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  1. #46
    Facerolling's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Yzak View Post
    1. Can I play WoW just like I am playing on the real server? Like all the quests are there and I can do dungeons and raids?! That would be amazing!
    2. Do I have to run both the world servers in order for the game to work? The lingo you used made it sound like it was just a second realm that I could or not use. Just wondering.
    3. Everytime I play I have to follow your directions and open everything up right? Like a hacker!
    4. Is there a certain order I have to close the 4 programs? I shut down WoW first of course but then what? Worldserver 1 first? or the batch file? Or the Authserver?
    5. Man the gm commands. I can go to level 80!!! Holy, is there more I can do and do I have to always speak with the GM Vendor in order to do stuff? Or can I access the commands by typing?

    Thank you in advance for your replies. I will mess around some more! It is like Xmas but since I rarely get presents this is the best xmas!
    1. Yes, the blizzlike server is exactly like one of blizzard's servers.
    2. I haven't downloaded this, but saying 4 Command prompts makes me think they're MySQL, Apache, Logonserver and Worldserver. You need to have at least the MySQL, Logon and World servers running.
    3. You just need MySQL, Logon and World servers running (Auth and world for Trinity iirc.)
    4. just press Ctrl+C on the Logon and Auth, you can close the MySQL by x'ing it. Should try closing World, then Auth, then MySQL to prevent anything breaking.
    5. You can if you're on an admin account I assume. when the world server has finished loading, type "acc create admin admin" or whatever you want for username and password, then type "acc set gmlevel admin 3 -1". Log in with that account and type .commands to see all the commands.
    hey ervyone whats up gamboys

    Trinitycore AKA Funserver and Blizz Repack 3.3.5a + Extras
  2. #47
    worgen11's Avatar Private
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    Anyone know of a fix for world events. All seasonal events are missing functionality. And for Noble Garden I created a work around to at least be able to have the eggs loot into items for that event. When you start the noble garden by use of .event start 9 and .event start 28 and then go to say goldshire and pick up eggs scattered through elwynn you open the eggs and nothing loots. Had to add loot template entries for this egg so that items like chocolates, rabbit companion, Tuxedo Top & Bottom, and Dress etc have a chance to drop with 40% on chocolates and like 5-9% drop on everything else. Hallows End, WinterVeil, and other seasonal events are also missing in functionality and loot template info. As far as this repack goes its VERY STABLE and there are only a few broken quests. Oh and when creating a DK the quest chain is broken for turning in runed weapon quest. So at level 55 you have to use world transporter if using GM Realm or go into database and change mapID and location to the same as say a toon you have parked in a regular city to get the DK out of this trapped location which is the instance quest chain for the DK.

  3. #48
    bahmat's Avatar Private
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    Hello. I just downloaded this repack cos I thought I'd try my hand on running a server after so long. I followed the instructions to the letter. I've set everything as instructed. But whenever I turn on Wow, it shows me the server list, but when I log in as admin, the GM server is marked OFFLINE and the Blizz server keeps disconnecting after I select it. Could someone pls tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing? Do I need to uninstall and start over? I'm using a Win7 PC, if that helps any. Do I need a newer .Net Framework version for my OS or is 3.5 the only version this repack will accept?

    Also, in order to create another account, it says; "to make accounts goto console and type account create NAME PASSWORD". Where exactly do i go to do this? I've searched both Trin folders and neither one has a folder or .exe file marked "Console".

    Last question, how do I go about changing the exp, honor and drop rates on this repack. I used to be able to change it on a Ntpd marked "rates" or "server". Don't know where to go now.

    Sorry if I sound like such a noob but it's been more than 4 years since I last ran my own server back during the Vanilla days, but I'll be grateful for any help given.
    Last edited by bahmat; 04-24-2011 at 07:24 PM.

  4. #49
    mikec's Avatar Private
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    this is a great repack, I started runing it yesterday. I like the fun realm and my son thks its awesome.
    you must have put a tremendous amount of thought and work time into it.

    grats to you, on a great repack

    I would like to change what the teleporter says on a couple things though, at least what it says when you max out your gold.

    how do you do that ?

    I'm using sqlyog


  5. #50
    mikec's Avatar Private
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    Hello. I just downloaded this repack cos I thought I'd try my hand on running a server after so long. I followed the instructions to the letter. I've set everything as instructed. But whenever I turn on Wow, it shows me the server list, but when I log in as admin, the GM server is marked OFFLINE and the Blizz server keeps disconnecting after I select it. Could someone pls tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing? Do I need to uninstall and start over? I'm using a Win7 PC, if that helps any. Do I need a newer .Net Framework version for my OS or is 3.5 the only version this repack will accept?

    Also, in order to create another account, it says; "to make accounts goto console and type account create NAME PASSWORD". Where exactly do i go to do this? I've searched both Trin folders and neither one has a folder or .exe file marked "Console".

    Last question, how do I go about changing the exp, honor and drop rates on this repack. I used to be able to change it on a Ntpd marked "rates" or "server". Don't know where to go now.

    Sorry if I sound like such a noob but it's been more than 4 years since I last ran my own server back during the Vanilla days, but I'll be grateful for any help given.

    make sure you start sql, Auth, worldserver1, worldserver2, you need those 4 for it to run properly.
    then with creating account , use one of the worldserver cmd windows this is the console,, use worldserver 1 preferrably. in the console click enter to begin a new line so that you see the TC.

    TC .account create name password click enter

    Last edited by mikec; 08-17-2011 at 01:55 PM.

  6. #51
    Dokterdeed's Avatar Private
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    Ok an update from my issue. first i will show the log
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 TrinityCore Rev: * Release Hash: * (Win32,little-endian) (core-daemon)
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

    2011-08-20 05:07:53 ______ __
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \ ,_\ __ __
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 C O R E /\___/
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 \/__/

    2011-08-20 05:07:53 MySQL client library: 6.0.0
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 MySQL server ver: 5.0.45-community-nt
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 MySQL client library: 6.0.0
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 MySQL server ver: 5.0.45-community-nt
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 MySQL client library: 6.0.0
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 MySQL server ver: 5.0.45-community-nt
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 Realm running as realm ID 1
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 Using World DB: TDB 335.10.33
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.4 - Final Release for Trinity (3.3.2 Client)
    2011-08-20 05:07:53 Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
    After that it read "This application is requesting Runtime to Shutdown in an unusual way" And it closed
    Last edited by Dokterdeed; 08-19-2011 at 11:13 PM.

  7. #52
    zNemesis's Avatar Private
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    Nice :)

    This is nice man,


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