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  1. #1
    DeMoN's Avatar -==FiXeR==-
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    LHC, Nibiru, & all the other things pertainig to end of the world

    ok so there has bee a shit ton of talk about the LHC and Nibiru lately. this thread is dedicated to the facts, theories, and arguments that go along with it.

    ===The LHC====

    The LHC = Large Hadron Collider

    here is the wiki for it Large Hadron Collider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    things you need to know:
    1. LHC is scheduled for the first power up test September 10th, 2008 @ 9am GMT
    2. The first high velocity test is scheduled for October 21st, 2008 in which they will be trying to find the illusive Higgs Boson (the particle theorized to be responsable for mass).
    3. If the experiment is a success it will revolutionize modorn physics as we know it and thrust us into a new age of scientific discovery.
    4. Side effects of this experiment maybe the production of microscopic black holes. These black holes are theorized to be not of the 99% known black holes, but of the 1% that will be instantiously destroied by there emitted radiation (gone as quick as they are created).
    5. All of the elements in this expirement are naturally occuring in our atmosphere but are not able to be observed on a scale that would give us answers. This experiment allows us to do these tests in a controled enviroment for carefull observations.

    Could this produce a black hole that will swallow the earth? many say yes others say no. There has been much protesting during the construction of this experiment, but the scientist involved stick firm to there belief nothing horrific will happen.


    The oldest known civilization on earth is known as the Sumerian's. They inhabited what is now modern day Iraq. Ancient Sumerian tablets are some of the only known links to this lost civilization. Only 6 people in the world are able to translate these tablets, and all have different views.

    In 1973 Dr. Zecharia Sitchen published a book known as The 12th Planet which painted a very vivid picture and told of life in ancient Sumeria. His translations of the Sumerian text are summed up below.

    Travlers from the stars known as the Anunnaki, a technologically advanced civilization came to earth to harvest its natural resources. Through genetic engineering they created homosapian in the image of them selves, combineing there DNA with the creatures of the planet. 12 gods ruled on earth while a supreme god stayed over head. Homosapian was slave to Anunnaki and harvested and mind for them in return the Anunnaki provided civilization and structure to there society....

    Eventually the aliens leave and go home to a planet known as Nibiru. A 10th planet in our solar system that has an orbit of 3600 years.

    Supposably Nibiru has been found in the sky aqnd is getting closer. Theory is on dec. 31st 2012 it will pass close to earths orbit causing natural catastrophes.

    As crazy as this may sound alot of evidence is creeping up more and more often.

    Most recently i heard that pictures and images from the artic science station have been supressed and sky maps have been blatenly censored to help fuel support this phenomina is not occuring. So i did some digging of my own and found this:

    If you go to Google Sky or any other sky map of your choosing you will see at these cords 5h 53m 27s, -6 10' 58" the sky is blatantly edited and blocked out.

    So why supress this information? The survival rate of a NEO (Near eath object) of this magnatude is next to none and preperation would only be made for the elite's survival. Basicly if this is true and was leaked to the masses you would have global panic which would result in total chaos and anarchy. Not good for buisness in other words.

    if we die on Oct 21st, 2008 or if we die on Dec 31st, 2012 it really doesnt matter as we will all die sometime. Personally i rather be sucked up by a blakc hole then play the odds of survival against a massive planets gravitational pull....less pain and suffering.

    Responces welcome. and i know i didnt touch on everyhting but thats the basics SO STFU about it in SHOUT BOX.

    LHC, Nibiru, & all the other things pertainig to end of the world
  2. #2
    Errage's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    This is just what I heard:

    The LHC, if it does manage to create a black hole, it'll be to small to support itself and collapse on itself/implode or something of the like.

    For Nibiru or 'Planet X', one of the theories is that the gravity will screw with both the Earth and the sun, causing either: Large solar flares to happen, large enough to send enough radiation at the Earth to kill us all, or send the Earth in a screwed up orbit that either ends with us in the sun, or our planet having an environment we can no longer survive in (To close/far to the sun) or possibly both.

    Either way, neither of the two are gonna happen.

    But I come pepared for both:

    I plan to carry around a baseball bat on every day the LHC is experimenting / being used, so that if we are sucked into a black hole, as everything is being sucked in, I'll try to get at least one good swing at an elderly person.

    If that doesn't happen, I'll carry a baseball bat on December 31st, 2012, and as we're about to die, run to the nearest retirement home (Which is very close by) and slug an old person.


    My plan is awesome.
    I used to be a Super Mod. Now I'm just Super, thanks for asking.

  3. #3
    Dragonshadow's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    I'm for the "LHC opening transdimentional gateway through which aliens come through to enslave the human race" theory.

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    Anything is possible when you think before you post. The moon is shrinking.

  4. #4
    Clovian's Avatar Contributor
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    "Personally i rather be sucked up by a blakc hole then play the odds of survival against a massive planets gravitational pull....less pain and suffering."

    doesnt time slow down near black holes? so it wouldnt really be less suffering youd be slowly getting ripped to shreds and that would be a bitch...

  5. #5
    Remahlól's Avatar !!jeULyJf8ld1
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    Nobody knows or/and can prove what exactly happens within, next by or when getting sucked into a black hole.

    Physicists are thinking that it might just bring us into another dimension but maybe we will just evaporate in them or just disappear.

    Anyway, I don't care what happens, in fact, if we all die I don't care, I'm not a virgin so there's not so much more new stuff in life ;D.

  6. #6
    Dragonshadow's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Originally Posted by McCain View Post
    "Personally i rather be sucked up by a blakc hole then play the odds of survival against a massive planets gravitational pull....less pain and suffering."

    doesnt time slow down near black holes? so it wouldnt really be less suffering youd be slowly getting ripped to shreds and that would be a bitch...
    You wouldn't feel anything, as space-time is being warped.

    You would be stretched thinner than spaghetti noodles, and wouldn't even know it.

    Of course there is the chance that you would be aware of everything and suffer in severe agony until the stresses finally killed you.
    Look at your post, now back to mine; Now back to your post, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate content, it could look like mine. Look down, backup, where are you? You're scrolling through threads, reading the post your post could look like. What did you post? Back at mine; It's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again and the reply is now diamonds.

    Anything is possible when you think before you post. The moon is shrinking.

  7. #7
    kelat's Avatar Active Member
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    Lol Dragonshadow, those pictures are amazing

    But the date of the first fully running LHC experiment is on my birthday Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a black hole as a birthday present. :P

  8. #8
    TheFreak's Avatar Elite User
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    Originally Posted by Dragonshadow View Post

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    We're all doomed!

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  9. #9
    Phygar's Avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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    Originally Posted by dragonshadow View Post

    i'm for the "lhc opening transdimentional gateway through which aliens come through to enslave the human race" theory.

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    they're gonna make a resonance cascade!

  10. #10
    kelat's Avatar Active Member
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    Heh, saw this on Google just now :P

  11. #11
    Kubiatsu's Avatar Contributor
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    For the paranoid people who think a giant black hole will eat the earth for some reason.
    Astronomy.com - Miniature black holes are no danger

    There is a rule in physics that says that the smaller the black hole, the quicker the evaporation. For an LHC-style black hole, estimated to be only a billionth of a billionth of a meter across (an atto-meter) the black hole would exist for a bit more than a few billion-billion-billionths of a second. It wouldn't be around long enough to swallow any nearby matter and would pose no danger to ordinary matter.

  12. #12
    DeMoN's Avatar -==FiXeR==-
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