One-Shot people in WPVP
Here is a method to one-shot people in World PVP.
Step 1: Be a subtlety or assassination rogue.
Step 2: Spec into the Deathstalker hero talent tree.
Step 3: Take advantage of the Singular Focus talent. You need to mark an enemy player with Shadowstrike (subtlety) or Ambush (Assassination), then kill low level enemies that are affected by legacy scaling to kill your target.
This only works in old-world WPVP, not instances or current content. But it’s useful for killing PVPers in Goldshire or outside Orgrimmar.
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Hazzbazzy (2 members gave Thanks to Shadow_Pako for this useful post)
Nice vid.
Been doing this for a while now its a lotta fun.
There are ways to do this in instanced pvp.