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    TomJenkins's Avatar Private
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    Creating a MANGoS server and website. (3.3.5)

    This is a simple but in-depth guide to creating a private server with MANGoS, making the server public and creating a website for your bundle of joy ;) I'll see you at the end, have fun!

    Table of Contents:
    I: Installation
    II: Local Connection
    III: GM Commands
    IV: Changing Rates, Level Cap, Starting Level and more
    V: Website
    VI: External Connections
    VII: Extras


    I: Installation

    So to start, you want to head on over to >>Project Amber - Powered by CO.CC<< that site, there should be a login page and below it it will say "Not registered? Sign Up!". The 'Sign Up' button is a link to the registration page, register (it literally takes 10 seconds.)

    Now on the far left of the page you will see a tab named 'Downloads'. Click on that and then there will be a bunch of text, for this tutorial you should download the one at the top labeled "YTDB 0.13.5 CS556 + MaNGOS 0.17.0 v10199", click the blue text to the right of it that says 'Link', It will bring you to a site called 'Filebeam', in the middle of 2 ads there will be a picture of a hard drive with an arrow over it, click that to begin your download. Now wait for it to finish downloading, it should be named "v10199_FullSetup.exe"

    Alright, so just open that up and you'll get an installation wizard that should look like this:

    Press next, accept the terms of use, choose the path you want to install it to (MUST BE IN YOUR HARD DRIVE), and then just wait for it to install.

    After it finishes, another setup will pop up for the miniserver, press next and make sure everything is checked and then press next again, choose the path and install.

    Takes a while to install and then this window pops up:

    This might take a while so you might want to go get a coffee or something. After it finishes it will ask you to select your WoW client, so just select your World of Warcraft folder and press OK, when it asks you if you want to extract the other things, press yes, a console window will show up, just leave everything open, the extraction will take 5-10 mins, when the black window goes blank just close it, a new window will pop up with a bunch of buttons.

    Congratulations! You have finished the first step to running your own private server... All that for just the installation ;)


    II: Local Connection

    Go to your World of Warcraft folder (not your MANGoS folder) and search for 'realmlist' and delete everything in it and paste in 'set realmlist localhost', save and quit.

    Now go to AmberGUI which should be open on top of everything else and click the big Start button in the miniServer box, after the lights on those turn green click Start for Realm and World 1, for the future you can just check Enable in the autostart box.

    After that click the Accounts button, you'll be on the modify account tab, all you need to do is change the Expansion from 0 to 2, I'll explain all this later.

    Start up World of Warcraft by clicking the Run button in the Client box and login with
    Username: administrator
    Password: administrator

    Just create a new character and your done! Congrats :D


    III: GM Commands

    Here are some of (what I believe to be) the most useful GM commands:
    Legend: .command <table> (example: .command table) [explanation: legend]

    .tele <Location> (example: .tele Undercity) [explanation: Teleports you to the said location]

    .gm fly <on/off> (example: .gm fly on) [explanation: Allows you to fly]

    .modify aspeeds #1-10 (example: .modify aspeeds 8) [explanation: Increases all speeds, walking, running and even flying]

    .npc add <entryID> (example: .npc add 362) [explanation: Spawns an NPC at your current location]

    .npc delete (example: ) [explanation: Deletes the currently selected NPC]

    That's it for now, you can find a full list of MaNGOS commands at: WoW Mangos GM (Game Master) Commands - Reaper-X


    IV: Changing Rates, Level Cap, Starting Level and more

    So walking around is all good and fun, but what about becoming a higher level, you are after all the admin of the server. While you can do this with a simple GM Command, lets say you want everybody to start at level 52 and stop leveling at 68, here's how.

    Go into your MaNGOS folder, then open up the v10199 folder, inside there you'll find a file named 'mangosd', open it with notepad or wordpad and scroll down about halfway until you see this:
    GameType = 1
    RealmZone = 1
    Expansion = 2
    DBC.Locale = 255
    DeclinedNames = 0
    StrictPlayerNames = 0
    StrictCharterNames = 0
    StrictPetNames = 0
    MinPlayerName = 2
    MinCharterName = 2
    MinPetName = 2
    CharactersCreatingDisabled = 0
    CharactersPerAccount = 50
    CharactersPerRealm = 10
    HeroicCharactersPerRealm = 1
    MinLevelForHeroicCharacterCreating = 55
    SkipCinematics = 0
    MaxPlayerLevel = 80
    StartPlayerLevel = 1
    StartHeroicPlayerLevel = 55
    StartPlayerMoney = 0
    MaxHonorPoints = 75000
    StartHonorPoints = 0
    MaxArenaPoints = 5000
    StartArenaPoints = 0
    InstantLogout = 1
    DisableWaterBreath = 4
    AllFlightPaths = 0
    AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel = 0
    ActivateWeather = 1
    CastUnstuck = 1
    MaxSpellCastsInChain = 10
    Instance.IgnoreLevel = 0
    Instance.IgnoreRaid = 0
    Instance.ResetTimeHour = 4
    Instance.UnloadDelay = 1800000
    Quests.LowLevelHideDiff = 4
    Quests.HighLevelHideDiff = 7
    Quests.Daily.ResetHour = 6
    Quests.Weekly.ResetWeekDay = 3
    Quests.Weekly.ResetHour = 6
    Quests.IgnoreRaid = 0
    Guild.EventLogRecordsCount = 100
    Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount = 25
    TimerBar.Fatigue.GMLevel = 4
    TimerBar.Fatigue.Max = 60
    TimerBar.Breath.GMLevel = 4
    TimerBar.Breath.Max = 180
    TimerBar.Fire.GMLevel = 4
    TimerBar.Fire.Max = 1
    MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2
    MinPetitionSigns = 9
    MaxGroupXPDistance = 74
    MailDeliveryDelay = 3600
    SkillChance.Prospecting = 0
    SkillChance.Milling = 0
    OffhandCheckAtTalentsReset = 0
    ClientCacheVersion = 0
    Event.Announce = 0
    BeepAtStart = 1
    WaitAtStartupError = 0
    Motd = "Welcome to Server 1"
    Here are the things we'll edit in this tutorial

    MaxPlayerLevel = 80
    StartPlayerLevel = 1
    StartHeroicPlayerLevel = 55
    StartPlayerMoney = 0
    HeroicCharactersPerRealm = 1
    MinLevelForHeroicCharacterCreating = 55
    AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel = 0
    MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2

    • Change StartPlayerLevel from 1 to 52 (When you create a character you will be level 52)
    • Change MaxPlayerLevel from 80 to 68 (Players will stop leveling at level 68)
    • Change StartHeroicPlayerLevel from 55 to 52 (DK's will now start as level 52's)
    • Change StartPlayerMoney from 0 to 50000000 (This is measured in copper, so you should start with 5000 gold)
    • Change HeroicCharactersPerRealm from 1 to 5 (This will allow you to create 5 DK's on the same realm)
    • Change MinLevelForHeroicCharacterCreating from 55 to 1 (Changing this will allow you to create a DK even if you don't have a level 55 character)
    • Change AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel from 0 to 1 (This will max out all your skills every time you level)
    • Change MaxPrimaryTradeSkill from 2 to 5 (This will allow you to have 5 trade skills at once)
    • Change AllFlightPaths from 0 to 1 (This automatically discovers all flight paths)

    Just save that, restart your server, boot up WoW and create a new character.


    V: Website

    Alright, to start, make sure you have AmberGUI running, in the miniServer box click the big Start button, don't start any of the realm's or anything, the only things we need are MySQL and Apache. Now go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open up hosts, be sure you open it in administrator if your using Vista/7, now just add this simple line to the bottom of the file: localhost

    Now all you need to do is go to your web browser and type in localhost or in the address bar, you'll be brought to a nice looking webpage. We'll just leave it like this, maybe another tutorial I'll show you how to edit things and such.


    VI: External Connections

    Head on over to and create an account, then go to 'My Services' and click Add Hostname. Fill everything in, the important part is the IP address, for that it will say underneath the text box "Your current IP is", just click that and then continue on your way.

    Next open up Notepad in administrator and then open your hosts file (found in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) and add this to the end of it (delete anything you entered in there first) localhost
    [Your external IP] (Your DYNDNS hostname)
    [Your internal IP] (Your DYNDNS hostname)

    To find your external IP go to What Is My IP Address - Shows Your IP Address
    To find your internal IP go to your start menu and search for cmd, open it up and a black box will open, type in ipconfig and then scroll up until you see 'IPv4 Address:', that's your internal IP.

    Example: localhost

    After that just go into your WoW folder, change your realmlist to and you should be done, hope this helped some of you.

    Sorry if I messed anything up, just really tired right now, might fix it within the week if it needs fixing up.
    Last edited by TomJenkins; 11-29-2010 at 12:52 PM. Reason: Additional message.
    "When you're miserable, you need someone more miserable than yourself..."
    Lucy - Elfen Lied

    Creating a MANGoS server and website. (3.3.5)
  2. Thanks sjqlwy (1 members gave Thanks to TomJenkins for this useful post)
  3. #2
    noxeterna's Avatar Corporal
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    Has anyone tested this, sound so easy it seem like a dream come true :P

    ---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

    Anyone? Also does this set all db without having to do this manually ?

  4. #3
    TomJenkins's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by noxeterna View Post
    Has anyone tested this, sound so easy it seem like a dream come true :P

    ---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

    Anyone? Also does this set all db without having to do this manually ?
    Yessir, it creates the database automatically.

    And I believe External Connections is wrong, I'm still working on my server... Occasionally it will work but other times it'll just crash everything.

    Part VII will be released as soon as I actually get stuff done on my server
    It will consist of things such as: Creating weapons, creating vendors, creating mobs, editing spawn locations and spawn gear/abilities, etc.
    Last edited by TomJenkins; 11-29-2010 at 02:56 PM.
    "When you're miserable, you need someone more miserable than yourself..."
    Lucy - Elfen Lied

  5. #4
    RolandSwe's Avatar Private
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    Good tutorial and serverpack/website!

    Is there anything I should consider more when updating database on this repack than on a Mangos server I would have created on me own? What I am thinking about is the corepatches from unifieddb - Revision 394: /trunk/Updates and also acid (if Acid is used here, my assumption).

    Or is it this build I am stuck with til there is a new one? (God, that sounded more lazy than it was, sry).

    My main reason to update is that many DK starting area quests are not functional, and maybe some other things that I have yet to discover :-)

    thanx again for a lovely repack! I hate starting a bunch of different programs here and there and having to create acc in console :-)

    Really looking forward for the VII part, trying to balance it for SP, and there will be some issues with making 5-man and 25-man heroics soloable, but not easy...

  6. #5
    thefallen1one's Avatar Established Member
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    Don't we have to forward ports and stuff? I did all that stuff already, but i thought ports needed forwarded?

  7. #6
    TomJenkins's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by thefallen1one View Post
    Don't we have to forward ports and stuff? I did all that stuff already, but i thought ports needed forwarded?
    Oh yeah... I'll post all that tommorow and hopefully part VII as well, sorry, got a bunch of stuff going on.
    "When you're miserable, you need someone more miserable than yourself..."
    Lucy - Elfen Lied

  8. #7
    grafcoxx's Avatar Private
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    I´m sry didnt see that no questions allowed so i deleted it cause wasnt able to find a button for delete post
    Last edited by grafcoxx; 12-09-2010 at 12:09 PM. Reason: better picture

  9. #8
    thefallen1one's Avatar Established Member
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    I tried your way to get it public verse the other dude...I hope yours worx, testing nao

  10. #9
    xet666's Avatar Private
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    dude..i'm new in stuff like "creating servers" and this kind of things..i watched and did every single thing that you said..step by step..and it works..until it comes this problem..when people are conected they remain stuck on the realm page..i can play...but they are stuck on the realm selection page..don't know what to do because i've tried everything that i found on every posts around here..and still come-up this relam selection problem..if you will help me with this i will be gratefull enough...i really want an online server up..thanks

  11. #10
    KoolDuke's Avatar Member
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    Am may be new but i had the same trouble Xet666. But my solution was the Port on the Mangos conf. There a line (Mangos server port =8085) just above the bindIP. Change port =8085 to 8050, Also you need to change it on the sql>Realm>Realmlist (am using Navicat) In table there the address = and Port = 8085, just change port to 8050. Make sure your ports are forwarded. That solve my Problem

  12. #11
    sonnax's Avatar Private
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    i installed and i have some problems ill list all cause idk wich 1 is the reason.. first of all port 80 is already in use! this happen when i try to start server so only MySQL go on Apache no..than i start realm(works) and World 1 it gives an error at console and then it(world1) go off

    and i cant login :S.. need help
    Last edited by sonnax; 12-26-2010 at 05:50 PM.

  13. #12
    ev1's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by sonnax View Post
    i installed and i have some problems ill list all cause idk wich 1 is the reason.. first of all port 80 is already in use! this happen when i try to start server so only MySQL go on Apache no..than i start realm(works) and World 1 it gives an error at console and then it(world1) go off

    and i cant login :S.. need help
    You have to extract the maps...using the Mango Map tools and stuff. Just look for it in the V10199 folder

  14. #13
    yourgamecrew's Avatar Corporal
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    hi all,
    I made a server and it works fine for me but I've a question:

    I have a website named but how do I make this site the website of the server?

  15. #14
    ev1's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by yourgamecrew View Post
    hi all,
    I made a server and it works fine for me but I've a question:

    I have a website named but how do I make this site the website of the server?
    Your server has to have a dedicated IP address, in which you can set up wildcard DNS and such. OR If you want to be lame you can set up your computer at home as a server, and host the domain + host the wow files right off of your computer.

  16. #15
    Anonymous7666's Avatar Private
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    Am I the only one that has problems with the download link?

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