ExileAPI 3.19 brocken after last patch menu

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    Rol's Avatar Member
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    ExileAPI 3.19 brocken after last patch

    Unfortunately, ExileAPI brocken after last patch:
    - Health bars.
    - Minimap icons
    - Preload Alerts
    .... may be smth else.

    Is there any hope that it will be restored?

    ExileAPI 3.19 brocken after last patch
  2. #2
    hahajiang's Avatar Member
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    The radar of gamehelper stopped working as well, and no way to update, I guess it's time to say goodbye.

  3. #3
    Shintari's Avatar Member
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    Willing to pay for offsets, pm me!

  4. #4
    member_zero's Avatar Member
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    I got so used to map hack and red dots... Hope gamehelper comes back.

  5. #5
    marekjemiolak's Avatar Member
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    GameHelper was so simple and very usefull at the same time. Awesome tool.

  6. #6
    brunobueno's Avatar Member
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    GameHelper is the best,
    Hope gamehelper comes back

  7. #7
    RatMonkey's Avatar Contributor
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    GitHub - SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1: Public Fork of ExileApi

    Updated several broken offsets including stash and broken panels. A lot of offsets are broken this patch, including Elements and a bunch of serverdata offsets, as well as terrain/map. I know nothing really works but at least it's a start. Stashie won't work because Cursor offset is broken too. Some offsets were moved a few bytes and others were moved to what appears in completely different areas. I don't know, I make plugins, so offsets are not my thing, but I'll try.

  8. Thanks Harmes12, SickBro, AROR64, deimudda69, KimSLi, Zyrose, Forumuser1000, Mugatuu (8 members gave Thanks to RatMonkey for this useful post)
  9. #8
    brunobueno's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by RatMonkey View Post
    GitHub - SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1: Public Fork of ExileApi

    Updated several broken offsets including stash and broken panels. A lot of offsets are broken this patch, including Elements and a bunch of serverdata offsets, as well as terrain/map. I know nothing really works but at least it's a start. Stashie won't work because Cursor offset is broken too. Some offsets were moved a few bytes and others were moved to what appears in completely different areas. I don't know, I make plugins, so offsets are not my thing, but I'll try.
    Glad there are people like you.

  10. #9
    RatMonkey's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by brunobueno View Post
    Glad there are people like you.
    Fixed the mouse cursor offset, so now stashie works fully at least!

    GitHub - SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1: Public Fork of ExileApi

  11. Thanks SickBro, aujv, brunobueno, deimudda69, KimSLi, Forumuser1000 (6 members gave Thanks to RatMonkey for this useful post)
  12. #10
    VioletVibes's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by RatMonkey View Post
    Fixed the mouse cursor offset, so now stashie works fully at least!

    GitHub - SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1: Public Fork of ExileApi

    Here's the rest of the offsets you missed. Good luck.

    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    namespace GameOffsets
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
        public struct IngameUElementsOffsets
            [FieldOffset(0x250)] public readonly long GetQuests;
            [FieldOffset(0x290)] public readonly long GameUI;
            [FieldOffset(0x3D8)] public readonly long Mouse;
            [FieldOffset(0x3F8)] public readonly long SkillBar;
            [FieldOffset(0x3E8)] public readonly long HiddenSkillBar;
            [FieldOffset(0x480)] public readonly long ChatBoxRoot;
            [FieldOffset(0x4B0)] public readonly long QuestTracker;
            [FieldOffset(0x538)] public readonly long OpenLeftPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x540)] public readonly long OpenRightPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x568)] public readonly long InventoryPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x570)] public readonly long StashElement;
            [FieldOffset(0x578)] public readonly long GuildStashElement;
            [FieldOffset(0x618)] public readonly long AtlasPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x620)] public readonly long AtlasSkillPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x658)] public readonly long WorldMap;
            [FieldOffset(0x678)] public readonly long Map;
            [FieldOffset(0x680)] public readonly long ItemsOnGroundLabelElement;
            [FieldOffset(0x690)] public readonly long BanditDialog;
            [FieldOffset(0x708)] public readonly long RootBuffPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x710)] public readonly long NpcDialog;
            [FieldOffset(0x718)] public readonly long LeagueNpcDialog;
            [FieldOffset(0x720)] public readonly long LeagueInteractButtonPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x728)] public readonly long QuestRewardWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x730)] public readonly long PurchaseWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x738)] public readonly long HaggleWindow; // LeaguePurchasePanel
            [FieldOffset(0x740)] public readonly long SellWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x748)] public readonly long ExpeditionSellWindow; // LeagueSellPanel
            [FieldOffset(0x750)] public readonly long TradeWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x760)] public readonly long LabyrinthDivineFontPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x778)] public readonly long MapDeviceWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x7C0)] public readonly long CardTradePanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x7C8)] public readonly long IncursionWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x7D0)] public readonly long IncursionCorruptionAltarPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x7D8)] public readonly long IncursionAltarOfSacrificePanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x7E0)] public readonly long IncursionLapidaryLensPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x7E8)] public readonly long DelveWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x7F0)] public readonly long DelveOldSubterraneanChartPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x7F8)] public readonly long ZanaMissionChoice; // KiracMissionPanel
            [FieldOffset(0x808)] public readonly long BetrayalWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x818)] public readonly long CraftBench;
            [FieldOffset(0x820)] public readonly long UnveilWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x840)] public readonly long BlightAnointItemPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x848)] public readonly long MetamorphWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x850)] public readonly long TanesMetamorphPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x858)] public readonly long HorticraftingHideoutPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x860)] public readonly long HeistContractWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x868)] public readonly long HeistRevealWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x870)] public readonly long HeistAllyEquipmentWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x878)] public readonly long HeistBlueprintWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x880)] public readonly long HeistLockerWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x888)] public readonly long RitualWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x890)] public readonly long RitualFavourWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x898)] public readonly long UltimatumProgressWindow;
            [FieldOffset(0x8A0)] public readonly long ExpeditionSelectPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x8A8)] public readonly long LogbookReceptaclePanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x8B0)] public readonly long ExpeditionLockerPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x8C0)] public readonly long KalandraMirroredTabletPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x8C8)] public readonly long KalandraReflectionPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x8E8)] public readonly long BuffsPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x8F0)] public readonly long DelveDarkness; // Debuffs Panel
            [FieldOffset(0x930)] public readonly long AreaInstanceUi;
            [FieldOffset(0x990)] public readonly long InteractButtonWrapper;
            [FieldOffset(0x998)] public readonly long SkipAheadButton;
            [FieldOffset(0x9A0)] public readonly long SyndicateHelpButton;
            [FieldOffset(0x9A8)] public readonly long SyndicateReleasePanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x9B0)] public readonly long LeagueInteractPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x9B8)] public readonly long MetamorphInteractPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x9C0)] public readonly long RitualInteractPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0x9C8)] public readonly long ExpeditionInteractPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0xA00)] public readonly long InvitesPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0xA48)] public readonly long GemLvlUpPanel;
            [FieldOffset(0xA60)] public readonly long SkillBarNotifyPanel1;
            [FieldOffset(0xB20)] public readonly long ItemOnGroundTooltip;
            [FieldOffset(0xA88)] public long MapTabWindowStartPtr; // Todo: Find if you need it.
            // 3.19.0b Layout
            // [FieldOffset(0x250)] public readonly long GetQuests;
            // [FieldOffset(0x288)] public readonly long GameUI;
            // [FieldOffset(0x290)] public readonly long LeftGameUI;
            // [FieldOffset(0x298)] public readonly long RightGameUI;
            // [FieldOffset(0x2A0)] public readonly long HealthPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x2A8)] public readonly long ManaPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x2C8)] public readonly long FlaskPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x2D0)] public readonly long XPBarPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x2D8)] public readonly long RageBarPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x2E0)] public readonly long MenuPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x2E8)] public readonly long MenuButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x300)] public readonly long ClockPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x308)] public readonly long OptionsMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x310)] public readonly long SocialMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x318)] public readonly long CharacterScreenMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x320)] public readonly long PassiveSkillTreeMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x328)] public readonly long InventoryMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x330)] public readonly long CosmeticsMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x338)] public readonly long MtxListMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x340)] public readonly long ChallengesMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x348)] public readonly long EventsMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x350)] public readonly long WorldScreenMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x358)] public readonly long AtlasScreenMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x360)] public readonly long KiracsPassMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x368)] public readonly long KiracsPassMenuButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x370)] public readonly long OverlayMapMenuOption;
            // [FieldOffset(0x390)] public readonly long MtxShopButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x398)] public readonly long OpenHelpPanelButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x3A8)] public readonly long SkipAllTutorialsButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x3C0)] public readonly long ToggleChatButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x3D0)] public readonly long Mouse;
            // [FieldOffset(0x3D8)] public readonly long Skillbar;
            // [FieldOffset(0x3E0)] public readonly long HiddenSkillBar;
            // [FieldOffset(0x3F0)] public readonly long Child[16];
            // [FieldOffset(0x3F8)] public readonly long PvpLeaveQueuePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x400)] public readonly long PvpTimerPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x408)] public readonly long PvpFightAnnouncePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x410)] public readonly long PvpReadyForNextRoundPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x418)] public readonly long PvpStopSpectatingPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x420)] public readonly long Child[50];
            // [FieldOffset(0x428)] public readonly long PvpTimerPanel2;
            // [FieldOffset(0x430)] public readonly long Child[20][6];
            // [FieldOffset(0x438)] public readonly long PvpSpectatingPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x440)] public readonly long Child[103];
            // [FieldOffset(0x448)] public readonly long EditingNotificationPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x450)] public readonly long ButtonNotificationPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x458)] public readonly long PassiveSkillPointNotification;
            // [FieldOffset(0x460)] public readonly long QuestNotification;
            // [FieldOffset(0x468)] public readonly long UnknownNotificationPanel1;
            // [FieldOffset(0x470)] public readonly long UnknownNotificationPanel2;
            // [FieldOffset(0x478)] public readonly long ChatPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x480)] public readonly long HideoutStashPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x488)] public readonly long BestiaryMissionCompletePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x490)] public readonly long BestiaryNewBeastNotifyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x498)] public readonly long JuiceBarsPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x4A0)] public readonly long DelveJuiceBar;
            // [FieldOffset(0x4A8)] public readonly long QuestTrackerPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x4B0)] public readonly StdVector UnknownKVList;
            // [FieldOffset(0x4C8)] public readonly StdVector AwardNotifyList;
            // [FieldOffset(0x4E8)] public readonly long HideoutUnlockedNotifyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x4F0)] public readonly long QuestStateNotifyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x4F8)] public readonly Vector4F ViewPortDimensions;
            // [FieldOffset(0x508)] public readonly StdVector UnknownList;
            // [FieldOffset(0x520)] public readonly long IngameStateKey;
            // [FieldOffset(0x530)] public readonly long OpenLeftPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x538)] public readonly long OpenRightPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x540)] public readonly long OpenLeftPanel2;
            // [FieldOffset(0x548)] public readonly long OpenRightPanel2;
            // [FieldOffset(0x558)] public readonly long MtxShopPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x560)] public readonly long InventoryPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x568)] public readonly long StashPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x570)] public readonly long GuildStashPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x578)] public readonly long HideoutStashPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x580)] public readonly long SocialPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x610)] public readonly long AtlasPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x618)] public readonly long AtlasSkillPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x620)] public readonly long CharacterPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x628)] public readonly long OptionsPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x630)] public readonly long ChallengesPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x638)] public readonly long PantheonPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x640)] public readonly long EventsPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x648)] public readonly long WorldMapPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x650)] public readonly long MtxPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x658)] public readonly long DecorationsPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x660)] public readonly long HelpPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x668)] public readonly long SentinelAssemblyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x670)] public readonly long MapOverlayPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x678)] public readonly long ItemsOnGroundLabelRoot;
            // [FieldOffset(0x680)] public readonly long BanditDialog;
            // [FieldOffset(0x688)] public readonly long Child[8];
            // [FieldOffset(0x690)] public readonly long Child[9];
            // [FieldOffset(0x698)] public readonly long Child[11];
            // [FieldOffset(0x6A0)] public readonly long Child[10];
            // [FieldOffset(0x6B0)] public readonly long Child[2];
            // [FieldOffset(0x6B8)] public readonly long Child[126];
            // [FieldOffset(0x700)] public readonly long RootBuffPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x708)] public readonly long NpcDialogPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x710)] public readonly long LeagueNpcDialogPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x718)] public readonly long LeagueInteractButtonPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x720)] public readonly long RewardPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x728)] public readonly long PurchasePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x730)] public readonly long LeaguePurchasePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x738)] public readonly long SellPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x740)] public readonly long LeagueSellPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x748)] public readonly long TradePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x750)] public readonly long MapReceptaclePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x758)] public readonly long LabyrinthDivineFontPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x760)] public readonly long LabyrinthTrialPlaquePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x768)] public readonly long LabyrinthAscendencySelectPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x770)] public readonly long MapDevicePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x778)] public readonly long BestiaryBloodAltarPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x780)] public readonly long LabyrinthSelectPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x788)] public readonly long LabyrinthMapPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x790)] public readonly long GuildTagEditor;
            // [FieldOffset(0x798)] public readonly long BroadcastMessagePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7A0)] public readonly long FriendNoteEditorPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7A8)] public readonly long PvpLadderPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7B0)] public readonly long PvpScoreboardPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7B8)] public readonly long CardTradePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7C0)] public readonly long IncursionMapPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7C8)] public readonly long IncursionCorruptionAltarPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7D0)] public readonly long IncursionAltarOfSacrificePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7D8)] public readonly long IncursionLapidaryLensPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7E0)] public readonly long DelveSubterraneanChartPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7E8)] public readonly long DelveOldSubterraneanChartPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7F0)] public readonly long KiracMissionPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x7F8)] public readonly long SupportGemsTutorialPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x800)] public readonly long SyndicatePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x808)] public readonly long HideoutSelectPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x810)] public readonly long CraftingBenchPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x818)] public readonly long UnveilItemPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x820)] public readonly long SyndicateTrappedStashPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x828)] public readonly long SyndicateTinysTrialPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x830)] public readonly long SyndicateCraftingBenchPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x838)] public readonly long BlightAnointItemPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x840)] public readonly long MetamorphPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x848)] public readonly long TanesMetamorphPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x850)] public readonly long HorticraftingHideoutPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x858)] public readonly long HeistContractPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x860)] public readonly long HeistRevealPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x868)] public readonly long HeistAllyEquipmentPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x870)] public readonly long HeistBlueprintPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x878)] public readonly long HeistLockerPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x880)] public readonly long RitualRewardsPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x888)] public readonly long RitualFavoursPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x890)] public readonly long UltimatumProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x898)] public readonly long ExpeditionSelectPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8A0)] public readonly long LogbookReceptaclePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8A8)] public readonly long ExpeditionLockerPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8B0)] public readonly long OpenItemBoxPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8B8)] public readonly long KalandraMirroredTabletPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8C0)] public readonly long KalandraReflectionPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8C8)] public readonly long Child[20][10];
            // [FieldOffset(0x8D0)] public readonly long BuffsMinionPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8D8)] public readonly long BuffsUnknownPanel1;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8E0)] public readonly long BuffsPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8E8)] public readonly long DebuffsPanels;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8F0)] public readonly long AlliesBuffsPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x8F8)] public readonly long BuffsUnknownPanel2;
            // [FieldOffset(0x900)] public readonly long BuffsUnknownPanel3;
            // [FieldOffset(0x908)] public readonly long EditStashTabPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x910)] public readonly long EditStashItemPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x918)] public readonly long UnknownEditPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x928)] public readonly long AreaInstancePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x930)] public readonly long PendingTradeRequestPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x938)] public readonly long UserWarningPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x940)] public readonly long MysteryBoxPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x948)] public readonly long MtxSalvagePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x950)] public readonly long MtxReclaimPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x958)] public readonly long MtxCombinePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x960)] public readonly long ReportPlayerPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x968)] public readonly long Child[121];
            // [FieldOffset(0x970)] public readonly long YouHaveDiedNotifyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x978)] public readonly long SkipAheadPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x980)] public readonly long SyndicateHelpPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x988)] public readonly long InteractButtonWrapper;
            // [FieldOffset(0x990)] public readonly long SkipAheadButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x998)] public readonly long SyndicateHelpButton;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9A0)] public readonly long SyndicateReleasePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9A8)] public readonly long LeagueInteractPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9B0)] public readonly long MetamorphInteractPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9B8)] public readonly long RitualInteractPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9C0)] public readonly long ExpeditionInteractPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9C8)] public readonly long Child[1];
            // [FieldOffset(0x9D0)] public readonly long HideoutEditPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9D8)] public readonly long HideoutMusicPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9E0)] public readonly long PvpCancelPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9E8)] public readonly long AreaTravelNotifyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0x9F0)] public readonly long Child[112];
            // [FieldOffset(0x9F8)] public readonly long PartyInvitePanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xA40)] public readonly long GemLevelPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xA48)] public readonly long Child[107];
            // [FieldOffset(0xA50)] public readonly long Child[108];
            // [FieldOffset(0xA58)] public readonly long SkillBarNotifyPanel1;
            // [FieldOffset(0xA60)] public readonly long SkillBarNotifyPanel2;
            // [FieldOffset(0xA70)] public readonly long CursorMTX;
            // [FieldOffset(0xA88)] public readonly long Child[106][13];
            // [FieldOffset(0xA90)] public readonly long Child[0];
            // [FieldOffset(0xA98)] public readonly long RampageProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAA0)] public readonly long IncursionProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAA8)] public readonly long BetrayalResearchProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAB0)] public readonly long BetrayalTransportProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAB8)] public readonly long BetrayalProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAC0)] public readonly long RoyaleWaitingNotifyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAC8)] public readonly long RoyaleAnnounceNotifyPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAD0)] public readonly long BlightProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAE0)] public readonly long Child[106][15];
            // [FieldOffset(0xAE8)] public readonly long Child[106][5][6];
            // [FieldOffset(0xAF0)] public readonly long HeistProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xAF8)] public readonly long UltimatumProgressPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xB00)] public readonly long UltimatumWarningPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xB08)] public readonly long KiracsPassPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xB10)] public readonly long UnknownRewardPanel;
            // [FieldOffset(0xB18)] public readonly long ItemOnGroundTooltip;
            // [FieldOffset(0xB2000000)] public readonly long Child[123];

  13. Thanks SickBro, RatMonkey, Zyrose (3 members gave Thanks to VioletVibes for this useful post)
  14. #11
    RatMonkey's Avatar Contributor
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    Updated and now Map/Healthbars and most other things are working now.
    GitHub - SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1: Public Fork of ExileApi

    Added the gameoffsets.dll if you want to just download that and put it into folder without compiling.

  15. Thanks Pippaaeee, SickBro, VioletVibes, Gigex9, deimudda69, Zyrose, NoodlesAreTheBest (7 members gave Thanks to RatMonkey for this useful post)
  16. #12
    Shintari's Avatar Member
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    anyone able to compile it pls? :>

  17. #13
    VioletVibes's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Shintari View Post
    anyone able to compile it pls? :>
    Download the GameOffsets.dll from RatMonkeys repo and replace the current one. See Release GameOffsets updated . SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1 . GitHub

  18. Thanks RatMonkey, beachgod1 (2 members gave Thanks to VioletVibes for this useful post)
  19. #14
    RatMonkey's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Shintari View Post
    anyone able to compile it pls? :>
    Release ExileAPI 3.19.1 Compiled Version . SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1 . GitHub

    For anyone who doesn't currently have a compiled version and just wants to download and unzip.
    Last edited by RatMonkey; 09-08-2022 at 01:03 PM.

  20. Thanks VioletVibes, brunobueno, deimudda69, SickBro, Rocker866, thecorinthian, KimSLi, Forumuser1000, beachgod1 (9 members gave Thanks to RatMonkey for this useful post)
  21. #15
    brunobueno's Avatar Member
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    Thanks G/R
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    Originally Posted by RatMonkey View Post

    Updated and now Map/Healthbars and most other things are working now.
    GitHub - SquirrelRat/ExileApi-1: Public Fork of ExileApi

    Added the gameoffsets.dll if you want to just download that and put it into folder without compiling.
    you saved the poe for me. TKS man

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