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    Ed_Kay's Avatar Member
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    Project Wrathnilla+ [AzerothCore] (WotLK 3.3.5a)

    Hello everyone. I've been working on this server for the past year and I feel like it is ready to be shared.

    As far as the ingame world goes, I’ve always been an enormous fan of Vanilla. Later content seemed like too much of an amusement park. However, those expanded talent trees, spells and so on are too good to pass up on. I decided to mod an experience that, as I see it, combines what I feel is best about the early life stage of WoW.

    The now inactive SoloFriendly repack was used as a framework. You can also consider this my stubborn refusal to let SoloFriendly be forgotten. I’ve done my best to push the boundary of what it means to be “solo friendly”.

    The entire patch history of this project is available for you to read in the text files included in the initial client patch zip, but I’ve left all content-related changes vague. If you want that Ashbringer and to purify it but can’t be assed looking, you’ll have to ask someone who knows the questline. And I’m not telling. There was a lot of not knowing how things worked back when WoW released, and I want to recreate some of that. It was fun.

    Special thanks to team SoloFriendly for their amazing work, to Brimstone for getting me into modding, and to the missus for putting up my obsessive modding effort.

    DISCORD LINK: Project Wrathnilla+

    A thorougly curated level 1-60 PvE experience (including world bosses and world elite quests) for the solo player, duos and maybe trios, with a shiny login screen to boot

    Just plug and play - no difficulty tweaking or pre-play setup of any kind needed, the dungeons get progressively harder and most endgame encounters are downright brutal

    A free experience through and through - you will never pay for any part of this or my future work on it. No sneaky crypto miners either

    Modded Vanilla content via an overhauled WotLK server (the final release of SoloFriendly by V2, with many bugfixes by me)

    New endgame content (Acherus has a new master), existing content enhanced, new NPCs and quests

    Blizzard's disappointing decisions (like not giving players the Ashbringer and removing Atiesh) overruled

    Restored content - abominations once again guard Undercity, go through the entire AQ unlocking questchain by yourself, obtain T3 armor, etc

    Completely overhauled healing and tank builds/classes, no more MMO holy trinity, no more arguing over who has to heal

    Many edits to every talent tree, creating a more or less even playing field for all classes - no more power or meme builds

    Many edits to professions, from lowering mat requirements to enhancing existing items and adding new ones to help players tackle PvE

    Greatly increased viable build variety - melee hunters, warlocks focusing on enslaved demons, exorcist spellcaster paladins, etc

    Tank minions for non-hunter/warlock players, obtainable in level 10 inns (Brill, Goldshire, etc)

    Customized AHbot (249 items at a time per AH, only sells vanilla-appropriate items)

    All expansion-related content present in vanilla areas scaled down, overhauled or removed

    Greatly reduced reputation grind with all factions, repeatable quests grant far more reputation and require fewer materials

    Immersion-friendly ways of accessing walled-off content added (Mount Hyjal and Karazhan Crypts)


    The MMO trinity of healer/tank/dps has no place in a single player, duo or casual trio setting. This overhaul addresses the issue by converting all healing and tanking builds into damage dealing ones with various support and defense mechanics. The original damage-dealers have had their survivability increased considerably. Paired with a minion pet, each individual player becomes a self-contained trinity.

    You will not be able to heal as before. Those spells have had their mana cost greatly increased and most of them have long, linked cooldowns. Rely on First Aid.

    You will not be able to tank as before. No class is equipped to deal with continuous boss damage after their pet dies. Rely on your pet and keep it alive.

    To play effectively, you will need to get used to timing your minion's defensive ability and keeping their healing ability up. Use consumables and switch to your secondary specialization when the need arises. Many raid mobs no longer have CC or interrupt immunity, keep it in mind.

    Upon completing the new Molten Core quest, you will gain an item that converts your outgoing damage into minion healing. Blackwing Lair, The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and Acherus will all demand that you master your rotation and keep your damage high or have your minion die and your right after (there is enough wiggle room to bandage occasionally).

    All encounters have been completed with at least three classes each. The difficulty progression is gradual and you will have time to master your class. It gets hard later on, but don't rob yourself of the fist pump that comes after downing a hard boss. Be clever and don't give up.

    1.) download the PWN client
    2.) extract wow.exe into your WotLK 3.3.5a main install folder, allow the overwrite
    3.) extract patch-4/5/6.mpq files into your game's Data folder
    4.) clear (delete) the game's Cache folder (if you don't do this, many of the changes will not display)
    5.) locate the text file in your Data/enUS folder and open it, make sure it says "set realmlist" (no quotation marks)
    6.) if you want to play with friends, change "" to whatever network you're playing through, I highly recommend using ZeroTierOne

    1.) download Project and extract it wherever you want
    2.) run the !_Launcher.bat file, wait for all three windows (database, authserver and worldserver to settle down, it should take a minute
    note: you will see many red errors in the worldserver window, this is normal - the server is freaking out about changes AKA modded stuff
    3.) in the worldserver.exe window, type ".account create (name) (password)" (no quotation marks), this creates an account
    4.) type ".account set gmlevel 3 -1" (no quotation marks), this will give you access to GM commands should you need them
    GM Commands | AzerothCore
    5.) to turn the server off, click the server windows and press ctrl-c on each in this order: worldserver, authserver, database
    6.) when asked to confirm in the database window, type Y and press enter, then close the window manually

    The Bulwark horde flight master is forgetful/forgettable and you will have to re-tag him after every logout (partiall remedied by a quest given by the UC flight master)
    A very small amount of overworld areas (approx. one in every third map) will reset their discovered status after every logout
    Miran, the dwarf NPC who is part of the low level alliance quest Protect The Shipment, will annoyingly spam his aggro text during combat
    The seasonal event bosses have not been tested yet (this will be addressed in the next release)
    The grand finale of a Warlock's epic mount quest is sadly bugged (but 100% doable), the interactable objects do not spawn
    High Priest Thekal does not shift into his tiger form
    Onyxia flies low enough to the ground for melee to hit her (wholly beneficial bug, will never be fixed)
    The Quel'Serrar questline's heating/quenching via Onyixa mechanic has been altered due to me being unable to recreate it completely (yet), the blade now rests permanently just behind her and can be picked up / quenched in her corpse by a player with the quest after killing her
    C'thun's model freaks out and starts spinning if a pet is attacking it in melee, which might lead the NPC out of position (just keep your pet on passive and by your side during the fight and everything will be fine, only send it to attack adds when needed)
    C'thun's devour animation does not display (but still teleports the player into the stomach as normal)

    DOWNLOAD LINKS (updated to 1.1, do not apply any of the patches below this post unless they come after the 1.1 announcement):

    Server Mirror:
    Initial Client Patch Mirror:
    HD Patches Mirror (completely optional):

    Comprehensive list(s) of changes included in the Initial Client Patch zip.

    And remember - clear that cache!

    Special thanks to team SoloFriendly for their amazing work, to Brimstone for getting me into modding, and to the missus for putting up my obsessive modding effort.
    Last edited by Ed_Kay; 05-22-2024 at 04:17 AM. Reason: Updated for version 1.1

    Project Wrathnilla+ [AzerothCore] (WotLK 3.3.5a)
  2. Thanks Kein666, Laflordelalluvia (2 members gave Thanks to Ed_Kay for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Kein666's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Ed_Kay View Post
    Hello forum readers. I've been working on this server for the past year and I feel like it is ready to be shared.

    As far as the ingame world goes, I’ve always been an enormous fan of Vanilla. Later content seemed like too much of an amusement park. However, those expanded talent trees, spells and so on are too good to pass up on. I decided to mod an experience that, as I see it, combines what I feel is best about the early life stage of WoW.

    The now inactive SoloFriendly repack was used as a framework. You can also consider this my stubborn refusal to let SoloFriendly be forgotten. I’ve done my best to push the boundary of what it means to be “solo friendly”.

    Be sure to drop by the PWN+ discord if you want to chat about it or are curious and want to see a few screenshots before downloading. I’ll link the entire patch history of this project (don’t bother reading it all, it’s almost 4000 lines in a text document and there’s a lot of back and forth), but I’ve left all content-related changes vague. If you want that Ashbringer and to purify it but can’t be assed looking, you’ll have to ask someone who knows the questline. And I’m not telling. There was a lot of not knowing how things worked back when WoW released, and I want to recreate some of that. It was fun.

    I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please spread the word. I will continue to work on it in the future, but for now I need a break. It has been a long year of modding. New stuff / release to come by the end of 2024 probably. Earlier if I think of something I really like.

    DISCORD LINK: Project Wrathnilla+

    A thorougly curated level 1-60 PvE experience (including world bosses and world elite quests) for the solo player, duos and maybe trios, with a shiny login screen to boot

    Just plug and play - no difficulty tweaking or pre-play setup of any kind needed, the dungeons get progressively harder and most endgame encounters are downright brutal

    A free experience through and through - you will never pay for any part of this or my future work on it. No sneaky crypto miners either

    Modded Vanilla content via an overhauled WotLK server (the final release of SoloFriendly by V2, with many bugfixes by me)

    New endgame content (Acherus has a new master), existing content enhanced, new NPCs and quests

    Blizzard's disappointing decisions (like not giving players the Ashbringer and removing Atiesh) overruled

    Restored content - abominations once again guard Undercity, go through the entire AQ unlocking questchain by yourself, obtain T3 armor, etc

    Completely overhauled healing and tank builds/classes, no more MMO holy trinity, no more arguing over who has to heal

    Many edits to every talent tree, creating a more or less even playing field for all classes - no more power or meme builds

    Many edits to professions, from lowering mat requirements to enhancing existing items and adding new ones to help players tackle PvE

    Greatly increased viable build variety - melee hunters, warlocks focusing on enslaved demons, exorcist spellcaster paladins, etc

    Customized AHbot, Beastmaster and PetTank modules (and many deactivated modules should you decide you need more)

    All expansion-related content present in vanilla areas scaled down, overhauled or removed

    Greatly reduced reputation grind with all factions, repeatable quests grant far more reputation and require fewer materials

    Immersion-friendly ways of accessing walled-off content added (Mount Hyjal and Karazhan Crypts)

    1.) download the PWN client
    2.) extract wow.exe into your WotLK 3.3.5a main install folder, allow the overwrite
    3.) extract patch-4/5/6.mpq files into your game's Data folder
    4.) clear (delete) the game's Cache folder (if you don't do this, many of the changes will not display)
    5.) locate the text file in your Data/enUS folder and open it, make sure it says "set realmlist" (no quotation marks)
    6.) if you want to play with friends, change "" to whatever network you're playing through, I highly recommend using ZeroTierOne

    1.) download Project and extract it wherever you want
    2.) run the !_Launcher.bat file, wait for all three windows (database, authserver and worldserver to settle down, it should take a minute
    note: you will see many red errors in the worldserver window, this is normal - the server is freaking out about changes AKA modded stuff
    3.) in the worldserver.exe window, type ".account create (name) (password)" (no quotation marks), this creates an account
    4.) type ".account set gmlevel 3 -1" (no quotation marks), this will give you access to GM commands should you need them
    GM Commands | AzerothCore
    5.) to turn the server off, click the server windows and press ctrl-c on each in this order: worldserver, authserver, database
    6.) when asked to confirm in the database window, type Y and press enter, then close the window manually

    The Bulwark horde flight master is forgetful/forgettable and you will have to re-tag him after every logout
    A very small amount of overworld areas (approx. one in every third map) will reset their discovered status after every logout
    Miran, the dwarf NPC who is part of the low level alliance quest Protect The Shipment, will annoyingly spam his aggro text during combat
    The seasonal event bosses have not been tested yet (this will be addressed in the next release)
    The grand finale of a Warlock's epic mount quest is sadly bugged (but 100% doable), the interactable objects do not spawn
    High Priest Thekal does not shift into his tiger form
    Onyxia flies low enough to the ground for melee to hit her (wholly beneficial bug, will never be fixed)
    The Quel'Serrar questline's heating/quenching via Onyixa mechanic has been altered due to me being unable to recreate it completely (yet), the blade now rests permanently just behind her and can be picked up / quenched in her corpse by a player with the quest after killing her
    C'thun's model freaks out and starts spinning if a pet is attacking it in melee, which might lead the NPC out of position (just keep your pet on passive and by your side during the fight and everything will be fine, only send it to attack adds when needed)
    C'thun's devour animation does not display (but still teleports the player into the stomach as normal)

    Patch History (Unmodded SoloFriendly – Modded 2.3.3.)
    Server Mirror 1:
    Server Mirror 2:
    Client Patch Mirror 1:
    Client Patch Mirror 2:
    And remember - clear that cache!

    Special thanks to team SoloFriendly for their amazing work, to Brimstone for getting me into modding, and to the missus for putting up my obsessive modding effort.
    Hey Ed_kay, thank you so much for all your work and for sharing your repack, it seems very interesting! The discord link doesn't work. Can I use the "new models graphic" with your repack and a Module that remove the animal forms from Druids (this module was written for the 3.3.5 version of the game)? Thanks again!

  4. #3
    Ed_Kay's Avatar Member
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    Umm... I edited / updated the Discord link and now I can't see the original post, what the heck?

    Hello Kein666, you're very welcome! I hope you have fun with it. I don't think graphics patches should cause any problems, I use an older one myself and things seem fine. I've never heard of that module so I can't weigh in, give it a shot. Is it just another graphics tweak or something else entirely?

    Also, new Discord link: Project Wrathnilla+
    Last edited by Ed_Kay; 12-13-2023 at 02:14 PM. Reason: removing temporary Discord link, adding permanent

  5. #4
    Kein666's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Ed_Kay View Post
    Umm... I edited / updated the Discord link and now I can't see the original post, what the heck?

    Hello Kein666, you're very welcome! I hope you have fun with it. I don't think graphics patches should cause any problems, I use an older one myself and things seem fine. I've never heard of that module so I can't weigh in, give it a shot. Is it just another graphics tweak or something else entirely?

    Also, new Discord link: Project Wrathnilla+
    I think there are problems here, my post are double...
    Great so, I'll try to add my graphic patches! The "Dudu module" is a simple modification to the animal shapes, you benefit from it but still play with the normal visual shape of the character. I can share it if you want to try it or implement it in your work (although, I think that I am the only one that use this type of module ahahahah, all WoW players love the Druid animal forms).
    I saw your modifications to the Paladin holy tree, well sound very very cool, now I can create 3 different type of paladin. So every specialization can complete the entire game in solo without other players or bots?

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    Ed_Kay's Avatar Member
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    I quite like the animal forms, I can't imagine going without the dumb bear /dance

    There are actually at least 4 paladin builds - depending on how you spend your points in protection, it can serve either as a sword/board or two-hander alternative to retribution. I tried to incorporate this "two trees in one" thing whenever possible, a couple of classes have such options.

    Every CLASS can finish the entire game start to finish without help from bots or other players, you will still need to switch to your secondary specialization at some points - or at least it will make certain fights more manageable. I'm not much of a fan of every build performing equally everywhere. However, those situations where a build simply isn't good for an encounter are rare. All you need is your trusty pet to tank for you (Beastmaster module). The PetTank module transfers any aggro you cause directly to the pet, but do keep in mind that the pet has to hit an enemy at least once for the transfer to activate. Remember to throw out a Mend Pet when needed.

    Another thing you should keep in mind: the "solo tank/healer/dps" mechanic gets an upgrade when you finish the Molten Core questline (the one given by Duke Hydraxis). I've added a new final quest to it and the reward will enable you to heal your pet with your dps output. After that point, the encounter design will really push you to deal consistent high damage on top of simply surviving and casting Mend Pet, otherwise your tank dies and you shortly afterwards.

    It's getting pretty late over here and I'm off to bed. Good night my dude, if you need any more info I'll get back to you tomorrow.

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    Kein666's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Ed_Kay View Post
    I quite like the animal forms, I can't imagine going without the dumb bear /dance

    There are actually at least 4 paladin builds - depending on how you spend your points in protection, it can serve either as a sword/board or two-hander alternative to retribution. I tried to incorporate this "two trees in one" thing whenever possible, a couple of classes have such options.

    Every CLASS can finish the entire game start to finish without help from bots or other players, you will still need to switch to your secondary specialization at some points - or at least it will make certain fights more manageable. I'm not much of a fan of every build performing equally everywhere. However, those situations where a build simply isn't good for an encounter are rare. All you need is your trusty pet to tank for you (Beastmaster module). The PetTank module transfers any aggro you cause directly to the pet, but do keep in mind that the pet has to hit an enemy at least once for the transfer to activate. Remember to throw out a Mend Pet when needed.

    Another thing you should keep in mind: the "solo tank/healer/dps" mechanic gets an upgrade when you finish the Molten Core questline (the one given by Duke Hydraxis). I've added a new final quest to it and the reward will enable you to heal your pet with your dps output. After that point, the encounter design will really push you to deal consistent high damage on top of simply surviving and casting Mend Pet, otherwise your tank dies and you shortly afterwards.

    It's getting pretty late over here and I'm off to bed. Good night my dude, if you need any more info I'll get back to you tomorrow.
    Eh eh eh you see? I'm the only one that don t want the dudu animal forms! Ok I understand, I think that I ll modify something into the Worldserver. conf because i love the total soloing play and I love to tank without help from pets, face to face with the Boss! So, when the raid time will come, I ll put my greasy hands into the HP/DMG rates of the raid 's mobs and I can modify little bit the spells of my Pala for mana regen and other, sound cool. I ll try all the Pala specs for sure! Many thanks for all the explanation and for the new discord link.

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    Here are so mirrors for anyone having problems with Mega:

    Server Mirror 3: Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution

    Patch Mirror 3: Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution

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    Ed_Kay's Avatar Member
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    Probably should have included this in the original post. Better late than never I guess!


    The MMO trinity of healer/tank/dps has no place in a single player, duo or casual trio setting. This overhaul addresses the issue by converting all healing and tanking builds into damage dealing ones with various support and defense mechanics. The original damage-dealers have had their survivability increased considerably. Paired with the Beastmaster's pet (and enhanced by the PetTank module), each individual player becomes a self-contained trinity.

    You will not be able to rely on healing spells as before. Their mana cost has been greatly increased. If you heal as before, you will enter a defeat spiral where you rapidly run out of mana and die. Heal only in an emergency (and if you have a high level of spellpower), otherwise rely on First Aid.

    You will not be able to tank as before. The PetTank module redirects your aggro to your pet and taunt mechanics have been replaced with other effects. No player is equipped to deal with continuous boss damage after their pet dies.

    To play effectively, you will need to get used to timing your pet's Cower effect and keep their Mend Pet up (or Felblood Infusion if a Warlock, pet mechanics apply to their demons equally). Use consumables and switch to your secondary specialization when the need arises. Many raid mobs no longer have CC or interrupt immunity, keep it in mind.

    Upon completing the new Molten Core quest, you will gain an item that converts your outgoing damage into pet healing. Blackwing Lair, The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and Acherus will all demand that you master your rotation and keep your damage high or have your pet die and your right after (there is enough wiggle room to bandage occasionally).

    All encounters have been completed with at least three classes each. The difficulty progression is gradual and you will have time to master your class. It gets hard later on, but don't rob yourself of the fist pump that comes after downing a hard boss. Be clever and don't give up.

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    A small patch, mainly to squash a tooltip bug, but has two small QoL changes included. Patching instructions included in the zip, it's very easy.

    Further small patches such as this will be posted on the PWN+ discord only (link above). Once I release a new version of the repack, I will post it here as well, all small changes included.

    PATCH 1.0.1a

    Patch Mirror 1:
    Patch Mirror 2: Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution

    Bugfix - Rogue - Subtlety - Setup (talent) tooltip - now correctly displays value per rank (33/66/100%)
    Change - Druid - spell - Faerie Fire (Feral) - now activates the caster's autoattack when cast
    Change - item - Carrot on a Stick - mount speed bonus increased to 15% (up from 3%)

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    Hello again everyone. I'm breaking my word - here's another patch. A bug that completely prevented the player's progress through UBRS was discovered. I don't want you getting stonewalled just because you're not in my discord.

    Patch Mirror: Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution

    PATCH 1.0.1b

    Bugfix - Shaman - Restoration - Sphere of Water is no longer castable while shapeshifted
    Item - Onyxia Scale Cloak - aura range increased to 100 yards (up from 40 yards), now visible on players' buff bars
    NPC spell - Petrify - duration reduced to 3 seconds (down from 8 seconds)
    Shaman - spell - Cleanse Spirit - reverted back into Cure Toxins
    Shaman - Restoration - Earth Shield - removed and replaced with Cleanse Spirit, rank 2 removes two of each debuff
    Shaman - Restoration - Improved Earth Shield - removed and replaced with Improved Cleanse Spirit, reduces mana cost by 50/100%

    PATCH 1.0.1b (Pyroguard Emberseer hotfix)

    Fireguard Emberseer's Fire Nova now deals normal damage (read: does not instakill). Due to Blizzard's poor decision to give the same spell to several bosses, Vaelastrasz' Fire Nova (BWL) will now deal considerably less damage. This will be addressed in 1.1 when I re-script him completely. Apologies for the hiccup.

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    I was told the Gofile links are dead, so here are some new ones. This is the last batch I'll be uploading to Gofile, as the site's errors and restarts end up eating ~10% of my monthly data plan per upload session. These will last for a week, after that you'll have to get everything through Mega.

    Server: Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution
    Patch 1.0.1b + hotfix: Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution
    HD patches: Gofile - Your all-in-one storage solution

    Mega 1.0.1b + hotfix mirror (for when the Gofile one dies):

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    Hello again! Got another hotfix for you all.


    Make sure your server is OFF when patching.

    Extract all files (without installation.txt) into Wrathnilla's server -> database -> data -> acore_world folder.

    Done, your server is now patched.

    Fixes a bug where Acherus bosses were only dropping one specific T3 armor token. If you get 4 identical wrong ones in a row now, it just means you have bad luck.

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    Edersongfx's Avatar Member
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    Bro, tell me how to edit Address IP ? Thkx

  15. #14
    Ed_Kay's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Edersongfx View Post
    Bro, tell me how to edit Address IP ? Thkx
    The only IP you might need to change to make this work is in (it's a text file), read my original post if you're having problems finding it.

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    Hello! Another bug was found where Phalanx was melting people with 6-8k Fireball Volleys, so here's the fix - and all the extra stuff that comes with it. There's a lot of it.

    PWN+ is currently on patch 1.0.4c, which includes a bugfixes, tweaks, rebalancing and a completely overhauled threat system that makes multi-target encounters a lot more fun. No more PetTank module shenanigans of tagging and blasting like crazy.

    I've also begun overhauling the set bonuses of Tier armor for all healer and tank classes. They are a work in progress and will get polished more as time goes on, but for now Shamans (casters) and Priests are able to use their class tier armors normally and aren't forced to hunt for off-pieces.

    Druid and Paladin tiers (for casters) will get their overhauls in 1.0.4d, and I've decided to tackle the annoyingly low lower-level healing spell values in 1.0.5. If you want to get those as soon as they're ready, consider joining the discord.

    Here are the links, enjoy. The details and install instructions are included in the zips and are easy to follow. There is also a history of the changes you've missed, and yes they're as chaotic and hard to follow as the first patch history, as per custom.


    PATCH 1.0.4c:

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  3. [Question] cataclysm model to wotlk 3.3.5a (12340)
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  4. [Release] Project Silvermoon DB WoTLK Revision 44 for MaNGOS
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  5. [Project] starting a wotlk db for aspire
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    Last Post: 11-26-2008, 11:50 PM
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