[C#][Copy/Pasta] Out of process DBC reading menu

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    Apoc's Avatar Angry Penguin
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    [C#][Copy/Pasta] Out of process DBC reading

    This one is for Nesox/MaiN, since they're system of sending the actual DBC files in their releases is just plain stupid. (You heard me ****ers!)

    Basically, it mimics what WoW does internally (minus the ctor for the class, which was originally from Greyman and kynox. I simplified it quite a bit).

    I tried to comment it, but if you can't figure out what it does, tough shit. Don't bother touching it.

    You'll need to hook it up to your own memory reading class(es) to be useful, but it should work for both in and out of process without issues.

    There is one caveat with being out of process. If you intend to use structs to read the rows, you'll need to define string fields as IntPtr (or uint, whichever floats your boat), then do an extra read at runtime to actually retrieve the string. This is a limitation that cannot be worked around without writing a custom marshaler. (That of which, I'm not inclined to do.)

    At any rate, there is no example code, as it should be pretty damned simple to figure out how to use.

    It's pretty much untested, but I don't see there being any issues so long as your memory classes work properly.

    The code:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    namespace WoWStarter
        public class WoWDb
            // As of 3.3a
            private const int CLIENT_DB_REGISTER_BASE = 0x005C8E80;
            /// <summary>
            /// A static collection of DBC tables.
            /// </summary>
            private static readonly Dictionary<ClientDb, DbTable> Tables = new Dictionary<ClientDb, DbTable>();
            public WoWDb()
                // This little loop is nearly patch proof. So long as you keep the ClientDb__RegisterBase function
                // address updated, this should hardly ever need to be touched. (The DBC indexes need updating each patch
                // unfortunately.)
                for (int tableBase = CLIENT_DB_REGISTER_BASE; Memory.Read<byte>(new IntPtr(tableBase)) != 0xC3; tableBase += 0x11)
                    var index = Memory.Read<uint>(new IntPtr(tableBase + 1));
                    var tablePtr = new IntPtr(Memory.Read<int>(new IntPtr(tableBase + 0xB)) + 0x18);
                    Tables.Add((ClientDb) index, new DbTable(tablePtr));
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a DBC table based on the <see cref="ClientDb"/> member passed.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="db"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public DbTable this[ClientDb db]
                get { return Tables[db]; }
            #region Nested type: DbTable
            /// <summary>
            /// Represents a single DBC table.
            /// </summary>
            public class DbTable
                private readonly IntPtr _tablePtr;
                private WoWClientDb _nativeDb;
                internal DbTable(IntPtr tablePtr)
                    _tablePtr = tablePtr;
                    _nativeDb = Memory.ReadStruct<WoWClientDb>(_tablePtr);
                /// <summary>
                /// Whether or not WoW actually has the DBC loaded or not in memory.
                /// </summary>
                public bool IsLoaded
                    get { return _nativeDb.IsLoaded != 0; }
                /// <summary>
                /// The number of rows (records) this DBC has.
                /// </summary>
                public int NumRows
                    get { return _nativeDb.NumRows; }
                /// <summary>
                /// The max row index of this DBC table.
                /// </summary>
                public int MaxIndex
                    get { return _nativeDb.MaxIndex; }
                /// <summary>
                /// The min row index of this DBC table.
                /// </summary>
                public int MinIndex
                    get { return _nativeDb.MinIndex; }
                /// <summary>
                /// Returns a <see cref="Row"/> representing a DBC record. Returns an invalid row (never null)
                /// if the record does not exist.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="index"></param>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public Row GetRow(int index)
                    if (index >= MinIndex && index <= MaxIndex)
                        //g_CreatureFamilyDB.Rows[result - g_CreatureFamilyDB.minIndex];
                        return new Row(Memory.Read<IntPtr>((IntPtr) (_nativeDb.Rows.ToInt64() + ((index - MinIndex) * 4))));
                    return new Row(IntPtr.Zero);
                public Row GetLocalizedRow(int index)
                    IntPtr rowPtr;
                    DbcUtils.GetLocalizedRow(_tablePtr, index, out rowPtr);
                    if (rowPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                        return new Row(rowPtr, true);
                    return new Row(IntPtr.Zero);
            #region Nested type: Row
            /// <summary>
            /// Represents a DBC record.
            /// </summary>
            public class Row
                private readonly bool _ownsMemory;
                private IntPtr _address;
                internal Row(IntPtr address)
                    _address = address;
                internal Row(IntPtr address, bool ownsMemory) : this(address)
                    _ownsMemory = ownsMemory;
                /// <summary>
                /// Returns whether or not this Row is valid.
                /// </summary>
                // TODO: This validity check is very lacking. WoW has a 'set array' of sorts,
                // but if the record falls within the min/max index, but the 'index' doesn't actually
                // exist in the DBC, this will return true anyway.
                public bool IsValid
                    get { return _address != IntPtr.Zero; }
                /// <summary>
                /// Returns a field of a type you specify.
                /// </summary>
                /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
                /// <param name="index"></param>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public T GetField<T>(uint index)
                        if (!_ownsMemory)
                            if (typeof (T) == typeof (string))
                                // Sometimes.... generics ****ing suck
                                object s = Memory.ReadCString(Memory.Read<IntPtr>((IntPtr) (_address.ToInt64() + (index * 4))));
                                return (T) s;
                            return Memory.Read<T>((IntPtr) (_address.ToInt64() + (index * 4)));
                        return default(T);
                        return default(T);
                /// <summary>
                /// Returns a struct representation of this row. (The struct must be properly formatted. If it contains strings,
                /// it must be marked with the CharSet value to Ansi)
                /// </summary>
                /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public T GetStruct<T>() where T : struct
                        if (_ownsMemory)
                            return (T) Marshal.PtrToStructure(_address, typeof (T));
                        return Memory.ReadStruct<T>(_address);
                        return default(T);
            #region Nested type: WoWClientDb
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
            internal struct WoWClientDb
                private readonly IntPtr _vtable;
                public int IsLoaded;
                public int NumRows;
                public int MaxIndex;
                public int MinIndex;
                public int StringTable;
                private readonly IntPtr _vtable2;
                public int FirstRow;
                public IntPtr Rows;
        internal static class DbcUtils
            private const uint WOW_USE_SPELL_UNPACK = 0xC775D0;
            public static void GetLocalizedRow(IntPtr clientDb, int recordId, out IntPtr buffer)
                clientDb = (IntPtr) (clientDb.ToInt32() - 0x18);
                var header = Memory.ReadStruct<WoWDb.WoWClientDb>(clientDb);
                buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (recordId >= header.MinIndex && recordId <= header.MaxIndex)
                    var lpRow = Memory.Read<IntPtr>((IntPtr) (header.Rows.ToInt32() + (4 * (recordId - header.MinIndex))));
                    if (Memory.Read<byte>((IntPtr) WOW_USE_SPELL_UNPACK) == 1)
                        ClientDbUnpack(lpRow, 0x2C0u, out buffer);
                        byte[] data = Memory.ReadBytes(lpRow, 0x2C0);
                        buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(0x2C0);
                        Marshal.Copy(data, 0, buffer, 0x2C0);
            private static void ClientDbUnpack(IntPtr source, uint size, out IntPtr buffer)
                // This function is taken directly from WoW. It includes lots of Marshal usage, and some other stuff.
                // So if you don't understand it, tough shit. :D
                // Way too much allocated; but oh well.
                var byteBuffer = new byte[0x5000];
                byteBuffer[0] = Memory.Read<byte>(source);
                int currentAddress = 1;
                for (var i = (uint) (source.ToInt32() + 1); currentAddress < size; ++i)
                    byteBuffer[currentAddress++] = Memory.Read<byte>((IntPtr) i);
                    var atI = Memory.Read<byte>((IntPtr) i);
                    var prevI = Memory.Read<byte>((IntPtr) (i - 1));
                    if (atI == prevI)
                        for (var j = Memory.Read<byte>((IntPtr) (i + 1)); j != 0; byteBuffer[currentAddress++] = Memory.Read<byte>((IntPtr) i))
                        i += 2;
                        if (currentAddress < size)
                            byteBuffer[currentAddress++] = Memory.Read<byte>((IntPtr) i);
                buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(0x2C0);
                Marshal.Copy(byteBuffer, 0, buffer, 0x2C0);
        // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
        public enum ClientDb
            Achievement = 0x000000EB, // 0x00A73888
            Achievement_Criteria = 0x000000EC, // 0x00A738AC
            Achievement_Category = 0x000000ED, // 0x00A738D0
            AnimationData = 0x000000EE, // 0x00A738F4
            AreaGroup = 0x000000EF, // 0x00A73918
            AreaPOI = 0x000000F0, // 0x00A7393C
            AreaTable = 0x000000F1, // 0x00A73960
            AreaTrigger = 0x000000F2, // 0x00A73984
            AttackAnimKits = 0x000000F3, // 0x00A739A8
            AttackAnimTypes = 0x000000F4, // 0x00A739CC
            AuctionHouse = 0x000000F5, // 0x00A739F0
            BankBagSlotPrices = 0x000000F6, // 0x00A73A14
            BannedAddOns = 0x000000F7, // 0x00A73A38
            BarberShopStyle = 0x000000F8, // 0x00A73A5C
            BattlemasterList = 0x000000F9, // 0x00A73A80
            CameraShakes = 0x000000FA, // 0x00A73AA4
            Cfg_Categories = 0x000000FB, // 0x00A73AC8
            Cfg_Configs = 0x000000FC, // 0x00A73AEC
            CharBaseInfo = 0x000000FD, // 0x00A73B10
            CharHairGeosets = 0x000000FE, // 0x00A73B34
            CharSections = 0x000000FF, // 0x00A73B58
            CharStartOutfit = 0x00000100, // 0x00A73B7C
            CharTitles = 0x00000101, // 0x00A73BA0
            CharacterFacialHairStyles = 0x00000102, // 0x00A73BC4
            ChatChannels = 0x00000103, // 0x00A73BE8
            ChatProfanity = 0x00000104, // 0x00A73C0C
            ChrClasses = 0x00000105, // 0x00A73C30
            ChrRaces = 0x00000106, // 0x00A73C54
            CinematicCamera = 0x00000107, // 0x00A73C78
            CinematicSequences = 0x00000108, // 0x00A73C9C
            CreatureDisplayInfo = 0x00000109, // 0x00A73CE4
            CreatureDisplayInfoExtra = 0x0000010A, // 0x00A73CC0
            CreatureFamily = 0x0000010B, // 0x00A73D08
            CreatureModelData = 0x0000010C, // 0x00A73D2C
            CreatureMovementInfo = 0x0000010D, // 0x00A73D50
            CreatureSoundData = 0x0000010E, // 0x00A73D74
            CreatureSpellData = 0x0000010F, // 0x00A73D98
            CreatureType = 0x00000110, // 0x00A73DBC
            CurrencyTypes = 0x00000111, // 0x00A73DE0
            CurrencyCategory = 0x00000112, // 0x00A73E04
            DanceMoves = 0x00000113, // 0x00A73E28
            DeathThudLookups = 0x00000114, // 0x00A73E4C
            DestructibleModelData = 0x00000115, // 0x00A73EB8
            DungeonEncounter = 0x00000116, // 0x00A73EDC
            DungeonMap = 0x00000117, // 0x00A73F00
            DungeonMapChunk = 0x00000118, // 0x00A73F24
            DurabilityCosts = 0x00000119, // 0x00A73F48
            DurabilityQuality = 0x0000011A, // 0x00A73F6C
            Emotes = 0x0000011B, // 0x00A73F90
            EmotesText = 0x0000011C, // 0x00A73FFC
            EmotesTextData = 0x0000011D, // 0x00A73FB4
            EmotesTextSound = 0x0000011E, // 0x00A73FD8
            EnvironmentalDamage = 0x0000011F, // 0x00A74020
            Exhaustion = 0x00000120, // 0x00A74044
            Faction = 0x00000121, // 0x00A7408C
            FactionGroup = 0x00000122, // 0x00A74068
            FactionTemplate = 0x00000123, // 0x00A740B0
            FileData = 0x00000124, // 0x00A740D4
            FootprintTextures = 0x00000125, // 0x00A740F8
            FootstepTerrainLookup = 0x00000126, // 0x00A7411C
            GameObjectArtKit = 0x00000127, // 0x00A74140
            GameObjectDisplayInfo = 0x00000128, // 0x00A74164
            GameTables = 0x00000129, // 0x00A74188
            GameTips = 0x0000012A, // 0x00A741AC
            GemProperties = 0x0000012B, // 0x00A741D0
            GlyphProperties = 0x0000012C, // 0x00A741F4
            GlyphSlot = 0x0000012D, // 0x00A74218
            GMSurveyAnswers = 0x0000012E, // 0x00A7423C
            GMSurveyCurrentSurvey = 0x0000012F, // 0x00A74260
            GMSurveyQuestions = 0x00000130, // 0x00A74284
            GMSurveySurveys = 0x00000131, // 0x00A742A8
            GMTicketCategory = 0x00000132, // 0x00A742CC
            GroundEffectDoodad = 0x00000133, // 0x00A742F0
            GroundEffectTexture = 0x00000134, // 0x00A74314
            gtBarberShopCostBase = 0x00000135, // 0x00A74338
            gtCombatRatings = 0x00000136, // 0x00A7435C
            gtChanceToMeleeCrit = 0x00000137, // 0x00A74380
            gtChanceToMeleeCritBase = 0x00000138, // 0x00A743A4
            gtChanceToSpellCrit = 0x00000139, // 0x00A743C8
            gtChanceToSpellCritBase = 0x0000013A, // 0x00A743EC
            gtNPCManaCostScaler = 0x0000013B, // 0x00A74410
            gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalar = 0x0000013C, // 0x00A74434
            gtOCTRegenHP = 0x0000013D, // 0x00A74458
            gtOCTRegenMP = 0x0000013E, // 0x00A7447C
            gtRegenHPPerSpt = 0x0000013F, // 0x00A744A0
            gtRegenMPPerSpt = 0x00000140, // 0x00A744C4
            HelmetGeosetVisData = 0x00000141, // 0x00A744E8
            HolidayDescriptions = 0x00000142, // 0x00A7450C
            HolidayNames = 0x00000143, // 0x00A74530
            Holidays = 0x00000144, // 0x00A74554
            Item = 0x00000145, // 0x00A74578
            ItemBagFamily = 0x00000146, // 0x00A7459C
            ItemClass = 0x00000147, // 0x00A745C0
            ItemCondExtCosts = 0x00000148, // 0x00A745E4
            ItemDisplayInfo = 0x00000149, // 0x00A74608
            ItemExtendedCost = 0x0000014A, // 0x00A7462C
            ItemGroupSounds = 0x0000014B, // 0x00A74650
            ItemLimitCategory = 0x0000014C, // 0x00A74674
            ItemPetFood = 0x0000014D, // 0x00A74698
            ItemPurchaseGroup = 0x0000014E, // 0x00A746BC
            ItemRandomProperties = 0x0000014F, // 0x00A746E0
            ItemRandomSuffix = 0x00000150, // 0x00A74704
            ItemSet = 0x00000151, // 0x00A74728
            ItemSubClass = 0x00000152, // 0x00A74770
            ItemSubClassMask = 0x00000153, // 0x00A7474C
            ItemVisualEffects = 0x00000154, // 0x00A74794
            ItemVisuals = 0x00000155, // 0x00A747B8
            LanguageWords = 0x00000156, // 0x00A747DC
            Languages = 0x00000157, // 0x00A74800
            LfgDungeonExpansion = 0x00000158, // 0x00A74824
            LfgDungeonGroup = 0x00000159, // 0x00A74848
            LfgDungeons = 0x0000015A, // 0x00A7486C
            Light = 0x0000015B, // 0x00A96C08
            LightFloatBand = 0x0000015C, // 0x00A96BC0
            LightIntBand = 0x0000015D, // 0x00A96B9C
            LightParams = 0x0000015E, // 0x00A96BE4
            LightSkybox = 0x0000015F, // 0x00A96B78
            LiquidType = 0x00000160, // 0x00A74890
            LiquidMaterial = 0x00000161, // 0x00A748B4
            LoadingScreens = 0x00000162, // 0x00A748D8
            LoadingScreenTaxiSplines = 0x00000163, // 0x00A748FC
            Lock = 0x00000164, // 0x00A74920
            LockType = 0x00000165, // 0x00A74944
            MailTemplate = 0x00000166, // 0x00A74968
            Map = 0x00000167, // 0x00A7498C
            MapDifficulty = 0x00000168, // 0x00A749B0
            Material = 0x00000169, // 0x00A749D4
            Movie = 0x0000016A, // 0x00A749F8
            MovieFileData = 0x0000016B, // 0x00A74A1C
            MovieVariation = 0x0000016C, // 0x00A74A40
            NameGen = 0x0000016D, // 0x00A74A64
            NPCSounds = 0x0000016E, // 0x00A74A88
            NamesProfanity = 0x0000016F, // 0x00A74AAC
            NamesReserved = 0x00000170, // 0x00A74AD0
            OverrideSpellData = 0x00000171, // 0x00A74AF4
            Package = 0x00000172, // 0x00A74B18
            PageTextMaterial = 0x00000173, // 0x00A74B3C
            PaperDollItemFrame = 0x00000174, // 0x00A74B60
            ParticleColor = 0x00000175, // 0x00A74B84
            PetPersonality = 0x00000176, // 0x00A74BA8
            PowerDisplay = 0x00000177, // 0x00A74BCC
            PvpDifficulty = 0x00000178, // 0x00A74BF0
            QuestFactionReward = 0x00000179, // 0x00A74C14
            QuestInfo = 0x0000017A, // 0x00A74C38
            QuestSort = 0x0000017B, // 0x00A74C5C
            QuestXP = 0x0000017C, // 0x00A74C80
            Resistances = 0x0000017D, // 0x00A74CA4
            RandPropPoints = 0x0000017E, // 0x00A74CC8
            ScalingStatDistribution = 0x0000017F, // 0x00A74CEC
            ScalingStatValues = 0x00000180, // 0x00A74D10
            ScreenEffect = 0x00000181, // 0x00A74D34
            ServerMessages = 0x00000182, // 0x00A74D58
            SheatheSoundLookups = 0x00000183, // 0x00A74D7C
            SkillCostsData = 0x00000184, // 0x00A74DA0
            SkillLineAbility = 0x00000185, // 0x00A74DC4
            SkillLineCategory = 0x00000186, // 0x00A74DE8
            SkillLine = 0x00000187, // 0x00A74E0C
            SkillRaceClassInfo = 0x00000188, // 0x00A74E30
            SkillTiers = 0x00000189, // 0x00A74E54
            SoundAmbience = 0x0000018A, // 0x00A74E78
            SoundEmitters = 0x0000018B, // 0x00A74EC0
            SoundEntries = 0x0000018C, // 0x00A74E9C
            SoundProviderPreferences = 0x0000018D, // 0x00A74EE4
            SoundSamplePreferences = 0x0000018E, // 0x00A74F08
            SoundWaterType = 0x0000018F, // 0x00A74F2C
            SpamMessages = 0x00000190, // 0x00A74F50
            SpellCastTimes = 0x00000191, // 0x00A74F74
            SpellCategory = 0x00000192, // 0x00A74F98
            SpellChainEffects = 0x00000193, // 0x00A74FBC
            Spell = 0x00000194, // 0x00A751FC
            SpellDescriptionVariables = 0x00000195, // 0x00A74FE0
            SpellDifficulty = 0x00000196, // 0x00A75004
            SpellDispelType = 0x00000197, // 0x00A75028
            SpellDuration = 0x00000198, // 0x00A7504C
            SpellEffectCameraShakes = 0x00000199, // 0x00A75070
            SpellFocusObject = 0x0000019A, // 0x00A75094
            SpellIcon = 0x0000019B, // 0x00A750B8
            SpellItemEnchantment = 0x0000019C, // 0x00A750DC
            SpellItemEnchantmentCondition = 0x0000019D, // 0x00A75100
            SpellMechanic = 0x0000019E, // 0x00A75124
            SpellMissile = 0x0000019F, // 0x00A75148
            SpellMissileMotion = 0x000001A0, // 0x00A7516C
            SpellRadius = 0x000001A1, // 0x00A75190
            SpellRange = 0x000001A2, // 0x00A751B4
            SpellRuneCost = 0x000001A3, // 0x00A751D8
            SpellShapeshiftForm = 0x000001A4, // 0x00A75220
            SpellVisual = 0x000001A5, // 0x00A752D4
            SpellVisualEffectName = 0x000001A6, // 0x00A75244
            SpellVisualKit = 0x000001A7, // 0x00A75268
            SpellVisualKitAreaModel = 0x000001A8, // 0x00A7528C
            SpellVisualKitModelAttach = 0x000001A9, // 0x00A752B0
            StableSlotPrices = 0x000001AA, // 0x00A752F8
            Stationery = 0x000001AB, // 0x00A7531C
            StringLookups = 0x000001AC, // 0x00A75340
            SummonProperties = 0x000001AD, // 0x00A75364
            Talent = 0x000001AE, // 0x00A75388
            TalentTab = 0x000001AF, // 0x00A753AC
            TaxiNodes = 0x000001B0, // 0x00A753D0
            TaxiPath = 0x000001B1, // 0x00A75418
            TaxiPathNode = 0x000001B2, // 0x00A753F4
            TeamContributionPoints = 0x000001B3, // 0x00A7543C
            TerrainType = 0x000001B4, // 0x00A75460
            TerrainTypeSounds = 0x000001B5, // 0x00A75484
            TotemCategory = 0x000001B6, // 0x00A754A8
            TransportAnimation = 0x000001B7, // 0x00A754CC
            TransportPhysics = 0x000001B8, // 0x00A754F0
            TransportRotation = 0x000001B9, // 0x00A75514
            UISoundLookups = 0x000001BA, // 0x00A75538
            UnitBlood = 0x000001BB, // 0x00A75580
            UnitBloodLevels = 0x000001BC, // 0x00A7555C
            Vehicle = 0x000001BD, // 0x00A755A4
            VehicleSeat = 0x000001BE, // 0x00A755C8
            VehicleUIIndicator = 0x000001BF, // 0x00A755EC
            VehicleUIIndSeat = 0x000001C0, // 0x00A75610
            VocalUISounds = 0x000001C1, // 0x00A75634
            WMOAreaTable = 0x000001C2, // 0x00A75658
            WeaponImpactSounds = 0x000001C3, // 0x00A7567C
            WeaponSwingSounds2 = 0x000001C4, // 0x00A756A0
            Weather = 0x000001C5, // 0x00A756C4
            WorldMapArea = 0x000001C6, // 0x00A756E8
            WorldMapTransforms = 0x000001C7, // 0x00A75754
            WorldMapContinent = 0x000001C8, // 0x00A7570C
            WorldMapOverlay = 0x000001C9, // 0x00A75730
            WorldSafeLocs = 0x000001CA, // 0x00A75778
            WorldStateUI = 0x000001CB, // 0x00A7579C
            ZoneIntroMusicTable = 0x000001CC, // 0x00A757C0
            ZoneMusic = 0x000001CD, // 0x00A757E4
            WorldStateZoneSounds = 0x000001CE, // 0x00A75808
            WorldChunkSounds = 0x000001CF, // 0x00A7582C
            SoundEntriesAdvanced = 0x000001D0, // 0x00A75850
            ObjectEffect = 0x000001D1, // 0x00A75874
            ObjectEffectGroup = 0x000001D2, // 0x00A75898
            ObjectEffectModifier = 0x000001D3, // 0x00A758BC
            ObjectEffectPackage = 0x000001D4, // 0x00A758E0
            ObjectEffectPackageElem = 0x000001D5, // 0x00A75904
            SoundFilter = 0x000001D6, // 0x00A75928
            SoundFilterElem = 0x000001D7, // 0x00A7594C
    Last edited by Apoc; 03-18-2010 at 05:43 PM. Reason: Sigh, more bugfixes.

    [C#][Copy/Pasta] Out of process DBC reading
  2. #2
    Nikentic's Avatar Elite User
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    I do not like visual basic

  3. #3
    MaiN's Avatar Elite User
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    Originally Posted by Joppe View Post
    I do not like visual basic
    What the **** are you talking about?

    Oh BTW; nice!
    [16:15:41] Cypher: caus the CPU is a dick
    [16:16:07] kynox: CPU is mad
    [16:16:15] Cypher: CPU is all like
    [16:16:16] Cypher: whatever, i do what i want

  4. #4
    Apoc's Avatar Angry Penguin
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    Quick bugfix. Old code got me a tad confused. The GetRow func should actually work now. :X

  5. #5
    suicidity's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Joppe View Post
    I do not like visual basic
    That has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, but sure.

  6. #6
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Originally Posted by Joppe View Post
    I do not like visual basic
    I do not like you.

  7. #7
    Xarg0's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Cypher View Post
    I do not like you.
    I like Doughnuts
    I hacked

  8. #8
    Nikentic's Avatar Elite User
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    I might be wrong, but what i know the 2 languages that uses public classes is Visual Basic + Java. Am i wrong?

  9. #9
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Originally Posted by Joppe View Post
    I might be wrong, but what i know the 2 languages that uses public classes is Visual Basic + Java. Am i wrong?
    You're a moron.

  10. #10
    miceiken's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by joppe View Post
    i might be wrong, but what i know the 2 languages that uses public classes is visual basic + java. Am i wrong?
    die in a fire

  11. #11
    flo8464's Avatar Active Member
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    Even if that code would have been written in VB, that comment is a shitload of fail.
    Hey, it compiles! Ship it!

  12. #12
    Nesox's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Nicley done Apoc

  13. #13
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    I put dis codenz in mah 2.4.3 private server haxenz and it no werk. Fix plz.

  14. #14
    amadmonk's Avatar Active Member
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    And don't forget teh proxiez!
    Don't believe everything you think.

  15. #15
    [The Major]'s Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Joppe View Post
    I do not like visual basic

    I like Turtles!
    And also Cypher's comment x)

    Awesome doing Apoc!

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