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  1. #1
    xbenjo's Avatar Member
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    [Resolved] Scammer - Taxeme

    Accused Information

    Dispute Date: August 18, 2017
    Ownedcore Profile Link/User Name: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/memb...07-taxeme.html / Taxeme
    Instant Messenger username of Accused: None
    Payment Method Information: [email protected] / Paypal

    Dispute Information

    What is the dispute about? Account
    Dispute Thread Link:38LVL Blueteam account! ZAPROS,MOLTRES,LUGIA + ETC RARES. No slash/bans
    Other Sites Scam Link:Selly - Taxeme
    Value of Trade Involved: 59.99 Euro
    Did you use a middleman?: No, direct on website.
    Provide more information on what leads to the dispute:
    [Copied from my paypal dispute]
    Not helpful when contacted. Tried to sell me 'insurance' for the item for another 20 Euros. Trusted he'd deliver. Keeps saying I'm only covered for 3 days where as I'm covered by paypal for a lot longer. Called me an idiot and blocked me when I'm trying to resolve the issue at hand. Account is now banned and I'm down 59.99 Euro. I type full grammar paragraphs about problems and issues he gives me a sentence consisting of approx. 50 characters with little to no effort in resolving the situation and/or grammar. Name calling and blocking a customer because of a problem with a product/item you sold is not something to be taken lightly within the online shopping community. Telling someone they have X hours to find a problem else no refund isn't a bindable agreement. You expressed to me, via the Shelly.gg contact page that the account would remain unbanned and un-slashed. The account is banned and slashed. Thus you broke your sellers agreement with me and now have called me an 'idiot' and blocked me on selly. I have the complete conversation saved if PayPal would like to review the contact to prove every I said. Oh and you final reply is 'shit happens'. Nice! I have never name called or assumed anything about the seller. I have been nothing but nice about the entire situation. This is a final resort since I can no longer contact the seller since he replied with 'shit happens' then blocked me on a permanent basis. This is the first time I have had a problem with a Shelly.gg seller as PayPal can see I have purchased multiple account via Shelly.gg shops and this seller tried to scam me with selling 'insurance' for the account, but he said not a single account has been banned or slashed ever. So why would he need to offer 30 days insurance for the account then? That's a very strange thing to offer. It's like offering Volcano insurance to someone living in the UK where there are no Volcanoes! Since his actions have caused this I have put in a full refund.

    [When I escalated it instantly rather than let him hurl more abuse at me and lie to paypal.]
    Buyer: As my original filing, I have been blocked by the seller and get less that satisfactory sentences back like 'shit happens' and 'idiot'. Would prefer to not have contact with such a seller since I have had abused hurled at me for bringing problems to him directly on the Selly.GG contact page. I have had nothing but respect for the seller and I got abused and blocked in return.His false 'insurance' for +20.00 Euro for 30 days is also indication he tried to manipulate me into trusting the account is sound and will remain mine for ever. Why would he need to offer 20 Euro insurance if none of his accounts have ever been slashed or banned? If you promise no ban no slash, but offer 20 euro insurance for 30 days... Seems suspicious now that I have been banned and slashed 4 hours after the 'i give 72h warranty ' is over!


    All Required Proof stated must be provided or your claim would be deemed as invalid.
    Instant Messenger Profile Screenshot: [n/a]
    Entire Conversation Screenshots: Please use Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet or any other hosting website to upload and post the images
    Paypal Detailed Payment Screenshot: https://puu.sh/xdbQM/774e6c034f.png
    Conversation on Selly.gg. It's over a 5 day period so didn't want to take 20+ screenshots.

    Taxeme was last active 8 minutes ago

    "No any pokemons no get slash. If slash i refund and if banned in 3 days i refund.
    4 days ago"
    You clearly said, if slashed you will refund and if i get banned in 3 days i get a refund. I got slashed so wheres my refund? You clearly said if I get BANNED in 3 days, you didn't put a time limit on the slashing which we agree'd to for the sale.
    9 minutes ago

    Nice lie on ownedcore, Luckily I'm not an 'idiot' like you think! I never once said I never got an account on Paypal and just made you look like a total liar. Haha thanks for giving me more evidence!
    13 minutes ago

    I sent odds to ownedcore admins that how yoi lie on there
    about 4 hours ago

    You have big problems why you even buy tell me? No one cares when warranty is over d
    about 4 hours ago

    Will also ruin your reputation on owned core too just because I'm a well respected member of their forum.
    about 10 hours ago

    And whom may I be? You don't know my owned core name or anything? Sellers can't see my paypal email until I actually buy.. so tell me, how will they know it's me buying? haha
    about 10 hours ago

    Not lied anythinf if give 3days warranty and it end then so no1 lied. I will tell other sellers to avoid you. No1 want buyers like you
    about 10 hours ago

    Let's see what paypal says, 'funny guy'
    about 10 hours ago

    You are funny guy. I got proofs where cn see that account was on you and damaged when it was on your ownedship so dont waste my time
    about 10 hours ago

    Respond to the case and let paypal decide! You insulted me. You said not a single account has been banned nor slashed and what 4 hours after the 72h warranty I get slashed then banned about 10 hours later? I put money into the account and paid money for the account yet here I am, getting abuse from you and no pokemon go account. You lied. I'll win the case and you get your paypal flagged if paypal rules in my favor. If you refund you stay clean on paypal. Any incoming payments over X amount will be blocked until 21 days has passed! good luck with that! Accept you lied and refund.
    about 10 hours ago

    You cant win when you are already get item so time waste. Why you cant accept 3days warranty
    about 10 hours ago

    Let paypal decide. I hope you can still read these. Insulting me and then blocking me will help me win my case even faster!
    about 11 hours ago

    i give 72h warranty and 90% other seller gives 24h and you still say that im scammer
    about 11 hours ago

    shit happens
    about 11 hours ago

    Just tried to login since I took the screenshot, unable to to authenticate. Great.
    about 11 hours ago

    i got over 20 buyers and no one didnt slash
    about 11 hours ago

    How you cant understand? 3 days is 3 days not 4. Dont buy if you cant understand and i dont care you and your friends. I will block you
    about 11 hours ago

    Let's hope my feedback deters future buyers. I have also told my brother and his mate to delete the bookmark to your shop, in 10ish days they both were buying accounts from you for second phones so we could do raids together. I was going to buy a second from you also since I thought you were one of the only cool Pokemon account seller who was honest and trust worthy.
    about 11 hours ago

    Why you buy if you cant accept sellers rules?
    about 11 hours ago

    Ok so now I'm and idiot. Leaving feedback!
    about 11 hours ago

    If you cant take this risk then dont buy
    about 11 hours ago

    There wasnt any slash/ban when you bought it. even idiot knew it botted account can get ban or slash
    about 11 hours ago

    If you was confident in 'no ban no slash' you would never need to sell someone insurance. If you truly knew no ban no slash has ever hit any of the accounts you have sold, offering insurance is just a way for you to make money off people.Like selling Volcano insurance to someone who lives nowhere near an Volcano!
    about 11 hours ago

    Sorry i give 3 days to everyone and you are only who get slash. i said you 3days and you still buying. I serve you insurance but you didnt want it
    about 11 hours ago

    If I bought the 30 days 'insurance'. I'd still be out of pocket since I put time and money into this account and now it's worthless unless I spend more money on raid passes and try to catch up prior to MewTwo.
    about 11 hours ago

    It just seems highly suspicious that you offer a 3 day warranty and on the 4th day's morning my account gets hit. That's like me saying, The money I buy with comes with a 3 day warranty, if paypal takes it off you after those days it's nothing to do with me. You gave me your word it would not get banned and would not get slashed. And yet here I am with no Pokemon and a level 39 account. When I paid for the Pokemon (Since anyone can bot-level an account the level becomes worthless). I bought the 100 I.V's and shiney gyrados's. Not something you can bot over night.
    about 11 hours ago

    im so Sorry but there is 3days warrantly time, its always risk to buy botted accounts. Don't buy them if you cant accept seller rules :S
    about 12 hours ago

    Yes, I understand that, but I bought the account under the guise it would not get slashed or banned whilst in my ownership. I paid money for the Pokemon that were slashed, The Pokemon I bought were to remain with me for ever since 100IV. Without the Pokemon the account isn't worth anything. I have 2 Zapdos (one purchased) so the Zapdos is just another type of Pokemon not worth the majority of the sale. I bought it with you saying not a single Pokemon has been slashed from any of your accounts. My account shows that's a false statement and I've lost almost 50% of my bought Pokemon rendering me out of pocket by 50% of the final sale. That's my issue here, not starting from basic Pokemon and gearing my self up. I could of done that on my own without spending money.
    about 12 hours ago

    You have to start from low lvl raids first
    about 12 hours ago

    And I can't raid since I have a select few low end Pokemon and Egg hatching is what I've been doing, best thing out of ~30 eggs is a Larvitar today everything else has been trash .
    about 13 hours ago

    Egg hatching and raiding only way to get good pokes
    about 13 hours ago

    I don't want the account to be cheated on, at all.
    about 13 hours ago

    Yes it so hard to snipe atm
    about 13 hours ago

    I'm not too sure what can be done that doesn't involve botting or sniping. I don't want to risk the account at all.
    about 13 hours ago

    So what i can do for you? Sounds very weird. Not happened to anyone :x
    about 13 hours ago

    Same, was fine, I was in london yesterday and drove back to meet the wife and kids at her mothers in Goole, hardly any stops and on my way to goole i put the go+ on whilst driving since I ran out of pokemon balls (still have great / ultra from what you got, but go+ only uses pokemon balls) and I stopped off for fuel and a subway, checked on my account since I was knocked out of a gym and I saw multiple slashes. Was 100% fine last night as met up with some guys from a Pokemon Discord channel to do some raids in London (I got a Larvitar down there and hatched one today!) . Honestly really bummed I lost half of my 100 I.V's as now I have next to nothing to fight with in raids. I struggled with the 100 i.v's as only had about 20-30 pokemon to use and now i have ~ 10 to use so I'm pretty useless for raids and with mewtwo coming soon I'm at a huge loss.
    about 13 hours ago

    I cant understand why you slashed
    about 14 hours ago

    No I mean, if you're wanting to login and check, my character will teleport to your location, something I'd rather not happen (maybe slash / ban?). Not that I have been teleporting to your location. I'm playing legit on an awesome account and been doing fairly well on my travels with work too. Not I just lost ~50% of my actual pokemon (100 iv ones, the rest are not worth using)
    about 14 hours ago

    How it is even possible to teleporting to my location?
    about 14 hours ago

    Took one screenshot, managed to fit them all on the screen, can do a video to prove location but you can see its the account I got from the names / pokemon I have. If i really have to let you in before anything can be done I'll let you in but would be a last resort as I don't want more slashed pokemon in the furture. Trying to play legit without teleporting all over the place.
    about 14 hours ago

    Woke up this morning from been out of town playing Pokemon and doing family stuff, a lot of the original Pokemon have been slashed. I can send screen shots if required (would rather you not login and teleport me to where ever you are and end up possibly banned or more slashed) This is day 4 of owning and playing 100% legit. And I got 3 days insurance with the purchase. Not too sure if anything can be done and I love the account and out of warranty with it but it has made my friends and brother weary of buying from you in the future as 1 day after warranty slashed.
    about 14 hours ago

    We're all Valor, would never be friends with a blue or yellow
    4 days ago

    Ty, i have now 38lvl bteam with all legendarys is someone is interested
    4 days ago

    Will do
    4 days ago

    Hi dude tell your friends about my account if they want to buy =)
    4 days ago

    Good night dude!
    4 days ago

    But now i need to go sleep, Good night bro =)
    4 days ago

    I cant understand why people sell account for so expensive :O
    4 days ago

    it is disposable one, its not exist
    4 days ago

    haha oh well, I'm happy with this account, xD
    4 days ago

    Is the email a disposable one? or can i change that?
    4 days ago

    Now i found that 40lvl with all legendarys, and price is that what i say 275euros xD
    4 days ago

    Go to that link and log in, there you can change it
    5 days ago

    5 days ago

    5 days ago

    change that password on account what you bought?
    5 days ago

    Will do it right now, is there a way to change password?
    5 days ago

    Btw you can leave feedback and you can change it if something happening. It will help me sell more those accounts =)
    5 days ago

    But ofc i understand that you wont risk your account
    5 days ago

    Im atm at Pokemon go park event, so there is many larvitars
    5 days ago

    How are you going to get 100 larvitars xD. If sniping or botting I can't risk the account I bought off you xD
    5 days ago

    it takes about 100larvitars so about 25euros, i can kept all larvitars on your account
    5 days ago

    How much for a 90?
    5 days ago

    90iv can
    5 days ago

    Yeah 100iv is impossible :X
    5 days ago

    Larvitar 100 IV mainly for gym smashing. Not sure how you'd get it without sniping.
    5 days ago

    what poke you need ? and how many?
    5 days ago

    how much would I be looking at, for legit pokemon catching?
    5 days ago

    and i can catch pokes like larvitar etc with legit if you want sometimes to buy
    5 days ago

    Np man you can put in now too if you want, i will refund always if banned
    5 days ago

    I don't think i have enough in paypal. I'll have to trust it won't get banned playing legit :P. Thanks for an awesome account! Will leave feed back in a few days once it doesnt get banned .
    5 days ago

    thanks! do you want that 1month warranty?
    5 days ago

    done and paid.
    5 days ago

    Now 39 works
    5 days ago

    Shinys are random iv's its not possible to get 100iv shinys
    5 days ago

    When I click purchase, nothing happens on the 39, it moved slightly under neath but nothing else happens, the lv 38 drops down a paypal button.
    5 days ago

    it is over half way to 39lvl need 900kxp more to 39
    5 days ago

    what does 5 level mean with the 38? it says "38,5lvl Redteam account. 100iv Tyranitar, Dragonites, Blissey, Shiny Gyarados."
    5 days ago

    38have 2 shiny gyarados. Umm it is possible to get 90+ iv because i dont wanna use bot for it, and it will raise account price
    5 days ago

    does the lv 38 have shineys? or would it be possible to get 1 100 iv larvitar on the lv 39?
    5 days ago

    Sorry that 39lvl dont have but over 1kcandies. that 38,5lvl red team have 100iv tyranitar
    5 days ago

    Does the lv 39 red come with larvitar/pupitar/tyran 100 iv? if so i'll buy it.
    5 days ago

    Ok i looking, but price is little low for reqs. That my 39lvl is good for price. But i looking, i pm if i found
    5 days ago

    I'm looking around 80-90 usd, if not level 40, would like legendary and some 100 iv blisseys / tyrans / dragonites etc
    5 days ago

    that 39lvl is highest now
    5 days ago

    sorry dont have now :S what is price what you can pay for account so i can try to find one
    5 days ago

    or just any lv 40 red with shineys / high ivs?
    5 days ago

    Do you have any lv 40 red with 100 iv blissys/tyrans with shineys and a moltress?
    5 days ago

    okay, im sorry i have only that blue one :S
    5 days ago

    I need team red, level 38-39 with them, not really that bothered about high iv or multiple decent pokemon, just need the legendaries. have money for the right account.
    5 days ago

    40lvl with those reqs will cost 250e + :X
    5 days ago

    Very hard to find 40lvl with those reqs :X
    5 days ago

    Have only 38lvl in blue team what got multiple lugian,moltres and zapdos
    5 days ago

    I'm still deciding, looking for a high level 40, with legendaries (mianly all but zapdos as can get him my self) you have anything close to this? have money in paypal waiting
    5 days ago

    For 20euros i can give you 1month insurance for ban. If banned i refund that 60euros
    5 days ago

    No any pokemons no get slash. If slash i refund and if banned in 3 days i refund.
    5 days ago

    will any of the pokemon get slashed? what cover do you offer if it gets banned or slashed? I'm looking to buy a main legit account. the lv 39 zapdos red sale.
    5 days ago
    Other proof is on the thread I linked. He's lied about me claiming on the thread I linked above that I told Paypal I never got an account. Which I clearly did not. I have been nothing but acceptable to the seller until the most recent messages as you can see today. Can and will provide screenshots of the Selly.gg contact pages if copy/paste text is deemed not acceptable due to tampering.

    He claims if they get slashed I get a refund and if it gets banned in 3 days i get a refund [see below Link]. They got slashed on day 4.. so I'm entitled to a refund. The best part about all of this is, as you can see, I never once asked for a refund until his name callimg and insulting. I was just going to let it go and chalk it up to "just another banned account" but after he started been rude and insulting me I took it a step further. He's refusing to file any information for paypal to review so hopefully after the date shown on the case I automatically get my money back.

    Last edited by D3Boost; 09-07-2017 at 07:48 AM.

    [Resolved] Scammer - Taxeme
  2. #2
    D3Boost's Avatar πŸ”₯ www.D3Boost.com πŸ”₯ PROFESSIONAL BOOSTING SERVICES

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    Taxeme has been notified and given 24 hours to resolve this.
    Last edited by D3Boost; 08-18-2017 at 10:33 PM.

    βœ… DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 βœ… SKYPE: d3pleveling βœ…

  3. #3
    xbenjo's Avatar Member
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    Just an update,

    No contact but he's been active and just ignored paypal, you and my self:

    [14:28 ish GMT]

    [19:28 GMT]

    [19:45 GMT]

    Still no reply here, on my PayPal case or via Shelly.gg
    Last edited by xbenjo; 08-19-2017 at 01:45 PM. Reason: Times

  4. #4
    Taxeme's Avatar Member
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    I give refund so im off this shit

  5. #5
    D3Boost's Avatar πŸ”₯ www.D3Boost.com πŸ”₯ PROFESSIONAL BOOSTING SERVICES

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    xbenjo can you please confirm whether you received the refund? If yes, I will go ahead and mark this case as resolved and remove comments made in his thread.

    βœ… DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 βœ… SKYPE: d3pleveling βœ…

  6. #6
    xbenjo's Avatar Member
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    Told me on Selly.gg to grow up and that hes talking to the admins on ownedcore.com

  7. #7
    D3Boost's Avatar πŸ”₯ www.D3Boost.com πŸ”₯ PROFESSIONAL BOOSTING SERVICES

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    Taxeme has 24 hours to issue a refund.

    βœ… DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 βœ… SKYPE: d3pleveling βœ…

  8. #8
    D3Boost's Avatar πŸ”₯ www.D3Boost.com πŸ”₯ PROFESSIONAL BOOSTING SERVICES

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    I was told that you agreed to take a new account replacement instead of the refund, is this correct?

    Closing this scam report in 24 hours.

    βœ… DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 βœ… SKYPE: d3pleveling βœ…

  9. #9
    xbenjo's Avatar Member
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    I did agree to that, with some conditions listed below:

    The paypal case would remain open until I'm happy it doesn't get instant banned / slashed,
    I would update this thread to reflect our agreement,
    If banned or slashed I get a full refund.

    Logged in, could not evolve anything so caught a pokemon, slashed, he told me he'd refund me so I'm still waiting for it.

    about 2 hours ago

    yep i see, so gg no1 cant get good accounts anymore :S
    about 3 hours ago

    Main ones like blissey / dragonites / shiney gyrados slashed
    about 3 hours ago

    So nianctic is changed system again. impossible to get no slash account anymore. Refund for you
    about 3 hours ago

    Feel free to check
    about 3 hours ago

    let check
    about 3 hours ago

    Logged in, couldnt evolve anything, caught a pokemon and loads slashed
    about 3 hours ago

    Pass: [removed]
    about 3 hours ago

    about 3 hours ago

    Detail: [removed]
    about 3 hours ago

    Ok i give it to you
    about 3 hours ago

    I will notify ownedcore on that thread I started that we have agreed to a deal but the paypal will remain open for a few days to see if this gets banned or not.
    about 3 hours ago

    So you will say to ownedcore that we solved problem?
    about 3 hours ago

    If you agree to what I said, I'm down to mark it on owned core as resolved pending paypal case outcome and accept the account.
    about 4 hours ago

    It is good account
    about 4 hours ago

    I'm not too sure, with the problems I had with this account and the way it was handled by your self makes me not want to. I may do the account and leave the dispute open until I'm happy it didn't get slashed or banned, then cancel the dispute IF it remains mine and not banned/slashed. That way there can be no more issues.
    about 5 hours ago

    So what do you want?
    about 9 hours ago

    It is 2am here so need to sleep im back morning. Just tell me what do you want and we do that way. Im usually nice guy but now have too much problems what make me mad
    about 23 hours ago

    It is already hitted once so if play legit way it not hit again
    about 23 hours ago

    So dont want it?
    about 23 hours ago

    I'm not too keen on another account since most of the pokemon will get slashed. I only ever wanted to play legit. Never cheated on the other account.
    about 23 hours ago

    Gyazo - a1998577d636fabdce21fa37df993fed.png
    about 24 hours ago

    items on account
    Gyazo - e04ccd7730ccf163afb7918bd60f760d.png
    about 24 hours ago

    will you accept it? sorry i was busy. got problem with my wife
    about 24 hours ago

    I give 100% refund. and please just play legit way only
    about 24 hours ago

    Gyazo - aedd2415e6d5dd58d08342a3a671a3b0.png
    Gyazo - 1b343dab48ddafd29c6ba4a528460150.png
    Gyazo - 77d0ceb469a6fb9671b8a33361c99f9d.png
    about 24 hours ago

    Send me a link to it. What if this one gets slashed/banned?
    about 24 hours ago

    I can give you too that 38,5lv

    l red team account for bad comminity. I got bad things on my life too
    about 24 hours ago

    Thus I didn't update this thread since I didn't get a refund and didn't want to add 'another' notification to your list for 'nothing'.
    Last edited by xbenjo; 08-20-2017 at 05:15 PM.

  10. #10
    D3Boost's Avatar πŸ”₯ www.D3Boost.com πŸ”₯ PROFESSIONAL BOOSTING SERVICES

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    Alright I am going to give both of you 24 hours to figure out an agreement before closing this.

    I initially asked the Taxeme to issue a full refund to which he agreed but later told me that you accepted to take a replacement account instead.

    But now we're back to square one.

    βœ… DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 βœ… SKYPE: d3pleveling βœ…

  11. #11
    xbenjo's Avatar Member
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    I'm waiting for a refund as we both agree'd.

  12. #12
    D3Boost's Avatar πŸ”₯ www.D3Boost.com πŸ”₯ PROFESSIONAL BOOSTING SERVICES

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    What's the update on this?

    βœ… DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 βœ… SKYPE: d3pleveling βœ…

  13. #13
    xbenjo's Avatar Member
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    Still waiting for a refund:

    He could easily click the refund full option on my open case, but he didn't.


    Trying to get the refund still, The seller is in contact with me, PayPal has the money on Hold, but when he enters 59.99 in to refund it says it can't exceed his available balance.
    Last edited by xbenjo; 08-23-2017 at 01:08 PM.

  14. #14
    D3Boost's Avatar πŸ”₯ www.D3Boost.com πŸ”₯ PROFESSIONAL BOOSTING SERVICES

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    I was told the refund was issued. Marking this as resolved.

    βœ… DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 βœ… SKYPE: d3pleveling βœ…

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    By Thunderballs in forum WoW Scam Prevention
    Replies: 4
    Last Post: 09-11-2006, 07:46 PM
  5. Scammers Can Make More By Cooperating
    By Thunderballs in forum WoW Scam Prevention
    Replies: 7
    Last Post: 09-11-2006, 12:34 PM
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