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    Morphine - Wildstar costume morpher

    Description (README.txt):
    Morphine - the WildStar costume morpher
    Let's state the obvious right away: this is a hack and likely constitutes
    a bannable offense in the eyes of the game developers. If you do not want
    to risk your account, you should not use this hack. Although this hack is
    purely cosmetic in nature and does not provide any advantages (at least 
    to my knowledge; if it does I will try to remove them), you might still 
    get banned for using this. Lets go through a short Q&A session:
    Q: Is this bannable?
    A: Yes.
    Q: How likely is it that I will get banned for using this?
    A: Hard to say. We currently don't know Carbine's policy on purely cosmetic
       hacks. At this point (2014-07-03) they do not seem to have client-side
       cheat detection, making it somewhat unlikely (but NOT IMPOSSIBLE) to get
       banned for using this unless you post screenshots or videos with your
       character name clearly visible while using this hack.
    Q: Too many words, I don't understand. Will I get banned for using this?
    A: I don't know and I can't tell you. Go away.
    Please note the difference between "this is bannable" and "you will
    get banned for using this".
    Disclaimer: By using this hack, you agree that the author may not be held 
    liable for any actions taken against you or your account. If you get banned
    for using this, the only person to blame is yourself. Don't want to risk
    your account? Don't use this hack!
    A note on Wildstar patches (game updates) and the resulting need for a
    hack update: I'm aware of this. You do not need to tell me every time
    the game updates. The hack is SUPPOSED to break every time the game changes.
    Every time I read "update please", "doesn't work anymore",
    "it just crashes since patch" and so on (you get the idea),
    you make baby raptor jesus cry.
    If you want to use this hack after a patch, you will have to wait until
    I have enough time on my hands to update this hack.
    Q: Why don't you use automatic updates / address patterns?
    A: I want to verify manually that everything works properly (on my end)
       before I release a new version.
    Morphine - TL;DR
    - Change the appearance of items and item colors of your character (for you only! this is NOT server-side!)
    - Changes persist through zoning and relogging
    - Full 32-bit client support (tested on Windows 7 SP1, x64)
    - Full 64-bit client support (tested on Windows 7 SP1, x64)
    - 100% free (if you paid for it, you got scammed)
    - Video:
    Morphine - what is it?
    Morphine is a free client-side costume morpher / changer. Lets break this
    sentence down:
    - Morphine: a word play on morpher (thanks Jadd!). The technique used to
      load this hack into Wildstar is commonly referred to as DLL injection.
      Injection, morphing, get it? I do not advocate the use of drugs.
    - free: you don't (can't) pay for this hack, and you never will. This is a
      100% free hack. If you paid for this hack, you got scammed.
    - client-side: all these changes happen on the client side (on your side), as
      opposed to what other people see (server-side). This means that all changes
      are only visible to you and to you alone. Other people will not see your
      changes. Let's get us this out of the way as well:
    Q: Can you add server-side changes, please?
    A: No.
    Q: But this is pointless if other people can't see my cool changes; wth?
    A: This hack is clearly not for you.
    - costume morpher / changer: this hack lets you alter the appearance of your
      items. You'd like to use a big 2-hand sword instead of these small puny
      pistols? No problem.
    This video should help:
    All changes persist through zoning / relogging, and Morphine has full 32-bit
    and 64-bit support!
    Morphine - how do I use this?
    Lets call the 64-bit version of the Wildstar client WildStar64, and the 
    32-bit client WildStar32.
    If you are on a 64-bit OS, the Wildstar launcher will start WildStar64
    unless you use a hack to enable WildStar32. If you are on a 32-bit OS (really?),
    the launcher will start WildStar32.
    If you are targeting WildStar64 (the most likely option, unless you use other
    other hacks that require a 32-bit client), then you need to start Syringe64.exe
    to start. Otherwise, run Syringe32.exe.
    1) Launch WildStar32 or WildStar64
    2) Launch Syringe32.exe or Syringe64.exe, accordingly
    3) Hit the "donate to keep morphin", errrr I mean the "let's do this!" button
    4) You should either see a success status message or a failure message with
       some information (see the generated Log.txt file)
    5) You may now close Syringe if you wish
    Usage (in-game) commands:
    If loading worked, you should see a welcome message in your chat window. If not,
    please consult the Log.txt file or report your problems here.
    Usage works by invoking chat-based commands that will be caught by Morphine if
    they have a certain pattern. Otherwise your chat will continue to work normally.
    All chat commands start with a dot "." (and NOT with a slash like normal game
    commands). Examples:
    .chest 4643
    .legs 4644
    .feet 4645
    .hands 4646
    .shoulder 4647
    .head 4648
    .weapon 7815
    If you'd like to change the color (dye) of the items at the same time, append the 3
    dye channels after the item id. These dye channels are ids and go from 0 to 1023
    (inclusive). You'll have to experiment a bit to figure out which channel affects
    which part of the item. Some items (like weapons, for example) cannot be dyed:
    .chest 4643 300 300 300
    .legs 4644 300 300 300
    .feet 4645 300 300 300
    .hands 4646 300 300 300
    .shoulder 4647 300 300 300
    .head 4648 300 300 300
    .weapon 7815
    If you'd just like to change the dye without changing the item
    that is currently visible, use the following commands:
    .chestdye 300 300 300
    .legsdye 300 1 5
    .headdye 5 1 3
    .handsdye 1 1 1
    and so on. If you want to clear all the changes you have made, enter the
    command and relog. If you want to hide an item (for example your helmet),
    you can usually use the itemId 0:
    .head 0
    If you see someone with a really cool costume, you
    can scan the player to figure out the items and dyes he or she used.
    For that to work, you must TARGET that player first, and then run:
    This will print all the items and dyes to your chat. If you just want
    to copy someone's costume, use the copy command while targeting that
    You can make macros (use the built-in /macros command) to make life a
    bit easier for you! To summarize, the available commands are:
    .<slot> itemId
    .<slot> itemId dye1 dye2 dye3
    .<slot>dye dye1 dye2 dye3
    Available <slot>s are: head, chest, legs, hands, shoulder, feet, weapon, face, hair
    Note that slots 'face' and 'hair' cannot be dyed; different hair colors and skin tones
    just have different ids.
    The slot names reflect the internal identifiers used by Wildstar, so if
    you think they are inconsistent, blame them!
    Morphine - what is it not (yet)?
    This is NOT a race / gender / mount / what gives morpher.
    Q: Can I change my race to a tiny Chua thing?
    A: No. This is not a race morpher!
    Q: Can I change my character from {male, female} to {female, male}?
    A: No, this is not a gender morpher!
    Q: I'd like to ride a dinosaur!
    A: Well me too, but this hack won't help you with that.
    However, if I get enough support, I may work on adding these features at a
    later point. Want to accelerate this? Donate!
    Morphine - troubleshooting
    This has been tested on Windows 7 SP1, x64. If you run a different operating
    system, it may or may not work. It should also work on Windows 8.0 / 8.1 x64.
    If you are using an older operating system and this hack works, awesome!
    If you are using an older operating system and this hack fails miserably,
    then I'm sorry but you are out of luck; I have no intentions of supporting
    older operating systems.
    Make sure that you have a recent Visual C++ Redistributable 2013+ (*) installed,
    and verify that you have the .NET Framework 4.5+ runtime (**) on your system.
    If you are getting non-descriptive error messages such as "files missing" even though
    you can clearly see them, this is likely caused by missing runtimes. For other
    issues, please report here with as many details as possible. Don't forget to
    include the generated Log.txt file so I can help troubleshoot.
    If you are using this hack alongside other hacks, some things may break. If this
    occurs, please let me know which hacks you used.
    Morphine - Donations
    Ownedcore policy forbids donation links; you can find it in the 
    provided README.txt file or the launcher.
    Morphine - thanks and third party notices
    You can find a list of resources used for this hack in the
    ThirdPartyNotices.txt file (primarily the amazing C++-based memory hacking
    library 'Hadesmem' and the respective dependencies).
    I'd also like to thank the fellow Wildstar reversers / hackers / enthusiasts:
    - Apoc
    - Cromon
    - DrakeFish
    - Jadd
    - Jaerin
    - JuceMMOCrawler
    - Master674
    - Midi12
    If I forgot to mention you, please don't take offense - it just means that
    I'm dumb and can't remember names. Let me know and I'll fix it!
    2014-07-03: Version 20140703a
    - Initial release
    2014-07-04: Version 20140704a
    - BUGFIX: Zoning would sometimes not work properly, requiring a relog; this issue has been resolved.
    - BUGFIX: Zoning would sometimes not reapply the item changes; this should work now.
    - NEW: Changes should now also be applied again after stepping on a Hoverboard.
    - NEW: When you scan a target with the .scan command, the output of that command will also be put into the Log.txt file.
    - NEW: Added ItemDisplayIds.txt file to the archive. The first column is the item display id that you can use to morph.
    2014-07-04: Version 20140704b
    - PATCH: Updated for the new patch:
    2014-07-05: Version 20140705a
    - BUGFIX: Copy-pasting the scan output directly from the Log.txt file to a WildStar macro caused formatting errors. This issue has been fixed.
    2014-07-06: Version 20140706a
    - NEW: Morph slots <face> and <hair> have been added.
    2014-07-06: Version 20140706b
    - BUGFIX: The copy command no longer copies the face / hair slots.
    2014-07-16: Version 20140716a
    - PATCH: Updated for the new patch:
    - NEW: Removed 32-bit version.
    2014-07-16: Version 20140716b
    - PATCH: Updated for the new patch:
    2014-07-22: Version 20140722a
    - NEW: Use .race <race> to change your character's race to any of the other PLAYABLE races (Human, Aurin, Chua, ..). Use .help to view all races and their morph IDs
    - NEW: Use .gender <gender> to change your character's gender. Most races have genders male (0) and female (1), some have unisex (2), and some only male (0)
    - NEW: Many other morphable slots added, such as .bodytype, .eye, .facialhair etc. Look through the .scan output to see all the modifyable slots
    - NEW: New command .copyall to copy all items, race, gender, bodytype etc.; .copy remains the same and only copies the item slots such as chest, weapon, helmet etc.
    2014-07-31: Version 20140731a
    - PATCH: Updated for the new patch:
    2014-08-05: Version 20140805a
    - PATCH: Updated for the new patch:
    2014-08-14: Version 20140814a
    - PATCH: Updated for whatever freakin patch this is already
    Reiteration of something important:

    Let's state the obvious right away: this is a hack and likely constitutes a bannable offense in the eyes of the game developers. If you do not want to risk your account, you should not use this hack. Although this hack is purely cosmetic in nature and does not provide any advantages (at least to my knowledge; if it does I will try to remove them), you might still get banned for using this.

    A note on Wildstar patches (game updates) and the resulting need for a hack update: I'm aware of this. You do not need to tell me every time the game updates. The hack is SUPPOSED to break every time the game changes.

    Every time I read "update please", "doesn't work anymore", "it just crashes since patch" and so on (you get the idea), you make baby raptor jesus cry.

    If you want to use this hack after a patch, you will have to wait until I have enough time on my hands to update this hack.


    All these changes happen on the client side (on your side), as opposed to what other people see (server-side). This means that all changes are only visible to you and to you alone. Other people will not see your changes. Let's get us this out of the way as well:

    Q: Can you add server-side changes, please?
    A: No.
    Q: But this is pointless if other people can't see my cool changes; wth?
    A: This hack is clearly not for you.

    32-bit version has been removed for now for 2 reasons: a) no demand (less than 3% users needed both clients) and b) forcing 32-bit appears to be dangerous at the moment.

    Download Morphine Version 20140814a
    Last edited by SKU; 08-13-2014 at 05:55 PM. Reason: Patch update, see changelog

    Morphine - Wildstar costume morpher
  2. #2
    Midi12's Avatar Contributor
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    Cool stuff, gj

  3. #3
    Avcai's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Freakin' awesome, this is gonna be a blast to play around with, I just know it. Injected easily and was up and running in no time. Also for those of you who are curious, no, you cannot look like Drusera (first thing I tried)

  4. #4
    IPJ's Avatar Private
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    Huh...this doesn't seem to be working for me...says "Unable to load DLL 'morphine64.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)" on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1...this just because of the quick patch that recently happened?

  5. #5
    Midi12's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by IPJ View Post
    this just because of the quick patch that recently happened?
    No, binaries haven't been updated, only content patch.

    Originally Posted by IPJ View Post
    Unable to load DLL 'morphine64.dll': The specified module could not be found.
    Check if morphine64.dll is in the same folder than the loader.

  6. #6
    IPJ's Avatar Private
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    0 Thread(s)'s in the same folder as syringe...does it need to be in the wildstar folder? like...all i did was unzip to a folder and run...Also tried unblocking the Zip...still nada.
    Last edited by IPJ; 07-03-2014 at 03:22 PM.

  7. #7
    SKU's Avatar Contributor
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    Make sure you have the Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 installed. If this doesn't fix it, please report back.

    Edit: You don't need to change anything with the folder structure. Unpack the archive and you should be good to go. Your error seems to indicate that you do not have the newest redistributable installed. To quote myself:

    Make sure that you have a recent Visual C++ Redistributable 2013+ (*) installed,
    and verify that you have the .NET Framework 4.5+ runtime (**) on your system.


    If you are getting non-descriptive error messages such as "files missing" even though
    you can clearly see them, this is likely caused by missing runtimes. For other
    issues, please report here with as many details as possible. Don't forget to
    include the generated Log.txt file so I can help troubleshoot.

  8. #8
    iamclint's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by IPJ View Post
    Huh...this doesn't seem to be working for me...says "Unable to load DLL 'morphine64.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)" on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1...this just because of the quick patch that recently happened?
    Sounds like you are having a permission issue or you need to install the latest C++ redist. Have you tried running as administrator?

  9. #9
    IPJ's Avatar Private
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    Installing the C Distrib fixed it! Thx guys...thought i read carefully...guess not

  10. #10
    Avcai's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Does this work through zones? Haven't paid close enough attention yet but it seems like it goes back to your normal costume when you take a teleport. Also, your costume is different on mount vs running so if you want the same costume, make sure you copy it, mount up and then copy again

  11. #11
    SKU's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Avcai View Post
    Does this work through zones? Haven't paid close enough attention yet but it seems like it goes back to your normal costume when you take a teleport. Also, your costume is different on mount vs running so if you want the same costume, make sure you copy it, mount up and then copy again
    Hmh, that shouldn't happen. It should reapply all changes after you zone (unless you entered the .clear command). Mounting should also have no effect on this. However, it's very likely that some mounts might alter your appearance and I'm not catching that - I only have the starter mounts (that raptor and warping thing), and they should not change anything.

    This is how it looks like on my end with zoning and mounting:
    Can you provide me with some further details on how this is happening exactly? From where to where are you zoning? Which mounts cause this? What race/gender/class do you play?

    Thanks for the feedback!

  12. #12
    Ehnoah's Avatar Elite User
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    SKU's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Ehnoah View Post
    I got them from looking through the ItemDisplay.tbl using Cromon's Wildstar Studio. Here's the table exported as a CSV:

    For example:

    For that chest you'd use id 4643, so ".chest 4643".

  14. #14
    Avcai's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Confirmed-- when mounting up on the "Plasmatic Hoverboard Mount" it switches your costume back to your normal one. I am impressed to see that it persists through death and as an Aurin Stalker, stealth also doesn't seem to do anything. It seems that its just when getting on the hoverboard that I have an issue.

    Also, I have a slight suggestion, although I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this sort of stuff, so I don't know if its even possible, but is there a way of attaching the .scan function to a text document? That way when you scan someones gear, you can have a saved copy of it somewhere. Then you can just copy those into macros and have the costumes saved. It isn't too much work to manually write it down, but it would be a cool additional function.

  15. #15
    Ehnoah's Avatar Elite User
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    Thanks. But get same Problem, random dissapear or on Mount etc.

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