Packet reassembly for the guys who is using sharppcap menu


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    snoke's Avatar Member
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    Packet reassembly for the guys who is using sharppcap

    Hi one of the biggest problem i have had while trying to create a winpcap sniffer of wow packets is that with winpcap the packets might come in out of order. so maybe someone here might be interested in it.

    i have created a simple class , not really production ready since its almost at prototype stage now ( so dont bug me how about how i dont check for null values etc ) . but anywhoos it reassembles the packets so that everything comes in the correct order. this is extremely important in wow because of the encryption , you cant just miss one packet , if you do rest of the packets will be a mess.

    The sniffer class is a generic one which could sniff any data in correct order in "theory"

    An example how i sniff wow packets below ( PacketMgr is the class that actually decrypts the wow data and parses it as it is coming in ), i wont show how you actually decrypt the packets , that is up to the reader , but a tip the mangos 3.1 branch is a good starting point , so is the java snifftzt app which shows you how to decrypt and parse the packets.

       public class SnifferWorld : Sniffer
            static readonly PacketMgr packetmgr = Singleton<PacketMgr>.Instance;
            public SnifferWorld()
                AddListenHostConnectionInfo("",3724,"EU-Magtheridon"); // Magtheridon eu
                AddListenHostConnectionInfo("", 3724,"EU-The Maelstrom"); // The Maelstrom eu
                AddListenHostConnectionInfo("", 3724, "EU-Stormscale");
            public override void Connected(Connection conn)
                packetmgr.Reset(conn.Identifier); // reset key info and logs.
            public override void AddClientData(byte[] buffer)
                var data = new byte[buffer.Length];
                buffer.CopyTo(data, 0);
                packetmgr.AddTcpPacket(PacketType.Client, data);
            public override void AddHostData(byte[] buffer)
                var data = new byte[buffer.Length];
                buffer.CopyTo(data, 0);
                packetmgr.AddTcpPacket(PacketType.Server, data);
    Here is the base class , the AssemblePacket method is the one responsible for putting tcp data in the correct order.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using SharpPcap;
    using SharpPcap.Packets;
    using System.Net;
    namespace Proxy
        // class used for identifing host/port combos we should listen for.
        public class ListeHostConnectionInfo
            public string IP;
            public int Port;
            public string Identifier;
            public ListeHostConnectionInfo(string ip, int port,string identifier)
                IP = ip;
                Port = port;
                Identifier = identifier;
        // each successfull 3way tcp connection gets a new Connection
        // this is removed when Fin is received and connection is closed.
        public class Connection
            public long ClientAddress; // client initiating the connection
            public int ClientPort;
            public long HostAddress;   // host receiving the connection
            public int HostPort;
            public long ClientSyn;    // starting syn sent from client
            public long HostSyn;      // starting syn sent from host;
            public long NextClientSeq;
            public long NextHostSeq;
            public bool HostClosed;
            public bool ClientClosed;
            public string Identifier = "";
            public bool ThreeWayCompleted = false; // three way connection is completed
            // Fragments , used when we get newer packets that expected.
            // so we need to wait for expected before adding them.
            public SortedDictionary<long, TCPPacket> HostFragments = new SortedDictionary<long, TCPPacket>();
            public SortedDictionary<long, TCPPacket> ClientFragments = new SortedDictionary<long, TCPPacket>();
            // returns client ip:client port as a string
            public string GetClientAddressPort()
                return string.Format("{0}:{1}", new IPAddress(ClientAddress).ToString(), ClientPort);
            // returns host ip:host port as a string
            public string GetHostAddressPort()
                return string.Format("{0}:{1}", new IPAddress(HostAddress).ToString(), HostPort);
            // packet is from host
            public bool IsFromHost(TCPPacket tcp)
                return ClientAddress == tcp.DestinationAddress.Address &&
                ClientPort == tcp.DestinationPort &&
                HostAddress == tcp.SourceAddress.Address &&
                HostPort == tcp.SourcePort;
            // packet is from client
            public bool IsFromClient(TCPPacket tcp)
                return ClientAddress == tcp.SourceAddress.Address &&
                ClientPort == tcp.SourcePort &&
                HostAddress == tcp.DestinationAddress.Address &&
                HostPort == tcp.DestinationPort;
            public Connection(long clientAddress, int clientPort, long hostAddress, int hostPort, long clientSyn)
                this.ClientAddress = clientAddress;
                this.ClientPort = clientPort;
                this.HostAddress = hostAddress;
                this.HostPort = hostPort;
                this.ClientSyn = clientSyn;
        // Base sniffer class.
        // this handles all the actuall packet capture
        // and reassembles the data into a tcp stream.
        // derive from this and overload the AddClientData , AddHostData etc to receive traffic.
        // use AddListenHostConnectionInfo to tell sniffer what ip/ports you are interested in.
        public class Sniffer
            // what ip's and port we should listen for.
            // added from subclasses.
            readonly List<ListeHostConnectionInfo> _listenHostConnectionInfos = new List<ListeHostConnectionInfo>();
            // list of Connections we have seen do a three way handshake
            // connection will be valid untill we have seen a packet with Fin from both parties.
            public List<Connection> Connections = new List<Connection>();
            // on valid client data arriving.
            public virtual void AddClientData(byte[] buffer){}
            // on valid host data arriving. 
            public virtual void AddHostData(byte[] buffer){}
            // when connected
            public virtual void Connected(Connection conn){}
            // when disconnected
            public virtual void Disconnected(Connection conn){}
            // main capture loop will run forever
            public void Run()
                /* Retrieve the device list */
                var devices = SharpPcap.Pcap.GetAllDevices();
                /*If no device exists, print error */
                if (devices.Count < 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("No device found on this machine");
                Console.WriteLine("The following devices are available on this machine:");
                int i = 0;
                /* Scan the list printing every entry */
                foreach (PcapDevice dev in devices)
                    /* Description */
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1} {2}", i, dev.Name, dev.Description);
                Console.Write("-- Please choose a device to capture: ");
                i = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                var device = devices[i];
                //Register our handler function to the 'packet arrival' event
                device.OnPacketArrival += DevicePcapOnPacketArrival;
                //Open the device for capturing
                //true -- means promiscuous mode
                //10-- means a read wait of 10ms
                device.Open(true, 10);
                Console.WriteLine("-- Listenning on {0}, hit 'Enter' to stop...",
                //Start the capturing process
                //Wait for 'Enter' from the user.
                string line = "";
                while ( line.IndexOf("exit") == -1 )
                    line = Console.ReadLine();
                //Stop the capturing process
                Console.WriteLine("-- Capture stopped.");
                //Close the pcap device
            // pcap event
            private void DevicePcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, PcapCaptureEventArgs e)
                if (e.Packet is TCPPacket)
                    AssemblePacket(e.Packet as TCPPacket); 
            // add ip,ports which should be listened for. also a helper identifier which can be used
            // to get a name for the connection.
            protected void AddListenHostConnectionInfo(string ip, int port,string identifier)
                _listenHostConnectionInfos.Add(new ListeHostConnectionInfo(ip, port, identifier));
            // simple assembling of packets.
            // missing lots, but works.
            private void AssemblePacket(TCPPacket tcp)
                string identifier = ""; //
                // check if we should listen for this host ip and port.
                bool found = false;
                foreach (var info in _listenHostConnectionInfos)
                    if ((tcp.SourceAddress.ToString() == info.IP && tcp.SourcePort == info.Port) ||
                        (tcp.DestinationAddress.ToString() == info.IP && tcp.DestinationPort == info.Port))
                        identifier = info.Identifier;
                        found = true;
                if (!found) return;
                if (tcp.Syn && tcp.PayloadDataLength == 0) // 3 way connection establishing. for ISN
                    // find connection if available
                    if (tcp.Ack)
                        foreach (var conn in Connections)
                            if (!conn.IsFromHost(tcp)) continue;
                            conn.HostSyn = tcp.SequenceNumber;
                            conn.NextClientSeq = tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber; // Steap 2 of 3 way done.
                    else // step 1 of 3 way
                        var conn = new Connection(tcp.SourceAddress.Address, tcp.SourcePort, tcp.DestinationAddress.Address, tcp.DestinationPort, tcp.SequenceNumber);
                else if (tcp.Fin) // connection closing
                    Connection tmpConn = null;
                    foreach (var conn in Connections)
                        if (conn.IsFromClient(tcp))
                            conn.ClientClosed = true;
                            if (conn.HostClosed)
                                tmpConn = conn;
                        else if (conn.IsFromHost(tcp))
                            conn.HostClosed = true; ;
                            if (conn.ClientClosed)
                                tmpConn = conn;
                    if (tmpConn != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Connection: {0}->{1} closed, removing conn object", tmpConn.GetClientAddressPort(), tmpConn.GetHostAddressPort());
                else // Data
                    foreach (var conn in Connections)
                        // from client
                        if (conn.IsFromClient(tcp))
                            if (tcp.SequenceNumber < conn.NextClientSeq) // old packet
                                // just drop these for now
                            if (tcp.SequenceNumber > conn.NextClientSeq) // out of order data
                                if (!conn.ClientFragments.ContainsKey(tcp.SequenceNumber))
                                    conn.ClientFragments.Add(tcp.SequenceNumber, tcp);
                                else // expect new data to be better?
                                    conn.ClientFragments[tcp.SequenceNumber] = tcp;
                                while (tcp.SequenceNumber == conn.NextClientSeq)
                                    if (!conn.ThreeWayCompleted) // 3 way handshake is a success and a connection is up and running.
                                        Console.WriteLine("Connection between: {0} and {1} established", conn.GetClientAddressPort(), conn.GetHostAddressPort());
                                        conn.ThreeWayCompleted = true;
                                        conn.NextHostSeq = tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber;
                                        conn.Identifier = identifier;
                                    conn.ClientFragments.Remove(tcp.SequenceNumber); // remove fragment
                                    if (tcp.PayloadDataLength == 0)
                                    conn.NextClientSeq = conn.NextClientSeq + tcp.PayloadDataLength;
                                    // data should be valid here.
                                    if (conn.ClientFragments.ContainsKey(conn.NextClientSeq)) // check if we have newer fragments which will now fit.
                                        tcp = conn.ClientFragments[conn.NextClientSeq];
                        // from host
                        else if (conn.IsFromHost(tcp))
                            if (tcp.SequenceNumber < conn.NextHostSeq) // old packet
                                // just drop these for now
                            if (tcp.SequenceNumber > conn.NextHostSeq) // newer out of order data
                                if (!conn.HostFragments.ContainsKey(tcp.SequenceNumber))
                                    conn.HostFragments.Add(tcp.SequenceNumber, tcp);
                                    conn.HostFragments[tcp.SequenceNumber] = tcp;
                            else // 
                                while (tcp.SequenceNumber == conn.NextHostSeq) // on time
                                    conn.HostFragments.Remove(tcp.SequenceNumber); // remove fragment
                                    if (tcp.PayloadDataLength == 0)
                                    conn.NextHostSeq = conn.NextHostSeq + tcp.PayloadDataLength;
                                    // data should be valid here
                                    if (conn.HostFragments.ContainsKey(conn.NextHostSeq)) // check if we have newer fragments which will now fit.
                                        tcp = conn.HostFragments[conn.NextHostSeq];

    Packet reassembly for the guys who is using sharppcap
  2. #2
    amadmonk's Avatar Active Member
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    This is super useful. I use a (mostly) out-of-process bot, and without packet sniffing this really limits some of the data I can notify on. Your code, and a bit of research, should get me most of what I need.

    Now if I could just figure out a way to set my character's target without running a LUA function, I'd be a happy camper...

  3. #3
    Shynd's Avatar Contributor
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    Set a keybinding to target last target, modify the last target in memory, then hit the keybind! Yes!

  4. #4
    amadmonk's Avatar Active Member
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    That's an incredibly simple and easy idea. Dankeschon!

  5. #5
    amadmonk's Avatar Active Member
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    Thanks again, snoke. With your leads I've got a complete packet assembler and decryptor working now. Mixing it up with the source codes from Mangos, I've got a way to get all the info I need from WoW without needing to maintain a single offset from patch to patch (well, except for the offset to the session key in memory... okay, one...) Plus, since it's packet-driven, it's inherently event-driven... no more polling memory!

    My OOP bot is coming along nicely.

    OT: now that I can see all its chatter... Warden is a chatty little beast, isn't it? I'm tempted to capture the Warden traffic stream and isolate it from the rest just to watch it at work...

  6. #6
    MikeDotNet's Avatar Member
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    Nice stuff, I might implement that eventually if I ever bother finding the session key (wich I would need to do someday).

    Btw, if you wan't to work on warden, feel free to drop me a PM I would need to work onto wow warden a little eventually (it shouldn't be that different from d2/sc/w3 warden).

  7. #7
    kynox's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Originally Posted by MikeDotNet View Post
    Nice stuff, I might implement that eventually if I ever bother finding the session key (wich I would need to do someday).

    Btw, if you wan't to work on warden, feel free to drop me a PM I would need to work onto wow warden a little eventually (it shouldn't be that different from d2/sc/w3 warden).
    The packet structure is exactly the same.

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