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  1. #46
    johnnycashed's Avatar Active Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Thanks G/R
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    This is a list of ports from the WoD sandbox I kept not sure if they all work. I dont know who made the list so sorry if I didn't give credit..... hope it helps someone

    !tele -9115 423 96 0 0
    Redridge Mountains 
    !tele -9193.91 -2312.77 88.9044 0 0
    Duskwood Darkshire 
    !tele -10774.26 -1189.672 33.14943 0 0
    Westfall Sentinel Hill GY 
    !tele -10527.5 1165.734 31.96764 0 0
    Dun Morogh 
    !tele -5687 -515 398 0 0
    Loch Modan Thelsamar 
    !tele -5351.229 -2881.582 340.9424 0 0
    Wetlands Crossroads GY 
    !tele -3289.124 -2435.991 18.59659 0 0
    Badlands Graveyard NE 
    !tele -6289.853 -3493.059 251.4887 0 0
    The Barrens The Crossroads 
    !tele -592.6014 -2523.492 91.78803 0 1
    Desolace Ethel Rethor GY 
    !tele -448.3109 2512.646 93.07726 0 1
    Durotar Razor Hill GY 
    !tele 233.2639 -4793.625 10.18718 0 1
    Durotar Orgrimmar GY 
    !tele 1358.55 -4436.53 28.0969 0 1
    Mulgore Red Cloud Mesa GY 
    !tele -2942.233 -152.5035 69.92908 0 1
    Darkshore New Auberdine GY 
    !tele 7158.045 -486.7355 31.38703 0 1
    Deadwind Pass Morgan's Plot 
    !tele -11110.38 -1833.241 71.8642 0 0
    Thousand Needles The Great Lift GY (OLD) 
    !tele -4612.34 -1890.46 85.9637 0 1
    Plains of Snow - Horde Start 
    !tele -661.5284 -485.309 385.8879 0 37
    Silithus Valor's Rest 
    !tele -6432.256 -278.2921 3.794105 0 1
    Mulgore Bloodhoof Village GY 
    !tele -2175.656 -341.5295 -5.569269 0 1
    Teldrassil Darnassus GY 
    !tele 10054.3 2117.12 1329.63 0 1
    Teldrassil Dolanaar GY 
    !tele 9701.255 945.6204 1291.355 0 1
    Ashenvale Astranaar GY 
    !tele 2633.411 -629.7352 107.5813 0 1
    Teldrassil Aldrassil GY 
    !tele 10384.81 811.5312 1317.538 0 1
    Tirisfal Glades Deathknell 
    !tele 1882.94 1629.11 94.4175 0 0
    Tirisfal Glades Undercity 
    !tele 1822.61 214.674 60.1402 0 0
    Silverpine Forest The Sepulcher 
    !tele 516.1943 1589.807 127.5449 0 0
    Hillsbrad Foothills Tarren Mill 
    !tele -18.67768 -981.1714 55.83767 0 0
    Arathi Highlands Eastern Road 
    !tele -1307.655 -3192.149 37.78532 0 0
    Dun Morogh Anvilmar 
    !tele -6164.226 336.3211 399.7934 0 0
    Dun Morogh Kharanos 
    !tele -5680.044 -518.9205 396.2743 0 0
    Dun Morogh Ironforge 
    !tele -5049.45 -809.697 495.127 0 0
    Badlands Kargath 
    !tele -6980.51 -2332.54 241.683 0 0
    Redridge Mountains Lakeshire 
    !tele -9396.77 -2026 58.3642 0 0
    Elwynn Forest Northshire 
    !tele -8941.31 -185.178 79.9153 0 0
    Elwynn Forest Goldshire 
    !tele -9339.72 170.2 61.5622 0 0
    Elwynn Forest Stormwind 
    !tele -9151.98 410.944 92.6966 0 0
    Swamp of Sorrows Stonard GY 
    !tele -10567.8 -3377.2 22.2532 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay GY 
    !tele -14283.44 293.4063 31.94366 0 0
    Teldrassil Rut'theran Village GY 
    !tele 8289.981 962.8038 15.18421 0 1
    Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore 
    !tele -732.7994 -592.502 22.66305 0 0
    Alterac Valley Snowfall Graveyard (Mid) 
    !tele -157.4092 31.20627 77.0506 0 30
    Dustwallow Marsh Theramore Isle GY 
    !tele -3525.743 -4315.374 6.993044 0 1
    Tanaris Gadgetzan GY 
    !tele -7142.87 -3885.302 9.893117 0 1
    The Barrens Camp Taurajo GY 
    !tele -2517.648 -1970.997 91.78397 0 1
    The Barrens Ratchet 
    !tele -1081.4 -3478.68 63.6066 0 1
    Plains of Snow - Alliance Start 
    !tele -448.1886 -1027.863 430.7243 0 37
    Tirisfal Glades Brill 
    !tele 2348.67 492.027 33.3665 0 0
    Feralas New Feathermoon Stronghold GY (A) 
    !tele -4484.34 2142.23 7.55253 0 1
    Feralas Camp Mojache GY (H) 
    !tele -4445.19 370.837 51.4531 0 1
    Thousand Needles Splithoof Heights GY (MOVED) 
    !tele -5353.12 -3939.3 86.1111 0 1
    The Hinterlands Aerie Peak 
    !tele 323.5126 -2227.196 137.6175 0 0
    Azshara Northern Azshara GY 
    !tele 4719.671 -5954.722 105.196 0 1
    Blasted Lands Dreadmaul Hold GY 
    !tele -10846.6 -2949.34 13.2298 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale Northern Stranglethorn GY 
    !tele -11542.51 -228.4635 27.84575 0 0
    Stonetalon Mountains Webwinder Path GY 
    !tele 773.6632 383.8767 71.06256 0 1
    Tirisfal Glades Faol's Rest 
    !tele 2604.52 -543.39 88.9996 0 0
    Felwood Morlos'Aran 
    !tele 3809.429 -1597.651 219.11 0 1
    Un'Goro Crater The Marshlands 
    !tele -7078.07 -2404.27 -165.558 0 1
    Darkshore Twilight Vale GY 
    !tele 5243.961 180.932 16.91179 0 1
    Wetlands Baradin Bay GY 
    !tele -3347.72 -856.713 1.05955 0 0
    Western Plaguelands Chillwind Camp 
    !tele 908.3233 -1520.286 55.03718 0 0
    Eastern Plaguelands Pestilent Scar 
    !tele 2054.92 -5021.54 74.3608 0 0
    Winterspring Everlook GY 
    !tele 6876.944 -4660.726 701.2874 0 1
    Ashenvale Kargathia GY 
    !tele 2421.724 -2953.619 123.4735 0 1
    Programmer Isle 
    !tele 16310.33 16268.94 69.44444 0 451
    Programmer Isle 
    !tele 16223.82 16278.57 20.89128 0 451
    Western Plaguelands Bulwark 
    !tele 1750.344 -669.7899 44.56984 0 0
    Azshara (Overlooks The Shattered Strand GY) 
    !tele 4028.3 -5441.566 115.7984 0 1
    Alterac Valley Horde Safe 
    !tele -1437.67 -610.089 51.1619 0 30
    Alterac Valley Alliance Safe 
    !tele 873.0018 -491.2836 96.54193 0 30
    TEST for GM Client Only - Do Not Bug 
    !tele 908.3233 -1520.286 55.03718 0 0
    Azshara Bitter Reaches GY 
    !tele 4793.112 -6845.922 90.17362 0 1
    Dustwallow Marsh Brackenwall Village GY 
    !tele -3127.587 -3046.747 33.84489 0 1
    Moonglade GY 
    !tele 7425.867 -2808.891 463.973 0 1
    Eastern Plaguelands Darrowshire 
    !tele 1390.18 -3699.5 76.5121 0 0
    Felwood Irontree Woods 
    !tele 5953.009 -1208.602 381.283 0 1
    Searing Gorge Thorium Point 
    !tele -6450.61 -1113.51 308.022 0 0
    Durotar Sen'jin Village GY 
    !tele -777.9827 -4984.778 18.96163 0 1
    Programmer Isle Bucklers Cemetery 2 
    !tele 16614.8 16663 21.3422 0 451
    Programmer Isle Bucklers Cemetery 1 
    !tele 16623.3 16622.8 34.8991 0 451
    Programmer Isle Bucklers Cemetery 3 
    !tele 16631.7 16585.8 39.2206 0 451
    Alterac Valley Stormpike Graveyard (Hi) 
    !tele 676 -374 30 0 30
    Alterac Valley Frostwolf Graveyard (Lo) 
    !tele -1090.477 -253.3087 57.67237 0 30
    Durotar Valley of Trials GY 
    !tele -636.502 -4292.55 40.3022 0 1
    Alterac Valley PvP Alliance Choke Graveyard (A-choke) 
    !tele 73.41776 -496.4331 48.73192 0 30
    Alterac Valley PvP Horde Choke Graveyard (H-choke) 
    !tele -531.2178 -405.2314 49.55138 0 30
    Alterac Valley Frostwolf Relief Hut (H-base) 
    !tele -1496.065 -333.3384 101.1348 0 30
    Alterac Valley Stormpike Aid Station (A-base) 
    !tele 643 44 69.7402 0 30
    Warsong Gulch - Alliance Enter Loc 
    !tele 1523.812 1481.758 352.0076 0 489
    Warsong Gulch - Horde Enter Loc 
    !tele 933.3315 1433.724 345.5357 0 489
    Warsong Gulch - Alliance Rez Loc 
    !tele 1406.653 1564.74 328.3257 0 489
    Warsong Gulch - Horde Rez Loc 
    !tele 1061.6 1377.09 328.558 0 489
    The Hinterlands The Overlook Cliffs 
    !tele -191.966 -4340.86 113.259 0 0
    Warsong Gulch - Horde Exit Loc 
    !tele 1035.27 -2104.28 122.945 0 1
    Warsong Gulch - Alliance Exit Loc 
    !tele 1459.17 -1858.67 124.762 0 1
    Alterac Valley Alliance Exit 
    !tele 101.144 -184.934 127.344 0 0
    Alterac Valley Horde Exit 
    !tele 536.495 -1085.72 106.27 0 0
    Feralas Dire Maul Stonemaul Hold GY 
    !tele -4586.25 1633.19 94.086 0 1
    Durotar Northern Durotar GY 
    !tele 1177.688 -4464.068 21.35525 0 1
    Mulgore Thunder Bluff GY 
    !tele -981.783 -74.63715 20.09454 0 1
    Dun Morogh Gates of Ironforge 
    !tele -5165.52 -874.664 507.177 0 0
    Tirisfal Glades Ruins of Lordaeron 
    !tele 1780.11 221.761 59.6169 0 0
    Elwynn Forest Eastvale Logging Camp 
    !tele -9552.46 -1374.05 51.2332 0 0
    Western Plaguelands Caer Darrow 
    !tele 1236.89 -2411.99 60.68 0 0
    Arathi Basin - Horde Entrance 
    !tele 684.014 681.22 -12.9159 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Alliance Entrance 
    !tele 1313.9 1310.74 -9.01043 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Horde Exit 
    !tele -831.881 -3518.52 72.4831 0 0
    Arathi Basin - Alliance Exit 
    !tele -1215.59 -2531.75 21.6734 0 0
    Arathi Basin - Graveyard H-Mid (Farm) 
    !tele 834.7264 784.9787 -57.08194 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Graveyard Mid (Blacksmith) 
    !tele 1016.588 955.1847 -42.82869 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Graveyard A-Mid (Stables) 
    !tele 1201.87 1163.131 -56.28597 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Graveyard ALT-N (Gold Mine) 
    !tele 1211.524 781.5569 -82.70951 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Graveyard ALT-S (Lumber Mill) 
    !tele 772.7557 1213.114 15.79739 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Graveyard A-Base (Trollbane Hall) 
    !tele 1354.7 1270.27 -11.1291 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Graveyard H-Base (Defiler's Den) 
    !tele 713.71 638.364 -10.5999 0 529
    Eastern Plaguelands Blackwood Lake 
    !tele 2647.55 -4014.39 105.938 0 0
    Silithus Cenarion Hold 
    !tele -6831.317 891.4373 33.86627 0 1
    Duskwood Ravenhill 
    !tele -10606.8 294.048 31.8007 0 0
    Eversong Woods Sunstrider Isle 
    !tele 10458.55 -6364.614 39.79071 0 530
    Silithus Scarab Wall (AQ Only) 
    !tele -7991.574 1557.804 4.974186 0 1
    Eversong Woods Farstrider Lodge GY 
    !tele 8936.564 -7439.903 82.08561 0 530
    Ghostlands Tranquillien 
    !tele 7694.177 -6730.11 48.29066 0 530
    Ghostlands Sanctum 
    !tele 7015.226 -7299.999 45.42467 0 530
    Ghostlands Amani Pass 
    !tele 6730.494 -7936.893 170.0989 0 530
    Azuremyst Isle Ammen Vale 
    !tele -4123.139 -13660.07 74.6 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Thrallmar 
    !tele 158.0602 2562.73 75.78124 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Honor Hold 
    !tele -803.0117 2702.592 106.7582 0 530
    Eversong Woods Silvermoon City 
    !tele 9407 -6847.67 16 0 530
    Eversong Woods Fairbreeze GY 
    !tele 8709.459 -6671.761 70.33598 0 530
    Azuremyst Azure Watch GY 
    !tele -4312.775 -12441.04 17.19033 0 530
    Azuremyst Stillpine GY 
    !tele -3324.306 -12089.91 28.27484 0 530
    Bloodmyst Blood Watch GY 
    !tele -2020.59 -11983.5 33.24797 0 530
    Bloodmyst Wilderness GY 
    !tele -1754.207 -11067.32 76.34234 0 530
    Eastern Plaguelands Graveyard CG Tower 
    !tele 1980.12 -3654.6 119.948 0 0
    Zangarmarsh Zabra'jin GY 
    !tele 335.8859 7625.117 22.74857 0 530
    Nagrand Arena Team 1 Start 
    !tele 4027.602 2972.784 12.07232 0 559
    Nagrand SE Graveyard 
    !tele -2495.866 6802.258 21.37141 0 530
    Programmer Isle 
    !tele 16423 16237 71 0 451
    Programmer Isle 
    !tele 16223.82 16278.57 20.89128 0 451
    Hellfire Peninsula Temple 
    !tele 181.4751 4361.576 116.8849 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Falcon Watch 
    !tele -695.8752 4118.209 64.48654 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 004 
    !tele 742.6283 2887.709 8.900983 0 530
    Nagrand Arena Team 2 Start 
    !tele 4085.45 2866.829 12.40048 0 559
    Well of Eternity - Shores of the Well Port Location 
    !tele 3080.115 -5551.698 18.77989 0 939
    Alterac Valley Alliance Exit 
    !tele 101.144 -184.934 127.344 0 0
    Blade's Edge Arena Team 1 
    !tele 6292.659 288.5795 4.95929 0 562
    Blade's Edge Arena Team 2 
    !tele 6184.982 236.0114 4.976874 0 562
    Hellfire Peninsula Test Corpse Location 
    !tele 540.3099 3932.88 188.9318 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 001 
    !tele 540.9799 3144.226 8.456751 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 002 
    !tele 582.864 2954.064 4.56392 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 003 
    !tele 742.6283 2887.709 8.900983 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 005 
    !tele 1148.442 1798.138 116.2955 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 006 
    !tele 851.6936 1688.062 89.75664 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 007 
    !tele 608.0968 1778.634 104.4356 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 008 
    !tele 354.618 1952.75 23.76544 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 009 
    !tele 107.7116 1841.231 21.8838 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 010 
    !tele 274.5988 1674.626 -5.776105 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 011 
    !tele 60.88097 1542.688 17.08331 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 012 
    !tele -92.8317 1350.91 -12.20254 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 013 
    !tele 134.528 1230.394 2.397356 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 014 
    !tele 298.6661 1225.227 -1.179477 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 015 
    !tele 386.6821 1044.776 26.87337 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 016 
    !tele 337.8401 853.2183 13.88513 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 017 
    !tele 60.38444 725.155 14.58493 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 018 
    !tele -213.5115 730.6844 -0.830688 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 019 
    !tele -570.3268 675.7847 -0.703824 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 020 
    !tele -958.5842 803.9071 2.534777 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 021 
    !tele -827.569 1194.339 16.28465 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 022 
    !tele -465.0748 1272.105 12.3895 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 023 
    !tele -668.975 1516.192 17.99592 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 024 
    !tele -1278.367 1381.712 9.104878 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 025 
    !tele -1306.278 2478.398 56.80944 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 026 
    !tele -1497.398 2657.169 -53.1746 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 027 
    !tele -1445.698 3050.235 -16.82786 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Corpse Location 028 
    !tele -1510.359 3281.807 -16.86444 0 530
    Zangarmarsh PvP GY 
    !tele 248.3389 7084.928 36.49313 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Telredor GY 
    !tele 211.3149 6200.033 22.29878 0 530
    Blades Edge - PvP - Arena Graveyard 
    !tele 6236.968 262.6493 2.730546 0 562
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 006 
    !tele 1286.725 7883.123 10.2222 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Cenarion GY 
    !tele -212.4523 5579.672 22.17797 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 001 
    !tele 1011.161 5039.573 -26.82502 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 002 
    !tele 781.7128 4987.825 -12.36556 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 003 
    !tele 1001.895 5714.57 -9.303263 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 004 
    !tele 1394.982 7756.503 12.28968 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 008 
    !tele 1412.409 8430.121 -4.679921 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 005 
    !tele 1398.578 7763.029 8.545544 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 007 
    !tele 1317.495 8135.392 -2.856916 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 009 
    !tele 1706.28 8407.813 -24.7731 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 011 
    !tele 1348.12 8677.566 6.86939 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 010 
    !tele 1838.928 8496.514 -19.02506 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 012 
    !tele 1347.021 8679.227 6.671585 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 013 
    !tele 1104.395 8781.982 -10.88894 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 014 
    !tele 747.4471 8702.898 6.109443 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 016 
    !tele 381.3096 9113.738 -4.272064 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 015 
    !tele 702.7578 8927.527 -2.820609 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 017 
    !tele 223.5499 9132.744 -11.74605 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 018 
    !tele 32.15701 9120.396 -17.25525 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Corpse Location 019 
    !tele -160.4252 9053.544 5.142027 0 530
    Nagrand Northwind Cleft 
    !tele -1066.973 8066.544 -39.25933 0 530
    Nagrand Halaa GY 
    !tele -1654.373 7938.994 -46.23501 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Shattrath GY 
    !tele -1793.416 4931.607 -22.20948 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Wilderness GY 
    !tele -2540.152 3866.648 10.07687 0 530
    Test - Programmer 
    !tele 1463.219 16470.08 66.48581 0 451
    Test - Programmer 001 
    !tele 66.29688 60.125 6.443916 0 451
    Nagrand - PvP - Arena Graveyard 
    !tele 4055.504 2919.661 13.61124 0 559
    Nagrand Corpse Location 001 
    !tele -697.5726 8881.731 185.4503 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 002 
    !tele -999.5063 9045.616 91.59063 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 003 
    !tele -1933.72 9343.669 74.73061 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 004 
    !tele -2153.297 9323.707 52.43459 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 005 
    !tele -2619.463 8953.7 -11.54552 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 006 
    !tele -2799.854 8785.746 -42.49432 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 007 
    !tele -2984.119 8700.107 -53.15777 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 008 
    !tele -2989.351 8445.129 -36.24343 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 009 
    !tele -3122.556 8079.49 -49.13069 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 010 
    !tele -3155.75 7316.315 -25.86043 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 011 
    !tele -3244.696 7079.022 -49.57203 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 012 
    !tele -2987.351 7045.469 -54.38367 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 013 
    !tele -2962.328 6796.882 -51.26239 0 530
    Nagrand Corpse Location 014 
    !tele -3045.37 6508.568 99.65492 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 001 
    !tele -3379.584 6206.483 -3.663728 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 002 
    !tele -3621.983 6225.183 -18.82109 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 003 
    !tele -3898.566 6147.648 -37.07994 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 004 
    !tele -3844.336 5931.411 -25.05046 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 005 
    !tele -3801.34 5618.751 -26.91661 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 006 
    !tele -3910.985 5404.071 -35.66995 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 007 
    !tele -3886.286 5149.574 -59.68908 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 008 
    !tele -3990.144 4869.476 -107.6338 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 009 
    !tele -3904.296 4591.396 -45.98207 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 010 
    !tele -4024.305 4421.721 -50.00179 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 011 
    !tele -3965.061 4128.619 0.276609 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 001 
    !tele -2415.764 1811.624 -1.16446 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 002 
    !tele -2319.128 1749.945 -13.34456 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 003 
    !tele -2447.421 1612.805 -27.2319 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 004 
    !tele -2650.239 1666.659 10.09411 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 016 
    !tele -4151.091 3425.816 293.0496 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 017 
    !tele -2648.267 3020.655 -13.21281 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 018 
    !tele -2375.42 2848.075 -69.87861 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 019 
    !tele -2205.609 2968.304 -69.0715 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 020 
    !tele -2098.932 3116.509 -51.31049 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 021 
    !tele -2047.739 3278.562 -61.8309 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 022 
    !tele -2058.995 3560.385 -74.50244 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Corpse Location 023 
    !tele -1876.504 3700.502 -19.74179 0 530
    !tele 0 0 0 0 530
    Nagrand Portal Plateau 
    !tele -1289.794 9166.722 218.0805 0 530
    Nagrand Elemental Plateau 
    !tele -856.2137 6600.061 173.7531 0 530
    Nagrand SW Graveyard 
    !tele -2033.528 8479.527 -0.312287 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Throne of Kil'Jaedan 
    !tele 700.0906 2207.991 288.5178 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Dark Portal 
    !tele -249.7649 1023.319 54.32544 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Bone Wastes GY 
    !tele -3562.406 4666.442 -21.98638 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Harborage GY 
    !tele 874.9109 7284.72 23.0167 0 530
    Zangarmarsh Sporeggar GY 
    !tele 337.1249 8616.865 24.15626 0 530
    Netherstorm Stormspire GY 
    !tele 4363.881 3093.743 132.97 0 530
    Netherstorm Area 52 GY 
    !tele 3032.437 3594.28 145.8183 0 530
    Shadowmoon Valley Shadowmoon Village GY 
    !tele -2999.227 2439.06 62.31255 0 530
    Shadowmoon Valley Wildhammer GY 
    !tele -4022.988 2048.58 96.89442 0 530
    Blade's Edge Sylvanaar GY 
    !tele 1955.904 6768.811 164.0611 0 530
    Blade's Edge Thunderlord GY 
    !tele 2218.901 6017.354 135.9206 0 530
    Terokkar Forest Skettis GY 
    !tele -3942.589 3686.287 286.7603 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 005 
    !tele -2652.662 1484.209 23.24333 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 006 
    !tele -2477.686 1386.238 47.26426 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 007 
    !tele -2459.082 1277.568 33.36959 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 008 
    !tele -2464.278 1074.655 33.70033 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 009 
    !tele -2597.449 1040.724 40.00664 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 010 
    !tele -2753.667 966.1463 -3.373643 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 011 
    !tele -2721.158 711.0336 -21.30142 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 012 
    !tele -2752.543 509.309 -25.6439 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 013 
    !tele -3004.488 482.0506 -15.39617 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 014 
    !tele -2997.384 207.5794 3.166604 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 015 
    !tele -4084.617 120.5132 63.0947 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 016 
    !tele -4231.622 58.62674 7.603757 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 017 
    !tele -4445.808 224.8442 93.54214 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 018 
    !tele -4507.595 553.553 124.2585 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 019 
    !tele -4445.426 863.5579 6.451982 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 020 
    !tele -4791.516 1082.184 -8.866979 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 021 
    !tele -4618.168 1850.606 153.4386 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 022 
    !tele -4568.143 2023.798 90.06275 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 023 
    !tele -4541.319 2281.759 17.79532 0 530
    Shadowmoon Corpse Location 024 
    !tele -4408.892 2328.78 31.21297 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 000 
    !tele 1932.998 7389.176 364.8876 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 001 
    !tele 2356.31 7345.093 363.3094 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 002 
    !tele 2818.311 7269.72 364.234 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 003 
    !tele 3199.991 7264.964 146.6597 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 004 
    !tele 3432.887 7312.378 138.6475 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 005 
    !tele 3753.245 7118.026 141.1424 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 006 
    !tele 3797.193 6900.236 142.4289 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 007 
    !tele 3839.148 6586.807 135.0938 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 008 
    !tele 3482.779 6487.127 134.426 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 009 
    !tele 3656.614 6208.107 272.7013 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 010 
    !tele 3995.325 6092.064 262.3427 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 011 
    !tele 4095.108 5811.886 259.7625 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 012 
    !tele 4153.549 5508.917 272.1116 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 013 
    !tele 4120.706 5214.146 264.9877 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 014 
    !tele 4086.354 4849.898 267.429 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 015 
    !tele 3926.204 4825.278 264.9824 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 016 
    !tele 3731.115 4738.445 240.9427 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 017 
    !tele 3455.314 4468.35 154.243 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 018 
    !tele 3323.599 4503.877 152.4047 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 019 
    !tele 2877.525 4738.905 278.7247 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 020 
    !tele 2653.003 5100.261 275.4593 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 021 
    !tele 2344.619 5072.5 268.1646 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 022 
    !tele 2251.085 4907.941 140.9575 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 023 
    !tele 2274.353 4725.426 159.4515 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 024 
    !tele 2102.656 4685.081 139.9528 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 025 
    !tele 1914.582 4677.853 133.2797 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 026 
    !tele 1771.943 4585.165 144.923 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 027 
    !tele 1621.036 4563.139 137.2652 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 028 
    !tele 1606.357 4792.579 138.085 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 029 
    !tele 1596.314 4948.648 169.6685 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 030 
    !tele 1616.903 5077.052 174.7611 0 530
    Netherstorm BG - Graveyard (Alliance Start) 
    !tele 2523.756 1596.13 1247.7 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Graveyard (Horde Start) 
    !tele 1803.021 1539.967 1249.189 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Graveyard (Felreaver) 
    !tele 2013.062 1677.238 1182.126 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Graveyard (BE Tower) 
    !tele 2012.403 1455.412 1172.202 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Graveyard (Draenei Tower) 
    !tele 2351.22 1455.63 1185.33 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Graveyard (Human Tower) 
    !tele 2355.298 1683.714 1173.154 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 000 
    !tele 2626.898 1457.847 1225.536 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 2603.99 1695.964 1229.464 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 2495.96 1402.39 1204.588 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 2541.247 1787.237 1187.976 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 2353.734 1336.662 1192.144 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 2368.347 1800.785 1166.335 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 2253.473 1298.661 1188.844 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 2227.599 1819.579 1151.61 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 2047.889 1324.838 1170.765 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 2057.311 1848.257 1192.269 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 1914.77 1381.502 1175.387 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 1918.943 1766.295 1194.124 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 1796.215 1341.522 1188.567 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 1808.187 1726.816 1206.021 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 1724.505 1405.741 1208.55 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 015 
    !tele 1692.782 1672.565 1225.528 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 016 
    !tele 2121.787 1670.498 1169.267 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 017 
    !tele 2111.424 1441.817 1163.869 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 018 
    !tele 2213.185 1469.543 1175.014 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 019 
    !tele 2226.599 1692.81 1161.845 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 020 
    !tele 2174.898 1594.506 1126.51 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 021 
    !tele 2173.64 1534.452 1129.239 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 022 
    !tele 2213.83 1328.191 1178.458 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 023 
    !tele 2113.42 1326.882 1153.995 0 566
    Netherstorm BG - Corpse Catcher 024 
    !tele 2117.21 1807.682 1171.555 0 566
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 000 
    !tele 3491.415 4127.388 119.8369 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 3578.555 3957.098 117.9995 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 3586.964 3717.307 115.5932 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 3640.771 3522.842 104.1219 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 3520.196 3511.703 125.4367 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 3399.305 3400.409 101.8257 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 3271.49 3366.921 105.2141 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 3188.366 3257.081 88.97301 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 3022.791 3163.705 118.3358 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 2943.656 3056.638 112.724 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 2846.521 2955.54 113.5076 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 2815.297 2830.886 76.01709 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 2695.051 2940.241 94.98325 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 2570.5 3135.964 107.7492 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 2511.976 3275.155 99.74904 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 015 
    !tele 2449.934 3377.494 115.3031 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 016 
    !tele 2519.661 3538.7 120.5744 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 017 
    !tele 2479.837 3695.679 106.2091 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 018 
    !tele 2433.441 3835.277 94.94009 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 019 
    !tele 2403.43 3995.291 99.26665 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 020 
    !tele 2477.41 4151.272 113.6951 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 021 
    !tele 2535.257 4396.421 103.3217 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 022 
    !tele 2710.519 4440.323 105.852 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 023 
    !tele 2916.155 4444.488 111.4421 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 024 
    !tele 3069.101 4357.14 119.0686 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 025 
    !tele 3091.804 4146.839 126.1623 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 026 
    !tele 3221.168 4069.098 103.2939 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 027 
    !tele 3355.789 4149.285 137.7834 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 028 
    !tele 3980.612 4262.213 130.0588 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 029 
    !tele 3802.701 4204.433 108.9109 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 030 
    !tele 3766.714 4008.229 116.7881 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 031 
    !tele 3796.267 3772.185 100.5451 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 032 
    !tele 4049.615 3692.781 101.5729 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 033 
    !tele 4152.527 3886.205 121.3041 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 034 
    !tele 4235.157 4080.622 95.36748 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 035 
    !tele 4169.833 4209.064 118.7108 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 036 
    !tele 3836.078 3477.26 75.52634 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 037 
    !tele 3994.947 3538.268 122.0083 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 038 
    !tele 4211.398 3632.001 124.1094 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 039 
    !tele 4395.243 3708.615 96.61596 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 040 
    !tele 4580.691 3584 94.00021 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 041 
    !tele 4793.192 3527.374 102.1635 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 042 
    !tele 4903.714 3323.859 101.0886 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 043 
    !tele 4945.869 3110.829 98.21889 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 044 
    !tele 5156.753 2974.214 75.55501 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 045 
    !tele 5204.699 2868.108 54.30418 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 046 
    !tele 5019.972 2798.727 52.08936 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 047 
    !tele 4885.182 2663.13 85.24051 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 048 
    !tele 4853.174 2354.017 101.2794 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 049 
    !tele 4680.812 2287.479 129.446 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 050 
    !tele 4522.445 2280.277 136.924 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 051 
    !tele 4436.573 2485.477 90.37124 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 052 
    !tele 4448.295 2658.147 111.3556 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 053 
    !tele 4285.063 2837.04 100.7998 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 054 
    !tele 4136.619 2699.332 101.0249 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 055 
    !tele 3975.243 2807.436 115.8797 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 056 
    !tele 3931.786 3020.667 104.8025 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 057 
    !tele 3895.876 3257.64 120.552 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 058 
    !tele 3629.359 3095.109 112.2381 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 059 
    !tele 3476.446 3293.56 94.86618 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 060 
    !tele 3348.41 3172.063 91.68885 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 061 
    !tele 3216.284 2992.535 124.7638 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 062 
    !tele 3022.813 2892.907 90.2431 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 063 
    !tele 2860.469 2735.281 86.17997 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 064 
    !tele 2863.803 2537.41 105.193 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 065 
    !tele 2856.084 2297.04 98.81595 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 066 
    !tele 2834.86 2040.241 92.68917 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 067 
    !tele 2868.811 1848.694 96.86122 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 068 
    !tele 2895.752 1708.091 105.7903 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 069 
    !tele 3110.675 1624.432 112.8165 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 070 
    !tele 3276.015 1726.586 101.6283 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 071 
    !tele 3332.26 1986.97 94.53391 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 072 
    !tele 3315.851 2185.522 108.3917 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 073 
    !tele 3384.582 2376.219 73.51157 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 074 
    !tele 3492.838 2570.839 138.4844 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 075 
    !tele 3590.413 2677.079 134.9675 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 076 
    !tele 3740.939 2696.993 112.4955 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 077 
    !tele 3737.85 2894.691 100.4607 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 078 
    !tele 3862.946 2554.456 80.62118 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 079 
    !tele 3648.265 2414.609 75.89886 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 080 
    !tele 3546.971 2219.758 92.16543 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 081 
    !tele 3550.01 2002.349 92.28361 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 082 
    !tele 3509.692 1762.49 75.38235 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 083 
    !tele 3645.263 1712.665 106.5186 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 084 
    !tele 3681.177 1558.56 103.0637 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 085 
    !tele 3775.548 1437.536 -152.8722 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 086 
    !tele 3969.014 1336.414 -143.4687 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 087 
    !tele 4166.448 1329.147 -149.7438 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 088 
    !tele 4199.538 1484.236 -127.523 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 089 
    !tele 4258.283 1672.845 113.5015 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 090 
    !tele 4362.233 1927.158 95.64145 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 091 
    !tele 4347.15 2143.361 116.9266 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 092 
    !tele 4246.958 2450.754 91.29505 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 093 
    !tele 4117.149 2332.295 103.1074 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 094 
    !tele 3975.805 2437.473 114.278 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 095 
    !tele 2501.339 1983.391 84.33974 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 096 
    !tele 2573.346 2127.095 98.82225 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 097 
    !tele 2648.163 2353.629 93.28333 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 098 
    !tele 2659.245 2547.139 110.0842 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 099 
    !tele 2587.893 2711.604 110.0371 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 100 
    !tele 2473.627 2964.976 106.7415 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 101 
    !tele 2209.183 2901.677 93.66354 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 102 
    !tele 2164.32 2667.395 78.44787 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 103 
    !tele 2078.212 2405.502 65.87785 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 104 
    !tele 2079.816 2227.039 67.65511 0 530
    Netherstorm - Corpse Catcher 105 
    !tele 2240.179 2067.796 61.74947 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Force Camps (Alliance) 
    !tele 552.188 1995.149 103.7015 0 530
    Blade's Edge Evergrove GY 
    !tele 3065.004 5426.416 148.3897 0 530
    Blade's Edge North Ridge GY 
    !tele 3872.659 5514.406 271.9772 0 530
    Blade's Edge West Ridge GY 
    !tele 2296.352 7023.231 364.1174 0 530
    Blade's Edge East Ridge GY 
    !tele 2312.272 5083.93 272.4486 0 530
    Icecrown BG - Horde Zone In 
    !tele 1212.036 -762.6962 48.91625 0 628
    Alterac Valley Alliance Exit 
    !tele 101.144 -184.934 127.344 0 0
    Netherstorm Cosmowrench GY 
    !tele 2980.192 1869.825 143.6069 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula Spinebreaker GY 
    !tele -1272.425 2436.846 64.09721 0 530
    Tanaris CoT GY 
    !tele -8557.234 -4470.853 -213.4834 0 1
    Shadowmoon Valley Altar GY 
    !tele -3134.536 719.4841 -20.63626 0 530
    Shadowmoon Valley Sanctum GY 
    !tele -4117.032 1058.258 31.56562 0 530
    Netherstorm Kirin'Var GY 
    !tele 2362.672 2327.414 106.1803 0 530
    Blade's Edge Toshley GY 
    !tele 2011.386 5575.786 262.7174 0 530
    Blade's Edge Raven Wood GY 
    !tele 3522.843 6821.624 140.8789 0 530
    Blade's Edge NE Ridge GY 
    !tele 3447.313 4803.822 260.2125 0 530
    Silverpine Forest South GY 
    !tele -382.9115 1117.416 84.37037 0 0
    Terokkar Forest Ogre GY 
    !tele -1148.085 5897.62 188.3365 0 530
    Lordaeron PVP - Team 1 Start 
    !tele 1277.869 1744.902 32.5 0 572
    Lordaeron PVP - Team 2 Start 
    !tele 1295.126 1586.444 32.5 0 572
    Lordaeron PVP - Graveyard 
    !tele 1285.811 1667.897 39.95764 0 572
    Black Temple Alliance GY 
    !tele -3524.267 619.5283 4.665331 0 530
    Black Temple Horde GY 
    !tele -3624.933 600.007 11.669 0 530
    Blade's Edge Corpse Location 031 
    !tele 3621.868 6519.529 124.339 0 530
    Dustwallow Marsh Tabetha's GY 
    !tele -4032.191 -3413.807 38.5331 0 1
    Dustwallow Marsh Mudsprocket GY 
    !tele -4632.75 -3129.429 34.94302 0 1
    Howling Fjord Northwest GY 
    !tele 1958.13 -3682.219 171.9103 0 571
    Howling Fjord Tuskarr GY 
    !tele 728.2656 -2992.265 24.98347 0 571
    Howling Fjord Island GY 
    !tele 117.0234 -3698.801 0.683407 0 571
    Howling Fjord Central GY 
    !tele 1191.767 -4115.084 149.6887 0 571
    Howling Fjord North GY 
    !tele 2243.119 -4650.643 218.9613 0 571
    Howling Fjord Vengance GY 
    !tele 1923.724 -5986.354 9.052793 0 571
    Howling Fjord Southeast GY 
    !tele 717.7784 -5878.414 287.0005 0 571
    Howling Fjord South Beach GY 
    !tele 205.0035 -5944.015 7.374708 0 571
    Howling Fjord South GY 
    !tele 57.91775 -4649.077 283.569 0 571
    Howling Fjord Valgarde GY 
    !tele 668.0245 -4931.679 3.909327 0 571
    Howling Fjord Northeast GY 
    !tele 1808.77 -5608.61 219.419 0 571
    Un'Goro Crater Central GY 
    !tele -7353.196 -1315.427 -262.2133 0 1
    Un'Goro Crater Marshal's GY 
    !tele -6160.104 -1142.502 -217.7739 0 1
    Stonetalon Mountains Charred Vale GY 
    !tele 476.1875 1469.839 9.513799 0 1
    Stonetalon Mountains Peak GY 
    !tele 2730.088 1286.925 292.4213 0 1
    Tanaris Pirate GY 
    !tele -7754.59 -4972.01 3.63681 0 1
    Tanaris Central GY 
    !tele -8642.4 -4036.93 43.1698 0 1
    Winterspring South GY 
    !tele 5633.32 -4758.878 777.7094 0 1
    Winterspring West GY 
    !tele 6499.684 -2383.901 589.5654 0 1
    Wintergrasp Fortress (East) 
    !tele 5537.462 2904.91 517.6645 0 571
    Western Plaguelands Central GY 
    !tele 1839.768 -2149.685 67.49348 0 0
    Searing Gorge SE GY 
    !tele -6867.313 -1539.838 241.8154 0 0
    Badlands South GY 
    !tele -7101.035 -3488.314 242.0658 0 0
    The Barrens South GY 
    !tele -3971.573 -2014.045 96.58076 0 1
    Borean Tundra Tuskar GY 
    !tele 3041.212 4314.904 29.07615 0 571
    Terokkar Forest Razorthorn Rise GY 
    !tele -1424.37 4359.581 241.5661 0 530
    Isle of Quel'Danas Staging Area GY 
    !tele 12851.75 -6854.801 11.86118 0 530
    Isle of Quel'Danas Staging Area GY 
    !tele 12851.75 -6854.801 11.86118 0 530
    Isle of Quel'Danas Staging Area GY 
    !tele 12851.75 -6854.801 110.8612 0 530
    Development Land Theresa's Test Land GY 
    !tele -10425.29 7329.169 313.9674 0 451
    Development Land Theresa's Test Land 2 GY 
    !tele -10431.21 7377.978 313.9674 0 451
    Development Land Theresa's Test land 3 GY 
    !tele -10414.65 7414.449 312.9574 0 451
    Terokkar Forest Lake Jorune GY 
    !tele -2433.643 4660.969 160.8826 0 530
    Icecrown BG - Alliance Zone In 
    !tele 347.6406 -836.1614 48.91625 0 628
    Grizzly Hills Vileprey GY 
    !tele 3100.183 -1983.396 83.3072 0 571
    Grizzly Hills Amberpine GY 
    !tele 3534.13 -2882.061 204.6249 0 571
    Grizzly Hills Westfall GY 
    !tele 4352.775 -4247.986 162.3178 0 571
    Grizzly Hills Eastern GY 
    !tele 4117.909 -4816.409 76.0073 0 571
    Grizzly Hills Northwestern GY 
    !tele 3967.283 -2316.644 213.8734 0 571
    Grizzly Hills Southwestern GY 
    !tele 2933.637 -2836.777 73.69391 0 571
    Grizzly Hills Central GY 
    !tele 4323.393 -3606.845 247.9998 0 571
    Dragonblight Northeastern GY 
    !tele 4604.763 -976.6495 169.5398 0 571
    Dragonblight Wintergarde GY 
    !tele 3667.906 -1044.362 130.5621 0 571
    Dragonblight Forsaken East GY 
    !tele 3218.74 -700.3675 167.4821 0 571
    Dragonblight Agmar's Hammer GY 
    !tele 3843.015 1425.518 90.64106 0 571
    Dragonblight Star's Rest GY 
    !tele 3498.378 2100.416 69.50249 0 571
    Dragonblight Moa'ki Harbor GY 
    !tele 2772.184 1042.399 25.04501 0 571
    Dragonblight Borean Border GY 
    !tele 3599.17 2846.069 70.95234 0 571
    Dragonblight Wyrmrest GY 
    !tele 3538.17 275.5101 45.61191 0 571
    Dragonblight Wrathgate Horde GY 
    !tele 4812.895 1022.494 144.8142 0 571
    Dragonblight Wrathgate Alliance GY 
    !tele 4466.174 1257.022 140.7904 0 571
    Borean Tundra Warsong Hold GY 
    !tele 2842 5973.158 114.1959 0 571
    Borean Tundra Riplash GY 
    !tele 2007.962 5936.552 37.40332 0 571
    Borean Tundra Coldarra GY 
    !tele 3621.885 6805.535 171.7057 0 571
    Borean Tundra Amber Ledge GY 
    !tele 3559.929 5818.794 128.9395 0 571
    Borean Tundra Fizzcrank GY 
    !tele 4223.438 5335.884 30.65223 0 571
    Borean Tundra Bor'Gorok GY 
    !tele 4514.808 5661.557 82.03075 0 571
    Borean Tundra Death's Stand GY 
    !tele 3041.141 3843.493 3.757794 0 571
    Borean Tundra Taunka'le GY 
    !tele 3576.159 4087.61 22.33119 0 571
    Borean Tundra Coast of Echoes GY 
    !tele 2842.964 6655.172 36.41266 0 571
    Borean Tundra Valiance Keep GY 
    !tele 2478.593 5289.409 32.38382 0 571
    Alterac Valley - DO NOT EDIT 
    !tele 791.4324 -419.4488 136.5722 0 0
    Wintergrasp Fortress (West) 
    !tele 5537.569 2905.035 517.7237 0 571
    Wintergrasp Siege Factory (Defense NE) 
    !tele 5104.354 2302.234 368.4847 0 571
    Wintergrasp Siege Factory (Defense NW) 
    !tele 5101.043 3461.448 368.4847 0 571
    Wintergrasp Horde Starting Area 
    !tele 5031.505 3710.427 372.3638 0 571
    Wintergrasp Alliance Starting Area 
    !tele 5140.354 2182.008 390.7513 0 571
    Wintergrasp Siege Factory (SE) 
    !tele 4317.971 2407.425 392.619 0 571
    Wintergrasp Siege Factory (SW) 
    !tele 4335.81 3234.559 390.2507 0 571
    Sholazar Basin South GY 
    !tele 4826.361 5467.171 -54.77472 0 571
    Howling Fjord Utgarde GY 
    !tele 1335.472 -4785.18 188.0767 0 571
    Sholazar Basin Nesingwary GY 
    !tele 5620.522 5840.974 -63.47269 0 571
    Sholazar Basin Central GY 
    !tele 5538.257 4851.613 -196.9791 0 571
    Sholazar Basin Northwest GY 
    !tele 6246.948 5164.337 -83.20306 0 571
    Sholazar Basin Northeast GY 
    !tele 6274.768 4409.439 -68.90105 0 571
    Sholazar Basin East GY 
    !tele 5519.071 3593.277 -14.21861 0 571
    Northrend BG - Controlled - South 
    !tele 1388.804 203.3549 32.15267 0 607
    Northrend BG - Controlled - South West 
    !tele 1396.06 -288.0369 32.08151 0 607
    Northrend BG - Controlled - Central 
    !tele 1122.278 4.416178 68.93583 0 607
    Northrend BG - Defender - Final 
    !tele 964.5953 -189.784 90.6605 0 607
    Northrend BG - Offense - Beach 
    !tele 1457.194 -53.71327 5.181094 0 607
    Northrend BG - Offense - Boat 
    !tele 1618.809 31.28293 8.347077 0 607
    Zul'Drak Western GY 
    !tele 5703.967 -2467.939 287.5502 0 571
    Zul'Drak Northwestern GY 
    !tele 5557.911 -1615.608 242.2469 0 571
    Zul'Drak Southwestern GY 
    !tele 5244.652 -2133.331 244.7526 0 571
    Zul'Drak Southern GY 
    !tele 4939.807 -2958.487 289.5351 0 571
    Zul'Drak Central GY 
    !tele 5798.515 -3286.553 363.3794 0 571
    Zul'Drak Southeastern GY 
    !tele 5522.765 -4101.729 364.3581 0 571
    Zul'Drak Gun'Drak GY 
    !tele 6618.709 -4795.516 450.5219 0 571
    Crystalsong Forest Dalaran GY 
    !tele 5849.214 763.3107 641.0529 0 571
    Ebon Hold GY - Chapter I 
    !tele 2364.417 -5771.316 151.3669 0 609
    Dalaran Arena - PvP Graveyard 
    !tele 1292.135 790.993 8.114627 0 617
    Dalaran Arena - Team 1 Spawn 
    !tele 1218.007 764.7952 14.72972 0 617
    Dalaran Arena - Team 2 Spawn 
    !tele 1361.76 817.3368 14.84489 0 617
    Orgrimmar Arena - Team 1 Spawn 
    !tele 830.314 -303.432 28.2938 0 618
    Orgrimmar Arena - Team 2 Spawn 
    !tele 694.547 -261.914 28.4074 0 618
    Orgrimmar Arena - Graveyard 
    !tele 762.9094 -284.2815 28.27667 0 618
    Sands of Ulduran - Alliance Spawn 
    !tele 1623.703 -94.8278 12.35112 0 607
    Sands of Ulduran - Horde Spawn 
    !tele 1617.169 67.12505 8.058133 0 607
    Eastern Plaguelands Ebon Hold GY 
    !tele 2366.633 -5774.417 151.5433 0 0
    Ebon Hold GY - Chapter II/III 
    !tele 1886.777 -5784.586 102.8608 0 609
    Ebon Hold GY - Chapter IV 
    !tele 2116.195 -5286.937 81.21513 0 609
    Un'Goro Crater Shaper's Terrace GY 
    !tele -6115.443 -1339.497 -179.5762 0 1
    Dustwallow Marsh Theramore Safe 
    !tele -3769.468 -4883.156 5.516703 0 1
    Stormwind City Stormwind Safe 
    !tele -8290.622 1403.522 4.730405 0 0
    Howling Fjord Utgarde 2 GY 
    !tele 1103.077 -4977.503 32.32247 0 571
    The Great Sea - Safe Point Tirisfal 
    !tele 977.851 1283.7 46.1984 0 0
    Durotar Orgrimmar Safe 2 
    !tele 1339.99 -4477.61 25.5879 0 1
    Sholazar Basin Stormwright GY 
    !tele 6351.793 5643.561 70.54187 0 571
    Crystalsong Forest Alliance GY 
    !tele 5041.855 -642.7242 225.2069 0 571
    Icecrown Argent Vanguard 
    !tele 6070.447 85.97041 369.6164 0 571
    Storm Peaks Valkyrion GY 
    !tele 7080.438 -141.2238 783.2315 0 571
    Storm Peaks Ulduar GY 
    !tele 9021.61 -1166.619 1058.798 0 571
    Storm Peaks Temple East GY 
    !tele 7915.029 -2453.762 1137.962 0 571
    Storm Peaks Temple West GY 
    !tele 8105.496 -996.5812 936.7095 0 571
    Storm Peaks Frostfield GY 
    !tele 7463.8 -3320.1 898.228 0 571
    Crystalsong Forest West GY 
    !tele 5882.892 666.8057 169.5078 0 571
    Crystalsong Forest Horde GY 
    !tele 5597.147 -595.5306 190.9971 0 571
    Dragonblight Naxxramas GY 
    !tele 3421.199 -1280.934 125.9729 0 571
    Dragonblight Icemist GY 
    !tele 3793.732 2064.345 93.65121 0 571
    Icecrown Glacier Quarry GY 
    !tele 8188.079 2859.481 604.0756 0 571
    Icecrown Glacier Vrykul Central GY 
    !tele 7233.664 2159.704 564.7039 0 571
    Icecrown Glacier Northeast Ice GY 
    !tele 7886.051 718.7763 519.1957 0 571
    Grizzly Hills Drak'tharon GY 
    !tele 4421.295 -1981.248 158.1663 0 571
    Northrend BG - Defender Start 
    !tele 1232.386 -65.72933 70.08428 0 607
    Storm Peaks Temple of the Makers GY 
    !tele 7825.225 -2023.124 1225.399 0 571
    Storm Peaks Snowdrift GY 
    !tele 8387.584 -214.278 839.4457 0 571
    Storm Peaks Temple of Storms GY 
    !tele 6947.002 -545.4081 914.9273 0 571
    Storm Peaks K3 GY 
    !tele 6422.349 -1184.347 446.5326 0 571
    Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart GY 
    !tele 5036.333 4494.317 -93.32903 0 571
    Eastern Plaguelands: Acherus 
    !tele 2359.22 -5661.06 382.262 0 0
    Icecrown Glacier Jotunheim GY 
    !tele 7149.745 3691.576 817.8516 0 571
    Storm Peaks Foot Steppes GY 
    !tele 7092.462 -1440.91 922.6363 0 571
    Undercity - Alliance - Wrath Gate 
    !tele 1773.33 768.8083 55.68528 0 0
    AAAAA Test Port Loc 
    !tele 791.4324 -419.4488 136.5722 0 0
    Alterac Mountains - Central GY 
    !tele 801.33 -429.95 135.419 0 0
    Winterspring Wintersaber GY 
    !tele 7766.875 -4100.874 697.019 0 1
    Winterspring Crossroad GY 
    !tele 6620.385 -3541.752 681.7675 0 1
    Winterspring Darkwhisper GY 
    !tele 4451.993 -4289.874 908.6771 0 1
    Azshara Southern Azshara GY 
    !tele 2706.121 -6097.327 106.8724 0 1
    Azshara Bilgewater Harbor GY 
    !tele 3529.199 -6580.022 51.74048 0 1
    Desolace Ghost Walker Post GY 
    !tele -1436.58 1972.8 86.0455 0 1
    Desolace Sar'theris Strand GY 
    !tele -1783.512 2857.268 56.6694 0 1
    Desolace Mannoroc Coven GY 
    !tele -1967.222 1723.911 61.66676 0 1
    Desolace Magram Village GY 
    !tele -1554.8 982.22 90.2945 0 1
    Desolace Roadside GY 
    !tele -479.875 1223.39 96.8448 0 1
    Ashenvale Shrine of Aessina GY 
    !tele 2928.992 380.2511 91.66671 0 1
    Ashenvale Nightsong GY 
    !tele 2291.299 -1731.708 118.3589 0 1
    Stonetalon Mountains Windshear Crag GY 
    !tele 1284.358 -298.8889 5.51002 0 1
    Stonetalon Mountains Mirkfallon GY 
    !tele 1697.927 1043.953 148.4598 0 1
    The Barrens Forgotten Pools 
    !tele 161.3863 -1693.858 93.55161 0 1
    The Barrens North GY 
    !tele 790.0622 -2541.626 91.66666 0 1
    The Barrens Raptor Grounds 
    !tele -1887.987 -3055.972 91.66666 0 1
    The Barrens Central GY 
    !tele -1480.132 -2143.873 92.82063 0 1
    The Barrens East GY 
    !tele 271.8383 -3313.755 56.02663 0 1
    Mulgore Southeast GY 
    !tele -2725.266 -1115.392 20.18697 0 1
    Mulgore Red Rocks GY 
    !tele -1171.67 -1129.757 27.79482 0 1
    Thousand Needles Freewind Post GY (MOVED) 
    !tele -5433.42 -2290.76 89.7694 0 1
    Thousand Needles Speed Barge GY (MOVED) 
    !tele -6182.59 -3990.9 1.32481 0 1
    Tanaris Southwest GY 
    !tele -9044.899 -2721.878 37.3756 0 1
    Tanaris Abyssal Sands GY 
    !tele -7751.655 -3010.436 41.70992 0 1
    Feralas Ruins of Isildien GY 
    !tele -5526.98 1450.47 23.8653 0 1
    Feralas Lower Wilds GY 
    !tele -4336.79 -383.486 36.5027 0 1
    Feralas Twin Colossals GY 
    !tele -3332.57 2276.82 27.5557 0 1
    Silithus Hive'Regal 
    !tele -7967.792 784.5016 -1.014318 0 1
    Silithus Twilight Base Camp 
    !tele -7051.925 1290.273 5.885428 0 1
    Arathi Highlands Stromgarde 
    !tele -1343.262 -2046.726 70.67328 0 0
    Hillsbrad Foothills Thoradin's Wall 
    !tele -898.726 -1473.563 58.08033 0 0
    Eastern Plaguelands Northdale 
    !tele 3120.06 -4811.37 100.849 0 0
    Eastern Plaguelands Stratholme 
    !tele 3339.802 -3229.785 142.8126 0 0
    Eastern Plaguelands West GY 
    !tele 2208.665 -2923.057 107.9296 0 0
    Western Plaguelands Hearthglen 
    !tele 2663.412 -1725.173 123.8891 0 0
    Hillsbrad Foothills Hillsbrad Fields GY 
    !tele -567.583 124.726 53.7744 0 0
    The Hinterlands Seradane 
    !tele 581.7966 -3827.57 119.9147 0 0
    The Hinterlands Shadra'Alor 
    !tele -192.3868 -3043.903 120.1364 0 0
    Wetlands Sundown Marsh GY 
    !tele -2953.305 -1758.103 9.413156 0 0
    Wetlands South Road GY 
    !tele -3949.807 -2876.526 12.99467 0 0
    Wetlands Raptor Ridge GY 
    !tele -3343.098 -3424.86 64.47942 0 0
    AAA - Arena (Dev Test) 
    !tele -13205.57 272.7031 21.85707 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale Central GY 
    !tele -12549.05 -587.8281 39.17309 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale Savage Coast GY 
    !tele -12000.87 429.6371 2.8964 0 0
    Duskwood Central GY 
    !tele -10839.23 -480.7642 42.46022 0 0
    Westfall Dagger Hills GY 
    !tele -11218.66 1711.246 39.02911 0 0
    Westfall Longshore 
    !tele -9979.971 1757.778 37.11521 0 0
    Blasted Lands Dark Portal GY 
    !tele -11806.7 -2962.67 7.66107 0 0
    Swamp of Sorrows Alliance Hub GY 
    !tele -9955.63 -3918.54 23.2837 0 0
    Swamp of Sorrows Splinterspear GY 
    !tele -10347.2 -2585.03 23.5991 0 0
    Redridge Mountains Stonewatch 
    !tele -9473.004 -3009.032 134.8253 0 0
    Elwynn Forest Tower of Azora 
    !tele -9564.74 -605.882 58.44093 0 0
    Burning Steppes Blackrock Mountain 
    !tele -7923.563 -1353.225 134.0787 0 0
    Burning Steppes East GY 
    !tele -7596.94 -1103.78 250.207 0 0
    Dun Morogh Iceflow Lake 
    !tele -5280.52 317.756 396.86 0 0
    Dun Morogh East Road 
    !tele -5475.18 -1845.844 399.7857 0 0
    Loch Modan The Loch 
    !tele -5329.976 -3779.335 310.2138 0 0
    Wintergrasp Fortress Graveyard (Indoors) 
    !tele 5463.844 2840.68 418.6751 0 571
    Darkshore Central GY 
    !tele 6252.282 240.4221 21.22143 0 1
    Stonetalon Mountains Southeast GY 
    !tele -103.0851 -694.2118 4.355535 0 1
    Dragonblight Crystal Vice GY 
    !tele 4680.722 51.01665 73.2117 0 571
    Icecrown Argent Tournament GY 
    !tele 8466.049 450.3702 596.0718 0 571
    Icecrown BG - GY - Docks 
    !tele 635.3854 -279.658 11.38361 0 628
    Icecrown BG - GY - Airport 
    !tele 774.1788 -1094.281 135.4128 0 628
    Icecrown BG - GY - Workshop 
    !tele 774.8386 -660.2188 8.884678 0 628
    Icecrown BG - GY - Alliance Default 
    !tele 455.2066 -314.5938 50.99097 0 628
    Icecrown BG - GY - Horde Default 
    !tele 1141.49 -1226.222 14.94727 0 628
    Icecrown BG - GY - Alliance Keep 
    !tele 278.3559 -876.9653 48.91626 0 628
    Icecrown BG - GY - Horde Keep 
    !tele 1302.604 -814.6511 48.91629 0 628
    The Lost Isles - Shipwreck Shore GY 
    !tele 631.2604 3116.997 3.234979 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Orc Camp GY 
    !tele 516.533 2706.77 105.894 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Wild Overlook GY 
    !tele 871.4827 2780.2 114.6622 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Alliance Beachhead GY 
    !tele 1004.783 3310.497 3.385223 0 648
    The Barrens Honor's Stand (disabled) 
    !tele -647.207 -1118.61 211.598 0 1
    Gilneas - Duskhaven 
    !tele -1891.672 2322.45 39.55667 0 654
    Gilneas - Farmstead GY 
    !tele -1917.62 2571.775 1.391919 0 654
    The Lost Isles - Vengeance Wake - Phase 3 GY 
    !tele 971.0938 3802.981 14.3921 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Vengeance Wake - Phase 4 GY 
    !tele 983.0156 3827.412 9.015012 0 648
    Dustwallow Marsh The Wyrmbog GY 
    !tele -4556.135 -3599.677 41.31478 0 1
    Icecrown Glacier Citadel GY 
    !tele 6447.487 2060.856 564.0303 0 571
    Sunwell - Quel'Delar Entrance 
    !tele 1620.946 624.7014 32.89679 0 580
    Kezan - KTC Headquarters GY 
    !tele -8387.839 1289.51 92.78459 0 648
    Kezan - Bilgewater Port GY 
    !tele -8122.601 1519.74 10.55246 0 648
    Stranglethorn Vale Gurubashi Arena GY 
    !tele -13323.21 154.6892 17.58772 0 0
    Gilneas City - Merchant Quarter Graveyard 
    !tele -1389.887 1370.141 35.994 0 654
    Gilneas City - Military District Graveyard 
    !tele -1763.561 1410.759 20.88947 0 654
    Gilneas City - Greymane Square Graveyard 
    !tele -1765.411 1658.104 21.3336 0 654
    Gilneas City - Cathedral Graveyard 
    !tele -1561.542 1596.163 28.10107 0 654
    Gilneas - Stormglen Graveyard 
    !tele -2496.998 1468.094 16.80906 0 654
    Gilneas - Blackwald Graveyard 
    !tele -2161.649 1672.226 -38.08928 0 654
    Gilneas - Tempest's Reach Graveyard 2 
    !tele -1951.29 967.6649 77.00562 0 654
    Gilneas - Aderic's Repose Graveyard 
    !tele -1705.606 1854.214 14.81354 0 654
    Durotar Echo Isles GY 
    !tele -1044.98 -5417.07 11.9356 0 1
    Gilneas - Market GY 
    !tele -1387.292 1372.302 35.84664 0 638
    The Lost Isles - Town-In-A-Box Phase 5 6 7 GY 
    !tele 852.9045 2325.903 13.20596 0 661
    The Lost Isles - Ruins of Vashj'elan GY 
    !tele 623.5625 1960.349 13.10212 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Lost Peak - Phase 5 6 7 GY 
    !tele 1480.538 2062.635 224.3365 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Lost Caldera - Phase 5 6 7 GY 
    !tele 1389.392 1336.019 132.9129 0 648
    South Barrens 4.x - Overgrowth GY 
    !tele -1483.2 -2143.7 89.5979 0 1
    South Barrens 4.x - East Overgrowth 
    !tele -1886.519 -3054.274 91.616 0 1
    The Lost Isles - Warchief's Lookout - Phase 5 6 7 8 9 10 GY 
    !tele 1740.962 2690.571 85.31576 0 648
    South Barrens 4.x - Firestone Point Graveyard 
    !tele -3970.924 -2013.129 96.68206 0 1
    South Barrens 4.x - Camp Taurajo Graveyard 
    !tele -2514.785 -1965.885 91.78365 0 1
    The Lost Isles - Sky Falls - Phase 8 9 10 GY 
    !tele 1768.826 2011.969 220.9389 0 659
    The Lost Isles - Verdant Highlands - Phase 8 9 10 GY 
    !tele 2059.658 2314.561 71.34366 0 659
    The Lost Isles - Bilgewater Lumber Yard - Phase 5 6 7 8 9 10 GY 
    !tele 2417.155 1899 13.56921 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Small Island Safe Loc 
    !tele 869.7882 2749.844 121.0783 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Big Island Safe Loc 
    !tele 1569.479 2708.997 85.41539 0 648
    The Lost Isles - Oomlot Village GY 
    !tele 710.9653 1825.797 104.5054 0 648
    Howling Fjord Frostblade GY 
    !tele 2585.825 -5808.931 296.197 0 571
    Vashj'ir Central Ruins GY 
    !tele -6800.42 4561.22 -604.364 0 0
    Vashj'ir Silver Tide Trench GY 
    !tele -6118.9 4113.7 -508.93 0 0
    Vashj'ir Mid Kelp Shelf GY 
    !tele -5001.81 3444.67 -126.063 0 0
    Vashj'ir Early Kelp Shelf GY 
    !tele -4630.96 3796.37 -119.192 0 0
    Vashj'ir Vrykul Shelf GY 
    !tele -7227.22 4284.52 -274.37 0 0
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Entrance 
    !tele 2142.6 175.918 43.6513 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Horde Entrance 
    !tele 1549.538 346.9549 1.285329 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Horde Graveyard (Base) 
    !tele 1561.16 212.76 13.8615 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Graveyard (Base) 
    !tele 2168.1 332.038 34.6959 0 726
    Felwood Shatter Scar GY 
    !tele 5419.362 -588.0695 355.2468 0 1
    Felwood Felpaw Village GY 
    !tele 6469.762 -1899.293 542.7049 0 1
    Wetlands Near Dun Modr GY 
    !tele -2838.017 -2569.807 51.96569 0 0
    Azshara Orgrimmar Rear Gate GY 
    !tele 2589.584 -4770.522 152.2339 0 1
    Azshara Valormok GY 
    !tele 3049.974 -4123.634 103.6399 0 1
    Gilneas BG - Graveyard (H-Mid) 
    !tele 1252.23 836.547 27.7895 0 761
    Gilneas BG - Graveyard (A-Mid) 
    !tele 1034.82 1335.58 12.0095 0 761
    Gilneas BG - Graveyard (Mid) 
    !tele 887.578 937.337 23.7737 0 761
    Gilneas BG - Graveyard (Horde Start) 
    !tele 1401.38 977.125 7.44215 0 761
    Gilneas BG - Graveyard (Alliance Start) 
    !tele 908.274 1338.6 27.6449 0 761
    Mount Hyjal 4.x - Aessina GY 
    !tele 4954.345 -1872.781 1325.003 0 1
    Mount Hyjal 4.x - Crater GY 
    !tele 5417.885 -3190.724 1580.117 0 1
    Mount Hyjal 4.x - Darkwhisper Gorge GY 
    !tele 4640.7 -4548.929 887.9077 0 1
    Mount Hyjal 4.x - Ascendant's Circle GY 
    !tele 3741.398 -3323.988 1011.325 0 1
    Vashj'ir Marianas Face GY 
    !tele -6296.77 6046.69 -788.547 0 0
    Vashj'ir Korthun's End GY 
    !tele -6820.06 6121.64 -616.392 0 0
    Vashj'ir Deepfin Ridge GY 
    !tele -5845.6 6797.46 -1015.16 0 0
    Dun Morogh Ironforge Airfield 
    !tele -4911.24 -1686.98 506.277 0 0
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Graveyard (Center) 
    !tele 1877.15 439.111 -4.00017 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Horde Graveyard (Center) 
    !tele 1816.87 160.083 1.80644 0 726
    Feralas Camp Ataya GY (H) 
    !tele -3138.79 2537.58 54.515 0 1
    Feralas Dreamer's Rest GY (A) 
    !tele -3324.74 1849.3 60.157 0 1
    Burning Steppes Forgewright's Tomb 
    !tele -7588.82 -1114.68 250.207 0 0
    Feralas Ruins of Feathermoon GY 
    !tele -4596.89 3227.94 8.9613 0 1
    Mount Hyjal 4.x - Aviana GY 
    !tele 4943.25 -2647.89 1426.31 0 1
    Deepholm Crimson Expanse GY 
    !tele 1005.2 -862.377 284.08 0 646
    Deepholm Temple of Earth GY 
    !tele 848.028 643.554 -68.839 0 646
    Deepholm Shuddering Spires GY 
    !tele 1979.26 516.986 36.0573 0 646
    Azshara Arcane Pinnacle GY 
    !tele 4931.2 -6446.42 160.962 0 1
    Ashenvale Zoram Strand GY 
    !tele 3814.53 761.219 8.618 0 1
    Desolace Maraudon GY 
    !tele -1473.3 2969.49 122.55 0 1
    Stormwind Cemetery GY 
    !tele -8466.13 902.346 99.0375 0 0
    Thousand Needles High Perch GY (NEW) 
    !tele -4985.76 -1012.17 1.30097 0 1
    Thousand Needles Twilight Hammer Base GY (NEW) 
    !tele -5532.18 -1550.05 88.3667 0 1
    Thousand Needles Razorfen Downs GY (NEW) 
    !tele -4877.27 -2158.2 0.512343 0 1
    Thousand Needles Southsea Holdfast GY (NEW) 
    !tele -6210.23 -4577.74 93.5754 0 1
    South Barrens 4.x - Western Overgrowth GY 
    !tele -1169.13 -1715.43 91.659 0 1
    South Barrens 4.x - Fort Triumph GY 
    !tele -3335.26 -2229.46 91.6988 0 1
    Stonetalon Mountains Charred Vale Overlook GY 
    !tele 1020.02 1615.78 26.1664 0 1
    Stonetalon Mountains Cave GY 
    !tele 1458.7 1277.42 170.603 0 1
    Swamp of Sorrows Pool of Tears GY 
    !tele -10635.3 -4006.97 23.9195 0 0
    The Lost Isles - Volcanoth's Lair - Phase 8 GY 
    !tele 1168.78 1091.21 120.081 0 659
    Blasted Lands Red Reaches GY 
    !tele -12186.8 -3280.54 58.2797 0 0
    Blasted Lands Tainted Forest GY 
    !tele -12186 -2566.58 3.9659 0 0
    Darkshore Gary's Rock 
    !tele 7746.26 -406.382 1.40676 0 1
    Vashj'ir The Abyssal Maw 
    !tele -5587.1 5456.67 -1799.19 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale - Corpse Catcher 000 
    !tele -12920.6 -345.076 21.6859 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele -12834.3 -337.045 23.9511 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele -12731.1 -125.693 3.05499 0 0
    Stranglethorn Vale - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele -12766.6 -22.4375 2.20377 0 0
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Ironclad Garrison 
    !tele -970.465 1088.33 132.992 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard West Spire 
    !tele -1052.1 1490.65 191.407 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Warden's Vigil 
    !tele -1572.14 1169.94 159.501 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard South Spire 
    !tele -1600.28 869.21 193.948 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Slagworks 
    !tele -1343.65 568.823 139.158 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard East Spire 
    !tele -944.34 576.111 157.543 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Baradin Hold 
    !tele -1244.58 981.233 155.425 0 732
    Deepholm Twilight Overlook GY 
    !tele 9.57633 -174.91 204.18 0 646
    Deepholm Central East GY 
    !tele 917.351 -375.334 62.1536 0 646
    Deepholm Fractured Battlefront GY 
    !tele 653.899 1828.71 337.031 0 646
    Deepholm Needlerock Chasm GY 
    !tele 1259.2 1645.56 175.165 0 646
    Deepholm Shattered Field GY 
    !tele 126.686 1502.54 220.214 0 646
    Deepholm Twilight Terrace GY 
    !tele 185.622 828.282 51.5458 0 646
    Deepholm Stone Hearth GY 
    !tele 446.428 1637.64 348.958 0 646
    Thousand Needles Darkcloud Pinnacle GY (NEW) 
    !tele -4920.65 -1833.17 80.8201 0 1
    Gilneas BG - Graveyard (Alliance Spawn) 
    !tele 909.46 1337.36 27.6449 0 761
    Gilneas BG - Graveyard (Horde Spawn) 
    !tele 1430.44 983.861 0.225735 0 761
    Twilight Highlands Vermillion Redoubt GY 
    !tele -3064.45 -4090.78 265.559 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Kirthaven GY 
    !tele -2721.93 -5637.99 377.711 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Krazzworks GY 
    !tele -2733.64 -5936.39 87.6831 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Dragonmaw Port GY 
    !tele -3897.87 -6230.07 27.497 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Smoot's Patrol GY 
    !tele -4204.08 -5461.91 20.1605 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Twilight Shore GY 
    !tele -4674.14 -6372.62 12.2487 0 0
    Maelstrom GY 
    !tele 853.372 1074.76 -11.3081 0 730
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Horde Daily 
    !tele -540.168 1331.29 22.8201 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Alliance Daily 
    !tele -456.946 1168.55 15.7554 0 732
    Western Plaguelands Argent Areal GY 
    !tele 1880.23 -1680.63 59.8027 0 0
    Ruins of Gilneas Forward Command GY 
    !tele -908.714 1625.82 68.321 0 0
    Ruins of Gilneas Emberstone Village GY 
    !tele -1189.59 1153.47 24.2826 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Grim Batol GY 
    !tele -4153.02 -3690.4 207.425 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Dragonmaw Port Ship GY 
    !tele -3939.25 -6792.69 6.95455 0 736
    Twilight Highlands Victory Point GY 
    !tele -4146.43 -4775.14 119.027 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Crushblow GY 
    !tele -4796.93 -4870.53 192.11 0 0
    Twilight Highlands Bloodgulch GY 
    !tele -3720.15 -5189.95 40.9509 0 0
    Winterspring Gorge Upper Ledge 
    !tele 5164.82 -4667.19 829.499 0 1
    Uldum Graveyard 000 
    !tele -10000.1 417.073 28.638 0 1
    Uldum Graveyard 001 
    !tele -8800.29 -1615.96 103.638 0 1
    Uldum Graveyard 002 
    !tele -10720 -1550.27 1.91467 0 1
    Uldum Graveyard 003 
    !tele -9338.98 -1066.89 110.27 0 1
    Uldum Graveyard 004 
    !tele -8814.3 90.3212 131.178 0 1
    Uldum Graveyard 005 
    !tele -10249 -2112.89 27.6544 0 1
    Uldum Graveyard 006 
    !tele -11195.9 -592.602 35.4625 0 1
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher East Spire 01 
    !tele -892.524 604.83 143.929 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher East Spire 02 
    !tele -945.753 523.429 157.964 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Slagworks 01 
    !tele -1321.28 609.583 120.444 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Slagworks 02 
    !tele -1403.88 562.089 128.223 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher South Spire 01 
    !tele -1555.74 869.51 167.497 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher South Spire 02 
    !tele -1656.21 955.561 170.148 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Warden's Vigil 01 
    !tele -1563 1257.88 133.584 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Warden's Vigil 02 
    !tele -1437.23 1372.78 138.865 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher West Spire 01 
    !tele -1063.55 1454.1 173.17 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher West Spire 02 
    !tele -994.115 1502.11 180.847 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher West Spire 03 
    !tele -895.517 1403.51 181.334 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Ironclad Garrison 01 
    !tele -838.417 1087.44 131.042 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Ironclad Garrison 02 
    !tele -832.359 861.115 123.564 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Ironclad Garrison 03 
    !tele -954.698 783.733 121.163 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher South Spire 03 
    !tele -1667.02 1056.25 169.603 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Warden's Vigil 03 
    !tele -1251.43 1434.75 128.117 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher West Spire 04 
    !tele -873.903 1240.91 113.655 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher East Spire 03 
    !tele -1168.51 577.438 132.553 0 732
    Tol Barad - Corpse Catcher Slagworks 03 
    !tele -1536.34 779.311 126.962 0 732
    Burning Steppes Center East GY 
    !tele -7987.38 -2369.32 123.984 0 0
    Azshara Gallywix Pleasure Palace GY 
    !tele 3366.67 -4419.43 282.108 0 1
    Twilight Highlands The Twilight Citadel GY 
    !tele -4637.22 -4040.62 339.726 0 0
    Searing Gorge Dustfire GY 
    !tele -6556.95 -1957.02 246.597 0 0
    Searing Gorge Sea of Cinders GY 
    !tele -7316.97 -1648.84 282.085 0 0
    Searing Gorge Near Blackrock GY 
    !tele -7292.38 -976.359 261.922 0 0
    Searing Gorge Micro Entrance GY 
    !tele -6865.23 -1081.08 240.013 0 0
    Ahn'Qiraj Terrace Upper GY 
    !tele -9169.86 1604.42 26.8352 0 734
    Hillsbrad Foothills Purgation Isle GY 
    !tele -1227.87 412.5 2.69085 0 0
    Ahn'Qiraj:TFK - Terrace GY 
    !tele -9167.94 1602.22 26.1867 0 1
    Stormwind Stockade GY 
    !tele -8786.88 829.083 97.6504 0 0
    Northern Barrens 4.x - Wailing Caverns GY 
    !tele -844.168 -1978.03 91.9489 0 1
    Uldum - Vortex Pinnacle GY 
    !tele -11481.5 -2145.89 493.674 0 1
    Durotar Orgrimmar - Ragefire GY 
    !tele 1922.14 -4345.56 24.198 0 1
    Tanaris Zul'Farrak GY 
    !tele -6854.87 -2846.98 11.5524 0 1
    Feralas Dire Maul Dungeon GY 
    !tele -3789.75 1251.75 160.258 0 1
    Westfall Moonbrook GY 
    !tele -10976.4 1619.81 45.6417 0 0
    Tanaris Southern End GY 
    !tele -9605.84 -3637.11 12.8778 0 1
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Alliance Daily North 
    !tele -236.16 1682.91 2.61492 0 732
    Tol Barad - Graveyard Horde Daily North 
    !tele -13.5934 1407.84 1.6575 0 732
    Gilneas - Stagecoach Graveyard 
    !tele -2227.07 1844.37 13.8599 0 654
    Westfall Deadmines (Micro GY) 
    !tele -11217.1 1618.95 33.3612 0 0
    Northern Barrens 4.x - Wailing Caverns (Micro GY) 
    !tele -733.724 -2228.73 17.9038 0 1
    Silverpine Forest Shadowfang Keep GY 
    !tele -225.217 1519.33 75.5311 0 0
    Ashenvale Blackfathom (Micro GY) 
    !tele 4268.56 733.094 -27.1845 0 1
    South Barrens 4.x - Razorfen Kraul GY 
    !tele -4497.7 -1711.04 90.2297 0 1
    South Barrens 4.x - Razorfen Downs (Micro GY) 
    !tele -4672.3 -2509.52 79.5745 0 1
    Tirisfal Glades Scarlet Monastery GY 
    !tele 2837.59 -679.151 137.149 0 0
    Badlands Uldaman GY 
    !tele -6081.31 -2972.03 209.073 0 0
    Swamp of Sorrows Sunken Temple GY 
    !tele -10289.5 -3978.4 -73.0712 0 0
    Burning Steppes Blackrock Depths GY 
    !tele -7195.67 -911.455 165.489 0 0
    Western Plaguelands Scholo GY 
    !tele 1187.34 -2613.55 74.1395 0 0
    Burning Steppes Blackrock Spire GY 
    !tele -7533.83 -1214.67 285.399 0 0
    Dun Morogh Gnomeregan (Micro GY) 
    !tele -5117.83 896.243 283.768 0 0
    The Steam Pools 
    !tele -5752.31 736.816 163.129 0 1
    Teldrassil Rut'theran Village (Horde GY) 
    !tele 8695.28 946.462 1.60828 0 1
    Twilight Highlands Forbidding Sea (Obsidian Forest GY) 
    !tele -5092.17 -5852.63 16.6122 0 0
    Badlands Forbidding Sea GY 
    !tele -6550.59 -4681.54 9.74865 0 0
    Orgrimmar Arena - Team 1 Spawn (new /w transport) 
    !tele 0.055603 -0.125275 0.227693 0 618
    Orgrimmar Arena - Team 2 Spawn (new /w transport) 
    !tele -0.397583 0.474609 2.27679 0 618
    Stranglethorn Vale Zul'Gurub GY 
    !tele -11947.6 -982.734 67.3022 0 0
    Molten Front Malfurion's Breach GY 
    !tele 990.238 297.616 45.6985 0 861
    Molten Front Portal GY 
    !tele 989.571 298.163 45.6985 0 861
    Molten Front Spider GY 
    !tele 1402.85 235.203 61.5965 0 861
    Scenario Alcaz Island GY 
    !tele -2726.95 -4716.71 5.51685 0 930
    Molten Front Roost GY 
    !tele 1388.15 556.987 79.9109 0 861
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Graveyard (Horde Start) 
    !tele 1807.061 1539.156 1247.854 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Graveyard (Alliance Start) 
    !tele 2523.354 1596.486 1247.515 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Graveyard (BE Tower) 
    !tele 2012.4 1455.41 1172.2 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Graveyard (Draenei Tower) 
    !tele 2351.22 1455.63 1185.33 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Graveyard (Felreaver) 
    !tele 2013.06 1677.24 1182.13 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Graveyard (Human Tower) 
    !tele 2355.3 1683.71 1173.15 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 000 
    !tele 2626.9 1457.85 1225.54 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 2603.99 1695.96 1229.46 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 002 (copy) 
    !tele 2495.96 1402.39 1204.59 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 003 (copy) 
    !tele 2541.25 1787.24 1187.98 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 004 (copy) 
    !tele 2353.73 1336.66 1192.14 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 005 (copy) 
    !tele 2368.35 1800.79 1166.33 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 006 (copy) 
    !tele 2253.47 1298.66 1188.84 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 007 (copy) 
    !tele 2227.6 1819.58 1151.61 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 008 (copy) 
    !tele 2047.89 1324.84 1170.77 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 009 (copy) 
    !tele 2057.31 1848.26 1192.27 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 010 (copy) 
    !tele 1914.77 1381.5 1175.39 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 011 (copy) 
    !tele 1918.94 1766.3 1194.12 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 012 (copy) 
    !tele 1796.22 1341.52 1188.57 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 013 (copy) 
    !tele 1808.19 1726.82 1206.02 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 014 (copy) 
    !tele 1724.51 1405.74 1208.55 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 015 (copy) 
    !tele 1692.78 1672.57 1225.53 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 016 (copy) 
    !tele 2121.79 1670.5 1169.27 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 017 (copy) 
    !tele 2111.42 1441.82 1163.87 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 018 (copy) 
    !tele 2213.18 1469.54 1175.01 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 019 (copy) 
    !tele 2226.6 1692.81 1161.85 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 020 (copy) 
    !tele 2174.9 1594.51 1126.51 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 021 (copy) 
    !tele 2173.64 1534.45 1129.24 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 022 (copy) 
    !tele 2213.83 1328.19 1178.46 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 023 (copy) 
    !tele 2113.42 1326.88 1153.99 0 968
    Netherstorm BG 2.0 - Corpse Catcher 024 (copy) 
    !tele 2117.21 1807.68 1171.55 0 968
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 972.191 292.45 45.2129 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1001 291.87 45.7566 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1020.23 295.177 41.5111 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1043.55 295.925 40.9245 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 1069.48 274.84 18.0944 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 1091.77 255.113 15.9798 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 1120.21 244.569 19.3237 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 1135.81 232.856 34.7014 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 1133.89 214.984 52.453 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 961.094 309.344 40.932 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 957.278 334.663 41.7076 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 958.116 358.37 41.6938 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 961.377 375.804 43.1362 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 966.382 391.002 48.3847 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 016 
    !tele 994.497 422.283 42.8758 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 015 
    !tele 983.51 407.868 41.426 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 017 
    !tele 1011.92 431.146 42.9716 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 018 
    !tele 1032.68 437.16 40.7618 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 019 
    !tele 1052.43 451.047 43.7731 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 020 
    !tele 1070.54 463.967 45.8058 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 021 
    !tele 1089.31 476.97 51.6828 0 861
    Molten Front - Malfurion's Breach - Corpse Catcher 022 
    !tele 1101.52 495.641 57.653 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 1107.37 516.25 61.4429 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1104.26 546.882 61.9079 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1109.79 576.661 60.847 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1117.67 600.958 60.4263 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 1131.17 629.372 59.4709 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 1150.6 632.813 61.3533 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 1176.68 636.182 59.5931 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 1207.35 641.991 56.353 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 1212.95 622.632 59.2327 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 1233.81 603.144 59.5178 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 1252.09 585.057 61.015 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 1257.92 556.872 62.2762 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 1264.59 529.25 57.5097 0 861
    Molten Front - The Furnace - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 1265.14 501.813 60.6795 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 1294.58 475.59 24.031 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1324.13 472.611 24.8312 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1356.73 473.026 23.3157 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1389.44 476.632 21.625 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 1403.96 446.227 26.9124 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 1404.09 417.314 37.8941 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 1422.67 410.509 63.1167 0 861
    Molten Front - Magma Springs - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 1400.97 276.057 24.988 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 1439.65 419.224 71.7576 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1458.22 438.137 73.5352 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1466.31 465.601 68.6334 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1477.45 489.813 65.6509 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 1499.88 502.773 64.9303 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 1526.27 508.733 64.2752 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 1552.09 497.536 61.9848 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 1570.73 470.273 64.7256 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 1592.56 439.356 64.1596 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 1612.54 417.476 67.7893 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 1625.35 388.929 68.2559 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 1631.6 353.493 64.2799 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 1640.91 321.095 64.7837 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 1637.77 290.514 65.123 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 015 
    !tele 1624.58 258.597 70.853 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 016 
    !tele 1609.69 230.844 78.875 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 017 
    !tele 1592.77 195.792 84.73 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 018 
    !tele 1561.96 187.425 86.809 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 019 
    !tele 1526.99 182.837 85.393 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 020 
    !tele 1492.36 182.29 84.9754 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 021 
    !tele 1461.63 190.752 85.2879 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 022 
    !tele 1448.75 218.203 86.5582 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 023 
    !tele 1436.61 253.455 72.7898 0 861
    Molten Front - Ragnaros's Reach - Corpse Catcher 024 
    !tele 1420.7 280.097 59.7889 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 1388.54 253.826 55.9951 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1408.53 239 62.8521 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1420.3 207.656 59.7876 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1429.64 179.299 61.7206 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 1445.6 151.266 60.7843 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 1444.26 118.563 62.4838 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 1448.09 95.0122 64.118 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 1437.66 69.651 68.8517 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 1416.26 52.6389 67.3696 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 1386.52 48.2222 68.5544 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 1355.43 46.7865 68.6909 0 861
    Molten Front - Wildflame Point - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 1331.22 61.9774 68.205 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 1305.94 54.5347 72.427 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1281.24 61.0642 68.9986 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1252.03 55.8715 72.1134 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1222.59 52.8073 69.8841 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 1197.39 63.8142 70.9853 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 1171.8 69.6927 71.4815 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 1149.73 83.474 69.5354 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 1127.4 87.1927 72.1694 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 1113.05 105.597 74.5874 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 1107.83 126.549 72.7173 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 1110.99 152.458 70.52 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 1118.31 178.467 65.6951 0 861
    Molten Front - Widow's Clutch - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 1130.89 210.573 55.0663 0 861
    The Jade Forest Alliance Start 
    !tele -435.4462 -1720.313 10.93823 0 870
    The Jade Forest Strongarm Airstrip GY 
    !tele 2643.247 -509.5451 322.5644 0 870
    Darkmoon Island First Aid GY 
    !tele -4246.71 6378.15 13.1167 0 974
    Feralas Dire Maul Dungeon GY (North) 
    !tele -3522.814 1124.655 161.0241 0 1
    Feralas Dire Maul Dungeon GY (East) 
    !tele -3788.93 934.814 161.026 0 1
    Feralas Dire Maul Dungeon GY (West) 
    !tele -3789.75 1251.75 160.258 0 1
    Eastern Plaguelands Stratholme (Back Entrance) 
    !tele 3158.43 -4049.22 103.305 0 0
    Valley of the Four Winds Temp GY 
    !tele 528 -620 259 0 870
    The Wandering Isle Starting Area GY 
    !tele 1236.24 3553.32 101.963 0 860
    The Wandering Isle Hot Springs GY 
    !tele 1060.84 3271.03 129.212 0 860
    The Wandering Isle Farm Area GY 
    !tele 642.627 3042.32 76.838 0 860
    The Wandering Isle Temple Town GY 
    !tele 754.915 3555.37 141.492 0 860
    The Wandering Isle Wind Area Town GY 
    !tele 940.417 4073.98 198.898 0 860
    The Wandering Isle Staff Forest GY 
    !tele 900.036 4341.63 243.176 0 860
    The Wandering Isle Bamboo Forest GY 
    !tele 405.762 3558.68 78.714 0 860
    Stormwind City - Scroll of Resurrection Alliance Start 
    !tele -8831.811 629.4393 94.3551 0 0
    Orgrimmar - Scroll of Resurrection Horde Start 
    !tele 1590.264 -4370.757 20.98987 0 1
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 1564.53 3644.01 44.54422 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1566.125 3563.288 42.04467 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1561.004 3486.858 42.60037 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1561.754 3415.133 46.20182 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 1536.292 3333.205 66.17711 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 1524.056 3272.281 61.76025 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 1499.974 3216.15 42.3684 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 1470.738 3148.868 40.6985 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 1434.828 3082.717 39.28411 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 1406.87 3007.885 40.99231 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 1372.714 2947.79 46.97655 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 1341.057 2897.385 72.2211 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 1296.307 2858.992 71.07771 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 1254.08 2823.889 48.22213 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 1196.375 2790.148 44.16423 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 1143.696 2763.243 37.1381 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 1084.835 2730.686 39.98467 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 1027.318 2705.269 38.70249 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 959.5538 2694.967 38.56165 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 889.1059 2685.17 41.84063 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 833.993 2683.687 40.87788 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 776.8004 2691.885 41.67358 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 718.7952 2705.107 42.34249 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 674.4514 2718.92 41.7667 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 631.9792 2733.753 39.47038 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 593.7726 2754.103 40.01049 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 551.0313 2774.858 42.91978 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 508.1042 2794.18 42.68969 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 015 
    !tele 475.5313 2821.318 47.19268 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 016 
    !tele 434.4115 2850.501 66.42664 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 017 
    !tele 408.6788 2873.178 72.73073 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 018 
    !tele 378.776 2898.675 70.64085 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 019 
    !tele 363.0868 2939.691 55.74236 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - East Side - Corpse Catcher 020 
    !tele 340.0104 2981.912 46.46934 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 319.3056 3006.174 40.81131 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 294.4583 3055.583 37.81055 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 284.9063 3099.949 35.86514 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 259.7344 3139.614 41.05075 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 239.9931 3185.904 40.83601 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 220.8594 3228.909 45.58259 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 206.1493 3272.407 63.15624 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 199.7413 3302.868 72.60304 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 197.5035 3338.204 68.10722 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 184.2622 3401.864 68.42137 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 193.4844 3445.992 62.94864 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 195.8854 3497.436 66.74459 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 196.0504 3537.658 67.73157 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 015 
    !tele 198.6545 3568.836 65.6452 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 016 
    !tele 201.9531 3605.153 58.84105 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 017 
    !tele 200.4809 3643.256 63.92672 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 018 
    !tele 196.7257 3683.341 59.33151 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 019 
    !tele 200.4028 3720.294 62.12672 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 020 
    !tele 193.75 3759.678 57.39397 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 021 
    !tele 202.2778 3790.753 58.81757 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 022 
    !tele 200.4462 3829.896 63.14037 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 023 
    !tele 196.0087 3867.314 57.8648 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 024 
    !tele 191.1962 3904.99 54.4026 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 025 
    !tele 187.875 3945.068 51.43816 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 026 
    !tele 197.5295 4003.345 35.7829 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 027 
    !tele 208.2326 4044.053 44.48311 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 028 
    !tele 216.276 4081.786 40.65278 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 029 
    !tele 237.3056 4116.34 41.67934 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 030 
    !tele 259.3438 4144.765 41.13117 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 031 
    !tele 280.2517 4191.956 54.4215 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - South Side - Corpse Catcher 032 
    !tele 301.2656 4223.851 57.36802 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 001 
    !tele 332.0417 4247.878 58.56135 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 002 
    !tele 346.9271 4276.779 88.9084 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 003 
    !tele 370.7118 4302.083 118.6132 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 004 
    !tele 403.1875 4321.738 122.4476 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 005 
    !tele 428.3403 4363.182 122.5759 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 006 
    !tele 450.5156 4389.782 90.00536 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 007 
    !tele 478.1875 4422.509 63.60132 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 008 
    !tele 508.5764 4450.868 54.38227 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 009 
    !tele 569.1337 4484.922 55.75066 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 010 
    !tele 610.0989 4513.346 66.75913 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 011 
    !tele 653.8004 4540.276 78.76381 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 012 
    !tele 699.1371 4559.464 92.25101 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 013 
    !tele 734.9792 4571.659 109.7913 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 014 
    !tele 787.1215 4590.435 152.8087 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 015 
    !tele 817.7621 4602.065 172.0493 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 016 
    !tele 844.9202 4606.695 179.3399 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 017 
    !tele 873.7465 4610.086 180.1689 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 018 
    !tele 919.4149 4595.794 165.3228 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 019 
    !tele 959.8715 4582.386 135.673 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 020 
    !tele 994.0121 4569.074 108.2518 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 021 
    !tele 1036.962 4557.194 88.06474 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 022 
    !tele 1079.153 4537.799 75.44324 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 023 
    !tele 1123.41 4535.893 55.39446 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 024 
    !tele 1171.153 4521.708 34.4446 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 025 
    !tele 1218.087 4497.483 33.61501 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 026 
    !tele 1262.665 4471.366 27.0304 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 027 
    !tele 1301.481 4421.377 53.12581 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 028 
    !tele 1329.241 4393.278 79.65057 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 029 
    !tele 1346.226 4363.113 93.12926 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 030 
    !tele 1366.648 4320.408 92.11926 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 031 
    !tele 1403.557 4274.109 60.93376 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 032 
    !tele 1432.484 4238.199 43.67904 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 033 
    !tele 1462.13 4191.206 43.0873 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 034 
    !tele 1486.599 4143.282 35.49832 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 035 
    !tele 1514.917 4081.761 34.7788 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 036 
    !tele 1536.111 4020.122 31.64646 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 037 
    !tele 1547.679 3970.512 39.94515 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 038 
    !tele 1551.677 3914.786 49.55748 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 039 
    !tele 1553.891 3859.185 49.45312 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 040 
    !tele 1557.122 3809.308 44.37895 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 041 
    !tele 1570.62 3756.878 31.13509 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 042 
    !tele 1585.818 3706.159 23.07611 0 860
    Shen-zin Su - West Side - Corpse Catcher 043 
    !tele 1586.431 3653.24 24.36897 0 860
    Scenario - Theramore (H - Start Point) 
    !tele -3813.674 -4790.984 10.53071 0 999
    Valley of Power - BG - Graveyard - Alliance (Rectangle) 
    !tele 1889.372 1156.542 15.07662 0 998
    Valley of Power - BG - Graveyard - Horde (Rectangle) 
    !tele 1675.799 1522.344 16.76312 0 998
    Valley of Power - BG - Graveyard - Alliance (Circle) 
    !tele 838.3733 1266.111 5.213761 0 998
    The Jade Forest Swamp GY East 
    !tele -297.4792 -2878.826 11.87226 0 870
    The Jade Forest Fox Grove GY 
    !tele 74.44791 -2086.658 45.89009 0 870
    The Jade Forest East Temple GY 
    !tele 1020.297 -2354.851 155.4114 0 870
    The Jade Forest Orchard GY 
    !tele 553.6858 -1363.832 70.26643 0 870
    The Jade Forest Dawnblossom GY 
    !tele 1775.33 -1865.809 193.1676 0 870
    The Jade Forest Arboretum GY 90+ 
    !tele 1739.733 -2779.764 130.5617 0 870
    The Jade Forest Spire of Solitude GY 
    !tele 1728.698 -489.8993 360.9767 0 870
    The Jade Forest Training Temple GY 
    !tele 2521.421 -1165.38 387.1225 0 870
    The Jade Forest Mogu Ruins GY 
    !tele 2787.814 -1797.969 240.0891 0 870
    The Jade Forest Fishing Village GY 
    !tele 2749.095 -2343.918 52.59161 0 870
    KLS - Binan Village GY 
    !tele 1847.028 367.7621 482.3828 0 870
    KLS - Northern Temple GY 
    !tele 3132.333 549.934 504.435 0 870
    KLS - Northern Balloon Village GY 
    !tele 4221.858 643.2239 113.4779 0 870
    KLS - Troll Village GY 
    !tele 4604.84 145.5556 15.1875 0 870
    KLS - Mountain Valley GY 
    !tele 3022.508 1303.568 647.9615 0 870
    KLS - Monkaris GY 
    !tele 4011.186 1776.637 884.864 0 870
    KLS - Top of the World GY 
    !tele 3485.426 2101.231 1084.045 0 870
    KLS - Shadowpan Hideout GY 
    !tele 3529.825 2699.591 755.9386 0 870
    KLS - West Mountain Valley GY 
    !tele 2653.557 2175.616 581.4588 0 870
    KLS - Shadowpan Battleground GY 
    !tele 3242.011 2821.606 565.8273 0 870
    KLS - Alliance/Horde GY 
    !tele 2100.505 1087.481 486.1145 0 870
    KLS - West Fishing Village GY 
    !tele 1884.594 2006.563 454.1575 0 870
    KLS - Valley of the Kings GY 
    !tele 3551.513 1647.122 838.9868 0 870
    Scarlet Monastery Entrance Target 01 
    !tele 1687.27 1050.09 18.6773 0 189
    Deadmines Entrance Target 
    !tele -14.5732 -385.475 62.4561 0 36
    Stormwind Jail Entrance Target 
    !tele 48.9849 0.483882 -16.3942 0 34
    Stormwind High Prison Exit Target 
    !tele -8661.57 616.574 86.1877 0 0
    Deadmines Exit Front Target 
    !tele -11208 1676.41 24.5716 0 0
    Shadowfang Entrance Target 
    !tele -228.191 2111.41 76.8904 0 33
    Shadowfang Bridge Exit Target 
    !tele -232.594 1567.67 76.8845 0 0
    Wailing Caverns Exit Target 
    !tele -738.462 -2217.8 16.919 0 1
    Wailing Cavern Entrance Target 
    !tele -158.441 131.601 -74.2552 0 43
    Razorfen Exit Target 
    !tele -4462 -1663.06 81.8912 0 1
    Razorfen Entrance Target 
    !tele 1942.27 1544.23 83.3055 0 47
    Blackfathom Entrance Target 
    !tele -150.234 106.594 -39.779 0 48
    Blackfathom Exit Target 
    !tele 4248.14 745.047 -24.4963 0 1
    Uldaman Entrance Target 
    !tele -228.859 46.1018 -46.0186 0 70
    Uldaman Exit Target 
    !tele -6066.36 -2954.85 209.772 0 0
    Gnomeregon Exit Target 
    !tele -5145.15 897.054 287.396 0 0
    Gnomeregan Entrance Target 
    !tele -329.484 -3.22991 -152.846 0 90
    Razorfen Downs Entrance Target 
    !tele 2593.68 1111.23 50.9518 0 129
    Razorfen Downs Exit Target 
    !tele -4659.44 -2527.94 81.6564 0 1
    Sunken Temple Entrance Target 
    !tele -328.474 95.3291 -91.0008 0 109
    Sunken Temple Exit Target 
    !tele -10291.1 -3984.65 -70.4401 0 0
    Stormwind Low Prison Exit Target 
    !tele -8766.11 845.499 87.9952 0 0
    Gnomeregan Entrance 02 Target 
    !tele -733.636 1.86838 -249.09 0 90
    Gnomeregon Exit 02 Target 
    !tele -4915.38 811.773 268.77 0 0
    Darnassus Exit Target 
    !tele 8380.56 998.536 29.1294 0 1
    Darnassus Entrance Target 
    !tele 9946.25 2612.97 1316.49 0 1
    Scarlet Monastery Exit Target 01 
    !tele 2915.34 -801.58 160.333 0 0
    Scarlet Monastery Exit Target 02 
    !tele 2915.13 -823.637 160.327 0 0
    Scarlet Monastery Exit Target 03 
    !tele 2885.96 -835.802 160.327 0 0
    Scarlet Monastery Exit Target 04 
    !tele 2869.32 -820.818 160.333 0 0
    Scarlet Monastery Entrance Target 02 
    !tele 853.179 1319.18 18.6714 0 189
    Scarlet Monastery Entrance Target 03 
    !tele 1608.1 -318.919 18.6714 0 189
    Scarlet Monastery Entrance Target 04 
    !tele 253.672 -206.624 18.6773 0 189
    Stormwind - Mage Exit Target 
    !tele -9014.94 873.326 148.616 0 0
    Stormwind - Mage Entrance Target 
    !tele -9016.97 885.436 29.6207 0 0
    Uldaman Exit Target Rear 
    !tele -6619.97 -3765.74 266.309 0 0
    Uldaman Entrance Target Rear 
    !tele -212.95 382.427 -38.7486 0 70
    Zul'Farrakk Exit Target 
    !tele -6795.56 -2890.72 8.88742 0 1
    Zul'Farrak Entrance Target 
    !tele 1212.67 842.04 8.93346 0 209
    Thousand Needles - Test of Faith (Target) 
    !tele -5191.272 -2802.587 -7.211112 0 1
    Thousand Needles - Test of Faith (Target) 
    !tele -5191.272 -2802.587 -7.211112 0 1
    Thousand Needles - Test of Faith (Target) 
    !tele -5191.272 -2802.587 -7.211112 0 1
    Onyxia's Lair Exit Target 
    !tele -4750.38 -3754.44 49.0485 0 1
    Gnomeregan - Teleport Target from Grom'gol 
    !tele -333.946 1.69717 -152.844 0 90
    Grom'gol - Teleport Target from Gnomeregan 
    !tele -12412.5 232.731 0.928111 0 0
    Teleport to the bottom of Rise of the Defiler 
    !tele -11104.8 -2901.17 10.3521 0 0
    Blackrock Depths Entrance Target 
    !tele 456.929 34.0923 -68.0896 0 230
    Blackrock Spire Entrance Target 
    !tele 78.3534 -226.841 49.7662 0 229
    Blackrock Spire Exit Target 
    !tele -7524.65 -1229.13 285.731 0 0
    Blackrock Depths exit Target 
    !tele -7178.41 -922.152 166.092 0 0
    Blackrock Spire - Target - Shaft 
    !tele -7558.39 -1309.43 248.454 0 0
    Ironforge - Tram Exit Target 001 
    !tele -4839.51 -1317.74 501.868 0 0
    Stormwind - Tram Exit Target 001 
    !tele -8359.27 517.585 84.4087 0 0
    Stormwind - Tram Entrance Target 001 
    !tele 67.7607 2490.98 -4.29649 0 369
    Ironforge - Tram Entrance Target 001 
    !tele 69.2277 10.3932 -4.29665 0 369
    Stratholme - Back Entrance Target 001 
    !tele 3590.87 -3643.22 138.491 0 329
    Stratholme - Front Right Entrance Target 001 
    !tele 3393.27 -3392 143.151 0 329
    Stratholme - Front Left Entrance Target 001 
    !tele 3393 -3366.9 142.836 0 329
    Stratholme - Back Exit Target 001 
    !tele 3233.06 -4048.3 108.442 0 0
    OrgrimmarInstance Exit Target 001 
    !tele 1813.15 -4415.75 -18.2856 0 1
    OrgrimmarInstance Entrance Target 001 
    !tele 0.797643 -8.23429 -15.5288 0 389
    Shadowfang - South Fall Target 
    !tele -276.241 1652.68 77.5589 0 0
    Shadowfang - South Fall Target 
    !tele -276.241 1652.68 77.5589 0 0
    Shadowfang Front Fall Exit Target 
    !tele -225.34 1556.53 93.0454 0 0
    Shadowfang Front Fall Exit Target 
    !tele -225.34 1556.53 93.0454 0 0
    Shadowfang - North Fall Target 
    !tele -181.26 1580.65 97.4466 0 0
    Shadowfang - North Fall Target 
    !tele -181.26 1580.65 97.4466 0 0
    Alterac Valley - Alliance Entrance Target 
    !tele 942.93 -507.627 94.4662 0 30
    Alterac Valley - Horde Entrance Target 
    !tele -1504.52 -711.542 47.9798 0 30
    Orgrimmar - Barracks Exit Target 001 
    !tele 1637.91 -4240.25 56.1744 0 1
    Stormwind - Barracks Exit Target 001 
    !tele -8762.82 402.434 103.901 0 0
    Scholomance - Exit Porch Target 001 
    !tele 1399.42 -2574.59 107.786 0 0
    Scholomance - Exit Porch Target 001 
    !tele 1399.42 -2574.59 107.786 0 0
    Scholomance - Exit Porch Target 001 
    !tele 1399.42 -2574.59 107.786 0 0
    Scholomance 5.0 - Entrance target 
    !tele 199.876 125.346 138.43 0 1007
    Scholomance - Stairs Exit Target 001 
    !tele 1273.91 -2553.09 91.8393 0 0
    Alterac Valley - Horde Exit Target 
    !tele 536.495 -1085.72 106.27 0 0
    Alterac Valley - Alliance Exit Target 
    !tele 101.144 -184.934 127.344 0 0
    Onyxia's Lair Entrance Target 
    !tele 30.8916 -54.079 -5.02784 0 249
    Molten Core Entrance Target 
    !tele 1091.89 -466.985 -105.084 0 409
    Molten Core Exit Target 
    !tele -7508.32 -1039.74 180.912 0 0
    Maraudon - Purple Exit Target 
    !tele -1183.87 2876.53 85.8458 0 1
    Maraudon - Orange Exit Target 
    !tele -1471.77 2616.09 76.301 0 1
    Maraudon - Orange Entrance Target 
    !tele 1016.83 -458.52 -43.4737 0 349
    Maraudon - Purple Entrance Target 
    !tele 755.078 -617.696 -32.9222 0 349
    Dire Maul - East Entrance Target 01 
    !tele 47.4501 -153.665 -2.71439 0 429
    Dire Maul - East Entrance Target 02 
    !tele -203.166 -322.997 -2.72467 0 429
    Dire Maul - East Entrance Target 03 
    !tele 10.5786 -836.991 -32.3988 0 429
    Dire Maul - West Entrance Target 01 
    !tele -65.6559 159.561 -3.4647 0 429
    Dire Maul - West Entrance Target 02 
    !tele 33.1083 158.977 -3.47126 0 429
    Dire Maul - North Entrance Target 02 
    !tele 254.92 -19.463 -2.5596 0 429
    Dire Maul - West Exit Target 01 
    !tele -3812.76 1250.33 160.273 0 1
    Dire Maul - West Exit Target 02 
    !tele -3766.57 1249.48 160.273 0 1
    Dire Maul - North Exit Target 02 
    !tele -3520.07 1100.1 161.027 0 1
    Dire Maul - East Exit Target 01 
    !tele -3768.78 935.179 161.027 0 1
    Dire Maul - East Exit Target 02 
    !tele -3980.81 801.198 161.012 0 1
    Dire Maul - East Exit Target 03 
    !tele -4031.25 129.345 26.4744 0 1
    Dire Maul - East Exit Target 04 
    !tele -3585.84 847.367 138.641 0 1
    Molten Core Entrance Target 
    !tele 1091.89 -466.985 -105.084 0 409
    Molten Core Entrance Target 
    !tele 1091.89 -466.985 -105.084 0 409
    Molten Core Entrance Target 
    !tele 1091.89 -466.985 -105.084 0 409
    Barrens - Warsong Gulch Target (Horde) 
    !tele 1018.467 1297.467 342.959 0 489
    Barrens - Warsong Gulch Target (Horde) 
    !tele 1018.467 1297.467 342.959 0 489
    Blackwing Lair - Entrance Target 
    !tele -7672.32 -1107.05 396.651 0 469
    Blackrock Spire Exit Target 
    !tele -7524.65 -1229.13 285.731 0 0
    Blackwing Lair - Entrance Target 
    !tele -7672.32 -1107.05 396.651 0 469
    Arathi Highlands - Arathi Basin Exit Target - Alliance 
    !tele -1215.59 -2531.75 21.6734 0 0
    Arathi Highlands - Arathi Basin Exit Target - Horde 
    !tele -831.881 -3518.52 72.4831 0 0
    Arathi Basin - Entrance Target - Alliance 
    !tele 1313.9 1310.74 -9.01043 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Entrance Target - Horde 
    !tele 684.014 681.22 -12.9159 0 529
    Ahn'Qiraj Ruins - Outbound Teleport Target 
    !tele -8415.7 1502.44 30.6862 0 1
    Ahn'Qiraj Ruins - Inbound Teleport Target 
    !tele -8436.53 1519.17 31.907 0 509
    Ahn'Qiraj Temple - Inbound Teleport Target 
    !tele -8221.35 2014.34 129.071 0 531
    Ahn'Qiraj Temple - Outbound Target 
    !tele -8239.01 1993.25 129.071 0 1
    Stomach Exit Teleport Exit 
    !tele -8576.06 1985.836 100.2203 0 531
    Karazhan - Front Entrance Target 
    !tele -11102 -1998.2 49.8921 0 532
    Karazhan - Upper Entrance Target 
    !tele -11041.8 -1995.14 96.2004 0 532
    Hellfire Military - Exit Target 
    !tele -310.515 3084.06 -3.7682 0 530
    Hellfire Demon - Exit Target 
    !tele -302.408 3162.92 31.7273 0 530
    Hellfire Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele -312.27 3086.53 -116.53 0 530
    Hellfire Ramparts - Entrance Target 
    !tele -1355.28 1641.57 68.274 0 543
    Hellfire Military - Entrance Target 
    !tele -40.7388 -19.2881 -13.8417 0 540
    Hellfire Demon - Entrance Target 
    !tele -2.73782 19.8424 -44.7973 0 542
    Hellfire Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele 188.452 36.776 67.931 0 544
    Naxxramas - Frostwyrm Entry Teleport Target 
    !tele 3498.13 -5349.6 144.967 0 533
    Stratholme - ToWoW Teleport Target 
    !tele 3362.15 -3379.35 144.782 0 0
    Eversong Woods - Duskwither UP Target 
    !tele 9331.49 -7812.27 136.569 0 530
    Eversong Woods - Duskwither DOWN Target 
    !tele 9334.03 -7880.02 74.9095 0 530
    Hellfire Ramparts - Exit Target 
    !tele -363.436 3078.43 -15.0013 0 530
    Hellfire Ramparts - Omor Exit Target 
    !tele -233.33 3199.71 -50 0 530
    CoT - Hyjal - Human Base - Teleport Target 
    !tele 5066.79 -1791.9 1321.65 0 534
    CoT - Hyjal - Orc Base - Teleport Target 
    !tele 5499.96 -2756.8 1488.96 0 534
    CoT - Hyjal - Night Elf Base - Teleport Target 
    !tele 5163.02 -3428.31 1627.61 0 534
    CoT - Hyjal - Entrance - Teleport Target 
    !tele 4252.72 -4226.16 868.222 0 534
    CoT - Black Morass - Entrance - Teleport Target 
    !tele -1491.61 7056.51 32.1011 0 269
    CoT - Hillsbrad - Entrance - Teleport Target 
    !tele 2741.68 1312.64 14.0413 0 560
    CoT - Black Morass - Exit - Teleport Target 
    !tele -8759.51 -4192.27 -209.501 0 1
    CoT - Hyjal - Exit - Teleport Target 
    !tele -8176.99 -4176.92 -166.463 0 1
    CoT - Hillsbrad - Exit - Teleport Target 
    !tele -8359.11 -4058.83 -208.186 0 1
    Dark Portal - E. Kingdoms Target 
    !tele -11896.8 -3206.77 -14.6724 0 0
    Dark Portal - Outland Target 
    !tele -248.113 922.9 84.3497 0 530
    Coilfang Marsh - Entrance Target 
    !tele 18.7435 -24.597 -2.75368 0 546
    Coilfang Pumping - Entrance Target 
    !tele -15.3686 5.78336 -4.32129 0 545
    Coilfang Draenei - Entrance Target 
    !tele 122.376 -123.644 -0.33828 0 547
    Coilfang Pumping - Exit Target 
    !tele 817.924 6937.56 -80.6139 0 530
    Coilfang Marsh - Exit Target 
    !tele 781.377 6754.61 -72.5371 0 530
    Coilfang Draenei - Exit Target 
    !tele 731.021 7013.75 -71.919 0 530
    Eastern Plaguelands - From Ghostlands Target 
    !tele 3468.42 -4479.6 137.329 0 0
    Auchindoun Shadow - Exit Target 
    !tele -3635.39 4942.94 -101.048 0 530
    Auchindoun Arakkoa - Exit Target 
    !tele -3362.1 4668.9 -101.048 0 530
    Auchindoun Etherial - Exit Target 
    !tele -3086.51 4942.43 -101.047 0 530
    Auchindoun Draenei - Exit Target 
    !tele -3361.8 5209.2 -101.049 0 530
    Auchindoun Draenei - Entrance Target 
    !tele -16.7899 -0.071496 -0.120559 0 558
    Auchindoun Etherial - Entrance Target 
    !tele -4.81115 1.00236 -0.954329 0 557
    Auchindoun Arakkoa - Entrance Target 
    !tele 2.63209 -0.209401 0.005755 0 556
    Auchindoun Shadow - Entrance Target 
    !tele -7.06027 -0.107037 -1.12795 0 555
    Ghostlands - EPL Return Target 
    !tele 6123.23 -7006.57 138.508 0 530
    Coilfang Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele 7.95838 0.067823 821.727 0 548
    Coilfang Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 828.235 6865.8 -63.7858 0 530
    Karazhan - Front Exit Target 
    !tele -11113.5 -2006.63 49.3307 0 0
    Hellfire Peninsula - Falcon Watch Up Target 
    !tele -590.594 4079.02 143.258 0 530
    Hellfire Peninsula - Falcon Watch Down Target 
    !tele -593.292 4077.85 93.8269 0 530
    Terokkar Forest - Spire Up Target 
    !tele -2262.54 3112.46 136.35 0 530
    Terokkar Forest - Spire Up Target 
    !tele -2262.54 3112.46 136.35 0 530
    Tempest Keep - Arcane Exit Target 
    !tele 3310.32 1336.59 505.56 0 530
    Tempest Keep - Raid Exit Target 
    !tele 3088.15 1382.22 184.848 0 530
    Tempest Keep - Atrium Exit Target 
    !tele 3409.85 1486.26 182.837 0 530
    Tempest Keep - Factory Exit Target 
    !tele 2867.93 1550.95 252.159 0 530
    Tempest Keep - Atrium Entrance Target 
    !tele 40.5531 -28.7947 -1.11728 0 553
    Tempest Keep - Arcane Entrance Target 
    !tele 8.73761 0.008027 -0.205496 0 552
    Tempest Keep - Factory Entrance Target 
    !tele -26.4934 0.315267 -1.8124 0 554
    Tempest Keep - Raid Entrance Target 
    !tele -0.9436 -0.817774 -2.42833 0 550
    Shattrath City - Haramad's Teleporter Target 
    !tele -1810.83 5323.95 -12.4281 0 530
    CoT - Hyjal - Exit - Teleport Target 
    !tele -8176.99 -4176.92 -166.463 0 1
    Karazhan - Upper Exit Target 
    !tele -11036.7 -2001.6 92.971 0 0
    Forcefield Target 000 
    !tele 1808.21 1539.49 1267.41 0 566
    Forcefield Target 001 
    !tele 2523.51 1596.58 1269.27 0 566
    Gruul's Lair - Exit Target 
    !tele 3540.17 5092.14 3.73097 0 530
    Gruul's Lair - Entrance Target 
    !tele 64.063 45.1714 -4.86252 0 565
    Shadowmoon - Quest - Test Teleporter (h Target) 
    !tele -2739.46 2721.96 123.669 0 530
    Shadowmoon - Quest - Test Teleporter (a Target) 
    !tele -2836.66 1945.55 201.426 0 530
    Shadowmoon - Quest - Test Teleporter (h Target) 
    !tele -2739.46 2721.96 123.669 0 530
    Shadowmoon - Quest - Test Teleporter (a Target) 
    !tele -2836.66 1945.55 201.426 0 530
    Black Temple - Entrance Target 
    !tele 97.7989 1001.99 -86.7756 0 564
    Tempest Keep - Atrium Exit Target 
    !tele 3409.85 1486.26 182.837 0 530
    Tempest Keep - Factory Exit Target 
    !tele 2867.93 1550.95 252.159 0 530
    Black Temple - Exit Target 
    !tele -3650.9 316.897 35.8528 0 530
    CTF - Alliance - Anti-Cheat Teleport Target 
    !tele 1528.2 1481.45 351.992 0 489
    CTF - Horde - Anti-Cheat Teleport Target 
    !tele 930.716 1435.44 345.536 0 489
    Zul'Aman - Entrance Target 
    !tele 120.706 1759.19 42.7443 0 568
    Zul'Aman - Exit Target 
    !tele 6851.11 -7985.05 186.421 0 530
    Utgarde Keep - Exit Target 
    !tele 1221.63 -4864.75 41.2481 0 571
    Utgarde Pinnacle - Exit Target 
    !tele 1242.55 -4857.47 217.783 0 571
    Utgarde Keep - Entrance Target 
    !tele 157.878 -84.7025 12.5537 0 574
    Utgarde Pinnacle - Entrance Target 
    !tele 580.698 -327.796 110.141 0 575
    TEST - Brian Birmingham Target on New Record List 
    !tele 16363.6 16266.8 69.496 0 451
    Magisters' Terrace - Exit Target 
    !tele 12885.3 -7336.42 65.4882 0 530
    Magisters' Terrace - Entrance Target 
    !tele 7.52409 0.545139 -2.79914 0 585
    Sunwell Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1792.53 925.929 15.076 0 580
    Sunwell Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 12556.5 -6774.95 15.0719 0 530
    Clayton Teleporter 
    !tele 9438.03 -9826.76 3,00E-06 0 451
    TEST - CSteele Teleporter Target 
    !tele 16050.4 16146.1 69.4442 0 451
    Arena - Nagrand - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 4054.57 2923.23 13.8179 0 559
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game On 1 
    !tele 6238.661 260.2535 2.730728 0 562
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game On 2 
    !tele 6238.84 259.9844 2.730911 0 562
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game On 3 
    !tele 6238.9 260.099 2.730815 0 562
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game On 5 
    !tele 6238.902 260.4028 2.730574 0 562
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game On 4 
    !tele 6239.256 260.1719 2.730711 0 562
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game On 7 
    !tele 6239.46 260.184 2.730672 0 562
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 1286.57 1667.4 39.602 0 572
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game On 6 
    !tele 6239.022 260.6302 2.730381 0 562
    Scott Test Target 
    !tele -15828.3 -13045.9 153.739 0 451
    The Nexus - Exit Target 
    !tele 3896.74 6985.4 69.4879 0 571
    The Nexus - Entrance Target 
    !tele 152.213 -5.50178 -16.6367 0 576
    Drak'Tharon - Entrance Target 
    !tele -517.15 -489.201 11.0179 0 600
    Drak'Tharon - Exit Target 
    !tele 4774.44 -2030.03 229.38 0 571
    Arena - Nagrand - Teleport Target - Game Off - Team 2 
    !tele 4027.399 2974.3 12.0299 0 559
    Arena - Nagrand - Teleport Target - Game Off - Team 1 
    !tele 4085.63 2866.78 12.4085 0 559
    Halls of Stone - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1153.95 809.891 195.835 0 599
    Halls of Stone - Exit Target 
    !tele 8921.17 -979.096 1039.16 0 571
    Acherus Halls of Command -> Heart of Acherus Target 
    !tele 2419.91 -5620.48 420.644 0 609
    Acherus Heart of Acherus -> Halls of Command Target 
    !tele 2402.62 -5633.28 377.021 0 609
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game Off - T1 
    !tele 6293.12 288.76 4.992 0 562
    Arena - Bladesedge - Teleport Target - Game Off - T2 
    !tele 6183.51 234.143 4.96521 0 562
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game Off - T1 
    !tele 1275.63 1744.73 31.6037 0 572
    Arena - Undercity - Teleport Target - Game Off - T2 
    !tele 1296.76 1583.99 31.6051 0 572
    Un'goro Crate - Teleport from Sholazar 
    !tele -6161.97 -1331.44 -168.959 0 1
    Sholazar Basin - Teleport from Un'Goro 
    !tele 4884.94 5175.64 -83.7029 0 571
    Ulduar 80 - Exit Target 
    !tele 9175.68 -1378.8 1103.57 0 571
    Ulduar 80 - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1331.41 241.904 52.5046 0 602
    Azjol-Nerub Back Exit Target 
    !tele 3817.4 2032.82 11.0133 0 571
    Azjol-Nerub Front Exit Target 
    !tele 3674.13 2168.61 35.8741 0 571
    Azjol-Nerub Front Entrance Target 
    !tele 411.37 794.947 831.323 0 601
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top Return Target) 
    !tele 2462.76 -5598.19 550.22 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top West Target) 
    !tele 2472.67 -5530.1 420.642 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top Return Target) 
    !tele 2462.76 -5598.19 550.22 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top South Target) 
    !tele 2397.37 -5581.06 420.643 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top Return Target) 
    !tele 2462.76 -5598.19 550.22 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top North Target) 
    !tele 2522.45 -5605.7 420.642 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top Return Target) 
    !tele 2462.76 -5598.19 550.22 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Top East Target) 
    !tele 2448.02 -5655.82 420.643 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Middle -> Bottom Target) 
    !tele 2435.77 -5610.34 366.82 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Middle -> Bottom Target) 
    !tele 2435.77 -5610.34 366.82 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Bottom -> Middle Target) 
    !tele 2472.9 -5530.64 420.643 0 0
    Ebon Hold (E.K. Bottom -> Ground Target) 
    !tele 2415.16 -5733.04 153.922 0 0
    CoT Stratholme - Exit Target 
    !tele -8756.6 -4457.02 -200.481 0 1
    CoT Stratholme - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1431.47 555.038 36.2723 0 595
    CoT Stratholme - Exit Target 
    !tele -8756.6 -4457.02 -200.481 0 1
    Storm Peaks - Goblin Teleporter: from Garm's Rise 
    !tele 6150.45 -1073.46 402.761 0 571
    Storm Peaks - Goblin Teleporter: from K3 
    !tele 6315.29 -1754.14 456.927 0 571
    Naxxramas - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 3005.67 -3454.14 297.125 0 533
    Naxxramas - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 3005.67 -3454.14 297.125 0 533
    Naxxramas - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 3005.67 -3454.14 297.125 0 533
    Naxxramas - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 3005.67 -3454.14 297.125 0 533
    Naxxramas - Exit Teleport Target 
    !tele 3672.85 -1272.37 243.509 0 571
    Naxxramas - Exit Teleport Target 
    !tele 3672.85 -1272.37 243.509 0 571
    Naxxramas - Exit Teleport Target 
    !tele 3672.85 -1272.37 243.509 0 571
    Naxxramas - Exit Teleport Target 
    !tele 3672.85 -1272.37 243.509 0 571
    Gundrak - Entrace Target A (Mammoth) 
    !tele 1880.74 853.76 176.696 0 604
    Gundrak - Entrace Target B (Snake) 
    !tele 1882.32 631.027 176.696 0 604
    Violet Hold - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1806.37 803.374 44.3647 0 608
    Violet Hold - Exit Target 
    !tele 5682.51 489.276 652.299 0 571
    Lower City - Exit Target 
    !tele 3641.17 2031.15 2.59325 0 571
    Lower City - Entrance Target 
    !tele 335.736 -1108.36 68.5133 0 619
    Gundrak - Exit Target A (Mammoth) 
    !tele 6717.32 -4645.55 450.017 0 571
    Gundrak - Exit Target B (Snake) 
    !tele 6955.24 -4416.92 450.447 0 571
    Azjol-Nerub Back Exit Target 
    !tele 3817.4 2032.82 11.0133 0 571
    CoA Black - Exit Target 
    !tele 3457.61 262.714 -114.047 0 571
    CoA Black - Entrance Target 
    !tele 3228.34 394.577 62.1694 0 615
    Nexus 80 - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1056.96 986.421 361.07 0 578
    Teleport to Reliquary of Agony (Target) 
    !tele 5171.58 -1666.56 246.85 0 571
    Wintergrasp Raid - Teleport Target 
    !tele -507.946 -103.067 157 0 624
    Wintergrasp Raid - Teleport Target - Exit 
    !tele 5485.52 2840.14 420.037 0 571
    Gundrak - Exit Target A (Mammoth) 
    !tele 6717.32 -4645.55 450.017 0 571
    Gundrak - Exit Target B (Snake) 
    !tele 6955.24 -4416.92 450.447 0 571
    Eye of Eternity - Port In Loc 
    !tele 728.055 1329.03 275 0 616
    Wintergrasp - Alliance Camp Teleport Target 
    !tele 5147.21 2187.13 389.948 0 571
    Wintergrasp - Teleport - Sunken Ring Teleport Target 
    !tele 5096.63 2290.43 368.485 0 571
    Wintergrasp - Teleport - Broken Temple Teleport Target 
    !tele 5111.6 3472.37 368.485 0 571
    Wintergrasp - Teleport - Horde Landing Target 
    !tele 5034.76 3703.36 373.14 0 571
    Wintergrasp - Teleport - SW Factory 
    !tele 4333.14 3224.62 390.135 0 571
    Wintergrasp - Teleport - SE Factory Teleport 
    !tele 4329.83 2408.27 391.457 0 571
    Arena - Dalaran Arena - Teleport Target 
    !tele 1291.57 792.965 8.11463 0 617
    Arena - Dalaran Arena - Teleport Target 
    !tele 1291.57 792.965 8.11463 0 617
    Arena - Dalaran Arena - Teleport Target 
    !tele 1291.57 792.965 8.11463 0 617
    Arena - Dalaran Arena - Teleport Target 
    !tele 1291.57 792.965 8.11463 0 617
    Arena - Dalaran Arena - Teleport Target 
    !tele 1291.57 792.965 8.11463 0 617
    Borean Tundra - Naxxanar Up Dest 
    !tele 3733.68 3563.25 290.812 0 571
    Borean Tundra - Naxxanar Down Dest 
    !tele 3802.38 3585.95 49.5765 0 571
    Borean Tundra - Naxxanar Up Dest 
    !tele 3733.68 3563.25 290.812 0 571
    Borean Tundra - Naxxanar Up Dest 
    !tele 3733.68 3563.25 290.812 0 571
    Borean Tundra - Naxxanar Up Alliance Dest 
    !tele 3687.91 3577.28 473.342 0 571
    Borean Tundra - Naxxanar Up Horde Dest 
    !tele 3734.14 3571.12 341.662 0 571
    Eye of Eternity - Port In Loc 
    !tele 728.055 1329.03 275 0 616
    Arena - Dalaran - Teleport Target - Game Off - Team 1 
    !tele 1233.2 771.044 15.4243 0 617
    Arena - Dalaran - Teleport Target - Game Off - Team 2 
    !tele 1351.99 812.996 15.4143 0 617
    Ulduar Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele -879.548 -148.966 458.884 0 603
    Ulduar Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 9338.31 -1114.16 1245.15 0 571
    Borean Tundra - Fizzcrank Airstrip - Teleporter Trigger - 02 
    !tele 4237.4 5260.82 71.2555 0 571
    Arena - Orgrimmar - Teleport Target 3 
    !tele 763.365 -284.29 28.2767 0 618
    Un'goro Crate - Teleport from Sholazar 
    !tele -6161.97 -1331.44 -168.959 0 1
    Un'goro Crate - Teleport from Sholazar 
    !tele -6161.97 -1331.44 -168.959 0 1
    Sholazar Basin - Teleport from Un'Goro 
    !tele 4884.94 5175.64 -83.7029 0 571
    Sholazar Basin - Teleport from Un'Goro 
    !tele 4884.94 5175.64 -83.7029 0 571
    Sholazar Basin - Teleport from Un'Goro 
    !tele 4884.94 5175.64 -83.7029 0 571
    Mini House Target 
    !tele 16740.1 -8266.17 0.506853 0 451
    Mega House Target 
    !tele 16803.1 -8299.01 -525.095 0 451
    Argent Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele 563.646 92.1233 395.208 0 649
    Argent Dungeon - Entrance Target 
    !tele 801.505 618.052 412.393 0 650
    Argent Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 8515.35 730.17 558.594 0 571
    Argent Dungeon - Exit Target 
    !tele 8577.85 792.042 558.581 0 571
    Isle of Conquest - Lighthouse Target 
    !tele 1010.99 -228.439 27.4978 0 628
    Argent Raid - Chest Teleport Target 
    !tele 563.771 139.972 397 0 649
    Icecrown Dungeon - Forge of Souls - Entrance Target 
    !tele 4921.31 2177.36 638.733 0 632
    Icecrown Dungeon - Halls of Reflection - Entrance Target 
    !tele 5239.46 1932.99 707.695 0 668
    Icecrown Dungeon - Pit of Saron - Entrance Target 
    !tele 432.568 212.344 528.709 0 658
    Icecrown Dungeon - Forge of Souls - Exit Target 
    !tele 5667.65 2007.45 798.041 0 571
    Icecrown Dungeon - Pit of Saron - Exit Target 
    !tele 5595.78 2013.27 798.041 0 571
    Icecrown Dungeon - Halls of Reflection - Exit Target 
    !tele 5629.14 1976.46 802.642 0 571
    Sunwell Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 12556.5 -6774.95 15.0719 0 530
    Sunwell Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 12556.5 -6774.95 15.0719 0 530
    Icecrown Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 5788.36 2070.69 636.064 0 571
    Icecrown Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele 73.0174 2211.49 30.1157 0 631
    Sunwell Raid - Quel'Delar Port Destination 
    !tele 1766.94 683.09 71.1902 0 580
    Sunwell Raid - Quel'Delar Port Destination 
    !tele 1766.94 683.09 71.1902 0 580
    Icecrown Dungeon - Halls of Reflection - Entrance Target 
    !tele 5239.46 1932.99 707.695 0 668
    Icecrown Dungeon - Pit of Saron - Entrance Target 
    !tele 432.568 212.344 528.709 0 658
    Icecrown Raid - Saurfang Teleport Target 
    !tele 4126.35 2769.23 350.963 0 631
    Icecrown Raid - Saurfang Teleport Back Target 
    !tele -477.514 2211.34 541.113 0 631
    Icecrown Raid - Teleporter - To Frozen Throne - Target 
    !tele 529.302 -2124.49 840.857 0 631
    Icecrown Dungeon - Halls of Reflection - Player Bounce Target 
    !tele 5354.01 2053.53 707.695 0 668
    Icecrown Dungeon - Halls of Reflection - Player Bounce Target 
    !tele 5354.01 2053.53 707.695 0 668
    Icecrown Raid - Saurfang Teleport Target (Trapped) 
    !tele -548.885 2211.26 539.291 0 631
    Ruby Sanctum - Entrance Target 
    !tele 3273.88 533.497 87.6648 0 724
    Ruby Sanctum - Exit Target 
    !tele 3603.89 192.448 -109.762 0 571
    Hyjal - Teleport from Seat of the Prophets 
    !tele 3948.62 -2818.22 618.747 0 1
    Hyjal - Teleport From Sulfuron Spire 
    !tele 4316.05 -3282.51 1035.53 0 1
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Sploit Teleport Trigger Target 
    !tele 2138.85 178.863 43.7 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Sploit Teleport Trigger Target 
    !tele 2138.85 178.863 43.7 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Sploit Teleport Trigger Target 
    !tele 2138.85 178.863 43.7 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Horde Sploit Teleport Trigger Target 
    !tele 1555.94 346.375 1.76868 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Horde Sploit Teleport Trigger Target 
    !tele 1555.94 346.375 1.76868 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Horde Sploit Teleport Trigger Target 
    !tele 1555.94 346.375 1.76868 0 726
    The Lost Isles - Volcanoth's Lair - Teleport Target - Phase 8+ 
    !tele 1172.59 1094.79 119.232 0 659
    Forcefield Target 000 
    !tele 1808.21 1539.49 1267.41 0 566
    Forcefield Target 001 
    !tele 2523.51 1596.58 1269.27 0 566
    Blackrock Caverns - Exit Target (in Eastern Kingdoms) 
    !tele -7571.14 -1324.96 245.538 0 0
    Vashj'ir - Throne of Tides Exit Target 
    !tele -5592.83 5408.36 -1798.57 0 0
    Blackrock Caverns - Entrance Target 
    !tele 209.903 1133.02 205.569 0 645
    Grim Batol Dungeon - Exit Target 
    !tele -4058.4 -3450.03 281.387 0 0
    Grim Batol Dungeon - Entrance Target 
    !tele -624.155 -189.365 272.04 0 670
    Deepholm - Stonecore Exit Target 
    !tele 1023.72 644.747 156.672 0 646
    Stonecore - Entrance Target 
    !tele 851.052 986.474 317.266 0 725
    Vashj'ir - Throne of Tides Exit Target 
    !tele -5592.83 5408.36 -1798.57 0 0
    Throne of Tides - Entrance Target 
    !tele -601.151 809.526 244.809 0 643
    Stratholme - Front Right Exit Target 
    !tele 3392.41 -3406.85 142.246 0 0
    Stratholme - Front Left Exit Target 
    !tele 3393.17 -3352.15 142.246 0 0
    Badlands 4.x - Cliff Teleport Target 
    !tele -6547.88 -4443.24 332.079 0 0
    Badlands 4.x - Dock Teleport Target 
    !tele -6519.82 -4608.52 28.4842 0 0
    Twilight Bastion - Exit Target 
    !tele -4892.19 -4235.68 827.759 0 0
    Twilight Bastion - Entrance Target 
    !tele -561.351 -531.174 890.593 0 671
    Gilneas - Alliance - Anti-Cheat Teleport Target 
    !tele 901.106 1341.41 27.6449 0 761
    Gilneas - Horde - Anti-Cheat Teleport Target 
    !tele 1403.13 977.137 7.44215 0 761
    Halls of Origination - Entrance Target 
    !tele -954.106 462.408 51.9705 0 644
    Halls of Origination - Exit Target 
    !tele -10210.5 -1837.61 20.1278 0 1
    Lost City of the Tol'vir - Exit Target 
    !tele -10679.7 -1307.1 17.3427 0 1
    Blackwing Descent - Exit Target (in Eastern Kingdoms) 
    !tele -7538.8 -1196.29 477.76 0 0
    Blackwing Descent - Entrance Target 
    !tele -345.872 -224.344 193.127 0 669
    The Vortex Pinnacle - Exit Target (in Kalimdor) 
    !tele -11513.3 -2309.88 608.393 0 1
    The Vortex Pinnacle - Entrance Target 
    !tele -337.627 15.3073 626.979 0 657
    Baradin Hold - Exit Teleport Target 
    !tele -1268.03 1049.9 106.995 0 732
    Lost City of Tol'vir - Entrance Target 
    !tele -10700.4 -1312.69 17.6029 0 755
    Alterac Valley - Alliance Entrance Target 
    !tele 942.93 -507.627 94.4662 0 30
    Alterac Valley - Horde Entrance Target 
    !tele -1504.52 -711.542 47.9798 0 30
    Arathi Basin - Entrance Target - Alliance 
    !tele 1313.9 1310.74 -9.01043 0 529
    Arathi Basin - Entrance Target - Horde 
    !tele 684.014 681.22 -12.9159 0 529
    Isle of Conquest - Horde Teleport Target 
    !tele 1253.79 -767.483 48.9162 0 628
    Isle of Conquest - Horde Teleport Target 
    !tele 1253.79 -767.483 48.9162 0 628
    Isle of Conquest - Horde Teleport Target 
    !tele 1253.79 -767.483 48.9162 0 628
    Isle of Conquest - Alliance Teleport Target 
    !tele 310.224 -832.547 48.9163 0 628
    Isle of Conquest - Alliance Teleport Target 
    !tele 310.224 -832.547 48.9163 0 628
    Isle of Conquest - Alliance Teleport Target 
    !tele 310.224 -832.547 48.9163 0 628
    Baradin Hold - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 158.236 1337.12 170.192 0 757
    Skywall Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele -305.42 816.58 199.489 0 754
    Uldum - Skywall Raid Exit Target 
    !tele -11351.5 48.4549 723.883 0 1
    Maraudon - Pristine Waters Entrance Target 
    !tele 495.81 17.8036 -96.3129 0 349
    Grom'gol - Teleport Target from Gnomeregan 
    !tele -12412.5 232.731 0.928111 0 0
    Grom'gol - Teleport Target from Gnomeregan 
    !tele -12412.5 232.731 0.928111 0 0
    Zul'Gurub 4.1 - Exit Target 
    !tele -11916.2 -1209.47 92.2873 0 0
    Zul'Gurub 4.1 - Entrance Target 
    !tele -11916 -1253.71 92.2921 0 859
    The Nexus - Exit Target 
    !tele 3896.74 6985.4 69.4879 0 571
    Firelands - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele -547.313 318.42 115.473 0 720
    Firelands - Exit Teleport Target 
    !tele 3994.61 -2959.75 1002.55 0 1
    Netherstorm 2.0 - Forcefield Target 001 
    !tele 2523.51 1596.58 1269.27 0 968
    Netherstorm 2.0 - Forcefield Target 000 
    !tele 1808.21 1539.49 1267.41 0 968
    Nexus Legendary - End target 
    !tele 4217.19 7122.15 271.079 0 951
    CoT 4.3 - Well of Eternity - Entrance Target 
    !tele 3238.55 -4998.39 194.093 0 939
    CoT 4.3 - End Time - Entrance Target 
    !tele 3726.54 -400.181 110.834 0 938
    CoT 4.3 - Hour of Twilight - Entrance Target 
    !tele 4927.03 315.03 100.157 0 940
    CoT 4.3 - Dragon Soul - Entrance Target 
    !tele -2298.73 -2392.64 87.4725 0 967
    CoT 4.3 - Well of Eternity - Exit Target (In Kalimdor) 
    !tele -8599.41 -4015.61 -205.547 0 1
    CoT 4.3 - End Time - Exit Target (In Kalimdor) 
    !tele -8304.37 -4461.43 -208.077 0 1
    CoT 4.3 - Hour of Twilight - Exit Target (In Kalimdor) 
    !tele -8291.52 -4561.34 -223.312 0 1
    CoT 4.3 - Dragon Soul - Exit Target (In Kalimdor) 
    !tele -8280.75 -4521.05 -219.09 0 1
    Firelands - Blizzcon 2011 - Target 
    !tele -534.33 313.962 115.501 0 720
    Scholomance - Stairs Exit Target 001 
    !tele 1273.91 -2553.09 91.8393 0 0
    CTF 3 - Alliance Entrance 
    !tele 2136.715 182.3594 43.65041 0 1010
    CTF 3 - Horde Entrance 
    !tele 1555.514 346.2813 1.768689 0 1010
    CTF3 - Alliance Graveyard (Base) 
    !tele 2172.911 331.0417 33.97865 0 1010
    CTF3 - Alliance Graveyard (Center) 
    !tele 1877.035 437.7413 -4.000171 0 1010
    CTF3 - Horde Graveyard (Center) 
    !tele 1822.269 162.283 1.806442 0 1010
    CTF3 - Horde Graveyard (Base) 
    !tele 1560.49 212.6962 13.90441 0 1010
    Jade Temple - Exit Target 
    !tele 957.8837 -2474.01 180.5047 0 870
    Jade Temple - Entrance Target 
    !tele 953.3698 -2487.5 180.4306 0 960
    Shadowpan Hideout - Exit Target 
    !tele 3631.29 2538.41 769.912 0 870
    Shadowpan Hideout - Entrance Target 
    !tele 3657.29 2551.92 766.966 0 959
    Brewmaster Scenario 01 Graveyard 
    !tele 2209.25 -1255.13 428.04 0 1005
    Stormstout Brewery - Entrance Target 
    !tele -732.1146 1266.127 116.108 0 961
    Townlong Steppes Temp GY 
    !tele 2236.118 3131.976 379.6547 0 870
    Gate of the Setting Sun - Entrance Target 
    !tele 722.0972 2108.085 402.978 0 962
    Gate of the Setting Sun - Exit Target 
    !tele 692.3646 2080.17 374.6936 0 870
    Valley of Power - BG - Graveyard - Horde (Rectangle 2) 
    !tele 1680.979 1147.543 18.30577 0 998
    Valley of Power - BG - Graveyard - Alliance (Rectangle 2) 
    !tele 1892.877 1521.135 15.70675 0 998
    Valley of Power - BG - Start - Alliance (Rectangle Start) 
    !tele 1784.266 1077.634 28.87812 0 998
    Valley of Power - BG - Start - Horde (Rectangle Start) 
    !tele 1780.424 1598.724 33.78216 0 998
    STV Diamond Mine - BG - Start - Horde (Start) 
    !tele 630.1702 230.1736 328.8382 0 727
    STV Diamond Mine - BG - Start - Alliance (Start) 
    !tele 851.5746 135.1406 328.8382 0 727
    Stormstout Brewery - Exit Target 
    !tele -713.3559 1263.417 136.2227 0 870
    Scenario - Monk - Graveyard 
    !tele 4014.173 1776.214 884.9942 0 1014
    Test Target loc 
    !tele 928.4583 -2561.451 181.0661 0 960
    Wyrmrest Temple Base 
    !tele -1798.594 -2394.59 45.62267 0 967
    Wyrmrest Temple Top 
    !tele -1804.431 -2387.54 341.3545 0 967
    STV Diamond Mine - BG - Depot - Waterfall 
    !tele 571.0243 336.8941 346.593 0 727
    STV Diamond Mine - BG - Depot - Lava 
    !tele 620.8889 79.65625 298.3261 0 727
    STV Diamond Mine - BG - Depot - Diamond 
    !tele 894.5278 30.7066 363.9267 0 727
    STV Diamond Mine - BG - Depot - Troll 
    !tele 783.0643 495.9271 359.3358 0 727
    Scarlet Halls - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 820.743 607.8125 13.63888 0 1001
    Scarlet Monastery 5.0 - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 1124.644 512.467 0.989549 0 1004
    Scenario - Greenstone Village - Start 
    !tele 2009.54 -2040.325 221.0688 0 1024
    Mogu'shan Vaults - Exit Target 
    !tele 3982.102 1111.207 497.2138 0 870
    Mogu'shan Vaults - Entrance Target 
    !tele 3861.556 1045.111 490.0729 0 1008
    Townlong Steppes Hatred's Vice 
    !tele 1648.877 2510.16 300.1692 0 870
    Valley of the Four Winds Fruited Fields GY 
    !tele 182.8316 1174.464 217.1204 0 870
    Valley of the Four Winds Stoneplow Fields GY 
    !tele -192.6944 1921.635 152.6196 0 870
    Valley of the Four Winds Thirsty Alley GY 
    !tele -583.5417 1316.342 148.7612 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - Kea Krak GY 
    !tele -2344.241 842.7396 2.933034 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - The Deepwild GY 
    !tele -1256.168 785.2153 14.71907 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - Dojani River GY 
    !tele -1205.472 94.21181 12.69035 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - Field of Korja GY 
    !tele -1348.955 1970.418 17.1668 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds Zhu Province GY 
    !tele -391.5139 -759.3055 121.5143 0 870
    Townlong Steppes Osul Mesa GY 
    !tele 2411.257 3356.781 291.6499 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 
    !tele -1286.847 4509.366 128.1826 0 870
    Scenario - Ancient Mogu Crypt - Start 
    !tele 899.1042 2353.913 97.56212 0 1030
    Mogu Catacombs (Pristine Safe Location) 
    !tele 780.592 2354.83 90.05214 0 1029
    Temple of Power Safe Location 
    !tele 1781.573 1569.53 23.32878 0 1035
    Tol'vir Arena - PvP - Arena Graveyard 
    !tele -10716.7 429.2951 24.41168 0 980
    Arena - Tol'vir - Teleport Target - Team 1 
    !tele -10649.91 428.1719 24.41897 0 980
    Arena - Tol'vir - Teleport Target - Team 2 
    !tele -10778.22 430.875 24.41168 0 980
    Arena - Tol'vir - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele -10716.43 429.2326 24.41168 0 980
    Ring of Valor - Entrance Target 
    !tele 2081.233 -4761.889 86.78617 0 1043
    Ring of Valor - Exit Target 
    !tele 2124.455 -4731.653 50.25001 0 1
    Shen-zin Su - North Side - Starting Location 
    !tele 1469.86 3467.16 181.7 0 860
    Terrace of Endless Spring - Entrance Target 
    !tele -1020.884 -3153.09 28.89406 0 996
    Terrace of Endless Spring - Exit Target 
    !tele 954.3542 -57.02951 511.1076 0 870
    Valley of the Four Winds Shang's Stead GY 
    !tele 198.0642 -329.7743 253.2405 0 870
    Valley of the Four Winds Halfhill GY 
    !tele -82.34202 585.6632 163.5554 0 870
    The Veiled Stair Tavern in the Mists GY 
    !tele 1058.342 -159.2517 481.6909 0 870
    The Jade Forest The Overlook GY 
    !tele 447.8403 -1576.109 162.4991 0 870
    TEST - Kalimdor Pet Battle Arena Loc 
    !tele 1271.042 -4228.474 26.68586 0 1
    TEST - Eastern Kingdoms Pet Battle Arena Loc 
    !tele -9100.004 409.0382 92.64658 0 0
    Brewmaster Scenario 03 - Graveyard 
    !tele -2757.066 629.2778 1.167102 0 1048
    Scenario - Monk - Start Point 
    !tele 3823.021 2008.733 935.2049 0 1014
    Corpse Location: 33 - Shadowfang Keep 
    !tele -230.989 1571.57 76.8921 0 0
    Corpse Location: 34 - Stormwind Stockade 
    !tele -8762.379 848.0103 86.31391 0 0
    Corpse Location: 36 - Deadmines 
    !tele -11207.8 1681.15 23.7859 0 0
    Corpse Location: 43 - Wailing Caverns 
    !tele -751.1312 -2209.24 29.92023 0 1
    Corpse Location: 47 - Razorfen Kraul 
    !tele -4459.449 -1660.212 81.73445 0 1
    Corpse Location: 48 - Blackfathom Deeps 
    !tele 4249.121 748.3871 -23.523 0 1
    Corpse Location: 70 - Uldaman 
    !tele -6060.182 -2954.997 209.7688 0 0
    Corpse Location: 90 - Gnomeregan 
    !tele -5162.662 931.5988 257.1361 0 0
    Corpse Location: 109 - Sunken Temple 
    !tele -10291.7 -3987.63 -70.8498 0 0
    Corpse Location: 129 - Razorfen Downs 
    !tele -4662.883 -2535.872 93.43247 0 1
    Corpse Location: 189 - Scarlet Monastery - OLD 
    !tele 2892.235 -811.2637 160.3329 0 0
    Corpse Location: 209 - Zul'Farrak 
    !tele -6790.577 -2891.278 8.899481 0 1
    Corpse Location: 229 - Blackrock Spire 
    !tele -7522.527 -1233.042 285.7461 0 0
    Corpse Location: 230 - Blackrock Depths 
    !tele -7178.095 -928.6395 166.6935 0 0
    Corpse Location: 249 - Onyxia's Lair 
    !tele -4753.313 -3752.421 48.22702 0 1
    Corpse Location: 269 - Opening of the Dark Portal 
    !tele -8750.827 -4193.513 -209.5008 0 1
    Corpse Location: 289 - Scholomance OLD 
    !tele 1274.781 -2552.564 95.02347 0 0
    Corpse Location: 309 - Ancient Zul'Gurub 
    !tele -11916.06 -1224.577 92.26122 0 0
    Corpse Location: 329 - Stratholme 
    !tele 3392.317 -3378.483 142.7248 0 0
    Corpse Location: 349 - Maraudon 
    !tele -1432.697 2924.978 94.16912 0 1
    Corpse Location: 369 - Deeprun Tram 
    !tele -8349.224 517.348 91.79706 0 0
    Corpse Location: 389 - Ragefire Chasm 
    !tele 1816.756 -4423.372 -19.71686 0 1
    Corpse Location: 409 - Molten Core 
    !tele -7510.565 -1036.698 180.9116 0 0
    Corpse Location: 429 - Dire Maul 
    !tele -3908.03 1130 149.343 0 1
    Corpse Location: 469 - Blackwing Lair 
    !tele -7663.413 -1218.667 287.788 0 0
    Corpse Location: 509 - Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 
    !tele -8114.464 1526.366 2.422307 0 1
    Corpse Location: 531 - Ahn'Qiraj Temple 
    !tele -8111.724 1526.786 2.329368 0 1
    Corpse Location: 532 - Karazhan 
    !tele -11110.41 -2004.065 49.3307 0 0
    Corpse Location: 534 - The Battle for Mount Hyjal 
    !tele -8178.508 -4182.05 -167.8 0 1
    Corpse Location: 540 - Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls 
    !tele -306.7582 3064.436 -2.588106 0 530
    Corpse Location: 542 - Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace 
    !tele -295.4193 3151.993 31.5754 0 530
    Corpse Location: 543 - Hellfire Citadel: Ramparts 
    !tele -360.0499 3067.896 -15.12001 0 530
    Corpse Location: 544 - Magtheridon's Lair 
    !tele -330.2339 3106.636 -84.73115 0 530
    Corpse Location: 545 - Coilfang: The Steamvault 
    !tele 764.2191 6915.08 -70.45235 0 530
    Corpse Location: 546 - Coilfang: The Underbog 
    !tele 764.6282 6768.073 -68.08596 0 530
    Corpse Location: 547 - Coilfang: The Slave Pens 
    !tele 742.1582 7011.327 -73.0752 0 530
    Corpse Location: 548 - Coilfang: Serpentshrine Cavern 
    !tele 775.7864 6865.243 -66.77486 0 530
    Corpse Location: 555 - Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth 
    !tele -3640.688 4943.163 -101.0476 0 530
    Corpse Location: 556 - Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls 
    !tele -3361.863 4665.592 -101.0478 0 530
    Corpse Location: 557 - Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs 
    !tele -3089.516 4942.756 -100.7989 0 530
    Corpse Location: 558 - Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts 
    !tele -3363.44 5156.455 -75.9285 0 530
    Corpse Location: 560 - The Escape From Durnholde 
    !tele -8309.81 -4061.509 -193.0477 0 1
    Corpse Location: 564 - Black Temple 
    !tele -3644.527 317.2937 35.08089 0 530
    Corpse Location: 565 - Gruul's Lair 
    !tele 3525.453 5144.151 0.342511 0 530
    Corpse Location: 568 - Zul'Aman 
    !tele 6851.021 -7989.713 189.5978 0 530
    Corpse Location: 574 - Utgarde Keep 
    !tele 1211.759 -4868.422 41.24809 0 571
    Corpse Location: 575 - Utgarde Pinnacle 
    !tele 1232.41 -4860.954 218.2879 0 571
    Corpse Location: 576 - The Nexus 
    !tele 3899.926 6985.436 69.48777 0 571
    Corpse Location: 578 - The Oculus 
    !tele 3865.923 6983.94 106.3202 0 571
    Corpse Location: 580 - The Sunwell 
    !tele 12551.76 -6774.565 17.25524 0 530
    Corpse Location: 585 - Magister's Terrace 
    !tele 12881.9 -7343.095 66.75792 0 530
    Corpse Location: 595 - The Culling of Stratholme 
    !tele -8756.087 -4457.418 -200.4702 0 1
    Corpse Location: 599 - Halls of Stone 
    !tele 8921.793 -966.8065 1039.168 0 571
    Corpse Location: 600 - Drak'Tharon Keep 
    !tele 4774.583 -2023.049 229.3532 0 571
    Corpse Location: 601 - Azjol-Nerub 
    !tele 3672.215 2171.275 35.94069 0 571
    Corpse Location: 602 - Halls of Lightning 
    !tele 9185.088 -1386.791 1110.215 0 571
    Corpse Location: 603 - Ulduar 
    !tele 9359.371 -1115.175 1245.118 0 571
    Corpse Location: 604 - Gundrak 
    !tele 6708.731 -4654.904 450.6361 0 571
    Corpse Location: 608 - Violet Hold 
    !tele 5689.49 498.0469 652.7301 0 571
    Corpse Location: 615 - The Obsidian Sanctum 
    !tele 3438.153 260.4013 -112.9108 0 571
    Corpse Location: 616 - The Eye of Eternity 
    !tele 3869.981 6984.33 153.847 0 571
    Corpse Location: 619 - Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 
    !tele 3641.458 2032.064 2.59325 0 571
    Corpse Location: 624 - Vault of Archavon 
    !tele 5488.125 2840.334 420.8112 0 571
    Corpse Location: 631 - Icecrown Citadel 
    !tele 5776.922 2065.932 636.0638 0 571
    Corpse Location: 632 - The Forge of Souls 
    !tele 5670.792 2003.629 798.1817 0 571
    Corpse Location: 643 - Throne of the Tides 
    !tele -5585.872 5401.649 -1797.845 0 0
    Corpse Location: 644 - Halls of Origination 
    !tele -10226 -1837.479 22.08155 0 1
    Corpse Location: 645 - Blackrock Caverns 
    !tele -7570.245 -1330.684 245.9836 0 0
    Corpse Location: 649 - Trial of the Crusader 
    !tele 8515.286 736.1371 558.5659 0 571
    Corpse Location: 650 - Trial of the Champion 
    !tele 8571.435 792.2205 558.5573 0 571
    Corpse Location: 657 - The Vortex Pinnacle 
    !tele -11522.49 -2317.934 608.5853 0 1
    Corpse Location: 658 - Pit of Saron 
    !tele 5592.057 2010.271 798.1817 0 571
    Corpse Location: 668 - Halls of Reflection 
    !tele 5628.875 1973.286 803.0208 0 571
    Corpse Location: 669 - Blackwing Descent 
    !tele -7541.768 -1188.832 476.0802 0 0
    Corpse Location: 670 - Grim Batol 
    !tele -4047.74 -3446.35 283.545 0 0
    Corpse Location: 671 - The Bastion of Twilight 
    !tele -4903.01 -4221.21 827.7635 0 0
    Corpse Location: 720 - Firelands 
    !tele 3987.2 -2943.32 1002.547 0 1
    Corpse Location: 724 - The Ruby Sanctum 
    !tele 3608.129 186.8021 -110.2616 0 571
    Corpse Location: 725 - The Stonecore 
    !tele 1031.908 610.2969 151.7859 0 646
    Corpse Location: 754 - Throne of the Four Winds 
    !tele -11360.6 72.08334 723.883 0 1
    Corpse Location: 755 - Lost City of the Tol'vir 
    !tele -10686.15 -1308.623 18.13929 0 1
    Corpse Location: 859 - Zul'Gurub 
    !tele -11916.23 -1219.839 92.28726 0 0
    Corpse Location: 938 - End Time 
    !tele -8288.604 -4454.092 -207.8466 0 1
    Corpse Location: 939 - Well of Eternity 
    !tele -8595.837 -3994.936 -205.5471 0 1
    Corpse Location: 940 - Hour of Twilight 
    !tele -8291.132 -4590.438 -228.3086 0 1
    Corpse Location: 951 - Nexus Legendary 
    !tele 3899.93 6985.44 69.4878 0 571
    Corpse Location: 960 - Temple of the Jade Serpent 
    !tele 957.706 -2473.41 180.506 0 870
    Corpse Location: 961 - Stormstout Brewery 
    !tele -688.7051 1267.454 135.547 0 870
    Corpse Location: 962 - Gate of the Setting Sun 
    !tele 695.684 2080.125 374.7103 0 870
    Corpse Location: 967 - Dragon Soul 
    !tele -8263.276 -4512.688 -218.6125 0 1
    Corpse Location: 1001 - Scarlet Halls 
    !tele 2869 -820 160 0 0
    Corpse Location: 1007 - Scholomance 
    !tele 1274.78 -2552.56 95.0235 0 0
    Corpse Location: 1008 - Mogu'shan Vaults 
    !tele 3982.997 1121.291 497.214 0 870
    Scenario - Black Ox Temple 
    !tele 1513.281 5352.507 146.2408 0 1049
    Scenario - Zan'vess - Horde Start 
    !tele -1437.23 3934.49 6.51026 0 1050
    Unga Ingoo Start 
    !tele -3101.01 729.672 0.747235 0 1048
    Brewmoon Festival Start 
    !tele 1736.451 302.5903 475.8858 0 1051
    Brewmoon Festival Graveyard 
    !tele 1847.608 366.3125 482.3574 0 1051
    Dire Maul Dungeon - Corpse Location - West 
    !tele -3790.267 1271.054 160.2522 0 1
    Dire Maul Dungeon - Corpse Location - North 
    !tele -3496.196 1124.477 161.0258 0 1
    Dire Maul Dungeon - Corpse Location - East 
    !tele -3794.349 911.8646 161.0266 0 1
    Scenario - Ring of Blood - Start 
    !tele 3795.642 533.6146 639.011 0 1031
    Corpse Location - Mogu'shan Palace 
    !tele 1408.634 419.5434 479.0544 0 870
    Mogu'shan Palace - GY 
    !tele 1343.875 490.375 457.7204 0 870
    Mogu'shan Palace - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele -3969.67 -2542.712 26.7537 0 994
    Mogu'shan Palace - Exit Teleport Target 
    !tele 1391.832 437.6945 478.9415 0 870
    Siege of Niuzao Temple - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 1463.905 5110.861 156.8542 0 1011
    KLS - Valley of the Kings GY - 02 
    !tele 3571.784 1352.668 798.14 0 870
    Kun-Lai Summit - Wall Quest Graveyard 
    !tele 3019.05 3005.417 534.0335 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Alliance GY 
    !tele 930.3854 710.3229 401.3376 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Horde GY 
    !tele 1366.493 984.0781 438.9883 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Guo-Lai GY 
    !tele 1417.38 1491.352 411.5885 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Guo-Lai 02 GY 
    !tele 1188.99 1595.688 352.403 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Great Wall GY 
    !tele 1044.668 2143.582 309.2823 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Mistfall Village GY 
    !tele 697.4566 1702.509 370.0834 0 870
    Scenario - Ring of Blood - Graveyard 
    !tele 3752.157 538.8559 639.6908 0 1031
    Twin Peaks - Horde Graveyard (Center Anti Exploit) 
    !tele 1819.453 189.9844 -18.89674 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Graveyard (Center Anti Exploit) 
    !tele 1871.681 425.066 -16.36834 0 726
    Corpse Location: 329 - Stratholme - Service Entrance 
    !tele 3237.345 -4058.776 108.4757 0 0
    Lightning Lager Start 
    !tele 2249.792 -1124.648 485.5298 0 1005
    Scenario - Crypt of Forgotten Kings 
    !tele 905.2222 2354.082 97.56213 0 1030
    Scenario - Kotmogu - Start 
    !tele 1780.467 1602.674 34.31691 0 1035
    Mogu'shan Palace - Exit Teleport Target BETA 
    !tele 1536.88 -1793.37 246.2 0 870
    Mogu'shan Palace - GY - BETA 
    !tele 1536.93 -1793.33 246.2 0 870
    Deadmines Rear Exit Target 
    !tele -11341.02 1576.549 93.72838 0 0
    Sha Raid - Entrance Target (LFR) 
    !tele -1020.97 -3146.92 28.3587 0 996
    Mogu Raid - LFR First Half - Entrance Target 
    !tele 3861.08 1044.91 490.073 0 1008
    Mogu Raid - LFR Second Half - Entrance Target 
    !tele 4276.98 1462.39 445.461 0 1008
    Mantid Raid - LFR First Half - Entrance Target 
    !tele -2351.16 459.964 422.341 0 1009
    Mantid Raid - LFR Second Half - Entrance Target 
    !tele -1926.55 475.847 470.958 0 1009
    The Jade Forest East Temple Interior Quests GY 
    !tele 927.5955 -2503.578 180.5042 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 02 
    !tele -1250.885 4139.338 59.50638 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 03 
    !tele -1564.972 4796.333 84.26993 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 04 
    !tele -470.9861 3883.768 77.89108 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 05 
    !tele -543.8524 2931.161 166.2875 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 06 
    !tele 483.7483 2919.703 252.6585 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 07 
    !tele 622.8941 3662.105 226.1882 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 08 
    !tele 588.1927 4281.797 219.3601 0 870
    The Dark Portal 
    !tele -315.326 1149.24 42.8931 0 530
    The Jade Temple 
    !tele 1030.09 -2259.32 155.125 0 870
    Kun-Lai Summit 
    !tele 2914.06 579.927 528.339 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - The Crane Temple 
    !tele -1515.02 1152.42 14.7908 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms 
    !tele 1130.56 1561.34 351.894 0 870
    !tele 1526.81 -4387.06 20.328 0 1
    Stormwind (Pet Battle Arena) 
    !tele -8876.51 582.81 93.1665 0 0
    !tele 1722.83 122.226 60.7034 0 0
    !tele -1499 1638.96 20.4857 0 654
    Stranglethorn Vale 
    !tele -12479.1 -785.619 40.7065 0 0
    !tele -10558 -1210.94 27.5545 0 0
    !tele -4993.51 -959.408 501.659 0 0
    !tele 6960.1 -4155.96 698.355 0 1
    !tele -10521.9 -2517.25 87.5536 0 1
    !tele 2782.69 -57.4763 93.1812 0 1
    The Barrens - Crossroads 
    !tele -623.06 -2945.42 98.1786 0 1
    Howling Fjord 
    !tele 1980.29 -4112.51 214.296 0 571
    Icecrown Citadel 
    !tele 6405.39 2326.15 472.756 0 571
    Scenario - Theramore (A - Start Point) 
    !tele -4023.08 -4748.8 5.21768 0 1000
    Townlong Steppes Upper Sumprushes GY 
    !tele 1624.031 3018.765 319.8503 0 870
    Townlong Steppes Dusklight Bridge GY 
    !tele 1707.941 3590.853 223.5096 0 870
    Townlong Steppes Farwatch Overlook GY 
    !tele 1279.875 4261.921 188.8251 0 870
    Townlong Steppes Underbough GY 
    !tele 2378.592 4105.515 214.7554 0 870
    CoT 4.3 - Dragon Soul (LFR Second Half - Entrance Target Wyrmrest) 
    !tele -1786.75 -2393.24 341.354 0 967
    Ahn'Qiraj Terrace - Sarsarun Event Entrance 
    !tele -9165.31 1594.88 25.8974 0 734
    Maraudon - Theradras Event Entrance 
    !tele 26.3002 -41.9669 -129.106 0 349
    Blackrock Depths - Flamelash Event Entrance 
    !tele 971.551 -201.309 -61.7893 0 230
    Zul'Farrak - Kai'ju Gahz'rilla Event Entrance 
    !tele 1627.85 1136.65 8.87678 0 209
    Shadowfang Keep - Valentine's Event Entrance 
    !tele -238.1181 2166.332 88.91489 0 33
    SM Graveyard (OLD Version - Headless Horseman Entrance) 
    !tele 1797.92 1222.23 18.1853 0 189
    Valley of the Four Winds Kunzen Village GY 
    !tele 576.4236 1319.934 440.108 0 870
    Twin Peaks - Alliance Graveyard (Base Anti Exploit) 
    !tele 2156.573 319.8438 23.17558 0 726
    Twin Peaks - Horde Graveyard (Base Anti Exploit) 
    !tele 1578.686 209.2639 0.7666253 0 726
    Scenario - Zan'vess - Horde Graveyard (Start) 
    !tele -1437.23 3934.49 6.51026 0 1050
    Gate of the Setting Sun - Graveyard [DON'T USE] 
    !tele 637.4167 2129.755 368.2243 0 870
    Gate of the Setting Sun - Exit Target 2 
    !tele 691.9688 2080.33 374.7863 0 870
    Heart of Fear - Entrance Target 
    !tele -2373.58 460.01 422.341 0 1009
    Heart of Fear - Exit Target 
    !tele 167.8385 4054.735 256.2026 0 870
    Mantid Siege - Exit Target 
    !tele 1433.27 5085.39 133.811 0 870
    Mantid Siege - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1455.33 5100.01 149.416 0 1011
    Corpse Location: 1011 - Siege of Niuzao Temple 
    !tele 1448.087 5093.252 143.7435 0 870
    Corpse Location: 959 - Shado-Pan Monastery 
    !tele 3650.27 2547.43 772 0 870
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Gate of the Setting Sun GY 
    !tele 638.6129 2123.205 368.1392 0 870
    Townlong Steppes Sra'vess GY 
    !tele 2628.803 5927.963 81.25199 0 870
    Heart of Fear - Post-Ta'yak Transfer Target 
    !tele -2118.57 188.3177 422.1615 0 1009
    Heart of Fear - Post-Mel'jarak Transfer Target 
    !tele -2122.021 475.8802 503.5688 0 1009
    Heart of Fear - Post-Un'sok Transfer Target 
    !tele -2554.175 479.1719 554.5189 0 1009
    Mogu'shan Vaults - Feng Entrance Target 
    !tele 3963.314 1382.771 461.9599 0 1008
    Mogu'shan Vaults - Four Kings Entrance Target 
    !tele 4241.067 1491.2 423.9348 0 1008
    Shadowpan Hideout - Map Transfer Location 1 
    !tele 3710.219 3087.067 817.3192 0 959
    Mantid Siege - Map Transfer Location 1 
    !tele 1518.627 5297.083 184.6486 0 1011
    Scholomance 5.0 - Mid-Point Target 
    !tele 284.7326 90.19271 113.4926 0 1007
    Valley of the Four Winds Skyrange GY 2 
    !tele 103.0365 1473.149 390.1385 0 870
    Valley of the Four Winds Skyrange GY 1 
    !tele 338.3368 1550.118 459.7453 0 870
    The Jade Forest SE Spire GY - 90+ 
    !tele -83.40452 -3214.953 170.3059 0 870
    Corpse Location: 1004 - Scarlet Monastery 
    !tele 2917.734 -800.1406 160.3323 0 0
    Stormstout Brewery - Mid-Point Target 
    !tele -729.0868 1249.826 165.1517 0 961
    Townlong Steppes Ox Temple 
    !tele 2437.896 4825.228 191.1947 0 870
    Townlong Steppes Forward Assault Camp 
    !tele 1668.297 5314.186 140.0461 0 870
    Townlong Steppes Shan'ze Dao GY 
    !tele 3946.417 5529.015 156.9657 0 870
    Brewmaster Scenario 03 - Graveyard 2 (Entrance) 
    !tele -3082.503 731.25 1.171895 0 1048
    Townlong Steppes Siege Niuzao Temple GY 
    !tele 1410.748 4923.807 132.9218 0 870
    The Veiled Stair The Secret Aerie GY 
    !tele 1614.024 -217.5417 468.2415 0 870
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes GY 09 
    !tele 109.2691 4019.003 251.1382 0 870
    The Jade Forest Honeydew Village GY 
    !tele 2966.556 -662.783 232.5589 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - Horde Base GY 
    !tele -1978.538 2340.441 6.224227 0 1061
    VFW - Great Wall - Southern Graveyard 
    !tele -777.3438 2407.472 236.8371 0 870
    VFW - Great Wall - Northern Graveyard 
    !tele 73.53125 2253.083 264.2097 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - Horde Base TEST 9999 
    !tele -1966.484 2298.462 8.359138 0 1061
    KLS - Great Wall GY - Western Span 
    !tele 3031.024 3020.129 534.027 0 870
    KLS - Great Wall GY - Middle Span 
    !tele 5883.258 1134 19.59464 0 870
    Krasarang - Horde Island - Horde GY 
    !tele -2156.075 2425.786 7.68806 0 1061
    KLS - Great Wall GY - Eastern Span 
    !tele 2109.748 2480.08 538.9844 0 870
    Gate of the Setting Sun - Northern Graveyard 
    !tele 1474.523 2206.597 409.6386 0 870
    KLS - Mogu'shan Terrace GY 
    !tele 4023.281 1118.948 497.1562 0 870
    The Jade Forest Alliance Airstrip GY 
    !tele 2643.244 -509.9948 322.5644 0 870
    Jade Forest - Skyfire GY 
    !tele -695.3403 -1471.715 130.2131 0 971
    Dread Wastes Dread Wastes Amber Hibernal Teleport Pad 
    !tele 313.377 4563.37 186.921 0 870
    Scenario - Theramore (A - Graveyard) 
    !tele -4031.425 -4735.321 11.02268 0 1000
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Ancestral Rise GY 
    !tele 1587.948 1988.491 459.6482 0 870
    Krasarang Wilds - Narsong Spire - Beach GY 
    !tele -1638.078 -1.279514 3.522155 0 870
    Vol'jin Escort Scenario Start 
    !tele 778.3403 -191.1806 402.4454 0 1095
    Darkmoon Faire 
    !tele -4087.94 6392.81 13.1669 0 974
    Battle on the High Seas (Alliance Scenario Start) 
    !tele 2169.845 -4230.378 8.877979 0 1099
    Krasarang - Horde Island - Alliance GY 
    !tele -2280.41 2100.731 5.752441 0 1061
    Scenario - Patience - Start Point 
    !tele -1085.8 1168.9 16.8407 0 1104
    Scenario - Fort (A - Start Point) 
    !tele -1189.257 -1196.948 36.7994 0 1103
    Krasarang Wilds - Domination Point - Capturable GY 
    !tele -1965.004 2289.533 10.34705 0 1061
    Krasarang Wilds - Lion's Landing - Capturable GY 
    !tele -779.2205 -1018.608 22.95231 0 1062
    Scenario - Zan'vess - Graveyard (After Bombing Run) 
    !tele -1253.561 4140.958 59.27216 0 1050
    Gate of the Setting Sun - Entrance Target (Back) 
    !tele 1352.129 2291.554 396.4305 0 962
    Scenario - Zan'vess - Global Safe Loc 
    !tele -1252.677 4140.75 59.33739 0 1050
    Scenario - Zan'vess - Alliance Start 
    !tele -679.186 4408.64 186.2 0 1050
    Scenario - Zan'vess - Alliance Graveyard (Start) 
    !tele -679.186 4408.64 186.2 0 1050
    Warlock Scenario - Black Temple Entrance Location 
    !tele 710.2795 988.7309 52.8447 0 1112
    Scenario - Zan'vess - Post Bombing Zone In 
    !tele -1059.816 4257.174 8.4023 0 1050
    Black Temple Scenario - Roof 
    !tele 786.0955 304.3524 319.7598 0 1112
    Blackrock Depths - Grim Guzzler 
    !tele 859.6091 -153.3476 -49.75503 0 230
    Scenario - Fort (H - Start Point) 
    !tele -1751.345 2488.858 33.95753 0 1102
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Mistfall Village - Mountain GY 
    !tele 392.4288 1581.347 524.5434 0 870
    Corpse Location: 1043 - Brawl'gar Arena 
    !tele 2133.05 -4736.771 49.2018 0 1
    Black Temple Scenario - Entrance 
    !tele 716.557 992.336 52.8581 0 1112
    Black Temple Scenario - Reliquary Respawn 
    !tele 492.902 163.982 94.5301 0 1112
    Orgrimmar - Valley of Honor GY 
    !tele 2211.6 -4652.75 82.0131 0 1
    Stormwind - North GY 
    !tele -8288.8 628.839 92.1119 0 0
    !tele 8726.33 -1271.13 1002.15 0 571
    !tele 5784.43 709.695 641.316 0 571
    The Nexus 
    !tele 4054.01 6673.87 324.189 0 571
    !tele -1649.55 7556.97 -6.48901 0 530
    !tele 2946.93 2649.09 117.073 0 530
    !tele -3525.33 4894.29 -53.7234 0 530
    Black Temple 
    !tele -3327.05 374.192 120.454 0 530
    !tele -11143.8 -2097.16 47.9564 0 0
    Kun-Lai Summit 5.1 - Emperor's Reach - GY 
    !tele 4230.749 1432.582 457.0356 0 870
    Kun-Lai Summit 5.1 - Ruins of Korune - GY 
    !tele 4503.22 2842.55 121.904 0 870
    Vol'jin Escort Scenario Tavern GY 
    !tele 807.2621 -233.7483 410.4729 0 1095
    Vol'jin Escort Scenario Cave Entrance GY 
    !tele 1118.363 -158.7274 479.8539 0 1095
    Dalaran (Worldtab - Horde GY) 
    !tele 5777.087 744.6007 620.7006 0 1106
    Dalaran (Worldtab - Alliance GY) 
    !tele 5797.489 795.0504 661.868 0 1106
    Black Temple Scenario - Reliquary Fight 
    !tele 471.7778 119.3351 94.77462 0 1112
    Scenario - Patience - Graveyard 
    !tele -1079.18 1160.4 16.5848 0 1104
    Dalaran (Worldtab - Well Target) 
    !tele 5874.309 660.5364 615.2939 0 1106
    Isle of Giants - GY 
    !tele 5947.131 1146.984 60.61191 0 870
    Scenario - Tear Down This Wall - Start Point 
    !tele 6514.135 5766.214 28.52136 0 1126
    5.2 Scenario - Shipyard Progression 
    !tele 6641.67 5069.96 20.8126 0 1126
    Assault on Zeb'tula Start 
    !tele 6715.483 6481.596 4.94053 0 1126
    Isle of the Thunder King - Swamp East Graveyard 
    !tele 6508.298 5254.129 19.14612 0 1064
    Isle of the Thunder King - Alliance Graveyard 
    !tele 6176.495 5033.32 40.34715 0 1064
    Isle of the Thunder King - Swamp North Graveyard 
    !tele 6862.596 5788.762 12.91932 0 1064
    Isle of the Thunder King - Swamp West Graveyard 
    !tele 6546.976 5982.037 4.965278 0 1064
    Isle of the Thunder King - Swamp South Graveyard 
    !tele 6260.893 5629.014 11.60955 0 1064
    Isle of the Thunder King - Horde Graveyard 
    !tele 7223.878 6352.821 12.48958 0 1064
    Scenario 5.2 - To the Skies! - Horde Start Loc 
    !tele 7180.346 6283.036 12.47005 0 1126
    Isle of the Thunder King - Docks Graveyard 
    !tele 6974.026 5190.576 66.0382 0 1064
    5.2 Scenario - Final Gate Progression - Horde 
    !tele 7070.724 5341.71 65.98442 0 1126
    Scenario 5.2 - To the Skies! - Horde Hub GY 
    !tele 7168.438 6308.167 16.01545 0 1126
    Scenario 5.2 - To the Skies! - Boss 1 GY 
    !tele 7573.734 5598.93 30.5477 0 1126
    Thunder King Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 7254.68 5024.507 76.17106 0 1064
    Thunder King Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele 5892.094 6615.736 106.1092 0 1098
    Gold Rush BG - Horde Start Location 
    !tele -60.1632 830.5989 135.3787 0 1105
    Gold Rush BG - Alliance Start Location 
    !tele -275.1979 174.6181 136.1852 0 1105
    Gold Rush BG - Alliance Cemetery (South) 
    !tele -331.5399 242.7118 132.5693 0 1105
    Gold Rush BG - Horde Cemetery (North) 
    !tele -0.008680556 758.7083 132.5693 0 1105
    Thunder King Raid - Graveyard 
    !tele 7242.805 5066.439 76.16375 0 1064
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Horridon Transfer Target 
    !tele 5431.047 5849.414 130.044 0 1098
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Council Transfer Target 
    !tele 6042.607 5076.46 -44.53222 0 1098
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Primordius Transfer Target 
    !tele 5561.463 4807.692 82.9028 0 1098
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Dark Animus Transfer Target 
    !tele 5788.53 4769.175 77.56896 0 1098
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Iron Qon Transfer Target 
    !tele 6045.24 4828.34 148.781 0 1098
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Queens Transfer Target 
    !tele 6237.891 4174.307 161.4458 0 1098
    Thunder King Raid - LFR Third Wing Entrance 
    !tele 6081.015 4433.471 -13.14653 0 1098
    Thunder King Raid - LFR Fourth Wing Entrance 
    !tele 5831.819 4848.526 89.49957 0 1098
    Scenario - Shimmer - Start Point 
    !tele -5251.29 -426.649 388.467 0 1130
    Blackrock Depths - Upper City 
    !tele 926.9042 -288.1339 -49.94014 0 230
    Upper Blackrock Spire Entrance Target 
    !tele 112.2169 -318.9608 65.46172 0 229
    5.2 Legendary Scenario Start 
    !tele 7224.794 5303.925 65.98442 0 1126
    IotTK - Final Gate Graveyard (RKS) 
    !tele 6983.321 5295.82 84.25035 0 1126
    IotTK - Assault on Zeb'tula Graveyard - Ship (HMC) 
    !tele 6704.89 6481.062 4.679859 0 1126
    IotTK - Assault on Zeb'tula Graveyard - Swamp (HMC) 
    !tele 6734.891 5879.662 7.850066 0 1126
    IotTK - \Tear Down\ Graveyard (PRK) 
    !tele 6509.301 5770.505 28.52131 0 1126
    Scenario 5.2 - To the Skies! - Alliance Hub GY 
    !tele 6099.581 5007.723 36.89301 0 1126
    Scenario 5.2 - To the Skies! - Alliance Start Loc 
    !tele 6149.74 5040.179 36.89586 0 1126
    Isle of the Thunder King - Mine Graveyard 
    !tele 7333.273 5256.231 67.03691 0 1064
    Assault on Shaol'mara Start 
    !tele 5675.703 6216.157 13.03625 0 1126
    Smash and Grab Start 
    !tele -299.3333 1209.969 127.6365 0 1135
    5.2 Scenario - Final Gate Progression - Alliance 
    !tele 6937.333 5208.292 66.0382 0 1126
    IotTK - Assault on Shaol'mara Graveyard - Ship (HMC) 
    !tele 5670.501 6217.237 12.90241 0 1126
    IotTK - Assault on Shaol'mara Graveyard - Swamp (HMC) 
    !tele 6525.915 5484.171 10.46774 0 1126
    5.2 Legendary Scenario - Initial Graveyard 
    !tele 7172.671 5356.049 65.98442 0 1126
    5.2 Legendary Scenario - Second Graveyard 
    !tele 7311.102 5217.859 65.50894 0 1126
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Ji-Kun Transfer Target 
    !tele 6118.39 4470.61 -119.336 0 1098
    Warlock Scenario - Temple Summit Graveyard 
    !tele 797.2864 304.8333 319.7599 0 1112
    IotTK - Loot Room Graveyard (CSA) 
    !tele -299.1684 1209.974 127.6365 0 1135
    Isle of Thunder 
    !tele 6544.27 5133.71 59.9066 0 1064
    !tele 1152.38 1183.56 52.975 0 646
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Lei Shen Transfer Target 
    !tele 5683.832 4067.472 156.4627 0 1098
    5.2 Shipyard Scenario - GY 1 
    !tele 6639.819 5058.074 19.36632 0 1126
    5.2 Shipyard Scenario - GY 2 
    !tele 6939.038 4896.643 7.662492 0 1126
    5.2 Shipyard Scenario - GY 3 
    !tele 6861.292 5184.37 66.03819 0 1126
    Thunder King Raid - LFR Second Wing Entrance 
    !tele 6043.058 5072.52 -45.37531 0 1098
    Emberdeep - Start Location 
    !tele 1396.58 802.536 38.8645 0 1131
    Emberdeep - Graveyard 
    !tele 1396.58 802.536 38.8645 0 1131
    Sunwell Dungeon - Vexallus Dead - World Transfer Loc 
    !tele 215.5399 -269.6927 -8.695729 0 585
    IoTTK - Alliance Intro Safe Port 
    !tele 5335.15 5607.88 65.38 0 1064
    IoTTK - Horde Intro Safe Port 
    !tele 5724.13 6723.35 65.38 0 1064
    Scenario - Heart - Start 
    !tele 1127.2 905.2379 404.1013 0 1144
    Arena - Shado-Pan - Teleport Target - Team 1 
    !tele 491.4757 633.3316 380.7075 0 1134
    Arena - Shado-Pan - Teleport Target - Team 2 
    !tele 642.367 633.406 380.705 0 1134
    Arena - Shado-Pan - Teleport Target - Game On 
    !tele 565.5781 631.5399 380.704 0 1134
    IoTTK - Horde Boat 
    !tele 6709.494 6481.671 4.938417 0 1120
    IoTTK - Alliance Boat 
    !tele 5675.271 6216.277 13.02682 0 1121
    Thunder King Raid - Post-Megaera Transfer Target 
    !tele 6262.138 4526.833 -191.6267 0 1098
    IotTK - Final Gate Graveyard - Horde (RKS) 
    !tele 7070.711 5341.712 65.98442 0 1126
    IotTK - Final Gate Graveyard - Alliance (RKS) 
    !tele 6937.371 5208.276 66.0382 0 1126
    Scenario - Proving Grounds - Start 
    !tele 3756.82 521.777 639.692 0 1148
    Gold Rush BG - Horde Cemetery (South) 
    !tele -222.743 802.188 137.451 0 1105
    Gold Rush BG - Alliance Cemetery (North) 
    !tele -113.6823 195.1354 137.4544 0 1105
    Battle on the High Seas (Alliance Boat B) 
    !tele 2344.439 -4132.472 14.43402 0 1099
    Battle on the High Seas (Alliance Horde Boat A) 
    !tele 2455.41 -4068.563 19.59584 0 1099
    Battle on the High Seas (Horde Scenario Start) 
    !tele 2464.87 -4095.68 9.04003 0 1099
    The Barrens Lumber Camp 
    !tele 1211.328 -1674.866 243.1433 0 1
    Battle on the High Seas (Horde Boat B) 
    !tele 2322.22 -4211.903 11.31822 0 1099
    Battle on the High Seas (Horde Alliance Boat A) 
    !tele 2165.95 -4250.038 14.655 0 1099
    Scenario - Heart - Stage 4 GY 
    !tele 868.9132 948.4618 379.1903 0 1144
    Frostwind Desert - TEMP GRAVEYARD 
    !tele 6271.84 6458.83 189.153 0 1116
    Timeless Isle - Alliance Landing gy 
    !tele -922.6788 -4692.837 1.884384 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Horde Landing gy 
    !tele -370.0746 -4621.656 2.010825 0 870
    5.5 Defense Scenario Start 
    !tele -1649.028 -1803.769 79.97833 0 1155
    Celestial Challenge - Pet Battle - GY 
    !tele -798.6996 -4972.04 3.307643 0 1161
    Scenario - Celestial - Start 
    !tele -611.283 -4993.768 -6.277339 0 1161
    Garrosh Raid - Pre-Golden Lotus Transfer Loc 
    !tele 1459.267 1037.167 340.2551 0 1136
    Garrosh Raid - Pre-Sha Transfer Loc 
    !tele 803.5278 851.4011 371.089 0 1136
    Garrosh Raid - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1440.894 263.0469 283.558 0 1136
    Garrosh Raid - Exit Target 
    !tele 1230.899 613.8524 324.0243 0 870
    Garrosh Raid - Pre-Malkorok Transfer Loc 
    !tele 1795.512 -4774.249 -254.6005 0 1136
    Vale of Eternal Blossoms - Vale Raid GY 
    !tele 1167.387 685.6077 348.9106 0 870
    Garrosh Raid - Pre-Galakras Transfer Loc 
    !tele 1440.248 -5015.09 12.15835 0 1136
    Garrosh Raid - Pre-Dark Shaman Transfer Loc 
    !tele 1380.413 -4370.594 26.02809 0 1136
    Garrosh Raid - Underhold Nexus Transfer Loc 
    !tele 1992.649 -5169.936 -270.2384 0 1136
    Garrosh Raid - Pre-Garrosh Transfer Loc 
    !tele 1640.234 -5646.078 -314.6239 0 1136
    Frostfire Ridge - Arena GY 
    !tele 7909.923 5663.436 114.909 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Throm'var GY 
    !tele 7924.262 5665.544 114.1645 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Bladespire Oasis GY 
    !tele 7267.627 5215.439 129.552 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Frostwolf Camp GY 
    !tele 5846.938 6085.944 110.459 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Broken Ogre Tower GY 
    !tele 6378.75 6590.91 151.21 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Favela GY 
    !tele 6483.301 5825 137.929 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Stonefang Outpost GY 
    !tele 6002.2 5199.3 131.674 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Garrison GY 
    !tele 5683.37 4304.149 113.604 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Bone Town GY 
    !tele 5854.204 3366.594 133.6677 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Icewind Dunes GY 
    !tele 6616.53 4295.136 93.11491 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (F Karabor South) 
    !tele 3.83632 -2492.87 103.532 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Thunderland GY 
    !tele 7421.01 4150.44 117.295 0 1116
    Gold Rush BG - Pandaren Mine Catch 
    !tele 104.0799 423.4826 112.3709 0 1105
    Gold Rush BG - Goblin Mine Catch 
    !tele -438.592 582.3246 111.5704 0 1105
    5.4 - Cooking - Noodle Cart - Noodle Time - Start 
    !tele -262.6424 585.2361 167.5478 0 1157
    The Purge of Grommar - Start 
    !tele 1549.288 -1265.908 -7.22394 0 1168
    Timeless Isle - Grotto gy 
    !tele -558.1632 -5648.45 17.74261 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Ordon Sanc GY 
    !tele -265.9965 -5509.549 126.0073 0 870
    Garrosh Raid - The Drag Transfer Loc 
    !tele 1903.757 -4548.87 30.70614 0 1136
    Timeless Isle - Three-Breeze/Misty Strand 
    !tele -313.4844 -5011.217 6.96419 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Pi'jiu GY 
    !tele -921.2813 -5045.571 2.724257 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Celestial Court GY 
    !tele -650.2691 -4866.658 2.05599 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Celestial Court GY 2 
    !tele -649.9219 -5122.193 2.05599 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Firewalker Ruins GY 
    !tele -1094.345 -5228.37 28.81991 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Firewalker's Path Lower 
    !tele -743.7327 -5729.62 53.9663 0 870
    Timeless Isle - Firewalker's Path Upper 
    !tele -448.0347 -5550.972 91.50877 0 870
    Frostfire Ridge - Bladespire Fortress - Brazen Taxi - GJC 
    !tele 6440.64 6350.66 227.914 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Bladespire Fortress - Ride Ghostfur 
    !tele 6815.16 5743.16 401.343 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (A Vindicator Ledge) 
    !tele -647.105 -1152.17 114.837 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (B Whispering Fields) 
    !tele -280.6424 -630.1649 16.1142 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (C Shaz'gul) 
    !tele 157.6024 -354.8837 29.27127 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (D The Arbitum) 
    !tele 564.719 -1118.37 -12.1494 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (E Alliance Bastion) 
    !tele 230.8316 -1478.115 -9.767751 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (G Karabor North) 
    !tele 896.394 -2323 96.703 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (H Iron Horde) 
    !tele 1630.79 -1643.54 98.289 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (I Mount Teluuna) 
    !tele 1153.106 -1050.983 54.27109 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (J Gloomshade Grove) 
    !tele 1528.58 -246.927 31.8758 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (K The Tainted Woods) 
    !tele 2090.51 436.639 45.1633 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (L The Pale Cave) 
    !tele 1170.67 398.434 52.6339 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (M Western Fields) 
    !tele 1067.42 -384.2587 -25.8803 0 1116
    Shadowmoon 6.x (N Chimaera Island) 
    !tele -1124.28 -2183.09 23.1445 0 1116
    Bloodmaul Slave Mines - Exit 
    !tele 7266.77 4459.73 129.463 0 1116
    Bloodmaul Slave Mines - Entrance 
    !tele 1829.37 -245.757 255.727 0 1175
    6.0 Ogre Mines - Exit Target 
    !tele 7263.71 4453.39 129.221 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Bladespire Fortress - Intro Level 1 GY 
    !tele 6450.458 6345.729 229.1036 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Bladespire Fortress - Intro Level 2 GY 
    !tele 6595.676 5680.864 319.4427 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Bladespire Fortress - Intro Level 3 GY 
    !tele 6814.288 5737.362 401.7299 0 1116
    Frostfire Ridge - Ogre Mines GY 
    !tele 7183.41 4399.93 128.729 0 1116
    Razorfen Kraul 6.x - Boss 3 Defeated Transfer Loc - KJD 
    !tele 2185.637 1593.845 79.55274 0 47
    Razorfen Kraul 6.x - Boss 4 Defeated Transfer Loc - KJD 
    !tele 2072.342 1987.425 62.98559 0 47
    Blackfathom Deeps - Hallway 01 Cleared Transfer Loc 
    !tele -532.1505 -6.174552 -40.4467 0 48
    Blackfathom Deeps - Pre Bathiel Transfer Loc 
    !tele -751.9736 -57.60244 -29.92944 0 48
    Blackfathom Deeps - Pre Aku'mai Transfer Loc 
    !tele -818.57 -187.4629 -25.87006 0 48
    6.0 - Professions Prototype - Mining (2 Scenario Start Loc) 
    !tele 5030.467 8988.123 49.94439 0 1060
    Gorgrond Finale Scenario - Start 
    !tele 6628.549 -255.0104 5.103638 0 1195
    Auchindoun Dungeon 6.0 - Entrance 
    !tele 1483.536 2953.122 35.31083 0 1182
    Bonetown Scenario - Start Loc 
    !tele 6058.46 3718.45 134.447 0 1200
    Frostfire Finale Scenario - Start 
    !tele 5950.925 3018.28 161.9833 0 1203
    Frostfire Finale Scenario - Graveyard 
    !tele 5933.4 2936.24 180.049 0 1203
    Ashran - Alliance Base - Main GY 
    !tele 5236.062 -4307.137 34.7804 0 1191
    The Purge of Grommar - Graveyard 
    !tele 1585.755 -1341.51 -0.582821 0 1168
    Horde - Character Upgrade - Vale Hearth Loc 
    !tele 1617.92 922.6077 470.7324 0 870
    Alliance - Character Upgrade - Vale Hearth Loc 
    !tele 870.9011 289.5851 503.2268 0 870
    Talador Iron Horde Scenario - Start 
    !tele 3030.964 2811.621 67.07719 0 1207
    Spires of Arak - Entrance Teleport Target 
    !tele 1039.44 1687.51 187.865 0 1209
    SMV Alliance Garrison Safe 
    !tele 231.375 -1478.118 -9.767744 0 1116
    Horde - Character Upgrade - Timeless Isle Start Loc 
    !tele 1605.908 921.2222 470.6227 0 870
    Alliance - Character Upgrade - Timeless Isle Start Loc 
    !tele 880.1198 297.1406 503.112 0 870
    Auchindoun Dungeon 6.0 - Construct Defeated Entrance 
    !tele 1911.627 3183.649 30.79937 0 1182
    Blackrock Train Depot - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1744.335 1681.448 7.473475 0 1208
    Shadowmoon Dungeon - Entrance Target 
    !tele 1719.15 239.788 324.535 0 1176
    Gorgrond - Belcher Cauldron (HMC) 
    !tele 6530.063 623.0886 236.1628 0 1116
    Tanaan Jungle Intro - Dark Portal - TEMP Graveyard - PRK 
    !tele 4080.493 -2409.481 94.80605 0 1265
    Altar of A'dal (Quest Conditioned) 
    !tele 2522.224 2717.928 234.9532 0 1116
    Ashran - Quarry - Alliance TEMP GY 
    !tele 4198.608 -4304.415 46.51038 0 1191
    Ashran - Quarry - Horde TEMP GY 
    !tele 4293.011 -4384.497 53.09819 0 1191
    Auchindoun Dungeon 6.0 - Exit 
    !tele 1747.479 2979.456 108.0478 0 1116
    Shadowmoon Valley - Garrison - Alliance 1 GY 
    !tele 1766.847 273.9809 76.98869 0 1158
    6.0 Invasion - Blasted Lands Camp (A GY) 
    !tele -11279.37 -3674.832 3.615085 0 1190
    6.0 Invasion - Blasted Lands Camp (H GY) 
    !tele -11754.82 -3834.894 57.31992 0 1190
    Shadowmoon Valley - Garrison - Alliance 3 GY 
    !tele 1767.582 274.1441 76.99001 0 1160
    Defense of Karabor - Start 
    !tele 577.7621 -2459.259 96.08557 0 1277
    Ashran - The Arena - Alliance GY 
    !tele 4559.446 -3659.668 27.58463 0 1191
    Ashran - The Arena - Horde GY 
    !tele 4514.271 -3661.385 27.58464 0 1191
    Last edited by Aes; 11-22-2015 at 11:56 PM.

    Sandbox for Legion Beta
  2. #47
    vvvat's Avatar Contributor
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    Yep...crashing. But anyway thanks and waiting for a fix.

  3. #48
    Davile's Avatar Member
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    Doesn´t work for me. I´ve run "Arctium WoW Legion Sandbox" as admin, but it just loading something(loading circle next to the cursor) and I cannot turn it off in a processes. + screen is frozen, i cannot even click on anything on my second monitor.

    Sandbox for Legion Beta-processes-png
    Last edited by Davile; 11-22-2015 at 11:24 PM.

  4. #49
    Legions's Avatar Member
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    Whenever I try and download the client I keep getting this pop up. Anyone know how to fix it?? Thanks!
    Sandbox for Legion Beta-uneh4kf-png

  5. #50
    Mazaxist's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Legions View Post
    Whenever I try and download the client I keep getting this pop up. Anyone know how to fix it?? Thanks!
    Sandbox for Legion Beta-uneh4kf-png
    well, maybe login with admin account? i dont think anyone else had this problem. you could try to go to START, type CMD then right click it and select Run as admin. then navigate to your battle net by typing

    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\

    or whatever your actual path is. then follow the rest of the steps

  6. #51
    DavidTwo2009's Avatar Active Member
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    You got me mah paladin order hall coords

  7. #52
    Pharaphobia's Avatar Member
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    Which net framework do i need? Cant start sandbox on Windows 10 64bit. :/

  8. #53
    Davile's Avatar Member
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    Do you know what´s wrong with this?

    Sandbox for Legion Beta-error-png

  9. #54
    jakl33t's Avatar Active Member
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    Mage Order Hall: !tele -850 4600 920 1513

    Priest Order Hall: !tele 1320 1340 190 1512
    Last edited by jakl33t; 11-23-2015 at 12:58 AM.

  10. #55
    Pharaphobia's Avatar Member
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    Reinstalled 4.6 framework, still getting this error. Patching was fine

    Sandbox for Legion Beta-bez-n-zvu-jpg

  11. #56
    Davile's Avatar Member
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    Same thing as me

  12. #57
    hashey's Avatar Banned
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    Can't login on Windows 10 using the patched exe. Error #2 everytime. Running in admin, firewall is off, .net installed ect. Edited the config file too.

  13. #58
    Dielord's Avatar Contributor
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    Same error as everyone here reported on W8.1 x64, and W10 Pro x64. Converter works ok, but server exe keep crashing.
    Last edited by Dielord; 11-23-2015 at 01:25 AM.

  14. #59
    vvvat's Avatar Contributor
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    Server or Connection Patcher crashes:
    -> Turn off your Antivirus program - done
    -> You have .NET 4.6??? - ofcourse
    -> Run it as admin - done

    but still crashes. I'm even move folder with emulator to root folder for prevent non-english symbols in path

  15. #60
    ReznikShaman's Avatar Contributor
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    My issue :-( ... I tried reinstall net framework, W7 Professional x86 ... Anyway thank you for the sandbox! :-)

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