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    ChrisIsMe's Avatar Contributor
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    Wow.exe + 0x289DF30 Object Manager
    Wow.exe + 0x268AA60 Targetting
    Wow.exe + 0x27A25F0 Lua Tainted
    Wow.exe + 0x27A25F8 Lua Taint Expected
    Wow.exe + 0xD292D0 C_UnitReaction
    Wow.exe + 0x2453BC0 RealmDB Cache
    Wow.exe + 0x2453F40 Pet Name Cache
    Wow.exe + 0x29351F0 Minimap Zone Text
    Wow.exe + 0x2935908 Real Zone Text
    Wow.exe + 0x281DF20 Spell History

    ObjMgr + 0x130 Local Player stuffs
    ObjMgr + 0x10 Object Count or Unit count
    Last edited by ChrisIsMe; 09-24-2019 at 10:27 PM.
  2. Thanks Kovrizha, ndrax, Hellmessage (3 members gave Thanks to ChrisIsMe for this useful post)
  3. #2
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Object Manager for 8.2.5

    I think i have the changes to the object manager figured out.

    I started with binary 31921 sub_F2F550 which is the ObjectUsageCallback and reversed it.

    Here is what I got

    public static void ObjectUsageCallback()
                //31921 sub_F2F550
                Int32 numVisible = 0;
                for ( Int64 i = Mem64.Read<Int64>( CurMgr + 0x120 ); i != ( CurMgr + 0x120 ); ++numVisible )      
                    i = Mem64.Read<Int64>( i );
                Int64 pArrayBase = Mem64.Read<Int64>( CurMgr + 0x8 );
                Int64 objectArraySize = Mem64.Read<Int64>( CurMgr );
                Int64 pArrayLast = pArrayBase + objectArraySize;
                Int64 pObjectHeader = Mem64.Read<Int64>( pArrayBase );
                Int32 numActive = 0;
                Int32 numItems = 0;
                Int32 numGameObjects = 0;
                Int32 numUnits = 0;
                Boolean done = false;
                Int32 arrayindex = 0;
                Int64 pArrayNext = 0;
                while ( !done )
                    Int32 chain = 0;
                        Int64 pObject = Mem64.Read<Int64>(pObjectHeader + 0x18);
                        Byte wowObjectType = Mem64.Read<Byte> (  pObject + 0x10 );
                        UInt32 wowObjectTypeFlags =  Mem64.Read<UInt32>(Mem64.Rebase(pWowTypeFlags) + wowObjectType * 0x4);
                        if ( ( ( Int32 ) wowObjectTypeFlags & 6 ) > 0 )
                        else if ( ( ( ( Int32 ) wowObjectTypeFlags >> 5 ) & 1 ) > 0 )
                        else if ( ( ( Int32 ) wowObjectTypeFlags & 0x100 ) > 0 )
                        pObjectHeader = Mem64.Read<Int64>( pObjectHeader );
                    while ( pObjectHeader > 0 );
                    TimeLogBoth( "Chain " + arrayindex + "  | " + chain );
                    pArrayNext = pArrayBase + 0x8 + arrayindex;
                    if ( pArrayNext >= pArrayLast )
                    while ( true )
                        pObjectHeader = Mem64.Read<Int64>( pArrayNext );
                        if ( pObjectHeader > 0 )
                        TimeLogBoth( "Chain " + arrayindex + "  | 0" );
                        pArrayNext = pArrayBase + 0x8 * arrayindex;
                        if ( pArrayNext >= pArrayLast )
                            done = true;
                Int32 numWaitingToBeFreed = Mem64.Read<Int32>( CurMgr + 0x30 );
    This shows that the curMgr + 0x120 contains all of the visible objects.

    The curMgr + 0x8 appears to be an array of 80 object chains. Some chains are empty some have one object some have a couple objects.
    when i ran the code it does NOT have all of he objects in the visible 0x120 object list.

    So I focused on the 0x120 object list

    I looked at 31921 sub_F30010 ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjects and the call back that gets passed to if from Script_ClosestUnitPosition which is sub_15DD560

    ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjects sub_F30010 subtracts 0x18 from the 0x120 address and inside sub_15DD560 it adds 0x10 back to that address and indexs the WowObjectFlags array so this gives us the info we need.

    so basically the 0x120 address link list is pointing to the Next Object Address of the Object and we need to subtract 0x18 from it to the get object base. From that Base the type is 0x10 and the guild is 0x40. It also looks like 0x20 is the previous object. The struct is shown below.

                //31921 sub_F30010 ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjects
                //31921 Script_ClosestUnitPosition call back for ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjects sub_15DD560
                NumPlayers = 0;
                NumGameObjects = 0;
                NumContaniners = 0;
                NumItems = 0;
                NumUnits = 0;
                NumCorpse = 0;
                NumDynamic = 0;
                NumAreaTrigger = 0;
                NumScene = 0;
                NumOther = 0;
                NumAzeriteItem = 0;
                NumbAzeriteEmpoweredItem = 0;
                NumActivePlayers = 0;
                Dictionary<Int128, ObjectData> currentScan = new Dictionary<Int128, ObjectData>();
                if ( CurMgr == 0 )
                    return currentScan;
                for ( Int64 i = Mem64.Read<Int64>( CurMgr + 0x120 ); i != ( CurMgr + 0x120 ); )
                    Int64 address = i - 0x18;  
                    WowObjStruct header = Mem64.Read<WowObjStruct>( address );
                    ObjectData data = new ObjectData { BaseAddress = address, Header = header };
                    switch ( header.WowType )
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.ITEM:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.AREATRIGGER:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.CONTAINER:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.CORPSE:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.DYNAMICOBJECT:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.GAMEOBJECT:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.PLAYER:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.SCENEOBJECT:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.UNIT:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.ACTIVEPLAYER:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.AzeriteItem:
                        case ( Int32 ) eWowType.AzeriteEmpoweredItem:
                    currentScan.TryGetValue( data.Header.WowGuid, out ObjectData test );
                    if ( test == null )
                        currentScan.Add( data.Header.WowGuid, data );
                        //duplicate guid ??
                    i = Mem64.Read<Int64>( i );
                return currentScan;

    Last thing i did was set a break point on the object manager for object type 7 ( Active Player) and searched the object for my guid to get the guid offset 0x40;

        [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Explicit )]
        public struct WowObjStruct
            public Int64 vtable;                        
            public Byte WowType;                            
            public Int64 Next;                          
            public Int64 Previous;                         
            public Int128 WowGuid;                      
    Last edited by counted; 09-26-2019 at 03:05 AM.

  4. Thanks ChrisIsMe, mazer, Mr.Sergey, sendeos23, provirus, xalcon, evil2, Kovrizha, vegoo, CrimeTime, ndrax, carnifex_v2, hunterz2000, mustafa58 (14 members gave Thanks to counted for this useful post)
  5. #3
    gdfsxwy's Avatar Active Member
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    English is not my mother tongue.
    My robot program is not working.
    Hope to get more help information.

    wow: 31961
    Mgr: 0x288BF60

    Wow.exe+F1FD80 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
    Wow.exe+F1FD85 - 48 89 74 24 10        - mov [rsp+10],rsi
    Wow.exe+F1FD8A - 57                    - push rdi
    Wow.exe+F1FD8B - 48 83 EC 50           - sub rsp,50 { 80 }
    Wow.exe+F1FD8F - 48 83 3D C9C19601 00  - cmp qword ptr [Wow.exe+288BF60],00 { ("8-sk?"),0 }
    Wow.exe+F1FD97 - 48 8B F9              - mov rdi,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FD9A - 0F84 6D010000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FDA0 - 41 B9 D8060000        - mov r9d,000006D8 { 1752 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDA6 - 4C 8D 05 038D1B01     - lea r8,[Wow.exe+20D8AB0] { ("d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_") }
    Wow.exe+F1FDAD - BA 40000000           - mov edx,00000040 { 64 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDB2 - E8 F9070000           - call Wow.exe+F205B0
    Wow.exe+F1FDB7 - 48 8B F0              - mov rsi,rax
    Wow.exe+F1FDBA - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
    Wow.exe+F1FDBD - 74 53                 - je Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FDBF - 0F10 80 E8190000      - movups xmm0,[rax+000019E8]
    Wow.exe+F1FDC6 - 41 B9 DA060000        - mov r9d,000006DA { 1754 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDCC - 4C 8D 05 DD8C1B01     - lea r8,[Wow.exe+20D8AB0] { ("d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_") }
    Wow.exe+F1FDD3 - BA 00040000           - mov edx,00000400 { 1024 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDD8 - 48 8D 4C 24 20        - lea rcx,[rsp+20]
    Wow.exe+F1FDDD - 0F11 44 24 20         - movups [rsp+20],xmm0
    Wow.exe+F1FDE2 - E8 C9070000           - call Wow.exe+F205B0
    Wow.exe+F1FDE7 - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
    Wow.exe+F1FDEA - 74 26                 - je Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FDEC - 48 8B 88 20010000     - mov rcx,[rax+00000120]
    Wow.exe+F1FDF3 - 48 39 0F              - cmp [rdi],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FDF6 - 75 1A                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FDF8 - 48 8B 88 28010000     - mov rcx,[rax+00000128]
    Wow.exe+F1FDFF - 48 39 4F 08           - cmp [rdi+08],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE03 - 75 0D                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FE05 - F6 80 5C010000 01     - test byte ptr [rax+0000015C],01 { 1 }
    Wow.exe+F1FE0C - 0F84 FD000000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0F
    Wow.exe+F1FE12 - 48 8B 05 47C19601     - mov rax,[Wow.exe+288BF60] { ("8-sk?") }
    Wow.exe+F1FE19 - 4C 8B 40 08           - mov r8,[rax+08]
    Wow.exe+F1FE1D - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FE20 - 0F84 E7000000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FE26 - 49 8B 08              - mov rcx,[r8]
    Wow.exe+F1FE29 - 48 8B 00              - mov rax,[rax]
    Wow.exe+F1FE2C - 48 89 4C 24 20        - mov [rsp+20],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE31 - 4C 89 44 24 28        - mov [rsp+28],r8
    Wow.exe+F1FE36 - 49 8D 14 C0           - lea rdx,[r8+rax*8]
    Wow.exe+F1FE3A - 48 89 54 24 30        - mov [rsp+30],rdx
    Wow.exe+F1FE3F - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE42 - 75 29                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE6D
    Wow.exe+F1FE44 - 49 8D 40 08           - lea rax,[r8+08]
    Wow.exe+F1FE48 - 48 89 44 24 28        - mov [rsp+28],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FE4D - 48 3B C2              - cmp rax,rdx
    Wow.exe+F1FE50 - 73 1B                 - jae Wow.exe+F1FE6D
    Wow.exe+F1FE52 - 48 8B 08              - mov rcx,[rax]
    Wow.exe+F1FE55 - 48 89 4C 24 20        - mov [rsp+20],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE5A - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE5D - 75 09                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE68
    Wow.exe+F1FE5F - 48 83 C0 08           - add rax,08 { 8 }
    Wow.exe+F1FE63 - 48 3B C2              - cmp rax,rdx
    Wow.exe+F1FE66 - 72 EA                 - jb Wow.exe+F1FE52
    Wow.exe+F1FE68 - 48 89 44 24 28        - mov [rsp+28],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FE6D - F2 0F10 4C 24 30      - movsd xmm1,[rsp+30]
    Wow.exe+F1FE73 - F2 0F11 4C 24 48      - movsd [rsp+48],xmm1
    Wow.exe+F1FE79 - 0F10 44 24 20         - movups xmm0,[rsp+20]
    Wow.exe+F1FE7E - 0F11 44 24 38         - movups [rsp+38],xmm0
    Wow.exe+F1FE83 - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE86 - 0F84 81000000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FE8C - 4C 8B 4C 24 48        - mov r9,[rsp+48]
    Wow.exe+F1FE91 - 4C 8D 15 38D01901     - lea r10,[Wow.exe+20BCED0] { (1) }
    Wow.exe+F1FE98 - 48 8B 54 24 40        - mov rdx,[rsp+40]
    Wow.exe+F1FE9D - 4C 8B 44 24 38        - mov r8,[rsp+38]
    Wow.exe+F1FEA2 - 0F1F 40 00            - nop [rax+00] 
    Wow.exe+F1FEA6 - 66 66 0F1F 84 00 00000000  - nop [rax+rax+00000000] 
    Wow.exe+F1FEB0 - 49 8B 58 18           - mov rbx,[r8+18]
    Wow.exe+F1FEB4 - 0FB6 43 10            - movzx eax,byte ptr [rbx+10]
    Wow.exe+F1FEB8 - 41 8B 0C 82           - mov ecx,[r10+rax*4]
    Wow.exe+F1FEBC - C1 E9 0A              - shr ecx,0A { 10 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEBF - F6 C1 01              - test cl,01 { 1 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEC2 - 74 22                 - je Wow.exe+F1FEE6
    Wow.exe+F1FEC4 - 48 8B 83 20010000     - mov rax,[rbx+00000120]
    Wow.exe+F1FECB - 48 39 07              - cmp [rdi],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FECE - 75 16                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEE6
    Wow.exe+F1FED0 - 48 8B 83 28010000     - mov rax,[rbx+00000128]
    Wow.exe+F1FED7 - 48 39 47 08           - cmp [rdi+08],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FEDB - 75 09                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEE6
    Wow.exe+F1FEDD - F6 83 5C010000 01     - test byte ptr [rbx+0000015C],01 { 1 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEE4 - 74 39                 - je Wow.exe+F1FF1F
    Wow.exe+F1FEE6 - 4D 8B 00              - mov r8,[r8]
    Wow.exe+F1FEE9 - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FEEC - 75 C2                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEB0
    Wow.exe+F1FEEE - 48 83 C2 08           - add rdx,08 { 8 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEF2 - 49 3B D1              - cmp rdx,r9
    Wow.exe+F1FEF5 - 73 16                 - jae Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FEF7 - 4C 8B 02              - mov r8,[rdx]
    Wow.exe+F1FEFA - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FEFD - 75 B1                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEB0
    Wow.exe+F1FEFF - 48 83 C2 08           - add rdx,08 { 8 }
    Wow.exe+F1FF03 - 49 3B D1              - cmp rdx,r9
    Wow.exe+F1FF06 - 72 EF                 - jb Wow.exe+F1FEF7
    Wow.exe+F1FF08 - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FF0B - 75 A3                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEB0
    Wow.exe+F1FF0D - 33 C0                 - xor eax,eax
    Wow.exe+F1FF0F - 48 8B 5C 24 60        - mov rbx,[rsp+60]
    Wow.exe+F1FF14 - 48 8B 74 24 68        - mov rsi,[rsp+68]
    Wow.exe+F1FF19 - 48 83 C4 50           - add rsp,50 { 80 }
    Wow.exe+F1FF1D - 5F                    - pop rdi
    Wow.exe+F1FF1E - C3                    - ret 
    Wow.exe+F1FF1F - 48 85 F6              - test rsi,rsi
    Wow.exe+F1FF22 - 74 0C                 - je Wow.exe+F1FF30
    Wow.exe+F1FF24 - 48 8D 53 40           - lea rdx,[rbx+40]
    Wow.exe+F1FF28 - 48 8B CE              - mov rcx,rsi
    Wow.exe+F1FF2B - E8 F07CD2FF           - call Wow.exe+C47C20
    Wow.exe+F1FF30 - 48 8B 74 24 68        - mov rsi,[rsp+68]
    Wow.exe+F1FF35 - 48 8B C3              - mov rax,rbx
    Wow.exe+F1FF38 - 48 8B 5C 24 60        - mov rbx,[rsp+60]
    Wow.exe+F1FF3D - 48 83 C4 50           - add rsp,50 { 80 }
    Wow.exe+F1FF41 - 5F                    - pop rdi
    Wow.exe+F1FF42 - C3                    - ret 
    Wow.exe+F1FF43 - A9 E3E0BBD2           - test eax,D2BBE0E3 { -759439133 }
    Unit Descriptors ?
    Last edited by gdfsxwy; 09-26-2019 at 03:50 AM.

  6. Thanks carnifex_v2, ChrisIsMe (2 members gave Thanks to gdfsxwy for this useful post)
  7. #4
    evil2's Avatar Active Member
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    big thanks to "counted" for reversing the 8.2.5 Object Manager ...

    some changed offset:

    Aura_Count2 = 0x5f8
    Aura_Count1 = Aura_Count2 + 0xA80
    Aura_Table1 = Aura_Count2
    Aura_Table2 = Aura_Count2 + 0x8
    Obj_Id = 0x98
    Obj_Pos = 0x140 // xyz
    Obj_Bobbing = 0x64
    NameUnit_Base = 0x2D0
    NameUnit_Off = 0xE8
    NameObj_Base = 0x108
    NameObj_Off = 0xE0
    Camera_Off = 0x3438

    changed "Cast" struct:

    0x00 int CastId
    0x08 guid Target
    0x28 int CastTimeStart
    0x2c int CastTimeEnd
    0x30 int ChannelId
    0x38 int ChannelTimeStart
    0x3c int ChannelTimeEnd
    Last edited by evil2; 09-26-2019 at 10:12 AM.

  8. #5
    provirus's Avatar Member
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    const int UnitHealth = 0x1370;
    const int UnitClass = 0x1575;
    const int UnitHealthMax = 0x1588;
    const int UnitLevel = 0x1590;
    const int UnitRace = 0x15B4;
    const int UnitLocation = 0x110;
    const int UnitRotation = UnitLocation + 0x10;
    const int UnitTargetGUID = 0x1540;
    const int UnitMountDisplayID = 0x15E0;
    const int UnitPower = 0x1378;
    const int UnitPowerMax = 0x1788;

    const int PlayerSpeedBase = 0xB0;
    const int PlayerSpeedOffset = 0xA4;
    Last edited by provirus; 09-26-2019 at 11:00 AM.

  9. #6
    vegoo's Avatar Contributor
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    Thanks a lot for info counted, really good job in figuring it out

    Some info from me

    # player guid is outside of objects in manager
    playerGUIDOffset = 0x140
    firstObject = 0x120
    NextObject = 0x0
    # object type is byte
    # Object Types for BoA:
    # 1 - item
    # 5 - npc, no idea if it includes monsters
    # 6 - other players
    # 7 - localplayer
    # 8 - ???
    ObjectType = -0x18 + 0x10
    ObjectGUID = -0x18 + 0x40
    ObjectGUID2 = -0x18 + 0x44
    NPCItemIDOffset = -0x18 + 0x98
    XOffset = -0x18 + 0x110
    # Relative to XOffset
    RotationOffset = 0x10
    # HP and Mana are bytes now
    currentHPOffset = -0x18 + 0x1580
    currentManaOffset = -0x18 + 0x1770
    maxHPOffset = -0x18 + 0x1588
    maxManaoffset = -0x18 + 0x1788
    # race is byte
    raceOffset = -0x18 + 0x1574
    # byte, 0 when not flying, other when flying
    # taken from UnitOnTaxi, 2nd if statement with + 0x2 addition
    # search for the base value first and then check in CE what is changing near it
    IsOnFlightOffset = -0x18 + 0x15B8 + 0x2
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  10. Thanks mustafa58 (1 members gave Thanks to vegoo for this useful post)
  11. #7
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    the wowobjectflags are not wowtype

    the 0x10 offset is wowtype

    which is used to index the wowtypeflags array to get the right flags to sweep out all items for instance

    public enum eWowType
            OBJECT = 0,
            ITEM = 1,
            CONTAINER = 2,
            AzeriteEmpoweredItem = 3,
            AzeriteItem = 4,
            UNIT = 5,
            PLAYER = 6,
            ACTIVEPLAYER = 7,
            GAMEOBJECT = 8,
            DYNAMICOBJECT = 9,
            CORPSE = 10,
            AREATRIGGER = 11,
            SCENEOBJECT = 12,
    the showobjectusage sub uses wowobjectflags

     public enum WowTypeFlags
            Object = 0x1,                   // 0000 0000 0000 0001
            Item = 0x3,                     // 0000 0000 0000 0011
            Container = 0x7,                // 0000 0000 0000 0111
            AzeriteEmpoweredItem = 0xB,     // 0000 0000 0000 1011
            AzeriteItem = 0x13,             // 0000 0000 0001 0011
            Unit = 0x21,                    // 0000 0000 0010 0001
            Player = 0x61,                  // 0000 0000 0110 0001
            ActivePlayer = 0xE1,            // 0000 0000 1110 0001
            Game = 0x101,                   // 0000 0001 0000 0001
            Dynamic = 0x201,                // 0000 0010 0000 0001
            Corpse = 0x401,                 // 0000 0100 0000 0001
            Areatrigger = 0x801,            // 0000 1000 0000 0001
            Scene = 0x1001,                 // 0001 0000 0000 0001
            Conversation = 0x2001,          // 0010 0000 0000 0001
            AiGroup = 0x4001,               // 0100 0000 0000 0001
            Scenario = 0x8001,              // 1000 0000 0000 0001
            Loot = 0x10001,
            Invalid = 0x20000
    so wowobjectflags & 6 > 0 will sweep up items, containers, azerite empowered items, and azerite items

    wowtype = 8 is a gameobject

  12. Thanks vegoo (1 members gave Thanks to counted for this useful post)
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    vegoo's Avatar Contributor
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    I use the 0x10 offset as wowtype - I just named variable wrongly in my code
    Anyway thanks for explanation, more info is always appreciated
    Also would you mind sharing how are you getting these functions names if they can't be pinpointed directly via strings window? Are you using pattern search with information from previous versions?
    Last edited by vegoo; 09-27-2019 at 04:49 AM.
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  14. #9
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    I started with the 15662 MacOsBinary that was released with debug info.

    https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/wor...ml#post3787382 (How to Dump Wow from Memory....)

    Find and name subroutines

    When next binary is release, use bindiff ida plugin to compare and find the stuff i need.

    https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/wor...-freeware.html (Zynamics BinDiff 4.2 is now Freeware....)

    I also update my ida database when other people post information that is useful that I have not found in the past.

    For the Show Object Usage name I just picked the name based on the strings in the function call that references the call back.


     sub_3469F0((__int64)"ObjUsage", (__int64)ObjectUsageCallback, 4, 0i64, 0i64);
      return sub_3469F0((__int64)"ShowObjUsage", (__int64)ObjectUsageCallback, 4, 0i64, 0i64);
    so if you want to find the callback function search the strings window for "ObjUsage" and go from there.

    or you could find s_curMgr and xref it and open up all of the subroutines that ref it and find it as well

    hope that helps, nothing magic
    Last edited by counted; 09-27-2019 at 09:27 AM.

  15. Thanks evil2 (1 members gave Thanks to counted for this useful post)
  16. #10
    65774332's Avatar Member
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    public enum NameOffsets : ulong
    nameCache = ?,
    nameGuid = 0x20,
    nameString = 0x31,


    I cannot find nameCache

  17. #11
    ChrisIsMe's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by 65774332 View Post
    public enum NameOffsets : ulong
    nameCache = ?,
    nameGuid = 0x20,
    nameString = 0x31,


    I cannot find nameCache
    I don't have the newest dump of the game, but this should be it.

    48 8D 0D ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 48 85 C0 74 3B 45 33 C9

    That function also contains the pet name cache, you should be able to find all the others from there.

    I’ll post all the new offsets when I have a chance later tonight to dump the newest version
    Last edited by ChrisIsMe; 09-27-2019 at 09:42 PM.

  18. #12
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    nameCache = 0x2453C38
    but it's not working

  19. #13
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    Originally Posted by gdfsxwy View Post
    English is not my mother tongue.
    My robot program is not working.
    Hope to get more help information.

    wow: 31961
    Mgr: 0x288BF60

    Wow.exe+F1FD80 - 48 89 5C 24 08        - mov [rsp+08],rbx
    Wow.exe+F1FD85 - 48 89 74 24 10        - mov [rsp+10],rsi
    Wow.exe+F1FD8A - 57                    - push rdi
    Wow.exe+F1FD8B - 48 83 EC 50           - sub rsp,50 { 80 }
    Wow.exe+F1FD8F - 48 83 3D C9C19601 00  - cmp qword ptr [Wow.exe+288BF60],00 { ("8-sk?"),0 }
    Wow.exe+F1FD97 - 48 8B F9              - mov rdi,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FD9A - 0F84 6D010000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FDA0 - 41 B9 D8060000        - mov r9d,000006D8 { 1752 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDA6 - 4C 8D 05 038D1B01     - lea r8,[Wow.exe+20D8AB0] { ("d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_") }
    Wow.exe+F1FDAD - BA 40000000           - mov edx,00000040 { 64 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDB2 - E8 F9070000           - call Wow.exe+F205B0
    Wow.exe+F1FDB7 - 48 8B F0              - mov rsi,rax
    Wow.exe+F1FDBA - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
    Wow.exe+F1FDBD - 74 53                 - je Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FDBF - 0F10 80 E8190000      - movups xmm0,[rax+000019E8]
    Wow.exe+F1FDC6 - 41 B9 DA060000        - mov r9d,000006DA { 1754 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDCC - 4C 8D 05 DD8C1B01     - lea r8,[Wow.exe+20D8AB0] { ("d:\buildserver\wow\1\work\shared-checkout\branches\wow-patch-8_") }
    Wow.exe+F1FDD3 - BA 00040000           - mov edx,00000400 { 1024 }
    Wow.exe+F1FDD8 - 48 8D 4C 24 20        - lea rcx,[rsp+20]
    Wow.exe+F1FDDD - 0F11 44 24 20         - movups [rsp+20],xmm0
    Wow.exe+F1FDE2 - E8 C9070000           - call Wow.exe+F205B0
    Wow.exe+F1FDE7 - 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
    Wow.exe+F1FDEA - 74 26                 - je Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FDEC - 48 8B 88 20010000     - mov rcx,[rax+00000120]
    Wow.exe+F1FDF3 - 48 39 0F              - cmp [rdi],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FDF6 - 75 1A                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FDF8 - 48 8B 88 28010000     - mov rcx,[rax+00000128]
    Wow.exe+F1FDFF - 48 39 4F 08           - cmp [rdi+08],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE03 - 75 0D                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE12
    Wow.exe+F1FE05 - F6 80 5C010000 01     - test byte ptr [rax+0000015C],01 { 1 }
    Wow.exe+F1FE0C - 0F84 FD000000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0F
    Wow.exe+F1FE12 - 48 8B 05 47C19601     - mov rax,[Wow.exe+288BF60] { ("8-sk?") }
    Wow.exe+F1FE19 - 4C 8B 40 08           - mov r8,[rax+08]
    Wow.exe+F1FE1D - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FE20 - 0F84 E7000000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FE26 - 49 8B 08              - mov rcx,[r8]
    Wow.exe+F1FE29 - 48 8B 00              - mov rax,[rax]
    Wow.exe+F1FE2C - 48 89 4C 24 20        - mov [rsp+20],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE31 - 4C 89 44 24 28        - mov [rsp+28],r8
    Wow.exe+F1FE36 - 49 8D 14 C0           - lea rdx,[r8+rax*8]
    Wow.exe+F1FE3A - 48 89 54 24 30        - mov [rsp+30],rdx
    Wow.exe+F1FE3F - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE42 - 75 29                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE6D
    Wow.exe+F1FE44 - 49 8D 40 08           - lea rax,[r8+08]
    Wow.exe+F1FE48 - 48 89 44 24 28        - mov [rsp+28],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FE4D - 48 3B C2              - cmp rax,rdx
    Wow.exe+F1FE50 - 73 1B                 - jae Wow.exe+F1FE6D
    Wow.exe+F1FE52 - 48 8B 08              - mov rcx,[rax]
    Wow.exe+F1FE55 - 48 89 4C 24 20        - mov [rsp+20],rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE5A - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE5D - 75 09                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FE68
    Wow.exe+F1FE5F - 48 83 C0 08           - add rax,08 { 8 }
    Wow.exe+F1FE63 - 48 3B C2              - cmp rax,rdx
    Wow.exe+F1FE66 - 72 EA                 - jb Wow.exe+F1FE52
    Wow.exe+F1FE68 - 48 89 44 24 28        - mov [rsp+28],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FE6D - F2 0F10 4C 24 30      - movsd xmm1,[rsp+30]
    Wow.exe+F1FE73 - F2 0F11 4C 24 48      - movsd [rsp+48],xmm1
    Wow.exe+F1FE79 - 0F10 44 24 20         - movups xmm0,[rsp+20]
    Wow.exe+F1FE7E - 0F11 44 24 38         - movups [rsp+38],xmm0
    Wow.exe+F1FE83 - 48 85 C9              - test rcx,rcx
    Wow.exe+F1FE86 - 0F84 81000000         - je Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FE8C - 4C 8B 4C 24 48        - mov r9,[rsp+48]
    Wow.exe+F1FE91 - 4C 8D 15 38D01901     - lea r10,[Wow.exe+20BCED0] { (1) }
    Wow.exe+F1FE98 - 48 8B 54 24 40        - mov rdx,[rsp+40]
    Wow.exe+F1FE9D - 4C 8B 44 24 38        - mov r8,[rsp+38]
    Wow.exe+F1FEA2 - 0F1F 40 00            - nop [rax+00] 
    Wow.exe+F1FEA6 - 66 66 0F1F 84 00 00000000  - nop [rax+rax+00000000] 
    Wow.exe+F1FEB0 - 49 8B 58 18           - mov rbx,[r8+18]
    Wow.exe+F1FEB4 - 0FB6 43 10            - movzx eax,byte ptr [rbx+10]
    Wow.exe+F1FEB8 - 41 8B 0C 82           - mov ecx,[r10+rax*4]
    Wow.exe+F1FEBC - C1 E9 0A              - shr ecx,0A { 10 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEBF - F6 C1 01              - test cl,01 { 1 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEC2 - 74 22                 - je Wow.exe+F1FEE6
    Wow.exe+F1FEC4 - 48 8B 83 20010000     - mov rax,[rbx+00000120]
    Wow.exe+F1FECB - 48 39 07              - cmp [rdi],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FECE - 75 16                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEE6
    Wow.exe+F1FED0 - 48 8B 83 28010000     - mov rax,[rbx+00000128]
    Wow.exe+F1FED7 - 48 39 47 08           - cmp [rdi+08],rax
    Wow.exe+F1FEDB - 75 09                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEE6
    Wow.exe+F1FEDD - F6 83 5C010000 01     - test byte ptr [rbx+0000015C],01 { 1 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEE4 - 74 39                 - je Wow.exe+F1FF1F
    Wow.exe+F1FEE6 - 4D 8B 00              - mov r8,[r8]
    Wow.exe+F1FEE9 - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FEEC - 75 C2                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEB0
    Wow.exe+F1FEEE - 48 83 C2 08           - add rdx,08 { 8 }
    Wow.exe+F1FEF2 - 49 3B D1              - cmp rdx,r9
    Wow.exe+F1FEF5 - 73 16                 - jae Wow.exe+F1FF0D
    Wow.exe+F1FEF7 - 4C 8B 02              - mov r8,[rdx]
    Wow.exe+F1FEFA - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FEFD - 75 B1                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEB0
    Wow.exe+F1FEFF - 48 83 C2 08           - add rdx,08 { 8 }
    Wow.exe+F1FF03 - 49 3B D1              - cmp rdx,r9
    Wow.exe+F1FF06 - 72 EF                 - jb Wow.exe+F1FEF7
    Wow.exe+F1FF08 - 4D 85 C0              - test r8,r8
    Wow.exe+F1FF0B - 75 A3                 - jne Wow.exe+F1FEB0
    Wow.exe+F1FF0D - 33 C0                 - xor eax,eax
    Wow.exe+F1FF0F - 48 8B 5C 24 60        - mov rbx,[rsp+60]
    Wow.exe+F1FF14 - 48 8B 74 24 68        - mov rsi,[rsp+68]
    Wow.exe+F1FF19 - 48 83 C4 50           - add rsp,50 { 80 }
    Wow.exe+F1FF1D - 5F                    - pop rdi
    Wow.exe+F1FF1E - C3                    - ret 
    Wow.exe+F1FF1F - 48 85 F6              - test rsi,rsi
    Wow.exe+F1FF22 - 74 0C                 - je Wow.exe+F1FF30
    Wow.exe+F1FF24 - 48 8D 53 40           - lea rdx,[rbx+40]
    Wow.exe+F1FF28 - 48 8B CE              - mov rcx,rsi
    Wow.exe+F1FF2B - E8 F07CD2FF           - call Wow.exe+C47C20
    Wow.exe+F1FF30 - 48 8B 74 24 68        - mov rsi,[rsp+68]
    Wow.exe+F1FF35 - 48 8B C3              - mov rax,rbx
    Wow.exe+F1FF38 - 48 8B 5C 24 60        - mov rbx,[rsp+60]
    Wow.exe+F1FF3D - 48 83 C4 50           - add rsp,50 { 80 }
    Wow.exe+F1FF41 - 5F                    - pop rdi
    Wow.exe+F1FF42 - C3                    - ret 
    Wow.exe+F1FF43 - A9 E3E0BBD2           - test eax,D2BBE0E3 { -759439133 }
    Unit Descriptors ?
    Unit Descriptors haven't been a real thing, most stuff is just placed into the object itself now... I haven't had a chance to really get a good look at much during the week, but I'll take a look this weekend to see if anything beyond looping the OM has changed.

  20. #14
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    Originally Posted by 65774332 View Post
    nameCache = 0x2453C38
    but it's not working
    That's wrong, it's

    Wow.exe+0x2441C20 ] 0x40 ] 0x18 ] 0x20 (string)


    Wow.exe+0x2441C20 ] 0x30 ] 0x1 name
    Wow.exe+0x2441C20 ] 0x30 ] 0x40 guid?
    Last edited by ChrisIsMe; 09-27-2019 at 10:35 PM.

  21. #15
    65774332's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by ChrisIsMe View Post
    That's wrong, it's

    Wow.exe+0x2441C20 ] 0x40 ] 0x18 ] 0x20 (string)


    Wow.exe+0x2441C20 ] 0x30 ] 0x1 name
    Wow.exe+0x2441C20 ] 0x30 ] 0x40 guid?

    i dont understand how to use it. it's my code

    Gamer_NameCacheBase = 0x2441C20
    Gamer_NameCacheName = 0x31;
    Gmaer_NameCacheGuid = 0x20;
    ptr := readint64(GamehProcess, module + Gamer_NameCacheBase);
    for i := 0 to 100000 do
    curguid:= readGuid(GamehProcess, ptr+Gmaer_NameCacheGuid );
    if (curguid = guid) then
    str := ReadUtf8Text(GamehProcess, ptr + Gamer_NameCacheName);
    if (str <> '') then

    result := str;
    ptr := readint64(GamehProcess, ptr);
    Last edited by 65774332; 09-29-2019 at 08:20 PM.

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