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    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    Win a Steam account - CS 1.6, CS CZ, CS:S, GMOD Etc. - Submit any WoW-related guide!

    Hello OC, former MMOwned.
    I heard you liked contests, so I wanted to put one up!
    The prize consists of the following
    A steam-account with:
    Counter-Strike 1.6
    Counter-Strike Condition Zero
    Counter-Strike Source
    Gary's Mod
    Half-Life 2 (with Lost Coast and Deathmatch)

    Write any guide - Wow-related or not. Has to be non-existing content. Only requirement of the guide is that it has to have atleast one racoon in it. The guide can be about anything. How to drink a coke, or how to watch TV - Only your fantasy hinders you.

    I'm sure you can fullfill my needs OC! Good luck to everyone, and consider this. If you don't join, you don't win.

    Last edited by Vaskebjørnen; 01-18-2012 at 05:21 PM.

    Win a Steam account - CS 1.6, CS CZ, CS:S, GMOD Etc. - Submit any WoW-related guide!
  2. #2
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    If anyone is working on anything, please let me know. Considering changing the contest since there have been no entries yet.

  3. #3
    Archijs's Avatar Member
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    Ill send one to you tommorow.

  4. #4
    wildrunner's Avatar Sergeant
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    i will be making you the best tut ever!!!

  5. #5
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    Looking for more contestants! Doesn't have to be very long to be a contribution, just something that you threw together. I just want you to work for me!

    ---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------

    Originally Posted by wildrunner View Post
    i will be making you the best tut ever!!!
    Recieved entry. 1 Contestant atm, with 10 days left! Gogogo, get started already.

  6. #6
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    2nd contestant entered! Still waiting for more

  7. #7
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    3rd contestant in!

  8. #8
    wildrunner's Avatar Sergeant
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    will you be posting the tuts when the competitions over??

  9. #9
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    Sure But I think you should make one yourself too! :-)

  10. #10
    wildrunner's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by Vaskebjørnen View Post
    Sure But I think you should make one yourself too! :-)
    hang on let me reupload the tut do i get extra for sending it twice?? >,>

  11. #11
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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    Oh. Thought you was someone else, my mistake! :<

  12. #12
    d3rrial's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Damn, I want that Garrys Mod!
    How to get Garrys Mod:[spoiler]
    U sad cuz u no haz shloopy loopy and iz poor and can't affor gerris mod?
    No worryz! Trollsience has teh solushion!
    Find a Contest where you can win a gerrys mod.
    Take part and throw around with Magnets liek dis: |__||__||__|
    Nao ju just menshion a Racoon and u hez teh winz!
    Vaske will bankrupt, Mods will bankrupt and rage
    everyone will be jelly
    u nao haz shloopy loopy and garris mod![/spoiler]

    Disclaimer: This is not an actual contest entry, it is merely a joke.

  13. #13
    Maisteri's Avatar That spoiler guy
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    Entry level guide in to League Of Legends

    In League of Legends (and dota,hon etc.) there are 3 lanes. Top, Mid and Bot lane. After the game has elapsed for 1 minute and 30 seconds, minions from your base will start walking along the lanes. Getting the killing blow on these minions is the most important thing during the game because it is guaranteed money. Money gets you items that help you beat your opponent. If you can kill more of the minions than your opponent, you will most likely win the game (Assuming the enemy doesn't get kills). Most of the time you will want to focus on farming the minions until level 10 or so. You get experience from the minions when they die and it doesn't matter if you get the last hit on it or not.

    The metagame (yo dawg i herd you liek games so we put a game inside a game so you can have metagame) currently is to send a tanky and sustained champion to top lane (Bruiser) , bursty mage to mid lane (AP carry) and support and a ranged auto-attacker bot (Support and AD carry). There is also a jungler, who gains experience and gold by killing neutral monsters in the forrest.

    The reason to current meta game is because it allows the most control over important objectives that win the game. Probably most important of these objectives being Dragon near bottom lane. If your jungler can manage to surprise the enemy and successfully kill even one person at bottom lane, you can easily take dragon with 3 people versus having current solo top being at bottom lane, resulting in only having 2 people to attack the dragon. The reason for giving the support to AD carry instead of the AP carry is quite simple. AD carries damage scales very well with items while AP carries scale with levels, thus needing the solo lane in middle to be most efficient. The reason for the bursty mage being in solo mid instead of solo top is so the AP carry can gank other both lanes with ease.

    Now that we have the theory part over, we can get into the actual game.

    You start in the champion selection where you choose your champion. If you have just started the game, people will just pick whatever and ignore the meta game completely. This might be a little frustrating if you want to play the game the "right way" from the start, but generally the enemy team is as random as your own.

    Now we have actually gotten on the game map and it's time to buy your first item or items. The safest and most general way to go is to get Boots of Speed and 3 health potions. This only applies to top,mid and the AD carry. Jungler usually picks up cloth armor and 5 health potions and a support buys Faerie Charm, 3 wards and 2 health potions.

    Some other choices could be: Cloth armor + 5 health potions (Solo top), Doran's Ring (Mid), Doran's Blade (Bot).

    Now you get into your lane and start farming the creeps. You don't want to auto-attack the creeps too much to stop your lane from pushing and perhaps making you vulnerable for enemy jungler ganks. Also your own jungler will have hard time ganking your lane if you push it too much. If the enemy auto-attacks the creeps though, then you should too so you won't need to last hit at your turret, as it is quite a bit harder. However, if you need to last hit at your own turret, follow this rule of thumb: Let turret hit the melee minions twice and then auto-attack for the kill. For caster minions, hit once before turret hits them, let turret hit once, and auto-attack for the kill. You can also use some of your abilities to last hit but generally you want to save them to use on the enemy champion.

    Now that you have gotten a bit of money from farming or maybe even getting few kills on the enemy, it's time to buy some more items.

    Here is some general builds

    AD Carry: Boots+3pot,Doran's blade, Doran's blade, Berserker Greaves, BF Sword, Vampiric Scepter, Infinity Edge (built from the BF Sword), Phantom Dancer, Last whisper, Bloodthirster (You can switch those 2 around if the enemy doesn't have much armor) and finish the build with Banshee's Veil.

    AP Carry: Boots+3pot, Doran's Ring, Doran's Ring, Sorcerers Shoes, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Will of the Ancients, Rylais Crystal Scepter, Zhonya's Hourglass.

    Faerie Charm, 3 wards and 2 health potions, Philosopher Stone, Heart of Gold, Boots of speed, Shurelias Reverie, CDR or MR boots and the rest of the build depends on your and the enemy team.

    Top lane and jungle builds can differ so much that I won't list any here but you can always look up a build and a guide on your champion at (See here if you are wanting to try out a new champion.)


    Now there might be teamfights happening. What is your role in a team fight? As a solo top/jungler your role generally is to be a meatwall and/or initiator for your team. Your main job is to protect your carries by crowd controlling the enemy.

    As an AD carry, your role is to stay at max range, and dish out constant damage to anyone. Enemy damage dealers obviously being the highest priority but you shouldn't step into the fight because you're so squishy that you will get instagibbed.

    If you play AP carry, your job in the fight is to burst a squishy target down like a racoon. You also should not risk positioning as you can be even squishier than the AD carry. As an AP carry, your abilities are your main source of damage so if your abilities are on cooldown there is no reason for you to be near the fight so feel free the back out a bit to wait for you cool downs before you go unleash your power on some unsuspecting enemy once again.

    Supports role in a team fight is probably the most hard to describe because you have to do many things. You have to protect your carry by silencing the enemy (soraka), knocking them up in the air (Janna), or stunning them.(Alistar,Taric,Sona) You also need to heal the people taking the damage and you need to know who to heal. I can't tell you who to heal because that "instinct" comes just by playing the game.

    So now, you have aced the enemy team and killing the enemy inhibitor turrets when you notice that 3 enemies will re-spawn in about 10 seconds. You could get the inhibitor after killing the turret and go back to base, or you could do something else. Get objectives. This includes Baron Nashor being the most important, Buffs from the enemy jungle, dragon, every little resource you can possibly take from the enemy team. After you have 2 people with blue buff and 2 people with red buff and baron in the best case scenario, you will take the inhibitor down with the same ease as you could have done before. Except if you would have gone for the inhibitor, the enemy could have gotten the buffs and/or baron, giving them a chance to get back in the game. Being able to make decisions wheter to take turret or dragon etc. come with experience, but in the most cases it's better to get that dragon in the botlane instead of going to hit that tower with 6 minions with you.

    So, thanks to this awesome advice you now win the game and the nexus explodes, what do you do now? You show sportsmanship and say GG. I personally say GG even if it really wasn't that good game because it shows your opponent and team that you respect the time they took to play this game with you and it's just general good manners. After the game you should take a look at your stats. Kills/Deaths/Assists, creep score, money gained and such. See where you could improve. Just as an example: 100cs per 10 minutes of game is VERY good. 60cs per 10 minutes should be doable by everyone if you have practiced last hitting a bit.

    If you truly want to examine your gameplay, you should take a look at LoL Replay (google it). It is a fan made program because LoL doesn't currently have a built in replay system but the program basically records your games and allows you to play them back. If you feel you need to get better at team fighting, you could record your games and watch the team fights in slow motion, paying attention to your positioning, targeting and such.

    This ends our wall of text. Hope you learned something. If you have any questions feel free to ask them via PM. Don't want to hijack this thread.

  14. #14
    wildrunner's Avatar Sergeant
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    so the winner will be decided in 2 days? :O

  15. #15
    Vaskebjørnen's Avatar Contributor
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