First if u don't wont to do this i could do some for you
Ok Most of u might would like to know this What i mean is like Your just running around and u have a Custom Mob / Boss and then when u Attack it then NPC will say like "Why do u try and kill me" Etc buy it's self w/o using the command .npc say / .npc yell
Ok well this is done with GM Scripting and well this is how
Step : 1 > Open a Note Pad
Step : 2 > Put this in There
Ok everythign in red must be ChangedCode:global MobName_Event = function(mob) { .SendChatMessage("What you wont your NPC to say"); .DeregisterTimer(); }; .RegisterUnitEvent(NpcID, 0, MobName_Event);
First > MobName = The first name of your mob so if i was doing Illidan Stormrage i would put "global Illidan_Event" (Must be Corrected Spelling ,Caps on names Etc)
Next > Event = The event when you wont your npc to say it so like if u wont him to say it on enter Comback it would look like this "global Illidan_Enter_Combat
Heree is the Command u must put for them
On Enter Combat = MobName_Enter_Combat = function(mob)
On Leave Combat = MobName_Leave_Combat = function(mob)
On Killed Target = MobName_Killed_Target = function(mob)
On Died = MobName_Died = function(mob)
On Spawn = MobName_Spawn = function(mob)
On Player Enters Range = MobName_Player_Enters_Range = function(mob)
There is more but i dotn know how to do them ones
Ok next is > What you wont your NPC to say = Well Put what you wont your Npc to say :wave:
Next > .RegisterUnitEvent(NpcID, 0, MobName_Event); = the Spawn if of your mob so i
f i was using Illidan his Spawn id is 22917 so
i would put .RegisterUnitEvent(22917, 0, MobName_Event);
Next is > .RegisterUnitEvent(NpcID, 0, MobName_Event); = Put on of theses \/
1 = On Enter Combat
2 = On Leave Combat
3 = On Killed Target
4 = On Died
6 = On Spawn
10 = On Player Enters Range
What every one your doing it for
Next > 1 = .RegisterUnitEvent(NpcID, 0, MobName_Event); = You should know that if you Read up a bit
Ok now Go to File > Save As> For File Name: (MUST have the .gm) For Save As Type : All Files
And save it to your Desktop for know
Then > Go into your Server Im using AC Repack so it would be C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack
And then go into your Ascent or Antrixx Folder and make a Folder called Scripts (If u have it already open it)
C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack\Ascent\scripts
C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack\Antrix\scripts
and then Put your from your Desktop into it and then Close and in your Ascent / Antrix Cmd
type: reloadscripts / OR in game : .reloadscripts/
Or Restart your Server and then your Done Good luck
if u need any Help Or for me to Script 1 for you PM me