[PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak . menu

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    Flying Piggy's Avatar Banned
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    [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Hi all .

    Date : 27/03/07
    Original Author of the program : TeamSpeak Systems
    Name of the Program : Teamspeak
    Download link to the program :

    Description :

    Some of you may not know what Teamspeak is so ill quickly explain before i get to the download links and the how to setup guide .
    Teamspeak is a Client/Server based software which allows you to be able to speak to a group of friends for free while playing on WoW for example .
    The reason why im making this thread is simply because Teamspeak has never been mentioned here on the Bots and Programs section , even though its a very commonly used software in the World of Warcraft (most especially by large guilds) . And just in case you still dont understand what im talking about , here is a video of a raid that uses Teamspeak (its a famous video) :


    Teamspeak is divided into two programs :

    1 ) The server , its basicaly the heart of Teamspeak . You will need the server if you want to create your own Teamspeak channel or group .

    2 ) The client , its used to connect to the server and allow you to talk with your friends .

    If you wish to setup your own Teamspeak line then you will need both the server and the client . So now that you all know a bit about what Teamspeak is , ill get to the guide which explains exactly how to setup a new line step by step .

    Just know that i did not write this guide that you are about to read , it was created by {nUg}DankRider from the Teamspeak official forums (i would have made a guide but it would have been pointless since somebody already wrote one) .

    -= Team Speak 2.0 =- Client Setup/connect

    These Steps will help you install, setup, connect to a favorite server, and register. If a guest password is required to access the server you must attain one from the server admin.

    1 - Download/Install - Team Speak 2.0 Client

    2 - Start your Team Speak 2.0 client

    3 - Setting up your Team Speak 2.0 Options
    - Go to your Setting folder
    - click (Options / Sound Devices) Make sure you have the right sound device selected
    - click (Options / Other) Set your default guest nickname
    - click (Options / soundinput/output) Set your talk button,
    - Run the (active locate test mode)

    4 - Connecting to a Server as a Guest, and saving our server in your addressbook
    - Click (Connection/Connect) Select (Web Servers List) Locate and Highlight your desired server
    then Select (Copy to local Addressbook)
    - Click on the (Local Addressbook) tab
    - You should see the server's info on the right hand side of the window, with your guest Nickname.
    - Select Auto-Reconnect
    - Select (Anonymous)
    - Enter our password and connect

    5 - Registering to our server, Steps to register. (You can register to a Team Speak server to chat in registered channels)
    - click Self/Register With Server, enter your Login Name and password, then click register.
    This will be your personal log and pass to the server.

    6 - Connecting to the server using your personal Log Name and password
    - Disconnect from the server
    - Click Connections/Connect/Local Addressbook
    - Select ( Registered )
    - Enter your Personal Login Name and Password
    - Connect to the Server

    7 - You are done!!


    -= Team Speak 2.0 =- Server Setup

    1 - Download/Install - Team Speak 2.0 Server

    2 - Start Team Speak 2.0 Server

    3 - Registering Your Team Speak Server
    - Start Team Speak 2.0
    - Locate and open your Server log file using Word Pad
    (c:/Program files/Teamspeak2/server)
    - Locate your Login and password
    - sample ( LoginName: admin LoginPW: bmjk3 )
    - Right Click on the Team Speak 2.0 server icon in your tray and select ( Administration )
    - You will be prompted to enter the login and pass you just retrieved from your Servers log file.
    enter your info and save

    4 - Navigating and Setting up Team Speak 2.0 while in the Web Browser
    - Select your server
    Users Manager
    - click User Manager, then click on the tool button to the right of the admin
    - Type in a new admin password in both the fields
    - make sure you have selected both Server Admin & Super Server Admin
    - Then click Save. A web browser Login/Password box will pop up, enter your new info and hit remember password then save.
    - NOTE: you will also use the (User Manager) to edit your registered guests..
    You can make a registered guest a Server admin or Super Server Admin without changing their password by leaving it blank
    (to register a client view the client setup portion of this post. Steps 4-6 in the Client setup portion)
    - Click Settings
    - Modify these server settings per your needs
    - server name
    - server welcome message
    - Server Type, (clan/public) server
    - Player registration Mode
    - Type of Codec's to be allowed
    - Save settings

    5 - Connecting to your Team Speak 2.0 server as a Admin
    - Install and Start Team Speak 2.0 (Steps are listed in the Client Setup portion on this post,, Sections 1-3)
    - Click (Connection/Connect) Select (Web Servers List) Locate and Highlight your server, then Select (Copy to local Addressbook)
    - Click on the (Local Addressbook) tab
    - You should see your server's info on the right hand side of the window, with your guest Nickname.
    - Select Auto-Reconnect
    - Select ( Registered )
    - Enter your Personal Login Name and Password
    - Connect to the Server

    6 - Tip on Creating Channels and Sub-Channels
    - You must select a channel type for the channel to stay.
    - Registered = Permanent Channel that will stay on the server till deleted.
    - Moderated = You need voice or better to talk.
    - Sub Channels = Selecting this will allow you to create Sub-Channels in that parent Channel
    - Default = This is the channel the members will automatically join
    - To create a Sub-Channel, your parent Channel must have the Sub-Channel box selected upon creation


    -=Common Server Questions=-

    Q - What is the difference between a Admin and a Super Admin?
    - Super Server Admins - administrate all the servers on that computer.
    - Server Admin - administrate that server only.

    Q - How can i make it so guest's cant create channels?
    - Edit the ServerFlags line in the server.INI file to one of the below:
    (register being authenticate with the server) (when set to 0 text messages also seem to be disabled )
    0= no register, no create channel
    1= can register, no create channel
    2= all can create channels
    3= all can register/all can create channel

    Q - I cant connect to the Administrative options using my new password?
    - You have to start your Team Speak 2.0 server by double clicking/opening the actual application (Short Cuts will not work)
    - If you still cant connect, you will have to uninstall TeamSpeak 2.0,
    - Manually Delete your TeamSpeak2 folder and all it contents.
    - Reinstall Team Speak 2.0 and follow the server setup steps

    Q - I cant Connect to my server using my admin Log and Password?
    - You have to start your Team Speak 2.0 server by double clicking/opening the actual application (Short Cuts will not work)
    - If you still cant connect, you will have to uninstall TeamSpeak 2.0,
    - Manually Delete your TeamSpeak2 folder and all it contents.
    - Reinstall Team Speak 2.0 and follow the server setup steps

    Q - What is a Codec?
    - Codec's allow you to adjust the sound quality for each channel. Higher sound quality means more bandwidth requirements
    - CELP 5.1Kbit
    - CELP 6.3 Kbit
    - GSM 14.8 Kbit
    - GMS 16.4 Kbit
    - CELP Windows 5.2Kbit

    Q - While Creating a channel what are the different Check Box options
    - Registered = Only Registered member can chat unless voiced by the Operator/Admin
    - Moderated = Guests can join and chat
    - Sub Channels = Selecting this will allow you to create Sub-Channels in that parent Channel
    - Default = This is the channel the members will automatically join

    Q - What is Voice Request?
    - This allows a guest to speak in a registered room (admin's/Operators can allow)

    Q - What is the difference between a (Clan Server and Public Server)?
    - Clan Server = This server is used for your Teams/Clans use only it is not available for public use
    - Public Server = This server is available to be used by guests (normally a public server would allow guests to create channels for their own use)

    Q - In the Administration options under settings what is the difference between ( anyone and none )
    - Anyone = anyone can log on as a guest and register to your Team speak server
    - None = you have to register all your guests

    Virus scans are not needed since this software is trusted and the download links go to the official Teamspeak site download section .
    If you still have problems setting up Teamspeak after this guide , plz look at the help file and look for an answer there before you post your question here .

    Thank you for reading and enjoy .

    -----)(Please leave the copyright text intact)(-----
    This post is copyright by the user posting it and MMOwned.com - World of Warcraft Exploits,Hacks, Bots and Guides, where it was posted. You may not copy or reproduce this information on any other site without written permission from both the poster and MMOwned.com
    Last edited by Flying Piggy; 03-27-2007 at 12:13 PM. Reason: Made the post look cleaner and more organised .

    [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .
  2. #2
    HazelNut's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    i don't have any friends to talk to... QQ *brakes out in tears*
    anyway, thanks for sharing, i think it should be stickied in the GUIDES section (what would that be? the third sticky of the week?)
    GeT oFf My NuTs!

  3. #3
    djmazi's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    nice one. even tho i already know this but its good for ppl who doesnt know what it is +rep nice work

  4. #4
    Schooler's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Ventrilo is way better than teamspeak

  5. #5
    issacobra's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Ventrilo is way better than teamspeak

    ...atleast I got chicken...
    www. leetbrowser .com
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  6. #6
    Lead4u2's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Only downside to TS is it doesnt announce the name of the player joining, other than that, quality, and ease of use is far superior than Ventrillo.

  7. #7
    sean122's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Originally Posted by issacobra
    Ventrilo is way better than teamspeak

    ...atleast I got chicken...
    Sorry... I'm bothered when people don't know the words ><

    ...atleast I aint chicken...

  8. #8
    Flying Piggy's Avatar Banned
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    This thread is about Teamspeak , so lets leave it on Teamspeak .
    But if you want a Ventrillo guide then i can allways look into it .

  9. #9
    WaddleFish's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Vent guide would be awesome, as it seems to be much more complicated than TS. This guide rocks anyway though! Great job! And Leeroy FTW. =P

  10. #10
    xps980's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Originally Posted by sean122
    Sorry... I'm bothered when people don't know the words ><

    ...atleast I aint chicken...
    Sorry, I'm bothered when people think they are smart; You arrogant person, it isn't " ...I aint chicken" it is " least I have chicken!"

    the story was that he went and heated up his KFC in the microwave while they were discussing the plan for the first bit. Then he gets back thinking they are ready and waiting for him so he rushed in. Thats why he says " least I got chicken"
    Good day sir. :wavey:

    Back to the point. Thanks for the guide dude, its realy thought out and well described, your a realy swell member. +rep!
    Last edited by xps980; 03-30-2007 at 12:05 PM.
    emag eht tsol tsuj evah uoY

  11. #11
    NeonMonkeys's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    This is a great guide for people new to teamspeak, it took me 2 weeks to figure it out -.-

    anyway, +rep

  12. #12
    fenga's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    actually they use Ventrilo in the movie :P

  13. #13
    DeMoN's Avatar -==FiXeR==-
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Originally Posted by xps980
    Sorry, I'm bothered when people think they are smart; You arrogant person, it isn't " ...I aint chicken" it is " least I got chicken!"

    the story was that he went and heated up his KFC in the microwave while they were discussing the plan for the first bit. Then he gets back thinking they are ready and waiting for him so he rushed in. Thats why he says " least I got chicken"
    Good day sir. :wavey:

    Back to the point. Thanks for the guide dude, its realy thought out and well described, your a realy swell member. +rep!

    um not to be putting my 2 cents in but it is clear as day in the last 2 secs he says "least i HAVE chicken" not "aint" not "got" he says HAVE so if your goign to argue over this then you should atleast try listening to what he says....blah dont you both feel dumb....now back on topic...TS sucks imho go vent (nice guide though)

  14. #14
    maels's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Ventrilo has better voice quality
    TeamSpeak has the ablity to browse servers

  15. #15
    Lead4u2's Avatar Member
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    Re: [PROGRAM+GUIDE] Speak to your Guild/Raid/Party using Teamspeak .

    Originally Posted by maels
    Ventrilo has better voice quality
    TeamSpeak has the ablity to browse servers
    If you use the correct codecs on TeamSpeak, the quality is the same if not better than Vent.

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