OwnedCore Report #50:  We've lost Bethesda (Sponsored by MMOGOLD4USA) menu

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    Kenneth's Avatar ★ Elder ★ WTB XRP Authenticator enabled
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    OwnedCore Report #50: We've lost Bethesda (Sponsored by MMOGOLD4USA)

    Greetings OC and welcome to the 50th OwnedCore Report. This week has some interesting news including Fallout 76 being the let down of 2018, Red Dead 2 Online being amazing, Community Highlights, and more. We are halfway to 100 Reports which is just insanity. Hopefully everybody has enjoyed the ride and there will be more to come!

    Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates to OC, sharing our hottest threads, and great memes.

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    Community Highlights

    If you are looking to sell an account on WoW KHAccounts has a cool website he put in the community chat called Masked Armory where you can show the character without any of its information. Definitely a cool idea.

    Thread found HERE

    A poll asking you what your favorite and least favorite game of 2018 is.

    Thread found HERE

    A cool trick by siskokid21 on how to skip RP in Mythic +

    Thread found HERE

    Gaming News from Around the Globe

    The Fallout 76 Drama

    There is a lot of drama surrounding this game despite the fact that it seems like a complete bust. A lot of people didn't want a multiplayer Fallout and it is showing in the sales. A lot of retailers are discounting the game pretty heavily already even though the game has only been out for less than a month. This is issue number one.

    Issue #1

    Because of these retailers selling the games at such a discount due to the fact that they can't seem to get the game off their shelves is giving a lot of players, who already bought the game when it came out or better yet pre-ordered it before it came out, a lot to complain about. Imagine pre-ordering for this at full price not knowing that in 2-3 weeks you could get it half off. This turned into a class action lawsuit due to the lack of refunds Bethesda was giving out. Apparently if you downloaded the game or played it at all the refund was unobtainable. I don't know how somebody would realize the game was a bug fest without playing it but apparently Bethesda thinks there is a way. Bethesda has done damage control on this but the summary of it all is, nothing has changed and you're not getting your money back or a discount. Which leads us into issue #2.

    Issue #2

    The collectors edition. So like most games Fallout 76 had a collectors edition and in it included a Canvas Bag. Or at least that is how it was advertised. This was a $200 edition that came with a bunch of stuff but the thing that got peoples attention was a post showing off the bag that was supposed to be Canvas but instead was Nylon. Nylon is a super cheap material especially compared to Canvas. When a reddit user reached out for comment on why his bag was not what was advertised he got the response of
    "We are sorry that you aren't happy with the bag. The bag shown in the media was a prototype and was too expensive to make. We aren't planning on doing anything about it. "
    This response blew up for obvious reasons and Bethesda went back into damage control. They said
    "We understand and respect that there is disappointment with the bag in the Power Armor Edition. We are sorry. Please contact Bethesda Support to provide proof of your CE purchase. They will assist in granting your account 500 atoms. "
    They than go on to say
    "The person that sent out the e-mails was a temporary contractor not an official spokesperson of Bethesda. And they did not have the information on the situation when they sent out the e-mails".
    Essentially they are sorry that the person they hired was so savage when you got a bag that was insanely false advertised. By the way they haven't changed the marketing of the bag on any of the websites yet so people could be purchasing it to this day not realizing its Nylon and cheap. Also, 500 atoms is only $5.00 USD worth of in game currency. So the person that spent $200 on your game and got absolutely screwed is going to at least get a whopping $5 of in game currency. But then there is issue #3.

    Issue #3
    It turns out they did make Canvas bags but ONLY gave them to content creators. In this video by HeelsvsBabyface he notices that the goody bag unboxing videos on Youtube include a Fallout 76 canvas duffle bag. Most of these videos date back to October and the goody bags technically were not advertised as the "Power Armour Edition" which is what people got screwed on. But it's making people frustrated because it shows that they were making these style bags in that material but the only people who got them in some form were content creators which than used it as a form of marketing for Fallout 76.

    The whole thing is an absolute mess and it turns out we didn't just lose Blizzard this year guys and gals but we lost Bethesda as well.

    Anthem Alpha Sign Ups
    If you wanted a game like Destiny 2 to be good but were let down there may be hope with Anthem by Bioware. This is a game that has been teased for well over a year now and is coming out in early 2019 but you can possibly get your hands on it early by signing up for the early access right here right now. Anthem looks visually stunning from the trailers and gameplay trailers we have seen but this is not to say the game is going to play well. Mass Effect was a good game by most peoples standards but Bioware's parent org is EA and we all know EA has a reputation with loot boxes and just all around terrible games lately.

    Red Dead 2 Online

    Red Dead 2 Online released almost a week ago and has been a blast to watch people play. There are missions, another story, PvP, free roam, and more. One of the modes you can hop into is Showdown Series which is basically 3 modes including TDM, DM, and Control. Want to race your horse like you did your cars in GTA Online? Well there is also a horse race game mode as well. On top of all of this there is even a Battle Royale. Now I know that probably makes most people cringe but it definitely isn't traditional. It is called Make it Count and it drops you into a map with the goal of a typical BR, be the last one alive. The difference is there isn't weapons all over to loot. In fact there are two ways Make it Count is played. Bows with unlimited arrows and one with knives only including 6 throwing knives. Because of this bare bones version of a BR people tend to get into more fights and engage in the PvP rather than strategically hiding. Per usual there is a shrinking map to make sure that the game is forced to end even if the lobby is flooded with campers. Make it Count is definitely a really fun take on a Battle Royale. It's definitely not super hardcore, you can sit back and relax while playing it, and the Red Dead 2 map is just so enjoyable in a BR setting. One last thing to mention is it isn't 100 players. To be honest I don't know how many it can hold but from the streams I have seen it seems normal to have lobbies of 10-15 players.

    I'll be sure to include some of the funnier clips I've seen from Red Dead 2 Online in the Clips of the Week below!

    Clips of the Week

    Meeting your first player in Red Dead 2 Online

    Don't mess with this guy in Red Dead

    When you open the Path of Exile skill tree for the first time

    The Dab is a powerful tool in the new Pokemon game

    A snowy welcome from Yogscast

    OwnedCore Report #50:  We've lost Bethesda (Sponsored by MMOGOLD4USA)
  2. Thanks Razzue, JCollacchi14 (2 members gave Thanks to Kenneth for this useful post)
  3. #2
    JCollacchi14's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Can't believe the first time I played RDR2 online I was dragged by a lasso.

    The favor was returned though

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