-4: How many of the specific creature you have to kill.

    RewChoiceItemId1-6: The Id number of item(s) you can pick for completing the quest.

    RewItemCount1-6: If you pick an item. This is how much of those items you picked. So say I picked Worn Shortsword, I get 2 of them.

    RewItemId1-4: Item you automatically get when completing the quest.

    RewRepFaction1-2: The Id for reputation modification when completing a quest.

    RewRepValue1-2: The value your rep will increase. Can also use negative numbers to decrease rep.

    RewRepLimit: This may have a use but all Blizzard's quests have 0. So 0 is good.

    RewMoney: How much money you get. 1 = 1 copper | 10000 = 1 gold

    RewXP: The amount of XP you get. (Remember, if you are at max level, this is automatically turned into gold)

    Rewspell: Spell ID you learn upon completing the quest.

    Castspell: Spell ID the NPC gets casted on you upon completing the quest.

    Pointmapid: To be honest, I don't know how this works.

    RequiredMoney: How much money needed to complete the quest. 1 = 1copper 10000 = copper

    Skip the rest until your at ExplorerTrigger1-4

    Exploretrigger1-4: Location you must have explored to complete quest.

    RequiredQuest1-4: The Id number of quests required to have been completed before you can get this quest.

    ReceiveItemId1-4: The id number of item(s) you will receive upon completing the quest. (Used to give additional quest items for later quest chains).

    ReceiveItemCount1-4: This is the number you get that you received.

    IsRepeatable: This means if the quest is repeatable. 0 = not repeatable 1 = repeatable

    Now your halfway done with this whole guide. You can just close that table, and open up creature_quest_starter:

    You will then see these columns, and what to type in it:

    id: This is the entry id for the NPC you created earlier from this guide.
    quest: This is the quest id you made earlier from this guide. This is what I said earlier *entry: This is used for later. Just put a high number here like 555666555*
    So you would put 555666555 under quest.

    Now you are done with this part. Almost done!

    Go ahead and close that, and open up the creature_quest_finisher:

    You will then see these columns and what to type in it:

    id: This is the entry id for the NPC you created earlier. So when you accept it's quest. and you do what it tells you to do, you have to come back to this same NPC to turn the quest in.

    quest: This is the quest id. For what I said earlier I will take it as an example again. *This is the quest id you made earlier from this guide.* Just put 555666555.

    Almost done! Now go ahead and close that table and open up creatureloot:

    You will see these columns, and what to type in it:

    index: I suggest going to the last page of this table. And looking at the last index number. So if it says 68990. You have to put 68991.

    entryid: This is the entry id number for the NPC you created earlier from this guide.

    itemid: This is the item id the NPC you created earlier drops.

    percentchance: This is chance the NPC will drop the item. Just put a 1000 here so it drops it on the first kill.

    Skip this one until your at mincount and maxcount:

    mincount: This is the minimum of the item the NPC drops. For instance, if you put a 3 here, the minimum it will drop is 3.

    maxcount: This is the maximum of the item the NPC drops. For instance, if you put a 10 here, the maximum it will drop is 10. So, it will drop 4's 5's and so on. It will not past 10 or 3.

    And your done! Just spawn your NPC in game. Thanks for reading this!
    "The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his Rifle!"

    Custom Quests
  2. #2
    777devil777's Avatar Member
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    Re: Custom Quests

    If your wondering why your not getting much of a response, it is because there are creators for that.

    "I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike."

  3. #3
    Asphire's Avatar Member
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    Re: Custom Quests

    hey dude thanks, +rep if i could give you, but i wanted to ask, if we can type our own text inside the Quest somehow ?

  4. #4
    Donken's Avatar Member
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    Re: Custom Quests

    Npcflag 16 is not quest flag for me. :S

  5. #5
    Illidan1's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Custom Quests

    Npcflag 3 is Quest flag ID

  6. #6
    Pragma's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Custom Quests

    Nice guide, I have a quest creator but there was some info I didn't know about in there like how to make it a group or raid quest

  7. #7
    chaoticd35's Avatar Site Donator
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    Re: Custom Quests

    Thanks for the post. I'll be sure and try this out right away. Thanks again.!! And +Rep if it works...

  8. #8
    Austin1313's Avatar Member
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    Re: Custom Quests

    HEY DUDE! NICE GUIDE and btw this is Austin lmao has the server been up???

  9. #9
    bis1992's Avatar Member
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    my questgiver just want to kill me xD
    how to fix that?

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