Welcome To "The Botting Bible":
What is a Bot?
A bot enables you to leave you pc alone and it will play you game and level you in this case World Of Warcraft (WoW) and The Burning Crusade Expantion (TBC).
Main Bots out at the moment For World Of Warcraft:
OpenBot (OB):
The current best bot out there in my opinion at the moment. It requires a subscription to Innerspace You can subscribe to Innerspace by clicking: here. By doing so you are using me as a referral and get an extra 15 days added to your subscription so everyone benefits
One subscribed u will also need to download Openbot which is open source and free and can be found under the releases section on their forum which is: here
This is also pretty good this is a one off payment and extra features can be subscribed to at the cost of a monthly scription to Glider Elite. Once you buy glider you have access to the forums and this is probally one of the longest running bots for World Of Warcraft. It is well developed and kept up to date. To buy MMOGlider or subscribe to Glider Elite you can go: here
Relativly new its website is: here ,but if you want a free bot this is your one currently there is an account creator on the forums: here
Guide To Installing Each Bot:
Openbot (OB):
this requires a subscription to Innerspace (Details can be found above)
1) Download and Install Innerspace currently version is 1.09
2) You then need ISXWoW and ISXWarden you need the latest version of both.
Currently ISXWarden 2.3.2-2 and ISXWOW 2.3.2 .
3) Install ISXWarden by extracting the DLL file into Inner Space's Extensions folder; \Program Files\InnerSpace\Extensions.
4) Then install ISXWoW by double clicking the .exe to make sure its installed you can check your extensions folder to see if there is a file called isxwow.dll if it's there your all good.
5) Launch Innerspace
6) Now we need to make ISXWarden Load on Startup right click on InnerSpace Logo
6) You should see a menu and Click Configuration
7) Click the Game Configuration Tab
Select World Of Warcraft from the Drop Down Menu
9)Press Startup
10) Click Insert then click on the New entry and rename it to whatever you want. Replacing New Entry With Warden or ISXWarden is prefrable. Then under Commadn to Execute at this sequence type "ext ISXWarden" without quotes so it looks like as follows.
Installing OpenBot:
1) Download Openbot From there Forums under releases and extract the archieve to Program Files\Innerspace\Scripts
2) Launch World Of Warcraft Through Innerspace by right Clicking the Innerspace and selecting World Of Warcraft then World Of Warcraft Default Profile
3) Bring up the console by pressing F12 or the button above Tab and below Esc depending on your keyboard (Other options may be available)
4) Log in.
5) Select Character
6) type "run openbot/openbot" in the console at the top to activate openbot.
1) Download the latest version of glider from: here or get the latest beta from: here
2) Once downloaded run the .exe and let it install
3) In order to remove the demo period you need to register a copy of glider for $25: here
4) Then once you have your registration code you need to load up glider and add it under configuration.
More On the Way....
Glider Install pics
Wowmimic Install
Usuage of each bot (indeepth)
A guide to each class and recommended talent tress ect