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    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    DreamPoeBot Support Thread

    DreamPoeBot Is a Framework for the game `Path Of Exile`.
    It offer C# API to read data and interact with the game, it work on win7 and win10 (vm or not).

    It is 98% Compatible with a really famous old Framework (just need to adjust namespaces) ad the Ui is almost the same.
    I requested permission to the original developer for this.

    But the Core, is a different Framework:
    -Its fully 64bit and work with the 64bit game client only.
    -It work in foreground and background, and even iconized! (the only exception is for assigning Passive points, the game cant be iconized at that time!!! but can be in background)
    -The injection is made using some next gen technology that make is 100% invisible, fully native code.
    -Its fast! data are read at an average of 30ms.
    -Its Fun! you can code whatever you like! from a hand play helper (The ExamplePlugin shipped with the Framework is a simple Auto Flask helper that use flasks for you while you hand play), to a fully automatic Bot!

    This is a Framework, and not a bot
    All i offer is to keep support for the API, improve them as per requests (when possible) and help with code.
    Ill newer release bots/Plugins/Routines or any other component.
    The reason for this is i dont want to see a standardized bot runt by 2000 accounts, all Banned after 3 days.
    I tell you that if you code your custom stuffs, and your run it on a limited numbers of bots, with clean Ips, you are safe.

    But if you try to reanimate, some Old, overused, burned code, you are alone with yourself, in a land of tears!!!!!!!

    That said
    I plan to run a test from now till the next league start. Edit: The free trial is over, DPB is now in Release state, contact me for some free time to try it.
    During that time ill give a free key with 30 days time to those willing to try (if i receive to many requests ill consider closing the offer)
    Each instance of the Framework you run Eat time.
    There is no limit to the number of instance you can open.
    You will be able to recharge your key at a price of 10Euros 30 days (Payment will be accepted only with Cryptos and Paypal, ill announce what ill accept in a different post)

    There is a build in system to share Premium content
    The idea behind this is to give people that has coding skill, the option to offer their services to other users, and accept requests for custom codes.
    I take no fee for this.
    More details will be given at a different place.

    If you are interessed, pls send me a Pm
    But be aware that beside few Example stuffs, this framework only come with some Dev helper stuffs.
    So no bot here for you, you need to code it yourself!

    Video Tutorial for First Time Users:
    DreamPoeBot First Use Tutorial - YouTube

    As of version 3.16.35, DPB support Poe Vanilla client AND Garena Tw Client

    Last edited by alcor75; 06-29-2024 at 03:01 PM.

    DreamPoeBot v3.14.13  Support Thread
  2. #2
    iiisyniii's Avatar Member
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    Looking forward to see where this leads. From the wording I think I can guess which framework is being used, and I am surprised you got approval for its use, but I am glad to see somebody did.

  3. #3
    trpmaz's Avatar Member
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    I've recently made an attempt to make a POE bot myself. I kinda succeed, I've used pyautogui and openCV to make it work, but it could not work in background (I could not handle sending input to inactive window). So I'm really excited to see&test your framework!

    Can not send you a PM because "alcor75 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space".

  4. Thanks alcor75 (1 members gave Thanks to trpmaz for this useful post)
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    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    O jez, sorry, i cleaned my PM, should be able to send now

  6. #5
    dlr5668's Avatar Contributor
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    Nice alternative to `Bot Development Kit` from Cr33zz

  7. Thanks alcor75 (1 members gave Thanks to dlr5668 for this useful post)
  8. #6
    pushedx's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by iiisyniii View Post
    Looking forward to see where this leads. From the wording I think I can guess which framework is being used, and I am surprised you got approval for its use, but I am glad to see somebody did.
    Just to clarify some things so people don't get the wrong idea: nobody has Exilebuddy source outside of a few (now former) Buddy people, so nothing non-publicly accessible is being used. The offset tools and various debug related code was never released to the public as part of the EB installation either. My position has always been: I'll never give anyone a handout so they don't have to do work themselves, but if someone is making an effort to learn and do things for themselves, then I have no issues offering advice or showing various parts of code to get them pointed in the right direction, as hopefully all my posts on OC have shown

    For reference, Alcor has never asked me to give him anything code related when it pertains to this stuff. Everything he's done is his own hard work. Back in 2018, I had virtually no x64 experience, and spent the past few years learning it and doing my own little PoE side projects so I know just how much work it is to make a new x64 PoE API. The various overlap with the EB look and feel and similarities with the framework I feel is unnecessary, because I prefer everyone to end up with something that shows off their own identity and personality, but I don't blame anyone for wanting to preserve the nostalgia or go in the direction they feel is best.

    In my eyes, the ideas and solutions EB represents is "old" and "outdated" and I want to see "new" and "innovative" things, but that's just me since I've been doing this stuff for so long and also enjoy it. I don't have (nor want/need) source to Alcor's project, because it's his project and he doesn't have source to EB, so there's no conflict of interests. If he were a core EB dev with me years ago, there might be an issue, but it'd not be a topic of public discussion then.

    Just to go over my thoughts on the various parts of EB that have some overlap:

    - roslyn, MahApps.Metro, recastnavigation are all public projects anyone can use, so anything EB did with them is nothing special

    - Buddy specific things such as auth, greymagic, coroutines belongs to buddy and can't be reused as-is because they were never public projects anyways, so trying to use them doesn't make sense because nobody has access to buddy.auth server infrastructure, 32-bit greymagic source (there was an older version Apoc posted here a long time ago for wow stuff), and while coroutines were somewhat newer at the time, C# and the new async stuff has evolved greatly since so it's not like anything unique exists with that specific coroutine implementation

    - EB specific things I've written and talked about extensively such as the frameworks for TaskManager, IBot/IPlugin/IRoutine, Scripting (Python/Roslyn) are all just solutions to problems that needed to be solved, and nothing special or unique to EB. I'd always urge people to understand the problems they are trying to solve before choosing solutions for other problems, but there's nothing non-copyable or even that original about those ideas. I've had a few people ask me for code for those things both during EB and after, and I've given it because there's nothing special about them, but the code had to be compiled into EB at the time for the project to work.

    - OldGrindBot/OldRoutine and the plugins I've written, anyone can feel free to use. I'm sorry if you feel like they're worth using though, because they were really bad code wise, but since I wrote them and they were just solutions for problems at the time, there's nothing special about them so have it at.

    - When it comes to the API itself, EB of course has no claim over PoE, nor the concept of writing an API for a game. It's not as if ExileAPI needs to ask us to do a similar API or anything like that, we're not in patentable land or anything, so since EB was a 32-bit closed source API, anyone who makes a 64-bit API even if it mirrors the structure we ended up using isn't a problem despite any similarities that result. It's been 3 years and the game has seen 11 leagues post EB, so it's not as if anyone can take the old 32-bit api and magically make it work for modern clients without spending a lot of time understanding the game and the updates required to be done

    - The biggest grey area that is problematic is ExVault's MapBot/QuestBot/plugins. While the public has access to them because they were open source, they were not released with a "free to use/copy/redistribute" license, so they belong to buddy/Exilebuddy/ExVault still. That means projects should not redistribute them even with modifications, but as with anything in the software world, no one can stop anyone from doing private stuff. ExVault did great work with that stuff so I can understand why people would want to save time if they do end up mirroring EB, but it's better if everyone just did their own work their own way so there's never any issues down the line. If you go through the effort of rewriting EB, then you might as well go the entire way so you have something to call "your own". That's just my perspective on it though.

    - Lastly, everyone should know this but I'll say it anyways for completeness, but you can't call your project Exilebuddy (anything) or pretend to be apart of buddybots or bossland unless you actually are. I myself can't and would never create an "Exilebuddy 2" unless it was with bossland. That doesn't mean I can't do another PoE API/bot project, it's just I can't call it that or use names to imply associations that are no longer valid.

    The main thing I want any devs to understand is that if you go the route of trying to clone/emulate EB, you're going to be stuck having to solve all the problems I needed to solve with EB, and they're all not easy problems to solve. I myself have spent the past 3 years solving most of them, and I'm still not done, so my word of advice is to look at the future, not the past. Don't get so fixated on trying to do things like EB did and get held back by limiting your creativity. We made EB work with a ton of time, passion, and dedication, but as I've explained to people over the years who have wanted to become bot developers, there's nothing that special about it. Anyone can achieve what we did if they put forth the same amount of work and dedication, so I hope people don't view EB as the pinnacle of how things should be done.

    So, TL;DR the "permission" I gave Alcor was just explaining most of these things and how I appreciate him communicating with me about his project and its heavy inspiration from EB, but it's not like he has access to anything anyone else doesn't already have nor was he given anything no one else hasn't already been given. EB died 3 years ago and it was a great run, and there won't be "the next EB', as much as whatever project comes out from someone who establishes its own identity.

  9. Thanks TehCheat, Sychotix, GameHelper, armory236, h42, GameAssist, Baiium (7 members gave Thanks to pushedx for this useful post)
  10. #7
    bulbic's Avatar Member
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    Since i saw this link in some Chinese qq channels - i hope you are sure not to be cracked in a few days and mass distributed "for free" like it was with the original EB

  11. #8
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    If you go public with your code, chance are high that someone will at least try to do that.
    I did alot to improve the security, but nothing in computer world will ever be 100% `secure`.

    The bright side is that only the best project are worth the time required to break them, once someone said..`alot of enemy, alot of glory!`

  12. #9
    Sychotix's Avatar Moderator Authenticator enabled
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    This thread is somewhat of a grey area, but I think I will leave it open for now as I am interested to see where it will go. Please treat this as more of a support thread than an advertisement for a paid product.

    If you were to include a free version with sufficient enough features to actually be useful to people, the grey area begins to go away. (similar to PoESmoother I think it was by VMV)

  13. #10
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Tnx Sychotix, i perfectly understand and ill accept all your decisions.
    Ill think and try to see if there is a way to make some parts of DPB free (no promiss)

    Atm the framework is free (till half of July) since i perfectly know it take time to understand it and start to use it the proper way.

    Again tnx for letting me show it here, i really feel emotionally attached to what pushedx created, and i spent the last 2 yeas of my life to create DPB, probably more b/c i wanted it back than for the money.
    Maybe someone else will find the same joy (and chance to learn) in DPB.


  14. #11
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    -Its fast! data are read at an average of 30ms.
    -Its Fun! you can code whatever you like! from a hand play helper (The ExamplePlugin shipped with the Framework is a simple Auto Flask helper that use flasks for you while you hand play), to a fully automatic Bot!
    Curious to know what (game-reading) public APIs are available at this point in time. How deep did you reverse engineer the game? Can you release some kind of public API helpdocs/signature?
    Last edited by GameHelper; 05-28-2021 at 07:22 PM.

  15. #12
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Hi Zaafar.
    While i'm still finishing to write the full documentation, i can safelly say the API cover 80% of the game content, from full Ingame objects ( monsters, npc, items, portals etc etc..Everithing) to skill gems ( and all their properties)

    All quest, and quest states.
    All areas properties, and full realtime navigation system.
    Almost all Ui are covered, i still miss few specific ui as microtransaction shop, or all Shyntesis Heist and Delve league (that are the 3 league i decided to skip, but might reconsider if request is high), while the Crafting bench is under development.

    All passive info and passive assignment (still looking in clusters, but does not seem to hard to add)

    Normal/Quad/Currency/Essence/Map stas has full support, while in all other stash you can only put items(the Api tell you what stas is what)

    Full info about the Atlas, Watchtowers and watchstone (socketing/unsocheting), completed bonus maps, master mission.

    Its a long list but really you can do everithing ingame (beside the 3 league i mentioned).

    Full questline bot is possible, full Map bot, full Trade, Blight, whatever.

    Actually is not possible : Delve bot, Heist bot.
    But nothing is wrote in stone, i know the game, from the inside, in a way that really make everithing possible.

    Hope this ahade some light on what the framework can do.

    Im here to answer all the questions you might have.


  16. Thanks NoobToken, GameHelper, sketax (3 members gave Thanks to alcor75 for this useful post)
  17. #13
    VarseTT's Avatar Member
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    May i just ask - why u deciede to go publick now? A lot ppl even here know baddy was in "shadow" for quite a long time, and you have a bunch of customers there already, a closed vip club So why now? The project got detected already, or need more profit, or really all just about "fame"?

  18. #14
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Hi, good question, but the answer is simple.

    The group that ive worked for, lost theyr momento.
    They were making good money, and they stopped to innovate, sitted on the gold and things started to fall, not bc of the API but becouse they were using the same patterm 1 milion time.

    For GGG is been easy to spot them, the same way they did for buddy.

    So that group felt apart, and released me from the exclusivness contract we had.

    Since that time, the API core changed alot, i went full native and new technology injection, added support for few new stuffs and improved security.

    I dont want to go into dettails about GGG detection here, and nobody can say 100% they know GGG antybot system, but i really made alot of specific test in this years, and for sure i have an idea of what is going on, that why i decided to not release a full bot (that would have been Fame!, and few weeks later.. shame!)

    Hope this ansver the question.

  19. #15
    GameAssist's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by alcor75 View Post
    -It work in foreground and background, and even iconized!
    Interested in the "iconized" mode
    Does this mean that I will be able to run 2 (possibly more?) Simultaneous copies of POE on one machine, and continue to use the PC for other tasks?
    We still need support for the Dx11 video adapter to run the injected POE, or it will be possible to run it on any adapter, for example, on a video embedded in the motherboard

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