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    JuceMMOCrawler's Avatar Sergeant
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    [Wildstar] x86 Info Dump Thread

    Let us continue with build 6731, x86 now.

       enum class GameManager
          // Pattern: 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 85 C9 74 19
          // .text:004013DF                 mov     ecx, GameManagerPtr
          // The pointer GameManager is used there. Just get the DWORD (GameManagerPtr) behind it
          // from that pattern.
          CurrentManager = 0x872058    
       enum class Functions
          // Pattern: 55 8B EC 83 EC 08 56 8B 35 ? ? ? ? 8B 46 3C
          VacuumLoot     = 0x2C4FD0,
          // Pattern: 55 8B EC A1 ? ? ? ? 8B 15 ? ? ? ? 8B 00 3B C2 0F 4C D0 56 80 BA ? ? ? ? ? 8B F1 75 0A B8 ? ? ? ? 5E 5D C2 04 00
          ClickToMove    = 0x3A13D0,
          // Pattern:
          // 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 A1 ? ? ? ? 83 EC 24 53 56 57 A8 01 75 15 83 C8 01 68 ? ? ? ? A3 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 
          // 04 8B 3D ? ? ? ? 89 7C 24 10 85 FF 0F 85 ? ? ? ? A1 ? ? ? ? 83 C0 08 50 8D 4C 24 14 E8 ? ? ? ? 39 3D ? ? ? 
          // ? 75 27 57 6A 58 E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 08 85 C0 74 11 68 ? ? ? ? 6A 0D 51 8B C8 E8 ? ? ? ? EB 02 33 C0 A3 ? ? ? 
          // ? 8B 44 24 10 83 C0 04 83 38 01 76 04 FF 08 EB 22 8B 74 24 10 6A 00 C7 06 ? ? ? ? 50 FF 15 ? ? ? ? 83 7E 08 
          // 00 74 09 8B 4C 24 10 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 3D ? ? ? ? 89 7C 24 10 85 FF 74 07 8B CF E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 75 08
          HandleLuaEvent = 0x88F90,
    namespace Global
    	namespace CodeEnumCreationGearSet
    		enum CodeEnumCreationGearSet
    			Low = 0
    			Mid = 1
    			High = 2
    	namespace CodeEnumRealmPopulation
    		enum CodeEnumRealmPopulation
    			Low = 0
    			Medium = 1
    			High = 2
    			Full = 3
    	namespace CodeEnumRealmPVPType
    		enum CodeEnumRealmPVPType
    			PVE = 0
    			PVP = 1
    	namespace CodeEnumRealmStatus
    		enum CodeEnumRealmStatus
    			Unknown = 0
    			Offline = 1
    			Down = 2
    			Standby = 3
    			Up = 4
    	namespace CodeEnumCharacterModifyResults
    		enum CodeEnumCharacterModifyResults
    			DeleteOk = 0
    			DeleteFailed = 1
    			DeleteFailed_GuildMaster = 2
    			CreateOk = 3
    			CreateFailed = 4
    			CreateFailed_Items = 5
    			CreateFailed_UniqueName = 6
    			CreateFailed_ActionBar = 7
    			CreateFailed_Quests = 8
    			CreateFailed_AccountFull = 9
    			CreateFailed_InvalidName = 10
    			CreateFailed_Faction = 11
    			CreateFailed_Internal = 12
    			RenameFailed = 13
    			RenameFailed_Internal = 14
    			RenameFailed_InvalidName = 15
    			RenameFailed_UniqueName = 16
    			RenameFailed_NoRename = 17
    			RenameOk = 18
    			RenameFailed_NoCurrency = 19
    			RealmTransferFailed_InvalidRealm = 20
    			RealmTransferOk = 21
    			RealmTransferFailed_ServerDown = 22
    			RealmTransferFailed_CharacterOnline = 23
    			RealmTransferFailed_InvalidCharacter = 24
    			RealmTransferFailed_CharacterLocked = 25
    			RealmTransferFailed_NoCurrency = 26
    			RealmTransferFailed_DbError = 27
    			RealmTransferFailed_HasAuction = 28
    			RealmTransferFailed_InGuild = 29
    			RealmTransferFailed_HasCREDDExchange = 30
    			RealmTransferFailed_CharacterBusy = 31
    			RealmTransferFailed_HasMail = 32
    			RealmTransferFailed_ServerFull = 33
    			RedeemCREDDFailed_NoCREDD = 34
    			RedeemCREDDFailed_NoEntitlement = 35
    			RedeemCREDDFailed_Internal = 36
    			RedeemCREDDOk = 37
    			RedeemCREDDFailed_InvalidCREDD = 38
    			RedeemCREDDFailed_PlatformError = 39
    			RedeemCREDDFailed_PlatformPermaFail = 40
    			RedeemCREDDFailed_PlatformTempFail = 41
    			DeleteFailed_CharacterOnline = 42
    			RenameFailed_CharacterOnline = 43
    			CreateFailed_CharacterOnline = 44
    			RealmTransferFailed_NoSubscription = 45
    			RealmTransferFailed_Internal = 46
    			RealmTransferFailed_Money = 47
    			RealmTransferFailed_CharacterCooldown = 48
    	namespace CodeEnumCharacterSelectResults
    		enum CodeEnumCharacterSelectResults
    			FailedRename = 1
    			Failed = 2
    			FailedDisabled = 3
    			FailedCharacterInWorld = 4
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountCurrency
    		enum CodeEnumAccountCurrency
    			None = 0
    			CREDD = 1
    			RealmTransfer = 2
    			NameChange = 3
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    		enum CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    			Ok = 0
    			GenericFail = 1
    			DBError = 2
    			MTXError = 3
    			InvalidOffer = 4
    			InvalidPrice = 5
    			NotEnoughCurrency = 6
    			NeedTransaction = 7
    			InvalidAccountItem = 8
    			InvalidPendingItem = 9
    			InvalidInventoryItem = 10
    			NoConnection = 11
    			NoCharacter = 12
    			AlreadyClaimed = 13
    			MaxEntitlementCount = 14
    			NoRegift = 15
    			NoGifting = 16
    			InvalidFriend = 17
    			InvalidCoupon = 18
    			CannotReturn = 19
    			Prereq = 20
    			CREDDExchangeNotLoaded = 21
    			NoCREDD = 22
    			NoMatchingOrder = 23
    			InvalidCREDDOrder = 24
    			Cooldown = 25
    			MissingEntitlement = 26
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountOperation
    		enum CodeEnumAccountOperation
    			MTXPurchase = 0
    			ClaimPending = 1
    			ReturnPending = 2
    			TakeItem = 3
    			GiftItem = 4
    			RedeemCoupon = 5
    			GetCREDDExchangeInfo = 6
    			SellCREDD = 7
    			BuyCREDD = 8
    			CancelCREDDOrder = 9
    			ExpireCREDDOrder = 10
    			SellCREDDComplete = 11
    			BuyCREDDComplete = 12
    			CREDDRedeem = 15
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountCurrency
    		enum CodeEnumAccountCurrency
    			None = 0
    			CREDD = 1
    			RealmTransfer = 2
    			NameChange = 3
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    		enum CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    			Ok = 0
    			GenericFail = 1
    			DBError = 2
    			MTXError = 3
    			InvalidOffer = 4
    			InvalidPrice = 5
    			NotEnoughCurrency = 6
    			NeedTransaction = 7
    			InvalidAccountItem = 8
    			InvalidPendingItem = 9
    			InvalidInventoryItem = 10
    			NoConnection = 11
    			NoCharacter = 12
    			AlreadyClaimed = 13
    			MaxEntitlementCount = 14
    			NoRegift = 15
    			NoGifting = 16
    			InvalidFriend = 17
    			InvalidCoupon = 18
    			CannotReturn = 19
    			Prereq = 20
    			CREDDExchangeNotLoaded = 21
    			NoCREDD = 22
    			NoMatchingOrder = 23
    			InvalidCREDDOrder = 24
    			Cooldown = 25
    			MissingEntitlement = 26
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountOperation
    		enum CodeEnumAccountOperation
    			MTXPurchase = 0
    			ClaimPending = 1
    			ReturnPending = 2
    			TakeItem = 3
    			GiftItem = 4
    			RedeemCoupon = 5
    			GetCREDDExchangeInfo = 6
    			SellCREDD = 7
    			BuyCREDD = 8
    			CancelCREDDOrder = 9
    			ExpireCREDDOrder = 10
    			SellCREDDComplete = 11
    			BuyCREDDComplete = 12
    			CREDDRedeem = 15
    	namespace CodeEnumAuctionRemaining
    		enum CodeEnumAuctionRemaining
    			Expiring = 0
    			LessThanHour = 1
    			Short = 2
    			Long = 3
    			Very_Long = 4
    	namespace CodeEnumCCState
    		enum CodeEnumCCState
    			Stun = 0
    			Sleep = 1
    			Root = 2
    			Disarm = 3
    			Silence = 4
    			Polymorph = 5
    			Fear = 6
    			Hold = 7
    			Knockdown = 8
    			Vulnerability = 9
    			VulnerabilityWithAct = 10
    			Disorient = 11
    			Disable = 12
    			Taunt = 13
    			DeTaunt = 14
    			Blind = 15
    			Knockback = 16
    			Pushback = 17
    			Pull = 18
    			PositionSwitch = 19
    			Tether = 20
    			Snare = 21
    			Interrupt = 22
    			Daze = 23
    			Subdue = 24
    			Grounded = 25
    			DisableCinematic = 26
    			AbilityRestriction = 27
    	namespace CodeEnumEliteness
    		enum CodeEnumEliteness
    			Solo = 0
    			Group = 1
    			SmallRaid = 2
    			LargeRaid = 3
    	namespace CodeEnumRank
    		enum CodeEnumRank
    			Fodder = 0
    			Minion = 1
    			Standard = 2
    			Champion = 3
    			Superior = 4
    			Elite = 5
    	namespace CodeEnumProperties
    		enum CodeEnumProperties
    			Strength = 0
    			Dexterity = 1
    			Technology = 2
    			Magic = 3
    			Wisdom = 4
    			ManaBase = 5
    			ManaPerFiveSeconds = 6
    			BaseHealth = 7
    			HealthRegenMultiplier = 8
    			ResourceMax_0 = 9
    			ResourceMax_1 = 10
    			ResourceMax_2 = 11
    			ResourceMax_3 = 12
    			ResourceMax_4 = 13
    			ResourceMax_5 = 14
    			ResourceMax_6 = 15
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_0 = 16
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_1 = 17
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_2 = 18
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_3 = 19
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_4 = 20
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_5 = 21
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_6 = 22
    			InterruptArmor_AfterCCRechargeTime = 23
    			InterruptArmor_AfterCCRechargeCount = 24
    			ResistPhysical = 26
    			ResistTech = 27
    			ResistMagic = 28
    			StalkerWoundMultiplier = 29
    			KillingSpreeOutOfCombatGracePeriodMS = 30
    			Rating_AvoidReduce = 32
    			Rating_AvoidIncrease = 33
    			Rating_CritChanceIncrease = 34
    			AssaultPower = 35
    			SupportPower = 36
    			ResourceMax_7 = 38
    			ResourceRegenMultiplier_7 = 39
    			Stamina = 40
    			ShieldCapacityMax = 41
    			Armor = 42
    			Rating_CritChanceDecrease = 43
    			InterruptArmor_Threshold = 44
    			InterruptArmor_RechargeTime = 45
    			InterruptArmor_RechargeCount = 46
    			RatingCritSeverityIncrease = 47
    			PvPOffensiveRating = 48
    			PvPDefensiveRating = 49
    			MoveSpeedMultiplier = 100
    			BaseAvoidChance = 101
    			BaseCritChance = 102
    			DamageMitigationPctOffset = 103
    			BaseAvoidReduceChance = 104
    			BaseAvoidCritChance = 105
    			StealthDetectionModifier = 106
    			ManaRegenInCombat = 107
    			ManaRegenOutOfCombat = 108
    			SeeThroughStealth = 109
    			FrictionMax = 110
    			Deprecated1 = 111
    			Deprecated2 = 112
    			PvPPrestigeMultiplier = 113
    			PvPXPMultiplier = 114
    			RenownGainMultiplier = 115
    			MoneyDropMultiplier = 116
    			SpellMechanicEnergyRegenOrDecayMultiplier = 117
    			SpellMechanicEnergyDecayOverdriveMultiplier = 118
    			ItemArmor = 119
    			ItemAssaultPower = 120
    			ItemSupportPower = 121
    			IgnoreArmorBase = 122
    			IgnoreShieldBase = 123
    			MaxThreatVsCreature = 124
    			BreathDecay = 125
    			CCPower = 126
    			CriticalHitSeverityMultiplier = 127
    			Health_Total_Multiplier = 128
    			JumpHeight = 129
    			GravityMultiplier = 130
    			XpMultiplier = 131
    			ThreatMultiplier = 132
    			AutoAttackDelayMultiplier = 133
    			FallingDamageMultiplier = 134
    			ManaCostModifier = 135
    			CooldownReductionModifier = 136
    			BaseLifesteal = 137
    			DamageDealtMultiplierMelee = 138
    			DamageDealtMultiplierRanged = 139
    			DamageDealtMultiplierSpell = 140
    			DamageDealtMultiplierPhysical = 141
    			DamageDealtMultiplierTech = 142
    			DamageDealtMultiplierMagic = 143
    			DamageMitigationPctOffsetPhysical = 144
    			DamageMitigationPctOffsetTech = 145
    			DamageMitigationPctOffsetMagic = 146
    			MoneyQuestMultiplier = 147
    			XpQuestMultiplier = 148
    			ReputationQuestMultiplier = 149
    			DamageTakenOffsetPhysical = 150
    			DamageTakenOffsetTech = 151
    			DamageTakenOffsetMagic = 152
    			PrestigeQuestMultiplier = 153
    			DamageTakenMultiplierPhysical = 159
    			DamageTakenMultiplierTech = 160
    			DamageTakenMultiplierMagic = 161
    			HealingMultiplierOutgoing = 162
    			HealingMultiplierIncoming = 163
    			ExecutingEnergyRateMultiplier = 164
    			CCDurationModifier = 165
    			PvPOffensePctOffset = 166
    			PvPDefensePctOffset = 167
    			ResistPhysicalMitigationMultiplier = 168
    			ResistTechMitigationMultiplier = 169
    			ResistMagicMitigationMultiplier = 170
    			KillSpreeCCVMulitplier = 171
    			ManaFinalMultiplier = 172
    			ReputationMultiplier = 173
    			ShieldMitigationMin = 174
    			ShieldMitigationMax = 175
    			ShieldRegenPct = 176
    			ShieldTickTime = 177
    			ShieldRebootTime = 178
    			ShieldDamageTypes = 179
    			SlowFallMultiplier = 180
    			PathXpMultiplier = 181
    			ScientistScanBotThoroughnessMultiplier = 182
    			ScientistScanBotScanTimeMultiplier = 183
    			ScientistScanBotRangeMultiplier = 184
    			ScientistScanBotHealthMultiplier = 185
    			ScientistScanBotHealthRegenMultiplier = 186
    			ScientistScanBotSpeedMultiplier = 187
    			SettlerImprovementTimeMultiplier = 188
    			CreatureScientistScanMultiplier = 189
    			ScientistScanBotCooldownMultiplier = 190
    			MountSpeedMultiplier = 191
    	namespace CodeEnumSpellMechanic
    		enum CodeEnumSpellMechanic
    			None = 0
    			Focus = 1
    			MedicCore = 2
    			Empathy = 3
    			SpellSurge = 4
    			Kinetic = 5
    			Volatility = 6
    	namespace CodeEnumItemDetailedTooltip
    		enum CodeEnumItemDetailedTooltip
    			Basic = 0
    			Spells = 1
    			Economics = 2
    			Sigils = 3
    			Imbuements = 4
    			Stats = 5
    			Restrictions = 6
    			Specifics = 7
    	namespace CodeEnumCastResult
    		enum CodeEnumCastResult
    			Ok = 0
    			UnableToCreateSpell = 1
    			MovingToCast = 2
    			PendingSpellCast = 3
    			SpellUnknown = 4
    			SpellBad = 5
    			SpellCancelled = 6
    			SpellMaxChannel = 7
    			SpellRemoved = 8
    			SpellCountered = 9
    			SpellCastingInterrupts = 10
    			SpellInterrupted = 11
    			SpellCombatModeActiveCount = 12
    			SpellAlreadyCasting = 13
    			SpellGlobalCooldown = 14
    			SpellCooldown = 15
    			SpellGroupCooldown = 16
    			SpellPreRequisites = 17
    			ActionBarSetDisallows = 18
    			DamageInterrupts = 19
    			InvalidInventoryIndex = 20
    			ItemUnknown = 21
    			ItemBad = 22
    			ItemNoSpellId = 23
    			ItemUnEquipped = 24
    			ItemCharges = 25
    			ItemTooHighLevel = 26
    			ItemAchievementComplete = 27
    			ItemQuestRequirementsNotMet = 28
    			ItemObjectiveComplete = 29
    			CasterUnknown = 30
    			CasterMustHaveTarget = 31
    			CasterCannotBePrimaryTarget = 32
    			CasterNotIncontrolOfSelf = 33
    			CasterMovement = 34
    			CasterMaxCast = 35
    			CCStun = 36
    			CCSleep = 37
    			CCRoot = 38
    			CCDisarm = 39
    			CCSilence = 40
    			CCPolymorph = 41
    			CCFear = 42
    			CCHold = 43
    			CasterVitalCostHealth = 44
    			CasterVitalCostXp = 45
    			CasterVitalCostMoney = 46
    			CasterVitalCostCurrency1 = 47
    			CasterVitalCostCurrency2 = 48
    			CasterVitalCostCurrency3 = 49
    			CasterVitalCostResource0 = 50
    			CasterVitalCostResource1 = 51
    			CasterVitalCostResource2 = 52
    			CasterVitalCostResource3 = 53
    			CasterVitalCostResource4 = 54
    			CasterVitalCostResource5 = 55
    			CasterVitalCostResource6 = 56
    			Caster_CannotBeDead = 57
    			Caster_MustBeDead = 58
    			Caster_CannotBeInCombat = 59
    			Caster_MustBeInCombat = 60
    			Caster_CannotBe_Moving = 63
    			Caster_MustBe_Moving = 64
    			Caster_CannotBe_Stealth = 65
    			Caster_MustBe_Stealth = 66
    			Caster_CannotBe_Piloting = 67
    			Caster_MustBe_Piloting = 68
    			Caster_CannotBe_Embarked = 69
    			Caster_MustBe_Embarked = 70
    			Caster_CannotBe_Taxi = 71
    			Caster_MustBe_Taxi = 72
    			Caster_CannotBe_Stun = 73
    			Caster_MustBe_Stun = 74
    			Caster_CannotBe_Sleep = 75
    			Caster_MustBe_Sleep = 76
    			Caster_CannotBe_Root = 77
    			Caster_MustBe_Root = 78
    			Caster_CannotBe_Disarm = 79
    			Caster_MustBe_Disarm = 80
    			Caster_CannotBe_Silence = 81
    			Caster_MustBe_Silence = 82
    			Caster_CannotBe_Pacify = 83
    			Caster_MustBe_Pacify = 84
    			Caster_CannotBe_Fear = 85
    			Caster_MustBe_Fear = 86
    			Caster_CannotBe_Confuse = 87
    			Caster_MustBe_Confuse = 88
    			TargetGroup = 89
    			TargetUnknown = 90
    			NoTarget = 91
    			Target_ImmuneToSpellType = 92
    			Target_ImmuneToSpell = 93
    			Target_ImmuneToSpellGroupList = 94
    			Target_ImmuneToSpellGroup = 95
    			Target_Invulnerable = 96
    			TargetMaxTarget = 97
    			TargetVital = 98
    			TargetFaction = 99
    			TargetIsNotUseable = 100
    			TargetOrientation = 101
    			TargetCannotBePlayer = 102
    			TargetCannotBeNpc = 103
    			TargetRangeMin = 104
    			TargetRangeMax = 105
    			Target_CannotBeDead = 106
    			Target_MustBeDead = 107
    			Target_CannotBeInCombat = 108
    			Target_MustBeInCombat = 109
    			Target_CannotBe_Moving = 112
    			Target_MustBe_Moving = 113
    			Target_CannotBe_Stealth = 114
    			Target_MustBe_Stealth = 115
    			Target_CannotBe_Piloting = 116
    			Target_MustBe_Piloting = 117
    			Target_CannotBe_Embarked = 118
    			Target_MustBe_Embarked = 119
    			Target_CannotBe_Taxi = 120
    			Target_MustBe_Taxi = 121
    			Target_CannotBe_Stun = 122
    			Target_MustBe_Stun = 123
    			Target_CannotBe_Sleep = 124
    			Target_MustBe_Sleep = 125
    			Target_CannotBe_Root = 126
    			Target_MustBe_Root = 127
    			Target_CannotBe_Disarm = 128
    			Target_MustBe_Disarm = 129
    			Target_CannotBe_Silence = 130
    			Target_MustBe_Silence = 131
    			Target_CannotBe_Pacify = 132
    			Target_MustBe_Pacify = 133
    			Target_CannotBe_Fear = 134
    			Target_MustBe_Fear = 135
    			Target_CannotBe_Confuse = 136
    			Target_MustBe_Confuse = 137
    			Target_CannotBe_Swimming = 138
    			Target_MustBe_Swimming = 139
    			InWrongWorldZone = 140
    			DuelOver = 141
    			UNUSED142 = 142
    			UNUSED143 = 143
    			MissingResult = 144
    			IsP2PTrading = 145
    			ClientSideInteractionFail = 146
    			StackingRefreshExistingSpell = 147
    			StackingTargetHasMorePowerfulSpells = 148
    			StackingCasterHasMorePowerfulSpells = 149
    			StackingError = 150
    			Prereq_CasterCast = 151
    			CCKnockdown = 152
    			CCVulnerability = 153
    			Target_MustBe_Knockdown = 154
    			Target_MustBe_Vulnerability = 155
    			Caster_MustBe_Vulnerability = 156
    			Caster_MustBe_Knockdown = 157
    			Caster_CannotBe_Knockdown = 158
    			Caster_CannotBe_Vulnerability = 159
    			Target_CannotBe_Vulnerability = 160
    			Target_CannotBe_Knockdown = 161
    			MissingReagent_Item = 162
    			MissingReagent_ItemFamily = 163
    			MissingReagent_ItemCategory = 164
    			MissingReagent_ItemType = 165
    			Caster_Needs_LoS = 166
    			CasterVitalCostMana = 167
    			TargetImmuneToSpellEffect = 168
    			WeaponSlot = 169
    			Caster_MustBe_Jumping = 170
    			Caster_CannotBe_Jumping = 171
    			Target_CannotBe_Jumping = 172
    			Target_MustBe_Jumping = 173
    			InvalidPosition = 174
    			CasterVitalCost = 175
    			CasterVitalCostShieldCapacity = 176
    			CasterVitalCostResource7 = 177
    			FailSpecialRestrictions = 178
    			NoValidActivateSpell = 179
    			SchematicAlreadyKnown = 180
    			TradeskillTier = 181
    			SpellNoCharges = 182
    			TargetRangeVertical = 183
    			StackingDuplicateDurationalSpell = 184
    			SpellMaxPhaseReached = 185
    			CCVulnerabilityWithAct = 186
    			CCDisorient = 187
    			CCDisable = 188
    			CCTaunt = 189
    			CCDeTaunt = 190
    			CCBlind = 191
    			CCKnockback = 192
    			CCPushback = 193
    			CCPull = 194
    			CCPositionSwitch = 195
    			CCTether = 196
    			CCSnare = 197
    			Caster_MustBe_Polymorph = 198
    			Target_MustBe_Polymorph = 199
    			Caster_CannotBe_Polymorph = 200
    			Target_CannotBe_Polymorph = 201
    			Caster_MustBe_Hold = 202
    			Target_MustBe_Hold = 203
    			Caster_CannotBe_Hold = 204
    			Target_CannotBe_Hold = 205
    			Caster_MustBe_Disorient = 206
    			Target_MustBe_Disorient = 207
    			Caster_CannotBe_Disorient = 208
    			Target_CannotBe_Disorient = 209
    			Caster_MustBe_Disable = 210
    			Target_MustBe_Disable = 211
    			Caster_CannotBe_Disable = 212
    			Target_CannotBe_Disable = 213
    			Caster_MustBe_Taunt = 214
    			Target_MustBe_Taunt = 215
    			Caster_CannotBe_Taunt = 216
    			Target_CannotBe_Taunt = 217
    			Caster_MustBe_DeTaunt = 218
    			Target_MustBe_DeTaunt = 219
    			Caster_CannotBe_DeTaunt = 220
    			Target_CannotBe_DeTaunt = 221
    			Caster_MustBe_Blind = 222
    			Target_MustBe_Blind = 223
    			Caster_CannotBe_Blind = 224
    			Target_CannotBe_Blind = 225
    			Caster_MustBe_Knockback = 226
    			Target_MustBe_Knockback = 227
    			Caster_CannotBe_Knockback = 228
    			Target_CannotBe_Knockback = 229
    			Caster_MustBe_Pushback = 230
    			Target_MustBe_Pushback = 231
    			Caster_CannotBe_Pushback = 232
    			Target_CannotBe_Pushback = 233
    			Caster_MustBe_Pull = 234
    			Target_MustBe_Pull = 235
    			Caster_CannotBe_Pull = 236
    			Target_CannotBe_Pull = 237
    			Caster_MustBe_PositionSwitch = 238
    			Target_MustBe_PositionSwitch = 239
    			Caster_CannotBe_PositionSwitch = 240
    			Target_CannotBe_PositionSwitch = 241
    			Caster_MustBe_Tether = 242
    			Target_MustBe_Tether = 243
    			Caster_CannotBe_Tether = 244
    			Target_CannotBe_Tether = 245
    			Caster_MustBe_Snare = 246
    			Target_MustBe_Snare = 247
    			Caster_CannotBe_Snare = 248
    			Target_CannotBe_Snare = 249
    			CasterVitalCostInterruptArmor = 250
    			CCNoAbilities = 251
    			Blacklisted = 252
    			TargetCannotBePickup = 253
    			CasterVitalCostAbsorption = 254
    			Target_MustBe_CastersPet = 255
    			Target_MustBe_CastersMaster = 256
    			CCInterrupt = 257
    			Caster_MustBe_Interrupt = 258
    			Target_MustBe_Interrupt = 259
    			Caster_CannotBe_Interrupt = 260
    			Target_CannotBe_Interrupt = 261
    			CSICooldown = 262
    			CCDaze = 263
    			Caster_MustBe_Daze = 264
    			Target_MustBe_Daze = 265
    			Caster_CannotBe_Daze = 266
    			Target_CannotBe_Daze = 267
    			CCSubdue = 268
    			Caster_MustBe_Subdue = 269
    			Target_MustBe_Subdue = 270
    			Caster_CannotBe_Subdue = 271
    			Target_CannotBe_Subdue = 272
    			Target_CannotBe_Evading = 273
    			Target_StructuredPlugBenefitRestricted = 274
    			CasterVitalCostPublicResource0 = 275
    			CasterVitalCostPublicResource1 = 276
    			CasterVitalCostPublicResource2 = 277
    			InactiveInnateAbilitySpell = 278
    			Caster_CannotBe_Swimming = 279
    			Caster_MustBe_Swimming = 280
    			Prereq_TargetCast = 281
    			Prereq_CasterPersistence = 282
    			Prereq_TargetPersistence = 283
    			Prereq_Trap = 284
    			IllegalSpellCast = 285
    			TargetNotInSameGroup = 286
    			BossToken_Permission = 287
    			BossToken_NotReady = 288
    			CCGrounded = 289
    			Caster_MustBe_Grounded = 290
    			Target_MustBe_Grounded = 291
    			Caster_CannotBe_Grounded = 292
    			Target_CannotBe_Grounded = 293
    			CCDisableCinematic = 294
    			Caster_MustBe_DisableCinematic = 295
    			Target_MustBe_DisableCinematic = 296
    			Caster_CannotBe_DisableCinematic = 297
    			Target_CannotBe_DisableCinematic = 298
    			CCAbilityRestriction = 299
    			Caster_MustBe_AbilityRestriction = 300
    			Target_MustBe_AbilityRestriction = 301
    			Caster_CannotBe_AbilityRestriction = 302
    			Target_CannotBe_AbilityRestriction = 303
    			Target_VehicleBenefitRestricted = 304
    			TargetCannotBePet = 305
    			Target_HostileInvulnerability = 306
    			Target_InvulnerableToOther = 307
    			Target_BeneficialInvulnerability = 308
    			Caster_MustBe_Falling = 309
    			Caster_CannotBe_Falling = 310
    			Target_CannotBe_Falling = 311
    			Target_MustBe_Falling = 312
    			Caster_MustBe_Sprinting = 313
    			Caster_CannotBe_Sprinting = 314
    			Target_CannotBe_Sprinting = 315
    			Target_MustBe_Sprinting = 316
    			Queued = 317
    			ItemWrongRace = 318
    			ItemWrongClass = 319
    			ItemAlreadyUnlocked = 320
    			PlayerSpellPending = 321
    			Target_MustBe_PvpFlagged = 322
    			Caster_MustBe_PvpFlagged = 323
    			Target_OutsideTelegraph = 325
    			ShieldsOverloaded = 326
    	namespace CodeEnumSpellEffectType
    		enum CodeEnumSpellEffectType
    			UnitPropertyModifier = 0
    			VitalModifier = 1
    			SpellCounter = 2
    			ForcedMove = 3
    			CCStateSet = 4
    			Transference = 5
    			SummonVehicle = 6
    			Activate = 7
    			Damage = 8
    			FactionSet = 9
    			Heal = 10
    			Harvest = 11
    			DistanceDependentDamage = 12
    			Script = 13
    			Proc = 14
    			UnitStateSet = 15
    			Resurrect = 16
    			Fluff = 17
    			Scale = 18
    			ProxyLinearAE = 19
    			UnlockActionBar = 20
    			SummonCreature = 21
    			HousingTeleport = 22
    			ActionBarSet = 23
    			ForcedAction = 24
    			ProxyChannel = 25
    			Proxy = 26
    			CCStateBreak = 27
    			ForceFacing = 28
    			Absorption = 29
    			SapVital = 30
    			Disguise = 31
    			SpellImmunity = 32
    			DistributedDamage = 33
    			ChangePhase = 34
    			NpcExecutionDelay = 35
    			SummonMount = 36
    			ReputationModify = 37
    			GiveSchematic = 38
    			ModifySchematic = 39
    			UNUSED040 = 40
    			TradeSkillProfession = 41
    			QuestAdvanceObjective = 42
    			GiveItemToPlayer = 43
    			GiveLootTableToPlayer = 44
    			NpcLootTableModify = 45
    			ThreatModification = 46
    			ThreatTransfer = 47
    			WarplotTeleport = 48
    			CraftItem = 49
    			ItemBreakdown = 50
    			SpellForceRemoveChanneled = 51
    			ModifyInterruptArmor = 52
    			SpellDispel = 53
    			TradeSkillProfessionXp = 54
    			ModifySpell = 55
    			ModifySpellEffect = 56
    			AddSpell = 57
    			AddSpellEffect = 58
    			SuppressSpellEffect = 59
    			ModifyCreatureFlags = 60
    			UNUSED061 = 61
    			VacuumLoot = 62
    			UNUSED063 = 63
    			ShieldOverload = 64
    			Teleport = 65
    			TitleGrant = 66
    			TitleRevoke = 67
    			VendorPriceModifier = 68
    			ApplyLASChanges = 69
    			RechargeItemBatteries = 70
    			FacilityModification = 71
    			PetAIStanceSet = 72
    			ModifySpellCooldown = 73
    			FinishingMove = 74
    			ChangeIcon = 75
    			ItemVisualSwap = 76
    			AggroImmune = 77
    			GiveAbilityPointsToPlayer = 78
    			SpellEffectImmunity = 79
    			SpellForceRemove = 80
    			RavelSignal = 81
    			ChangeDisplayName = 82
    			Stealth = 83
    			RemoveStealth = 84
    			PathActionExplorerDig = 85
    			HazardEnable = 86
    			HazardModify = 87
    			HazardSuspend = 88
    			NpcForceFacing = 89
    			ModifyAbilityCharges = 90
    			UNUSED091 = 91
    			AchievementAdvance = 92
    			PathXpModify = 93
    			ProxyChannelVariableTime = 94
    			FullScreenEffect = 95
    			ProxyRandomExclusive = 96
    			DespawnUnit = 97
    			SummonPet = 98
    			MimicDisplayName = 99
    			MimicDisguise = 100
    			GrantXP = 101
    			DatacubeUpdate = 102
    			DatacubeVolumeUpdate = 103
    			UNUSED104 = 104
    			SettlerCampfire = 105
    			SummonTrap = 106
    			SetBusy = 107
    			CooldownReset = 108
    			RestedXpDecorBonus = 109
    			LearnDyeColor = 110
    			PetCastSpell = 111
    			DisguiseOutfit = 112
    			RewardBuffModifier = 113
    			HousingEscape = 116
    			NPCForceAIMovement = 117
    			HealShields = 118
    			PathMissionIncrement = 119
    			GrantLevelScaledXP = 120
    			DelayDeath = 121
    			GrantLevelScaledPrestige = 122
    			UnlockPetFlair = 123
    			WarplotPlugUpgrade = 124
    			UnlockMount = 125
    			SetMatchingEligibility = 126
    			UnlockInlaidAugment = 127
    			GiveAugmentPowerToPlayer = 128
    			TemporarilyUnflagPvp = 129
    			SupportStuck = 130
    			MiniMapIcon = 131
    			Disembark = 132
    			ChangePlane = 133
    			ModifyRestedXP = 134
    	namespace CodeEnumSpellTag
    		enum CodeEnumSpellTag
    			Assault = 1
    			Support = 2
    			Path = 3
    			Misc = 4
    			Mount = 5
    			DoesNotUseSpecIndex = 6
    			Utility = 7
    			NotAutoActivated = 8
    	namespace CombatMessageType
    		enum CombatMessageType
    			General = 0
    			Experience = 1
    			QuestUpdate = 2
    			LocationChange = 3
    			Combat_Damage_Done = 4
    			Combat_Damage_Done_Critical = 5
    			Combat_Damage_Taken = 6
    			Combat_Damage_Taken_Critical = 7
    			Combat_Healing_Done = 8
    			Combat_Healing_Done_Critical = 9
    			Combat_Healing_Taken = 10
    			Combat_Healing_Taken_Critical = 11
    			Combat_Block_Taken = 12
    			Combat_Block_Done = 13
    			Combat_Parry_Taken = 14
    			Combat_Parry_Done = 15
    			Combat_Dodge_Taken = 16
    			Combat_Dodge_Done = 17
    			Combat_NoEffect_Taken = 18
    			Combat_NoEffect_Done = 19
    			Combat_Shallow_Taken = 20
    			Combat_Shallow_Done = 21
    			Combat_Falling_Damage_Done = 22
    			Combat_Death = 23
    			Error = 24
    			SpellFailure = 25
    			UNUSED00 = 26
    			UNUSED01 = 27
    			Faction = 28
    			LootBase = 29
    			LootAverage = 30
    			LootGood = 31
    			LootExcellent = 32
    			LootSuperb = 33
    			UNUSED04 = 34
    			UNUSED03 = 35
    			LootArtifact = 36
    			LootLegendary = 37
    			LootQuestActivation = 38
    			Achievement = 39
    			Experience_KillCreature = 40
    			Experience_ClusterBonus = 41
    			Experience_Quest = 42
    			Absorption_Taken = 43
    			Absorption_Done = 44
    			Transference_Taken = 45
    			Transference_Done = 46
    			SpellFailure_Long = 47
    			SpellFailure_Medium = 48
    			SpellFailure_Short = 49
    			SpellFailure_Target_Head = 50
    			SpellFailure_Target_Feet = 51
    			Special_Done = 52
    			Special_Taken = 53
    			UNUSED02 = 54
    			PlayerPath = 55
    			KillPerformanceReward = 56
    			MultiKillReward = 57
    			KillingSpreeReward = 58
    			LootInferior = 59
    			TelegraphEvadeReward = 60
    			TelegraphInterruptReward = 61
    			RestedReward = 62
    	namespace CodeEnumSpellClass
    		enum CodeEnumSpellClass
    			BuffNonDispelRightClickOk = 14
    			BuffDispellable = 36
    			BuffNonDispellable = 37
    			DebuffDispellable = 38
    			DebuffNonDispellable = 39
    	namespace ICCommJoinResult
    		enum ICCommJoinResult
    			TooManyChannels = 1
    			NoGuild = 2
    			NoGroup = 3
    			BadName = 4
    			Join = 5
    			Left = 6
    	namespace CodeEnumTradeskill
    		enum CodeEnumTradeskill
    			Weaponsmith = 1
    			Cooking = 2
    			Armorer = 12
    			Mining = 13
    			Outfitter = 14
    			Survivalist = 15
    			Augmentor = 16
    			Architect = 17
    			Relic_Hunter = 18
    			Fishing = 19
    			Farmer = 20
    			Tailor = 21
    			Runecrafting = 22
    	namespace CodeEnumTradeskillTier
    		enum CodeEnumTradeskillTier
    			Zero = 0
    			Novice = 1
    			Apprentice = 2
    			Journeyman = 3
    			Artisan = 4
    			Expert = 5
    			Master = 6
    			GrandMaster = 7
    	namespace CodeEnumCraftingDirection
    		enum CodeEnumCraftingDirection
    			None = 0
    			N = 1
    			NE = 2
    			E = 3
    			SE = 4
    			S = 5
    			SW = 6
    			W = 7
    			NW = 8
    	namespace CodeEnumInputAction
    		enum CodeEnumInputAction
    			Nothing = 1
    			Options = 2
    			CharacterPanel = 3
    			Inventory = 4
    			QuestLog = 5
    			Communicator = 6
    			Escape = 7
    			Shift = 8
    			Control = 9
    			Select = 10
    			MouseInteract = 11
    			Interact = 12
    			HostileInteract = 13
    			TargetSelf = 14
    			TargetParty1 = 15
    			TargetParty2 = 16
    			TargetParty3 = 17
    			TargetParty4 = 18
    			TargetNextEnemy = 19
    			TargetPreviousEnemy = 20
    			TargetNextFriend = 21
    			TargetPreviousFriend = 22
    			AssistTarget = 23
    			MoveForward = 24
    			MoveBackward = 25
    			StrafeLeft = 26
    			StrafeRight = 27
    			TurnLeft = 28
    			TurnRight = 29
    			PitchUp = 30
    			PitchDown = 31
    			MouseTurn = 32
    			SprintModifier = 33
    			VacuumLoot = 34
    			PathAction = 35
    			Jump = 36
    			Dismount = 37
    			ToggleSit = 38
    			ToggleWalk = 39
    			ToggleAutoRun = 40
    			CameraUp = 41
    			CameraDown = 42
    			CameraLeft = 43
    			CameraRight = 44
    			CameraIn = 45
    			CameraOut = 46
    			MouseLook = 47
    			CastObjectiveAbility = 48
    			LimitedActionSet1 = 49
    			LimitedActionSet2 = 50
    			LimitedActionSet3 = 51
    			LimitedActionSet4 = 52
    			LimitedActionSet5 = 53
    			LimitedActionSet6 = 54
    			LimitedActionSet7 = 55
    			LimitedActionSet8 = 56
    			CastGadgetAbility = 57
    			CastPathAbility = 58
    			ActionBar0_Unused1 = 59
    			ActionBar0_Unused2 = 60
    			ActionBar1_Slot1 = 61
    			ActionBar1_Slot2 = 62
    			ActionBar1_Slot3 = 63
    			ActionBar1_Slot4 = 64
    			ActionBar1_Slot5 = 65
    			ActionBar1_Slot6 = 66
    			ActionBar1_Slot7 = 67
    			ActionBar1_Slot8 = 68
    			ActionBar1_Slot9 = 69
    			ActionBar1_Slot10 = 70
    			ActionBar1_Slot11 = 71
    			ActionBar1_Slot12 = 72
    			ActionBar2_Slot1 = 73
    			ActionBar2_Slot2 = 74
    			ActionBar2_Slot3 = 75
    			ActionBar2_Slot4 = 76
    			ActionBar2_Slot5 = 77
    			ActionBar2_Slot6 = 78
    			ActionBar2_Slot7 = 79
    			ActionBar2_Slot8 = 80
    			ActionBar2_Slot9 = 81
    			ActionBar2_Slot10 = 82
    			ActionBar2_Slot11 = 83
    			ActionBar2_Slot12 = 84
    			ActionBar3_Slot1 = 85
    			ActionBar3_Slot2 = 86
    			ActionBar3_Slot3 = 87
    			ActionBar3_Slot4 = 88
    			ActionBar3_Slot5 = 89
    			ActionBar3_Slot6 = 90
    			ActionBar3_Slot7 = 91
    			ActionBar3_Slot8 = 92
    			ActionBar3_Slot9 = 93
    			ActionBar3_Slot10 = 94
    			ActionBar3_Slot11 = 95
    			ActionBar3_Slot12 = 96
    			Unused1 = 97
    			Unused2 = 98
    			Unused3 = 99
    			Unused4 = 100
    			Unused5 = 101
    			Unused6 = 102
    			SetStance1 = 103
    			SetStance2 = 104
    			SetStance3 = 105
    			Unused7 = 106
    			Unused20 = 107
    			Unused11 = 108
    			ToggleInterface = 109
    			ToggleFramerate = 110
    			Unused21 = 111
    			Unused23 = 112
    			Unused22 = 113
    			WorldMap = 114
    			LimitedActionSetBuilder = 115
    			Unused8 = 116
    			Unused9 = 117
    			ExplicitMouseLook = 118
    			ToggleWeapons = 119
    			LeftMouseHold = 120
    			RightMouseHold = 121
    			CenterMouseHold = 122
    			CastInnateAbility = 123
    			MarkingMenuLeftClick = 124
    			MarkingMenuLeftHold = 125
    			MarkingMenuRightClick = 126
    			MarkingMenuRightHold = 127
    			HUDShowQuests = 128
    			ToggleCameraAngle = 129
    			ToggleScannerBot = 130
    			Codex = 131
    			PathAction2 = 133
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot1 = 134
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot2 = 135
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot3 = 136
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot4 = 137
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot5 = 138
    			FloatingActionBar_Slot6 = 139
    			ScaleRampedMotion = 146
    			ScaleRampedRotation = 147
    			BrakeRampedMotion = 148
    			BrakeRampedRotation = 149
    			MoveDown = 150
    			GroupFinder = 151
    			CastMiscSpell = 152
    			SetTargetMark1 = 154
    			SetTargetMark2 = 155
    			SetTargetMark3 = 156
    			SetTargetMark4 = 157
    			SetTargetMark5 = 158
    			SetTargetMark6 = 159
    			SetTargetMark7 = 160
    			SetTargetMark8 = 161
    			DashForward = 162
    			DashBackward = 163
    			DashLeft = 164
    			DashRight = 165
    			Unused12 = 166
    			Unused13 = 167
    			ChatReply = 168
    			ChatReWhisper = 169
    			Unused14 = 170
    			Unused15 = 171
    			Unused16 = 172
    			Unused17 = 173
    			Unused18 = 174
    			Unused19 = 175
    			TargetNearestEnemy = 176
    			TargetNearestFriend = 177
    			Achievements = 178
    			AuctionListings = 179
    			Challenges = 180
    			Unused10 = 181
    			FriendsList = 182
    			Lore = 183
    			Mail = 184
    			Path = 185
    			Reputation = 186
    			Social = 187
    			Tradeskills = 188
    			DirectionalDash = 189
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot1 = 190
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot2 = 191
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot3 = 192
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot4 = 193
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot5 = 194
    			PrimaryPetActionBar_Slot6 = 195
    			GhostModeMap = 196
    			Mount = 197
    			UsePotion = 198
    			Guild = 199
    	namespace CodeEnumVital
    		enum CodeEnumVital
    			Invalid = 0
    			Health = 1
    			Breath = 2
    			ShieldCapacity = 3
    			KineticCell = 4
    			Resource0 = 5
    			Resource1 = 6
    			Resource2 = 7
    			Resource3 = 8
    			Resource4 = 9
    			Resource5 = 10
    			Resource6 = 11
    			StalkerA = 12
    			StalkerB = 13
    			StalkerC = 14
    			Mana = 15
    			Resource7 = 16
    			MedicCore = 18
    			SpellSurge = 19
    			InterruptArmor = 20
    			Absorption = 21
    			PublicResource0 = 22
    			PublicResource1 = 23
    			PublicResource2 = 24
    			Volatility = 26
    	namespace CodeEnumStoryPanel
    		enum CodeEnumStoryPanel
    			Default = 1
    			Low = 2
    			Center = 3
    			FullScreen = 4
    			Whiteout = 5
    			Urgent = 6
    			FullScreenBlackNoFlash = 7
    			Informational = 8
    	namespace CodeEnumStoryPanelStyle
    		enum CodeEnumStoryPanelStyle
    			Default = 0
    			Paper = 1
    			Electronic = 2
    			Eldan = 3
    			Arcane = 4
    			Natural = 5
    			Exile = 6
    			Dominion = 7
    	namespace CodeEnumTutorial
    		enum CodeEnumTutorial
    			Crafting_UI_Tutorial = 23
    			Special_Ability_Chips = 26
    			Tradeskill_Codex_Tutorial = 28
    			Crafting_Components_Tutorial = 29
    			Crafting_Station_Tutorial = 30
    			Basic_Salvaging_Tutorial = 56
    			QuestCommunicatorGiven = 62
    			QuestAccepted = 63
    			QuestAchieved = 64
    			QuestBotched = 65
    			QuestCommunicatorReceived = 66
    			ChallengeUnlocked = 68
    			ChallengeCompleted = 70
    			ChallengeRewardPanel = 71
    			AchievementCompleted = 72
    			Telegraphs = 73
    			NewBindpoint = 74
    			Path_MissionComplete = 75
    			Path_EpisodeComplete = 76
    			Soldier_MissionUnlock = 78
    			Soldier_TowerDefense = 82
    			Soldier_Assassinate = 83
    			Soldier_SWAT = 84
    			Soldier_Demolition = 85
    			Soldier_Rescue = 86
    			Explorer_MissionUnlock = 87
    			Explorer_Vista = 88
    			Explorer_ClaimTerritory = 89
    			Explorer_Door = 90
    			Explorer_ScavengerHunt = 91
    			Explorer_PowerMap = 92
    			Scientist_FieldStudy = 94
    			Settler_MissionUnlock = 95
    			Settler_Infrastructure = 97
    			Settler_DepotActivate = 98
    			Codex = 99
    			CharacterPanel = 100
    			AbilityWindow = 102
    			Death = 103
    			Hazards = 106
    			PublicEventStart = 108
    			GalacticArchive_NewEntry = 111
    			Soldier_StopTheThieves = 114
    			Soldier_WhackAMole = 115
    			Farmer_Powershrooms = 116
    			General_Quest_SpellShortcut = 126
    			CoordinateCrafting = 129
    			CombatBuff = 132
    			General_Social = 138
    			QuestCommunicatorMissed = 146
    			MailMenu = 156
    			CSI_PressAndHold = 164
    			CSI_RapidTapping = 165
    			CSI_PrecisionTapping = 166
    			CSI_Memory = 167
    			CSI_KeyPad = 168
    			CSI_Metronome = 169
    			QuestCommunicatorDeclined = 177
    			General_Lore = 184
    			GroupFinderMenu = 191
    			Renown = 194
    			AMPs = 195
    			Reputation = 196
    			Housing_Landscape = 249
    			Housing_House = 250
    			Housing_Crate = 251
    			Housing_Vendor = 252
    			Housing_Room = 253
    			General_CREDD = 306
    			General_AccountServices = 307
    	namespace CodeEnumTutorialCategory
    		enum CodeEnumTutorialCategory
    			General = 0
    			Beginner = 1
    			Combat = 2
    			PVP = 3
    			Housing = 4
    			Challenges = 5
    			PublicEvents = 6
    			Adventures = 7
    			Path_Soldier = 8
    			Path_Settler = 9
    			Path_Scientist = 10
    			Path_Explorer = 11
    			UNUSED12 = 12
    			UNUSED13 = 13
    			UNUSED14 = 14
    			UNUSED15 = 15
    			UNUSED16 = 16
    			UNUSED17 = 17
    			UNUSED18 = 18
    			UNUSED19 = 19
    			UNUSED20 = 20
    			UNUSED21 = 21
    			UNUSED22 = 22
    			UNUSED23 = 23
    			UNUSED24 = 24
    			UNUSED25 = 25
    			UNUSED26 = 26
    			UNUSED27 = 27
    			Tradeskills = 28
    			Zones = 29
    			Classes = 30
    	namespace CodeEnumTutorialAnchor
    		enum CodeEnumTutorialAnchor
    			None = 0
    			Codex = 1
    			Abilities = 2
    			Character = 3
    			Mail = 4
    			GalacticArchive = 5
    			Social = 6
    			GroupFinder = 7
    			Challenge = 8
    			Datachron = 9
    			Inventory = 10
    			AbilityBar = 11
    			MiniMap = 12
    			QuestTracker = 13
    			HUDAlert = 14
    			PressAndHold = 15
    			RapidTapping = 16
    			PrecisionTapping = 17
    			Memory = 19
    			Keypad = 20
    			Metronome = 21
    			ShieldBar = 22
    			InnateAbility = 23
    			DashMeter = 24
    			SprintMeter = 25
    			HealthBar = 26
    			BuffFrame = 27
    			ClassResource = 28
    			QuestCommunicatorReceived = 29
    			DatachronBody = 30
    			Recall = 31
    	namespace CodeEnumWhoResult
    		enum CodeEnumWhoResult
    			OK = 0
    			Partial = 1
    			UnderCooldown = 2
    	namespace CodeEnumGenericError
    		enum CodeEnumGenericError
    			Ok = 0
    			Params = 1
    			PlayerBusy = 2
    			UnknownTargetUnit = 3
    			TargetFaction = 4
    			DbFailure = 5
    			Item_BadId = 6
    			Reserved02 = 7
    			Reserved03 = 8
    			Reserved04 = 9
    			Vendor_StackSize = 11
    			Vendor_SoldOut = 13
    			Vendor_UnknownItem = 14
    			Vendor_FailedPreReq = 15
    			Vendor_NotAVendor = 16
    			Vendor_TooFar = 17
    			Vendor_BadItemRec = 18
    			Vendor_NotEnoughToFillQuantity = 19
    			Vendor_NotEnoughCash = 20
    			Vendor_UniqueConstraint = 21
    			Vendor_ItemLocked = 22
    			Vendor_IWontBuyThat = 23
    			Vendor_NoQuantity = 24
    			Vendor_BagIsNotEmpty = 25
    			Item_OverFlowChestCreated = 26
    			Item_InventoryFull = 27
    			Item_UnknownItem = 28
    			Item_QuestViolation = 29
    			Item_Unique = 30
    			Item_NotValidforSlot = 31
    			Item_Locked = 32
    			Item_AlreadyEquipped = 33
    			Item_NotEquipped = 34
    			Item_BagMustBeEmpty = 35
    			Item_CannotFindBag = 36
    			Item_BagToSmall = 37
    			Item_CantPutBagInItself = 38
    			Item_WrongRace = 39
    			Item_WrongClass = 40
    			Item_FailedProficiency = 41
    			Item_LevelToLow = 42
    			Embark_PlayerAlreadyinSeat = 43
    			Embark_PlayerUnableToEmbark = 44
    			Embark_InvalidVehicleUnit = 45
    			Embark_NoSplineForTaxi = 46
    			Embark_VehicleIsBroken = 47
    			Embark_InvalidSeat = 48
    			Embark_SeatTaken = 49
    			Embark_SeatEmpty = 50
    			Embark_NotInRange = 51
    			Embark_CannotDoWhileOnTaxi = 52
    			Mail_CannotFindPlayer = 53
    			Mail_FailedToCreate = 54
    			Vendor_CuratorOnlyBuysRelics = 55
    			Vendor_CannotBuyRelics = 56
    			Player_CantDoWhileDead = 57
    			Vendor_NoBuyer = 58
    			Vendor_NoVendor = 59
    			Vendor_Buyer_NoActionCC = 60
    			Vendor_Vendor_NoActionCC = 61
    			Vendor_Vendor_Disposition = 62
    			Player_CannotWhileInCombat = 63
    			Mail_Busy = 64
    			Mail_MailBoxOutOfRange = 65
    			Mail_NoAttachment = 66
    			Mail_InsufficientFunds = 67
    			Mail_InvalidInventorySlot = 68
    			Mail_UniqueExists = 69
    			Mail_CannotDelete = 70
    			Mail_DoesNotExist = 71
    			Item_CannotBeSalvaged = 72
    			Conversion_BadConversionRec = 73
    			Conversion_CannotRemoveSource = 74
    			Conversion_CannotAddTarget = 75
    			Faction_NotEnoughRep = 76
    			Item_NoItems = 77
    			Craft_TierTooLow = 78
    			Craft_MissingMaterials = 79
    			Craft_IncompleteCircuit = 80
    			Craft_SocketNotModdable = 81
    			Craft_DuplicateChip = 82
    			DisEmbark_PlayerNotInWorld = 83
    			Item_NeedsRepair = 84
    			Craft_TooManyAdditives = 85
    			Item_SlotDisabled = 86
    			Matching_NoRoleSelected = 87
    			Instance_NotFound = 88
    			Auction_NotReady = 89
    			Auction_CannotFillOrder = 90
    			Mail_CannotTransferItem = 91
    			Mail_InvalidText = 92
    			Mail_CanNotHaveCoDAndGift = 93
    			Auction_TooManyOrders = 94
    			Auction_OrderTooBig = 95
    			Auction_NotFound = 96
    			Auction_BidTooLow = 97
    			Auction_OwnItem = 98
    			Auction_BidTooHigh = 99
    			Auction_AlreadyHasBid = 100
    			Mail_InvalidDeliverySpeed = 101
    			Housing_InvalidDecorPlacement = 103
    			Instance_LimitExceeded = 110
    			Craft_UnknownSchematic = 111
    			Craft_MicrochipInvalidSocket = 112
    			Craft_MicrochipInvalidSlot = 113
    			Craft_FailChanceTooHigh = 114
    			Instance_EncounterInProgress = 115
    			Instance_Full = 116
    			Housing_CrateFull = 117
    			TargetBusy = 118
    			Mail_CannotReturn = 119
    			Mail_CannotMailSelf = 120
    			Faction_AtMax = 121
    			Housing_MaxDecor = 122
    			Auction_ItemAuctionDisabled = 123
    			Auction_CommodityDisabled = 124
    			Mail_CannotMailTrialAccount = 125
    			MissingEntitlement = 126
    			Instance_TransferPending = 127
    			Instance_InvalidDestination = 128
    			Instance_NotInGroup = 129
    			Instance_DifferentSavedInstance = 130
    			Instance_InstanceInUse = 131
    			Item_WrongFaction = 132
    			Instance_WrongLevel = 133
    			Mail_Squelched = 134
    	namespace SupportStuckAction
    		enum SupportStuckAction
    			RecallBind = 1
    			RecallHouse = 2
    			RecallDeath = 3
    	namespace LevelUpUnlock
    		enum LevelUpUnlock
    			WorldMapDungeon_Stormtalon = 1
    			WorldMapDungeon_KelVoreth = 2
    			WorldMapDungeon_Skullcano = 3
    			WorldMapDungeon_SwordMaiden = 4
    			WorldMapNewZone_Algoroc = 11
    			WorldMapNewZone_Celestion = 12
    			WorldMapNewZone_Deradune = 13
    			WorldMapNewZone_Ellevar = 14
    			WorldMapNewZone_Galeras = 15
    			WorldMapNewZone_Auroria = 16
    			WorldMapNewZone_Whitevale = 17
    			WorldMapNewZone_Farside = 18
    			WorldMapNewZone_Wilderrun = 19
    			WorldMapNewZone_Malgrave = 20
    			WorldMapNewZone_Grimvault = 21
    			WorldMapNewZone_NorthernWilds = 22
    			WorldMapNewZone_EverstarGrove = 23
    			WorldMapNewZone_CrimsonIsle = 24
    			WorldMapNewZone_LevianBay = 25
    			Builder_AMPSystem = 26
    			Builder_TierPointSystem = 27
    			Builder_LASSlot2 = 28
    			Builder_LASSlot3 = 29
    			Builder_LASSlot4 = 30
    			Builder_LASSlot5 = 31
    			Builder_LASSlot6 = 32
    			Builder_LASSlot7 = 33
    			Builder_LASSlot8 = 34
    			Builder_AMPPoint = 36
    			Character_GearSlot_Shield = 101
    			Character_GearSlot_Gloves = 102
    			Character_GearSlot_WeaponAttachment = 103
    			Character_GearSlot_SupportSystem = 104
    			Character_GearSlot_Shoulders = 105
    			Character_GearSlot_Gadgets = 106
    			Character_GearSlot_Implants = 107
    			Character_GearSlot_Helm = 108
    			Character_GearSlot_RaidKey = 109
    			GroupFinder_General = 110
    			GroupFinder_Arenas = 111
    			GroupFinder_Warplots = 112
    			WorldMapAdventure_Hycrest = 116
    			WorldMapAdventure_Astrovoid = 117
    			WorldMapAdventure_NorthernWilds = 118
    			WorldMapAdventure_Malgrave = 119
    			GroupFinder_Dungeons = 120
    			GroupFinder_Adventures = 121
    			Inventory_Salvage = 127
    			Customization_Mount = 135
    			Customization_Scanbot = 136
    			WorldMapAdventure_Whitevale = 138
    			Character_CostumeSystem = 142
    			Character_CostumeSlot2 = 143
    			Character_CostumeSlot3 = 144
    			Character_CostumeSlot4 = 145
    			Character_CostumeSlot5 = 146
    			Character_CostumeSlot6 = 147
    			WorldMapCapital_Thayd = 161
    			WorldMapCapital_Illium = 162
    			Builder_AbilityTier2 = 165
    			Builder_AbilityTier3 = 166
    			Builder_AbilityTier4 = 167
    			Builder_AbilityTier5 = 168
    			WorldMapAdventure_Galeras = 169
    			Builder_NewTierPoint = 170
    			Builder_AbilityTier6 = 171
    			Builder_AbilityTier7 = 172
    			Builder_AbilityTier8 = 173
    	namespace LevelUpUnlockSystem
    		enum LevelUpUnlockSystem
    			Level = 0
    			Path = 1
    	namespace LevelUpUnlockType
    		enum LevelUpUnlockType
    			Dungeon_New = 1
    			Adventure_New = 2
    			Content_Zone = 3
    			Content_Feature = 20
    			Class_Feature = 21
    			Class_Ability = 22
    			Class_LAS_Slot = 23
    			Class_Improvement = 24
    			PvP_Feature = 25
    			PvP_Battleground = 26
    			Social_Feature = 27
    			General_Feature = 28
    			Gear_Slot = 29
    			Raid_20 = 30
    			Raid_40 = 31
    			General_Expanded_Feature = 32
    			Content_Capital = 33
    			Class_Tier = 34
    			Path_Item = 36
    			Path_Spell = 37
    			Path_Title = 38
    			Path_Quest = 39
    			Path_ScanBot = 40
    			Class_Attribute = 41
    	namespace DuelStateDuelState
    		enum DuelStateDuelState
    			None = 0
    			WaitingToAccept = 1
    			Pending = 2
    			Dueling = 3
    	namespace SharedChallengePreference
    		enum SharedChallengePreference
    			AutoAccept = 0
    			Prompt = 1
    			AutoReject = 2
    	namespace CodeEnumGameCommandType
    		enum CodeEnumGameCommandType
    			GadgetAbility = 0
    			DefaultAttack = 1
    			ClassInnateAbility = 2
    			ActivateTarget = 3
    			FollowTarget = 4
    			Sprint = 5
    			ToggleWalk = 6
    			Dismount = 8
    			Vacuum = 9
    			PathAction = 10
    			ToggleScannerBot = 11
    			DashForward = 12
    			DashBackward = 13
    			DashLeft = 14
    			DashRight = 15
    			PathAction2 = 16
    			Interact = 17
    			GoToBind = 18
    			GoToHouse = 19
    			EscapeHouse = 20
    			GoToWarplot = 21
    			WarplotBossTokenUI = 23
    			SummonMount = 26
    			UsePotion = 27
    			GoToIllium = 28
    			GoToThayd = 29
    			HousingLandscape = 30
    			HousingRemodel = 31
    			HousingCrate = 32
    			HousingVendor = 33
    			HousingList = 34
    			HousingEditMode = 35
    	namespace CodeEnumLimitedActionSetResult
    		enum CodeEnumLimitedActionSetResult
    			Ok = 1
    			SlotUnlockPrereqFalse = 2
    			UnknownSpellId = 3
    			UnknownClassId = 4
    			UnknownSpellActionSetCategoryGroupPlacement = 5
    			UnknownSlotActionSetCategoryGroupAllowed = 6
    			InvalidSpellActionSetCategoryGroupPlacement = 7
    			InvalidSlotActionSetCategoryGroupAllowed = 8
    			SlotSpellAnyMatchFail = 9
    			SlotSpellAllMatchFail = 10
    			SlotSpellNoneMatchFail = 11
    			UnknownSpellActionSetGroupMatchType = 12
    			DuplicateSpell = 13
    			SpellActionSetPrereqFalse = 14
    			SpellDependencyAnyMatchFail = 15
    			SpellDependencyAllMatchFail = 16
    			SpellDependencyNoneMatchFail = 17
    			BadSpellInActionSet = 18
    			ActionSetRequirementAnyMatchFail = 19
    			ActionSetRequirementAllMatchFail = 20
    			ActionSetRequirementNoneMatchFail = 21
    			InvalidActionSetSize = 22
    			InvalidUnit = 23
    			InvalidSlot = 24
    			InvalidActionSetTable = 25
    			SpellDependencyMaxMatchFail = 26
    			PlayerIsDead = 27
    			RestrictedInPVP = 28
    			MissingTag = 29
    			InCombat = 30
    			EldanAugmentation_NotEnoughPower = 31
    			EldanAugmentation_LockedInlaid = 32
    			EldanAugmentation_LockedCategoryTier = 33
    			EldanAugmentation_InvalidSeries = 34
    			EldanAugmentation_InvalidId = 35
    			EldanAugmentation_InvalidCategoryId = 36
    			EldanAugmentation_InvalidCategoryTier = 37
    			UpdateSpellInProgress = 38
    			InVoid = 39
    			InvalidSpecIndex = 40
    			InvalidSpellTier = 41
    			InsufficientAbilityPoints = 42
    			EldanAugmentation_VersionMismatch = 43
    			EldanAugmentation_SpecNotFound = 44
    	namespace CodeEnumGuildEventType
    		enum CodeEnumGuildEventType
    			Achievement = 0
    			PerkUnlock = 1
    			PerkActivate = 2
    			MemberAdded = 3
    			MemberRemoved = 4
    			MemberRankChanged = 5
    			MessageOfTheDay = 6
    			BankMoney = 1000
    			ItemRepair = 2000
    			BankTab = 100000
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    		enum CodeEnumAccountOperationResult
    			Ok = 0
    			GenericFail = 1
    			DBError = 2
    			MTXError = 3
    			InvalidOffer = 4
    			InvalidPrice = 5
    			NotEnoughCurrency = 6
    			NeedTransaction = 7
    			InvalidAccountItem = 8
    			InvalidPendingItem = 9
    			InvalidInventoryItem = 10
    			NoConnection = 11
    			NoCharacter = 12
    			AlreadyClaimed = 13
    			MaxEntitlementCount = 14
    			NoRegift = 15
    			NoGifting = 16
    			InvalidFriend = 17
    			InvalidCoupon = 18
    			CannotReturn = 19
    			Prereq = 20
    			CREDDExchangeNotLoaded = 21
    			NoCREDD = 22
    			NoMatchingOrder = 23
    			InvalidCREDDOrder = 24
    			Cooldown = 25
    			MissingEntitlement = 26
    	namespace CodeEnumAccountOperation
    		enum CodeEnumAccountOperation
    			MTXPurchase = 0
    			ClaimPending = 1
    			ReturnPending = 2
    			TakeItem = 3
    			GiftItem = 4
    			RedeemCoupon = 5
    			GetCREDDExchangeInfo = 6
    			SellCREDD = 7
    			BuyCREDD = 8
    			CancelCREDDOrder = 9
    			ExpireCREDDOrder = 10
    			SellCREDDComplete = 11
    			BuyCREDDComplete = 12
    			CREDDRedeem = 15
    	namespace PetCustomizeResult
    		enum PetCustomizeResult
    			NotUnlocked = 1
    			PetTypeNotSupported = 2
    			UnknownFlairType = 3
    			InvalidObject = 4
    			InvalidFlair = 5
    			InvalidSlot = 6
    			InvalidName = 7
       // Checked
       enum class ObjectManager
          NextObject              = 0x48,       // <int>
          FirstUnit               = 0x5d78,     // <int>
       // Checked
       enum class Unit
          Name                    = 0x8,        // <Unicode String> 
          Health                  = 0x30,       // <int>
          HealthMax               = 0x400,      // <float>
          Shield                  = 0x38,       // <int>
          ShieldMax               = 0x564,      // <float>
          Position                = 0xF10,      // <Vector[float X Y Z W]>
          Heading                 = 0xFA0,      // <float>
          Facing                  = 0xE20,      // <float>
          Level                   = 0x28,       // <int>
          Type                    = 0x58,       // <int>
          UnitID                  = 0x20,       // <int>
          Combat                  = 0x1EC,      // <bool>
          Casting                 = 0x126C,     // <bool>
          Dead                    = 0x1A4,      // <bool>
          GUID                    = 0x4,        // <int>
          TargetGUID              = 0xB0,       // <int>
    Last edited by JuceMMOCrawler; 06-15-2014 at 04:16 PM.

    [Wildstar] x86 Info Dump Thread
  2. #2
    kyriaqos's Avatar Corporal
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    I'm trying to grasp each of the concepts and want to start at the most basic levels, but how are we getting GameManager patterns/addresses? Also, is it different getting this between 32 and 64 bit? Is there a secret in IDA to find these items? I've tried searching for GameMgr and GameManager in IDA, but nothing seemed to come remotely close. I'll write a tutorial on this if I can get the basics down to prevent "noobish" questions coming up in the future.

    Edit: Actually, I believe I'm on the right track based on a thread on D3 forums. http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diab...ion-built.html (how to find ObjectManagerPtr version/built) -- I'll make sure I'm there before reposting a similar tutorial for Wildstar 64
    Last edited by kyriaqos; 06-14-2014 at 02:45 PM. Reason: Found more info

  3. #3
    JuceMMOCrawler's Avatar Sergeant
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    Some useful offsets...
       // Checked
       enum class Unit
          Health                  = 0x30,       // <int>
          HealthMax               = 0x400,      // <float>
          Shield                  = 0x38,       // <int>
          ShieldMax               = 0x564,      // <float>
          Position                = 0xF10,      // <Vector[float X Y Z W]>
          Heading                 = 0xFA0,      // <float>
          Facing                  = 0xE20,      // <float>
          Level                   = 0x28,       // <int>
          Type                    = 0x58,       // <int>
          UnitID                  = 0x20,       // <int>
          Combat                  = 0x1EC,      // <bool>
          Casting                 = 0x126C,     // <bool>
          Dead                    = 0x1A4,      // <bool>
          GUID                    = 0x4,        // <int>
          TargetGUID              = 0xB0,       // <int>
    Last edited by JuceMMOCrawler; 06-15-2014 at 03:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Akaike's Avatar Active Member
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    Juce, can I ask you something? I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but 0xf10 (float x) is only one position for me, not a vector. I use also f18 for y and f14 for Z.

    And by the way ... Kamikaaze posted here something about a "Moving" system. http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/wild...ml#post3068076
    Is that true? Is there a better system than ctm? Could you please give me a hint? I will reverse of course by myself. Thank you very much in advance.

  5. #5
    Midi12's Avatar Contributor
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    struct Vector3
    float X;
    float Y;
    float Z;
    So basically 0xF10 point to the first float (X) in memory, to get Y you have to do X + 0x4 (a float is represented on 4 bytes in memory) which is equal to 0xF10 + 0x4 -> 0xF14

    About moving CTM is an efficient and precise method imo. Easiest way to get movements.

  6. #6
    Akaike's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Midi12 View Post
    struct Vector3
    float X;
    float Y;
    float Z;
    So basically 0xF10 point to the first float (X) in memory, to get Y you have to do X + 0x4 (a float is represented on 4 bytes in memory) which is equal to 0xF10 + 0x4 -> 0xF14

    About moving CTM is an efficient and precise method imo. Easiest way to get movements.

    Oh, okay . I understand. Thank you very much for your answer. Now I need to figure out how to get the 3d model out of the .area files or in other words, how to open that file typ. Would be also very thankful for a hint .

  7. #7
    Jadd's Avatar 🐸 Premium Seller
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    Originally Posted by Midi12 View Post
    struct Vector3
    float X;
    float Y;
    float Z;
    So basically 0xF10 point to the first float (X) in memory, to get Y you have to do X + 0x4 (a float is represented on 4 bytes in memory) which is equal to 0xF10 + 0x4 -> 0xF14

    About moving CTM is an efficient and precise method imo. Easiest way to get movements.
    Efficient, but probably looks suspicious as hell.

  8. #8
    JuceMMOCrawler's Avatar Sergeant
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    Updated the first post with some fixed values.

  9. #9
    fusspawn's Avatar Member
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    Having Issues reading names out of the Unit data.

    Can read Pos/Level/Id/Type ectra okay but names refuse to work :/

    using GreyMagic (Out of process)
    public string Name {
                    // Reader is a GreyMagic Out of Process Instance
                    return Memory.Reader.ReadString(
                        IntPtr.Add(UnitBase, 0x8), // UnitBase == Base address of this unit
                        Encoding.Unicode // Everything seems to say its stored as Unicode on the forums
                    ); // Always  returns "??"

    Ive tried other encoding types but im sure its Unicode. and stored at Unit + 0x8 :/ running under x86.
    Last edited by fusspawn; 06-16-2014 at 10:40 AM. Reason: code tags

  10. #10
    overture2112's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by fusspawn View Post
    Having Issues reading names out of the Unit data.

    Can read Pos/Level/Id/Type ectra okay but names refuse to work :/

    using GreyMagic (Out of process)
    public string Name {
                    // Reader is a GreyMagic Out of Process Instance
                    return Memory.Reader.ReadString(
                        IntPtr.Add(UnitBase, 0x8), // UnitBase == Base address of this unit
                        Encoding.Unicode // Everything seems to say its stored as Unicode on the forums
                    ); // Always  returns "??"

    Ive tried other encoding types but im sure its Unicode. and stored at Unit + 0x8 :/ running under x86.
    It's boxed. I'm not sure what the exact struct layout is, but the underlying string is at the start. So deref 0x8 then read string at +0x0. You are correct it's unicode (utf16 iirc).

    [Style note]
    PS: IntPtr supports addition for ints, which will make your code cleaner.
    Last edited by overture2112; 06-16-2014 at 02:40 PM.

  11. #11
    fusspawn's Avatar Member
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    Wasnt aware the Name handle was a pointer to the string. was treating it like the others. working now I read the pointer out of 0x8 then read from that location instead.
     public string Name {
                    IntPtr Pointer = (UnitBase + 0x8);
                        IntPtr Data = Memory.Reader.Read<IntPtr>(Pointer);
                        return Memory.Reader.ReadString(
    Thanks for the hint!.
    as for the styling. If we can add ints directly to IntPtr's why cant we do IntPtr + IntPtr x86/x64 compatibility reasons?

    Edit: Next up. Finding out why my ClickToMove hook hates me >.>

  12. #12
    overture2112's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by fusspawn View Post
    If we can add ints directly to IntPtr's why cant we do IntPtr + IntPtr x86/x64 compatibility reasons?

    Edit: Next up. Finding out why my ClickToMove hook hates me >.>
    IntPtr is potentially just int32, so you can't directly add unsigneds or longs due to space constraints. I'm not sure about why IntPtrA + IntPtrB doesn't work though, since you won't have int32 and int64 versions of IntPtr at the same time. Also, I'm pretty sure "IntPtr.Add( IntPtrA, IntPtrB.ToInt32() )" works without lossy casting dangers.

    What's your issue with ClickToMove?

  13. #13
    fusspawn's Avatar Member
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    IntPtr.Add( IntPtrA, IntPtrB.ToInt32() ) was my original approach and why the .Add Call still Existed.

    Mostly me not understanding what im doing.
    was working from a post by CronusServus I found http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/wild...mp-thread.html (4th from the bottom - Cant find a way to directly link a post).

    public static IntPtr ClickToMove    = (IntPtr)0x3A13D0;
    public static IntPtr IsClickToMoveEnabled = (IntPtr)0x5E90;
    public class ClickToMove
            public delegate void ClickToMoveDelegate(IntPtr currentManager, uint ptrToVector4);
            private static ClickToMoveDelegate ClickToMoveHandler;
            public ClickToMove() {
            public static void Init() {
                ClickToMoveHandler = Memory.Reader
                               FunctionPointers.ClickToMove.ToInt32()); // CRASH HERE: Bails with Invalid Function Ptr
            public static void Move(Vector3 Location) {
                IntPtr InjectData = Memory.Reader.AllocateMemory(100);
                Memory.Reader.Write(InjectData, Location);
                    (IntPtr)((int)ObjectManager.BaseAddress +
    Not sure if its me using the wrong Offsets/Locations. Or just using .CreateFunction<ClickToMoveDelegate> wrong.

    [Bonus Question]
    Any one aware if CTM is threadsafe? Or am I hooking endscene and calling it from the main thread.
    Last edited by fusspawn; 06-16-2014 at 06:39 PM. Reason: Extra Bonus Question

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