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  1. #16
    Ultima Deus's Avatar Member
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    we are at Master Gyas at moment , any Tips? how to avoid the DoT at beginning? master gayass is a OP sin , NERF!

    UPDATE: Boss down , will spoil tactic later its hard to make a tactic guide for arbanus and master gyas since it is really important where the raid and the people stand....so i probably will only give basic knowledge about the bosses otherwise i have to paint a screen where you see where people must stand and such but this would be to complex....
    Last edited by Ultima Deus; 03-30-2010 at 03:28 PM.

    T3 Encounter Boss Tactic Guide
  2. #17
    Psixott's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by Ultima Deus View Post
    we are at Master Gyas at moment , any Tips? how to avoid the DoT at beginning? master gayass is a OP sin , NERF!

    UPDATE: Boss down , will spoil tactic later its hard to make a tactic guide for arbanus and master gyas since it is really important where the raid and the people stand....so i probably will only give basic knowledge about the bosses otherwise i have to paint a screen where you see where people must stand and such but this would be to complex....
    it will be great if you can place tactic on arbanus and master cause my guild is starting raid T3

  3. #18
    Ultima Deus's Avatar Member
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    well most important on arbanus is , the boss cast "blood draw" randomly on someone (you can see it on who he cast it when you have target on target option on) he will change the target for a short time when he cast "blood draw" the guy who get blood draw must run away from raid and the peoples around him go away from him because you only have like 2-3sec if someone did stand near him and wasnt fast enought to move away or the guy who got blood draw was too slow to run away from raid it will infect other players and the other players will infect the ones next to them its like a killer virus =)

    if that happen its 90% a wipe :P

    if boss reach 50% life there is also another Dot with can stack up 5 times and is only removeable by the shrines in the corner (when they lighening) the guy which get dot have to remove it or it will kill him by time.

    the boss do 90° cone damage thats why you can have only 3 tanks(i prefer DT with deathshadow they help alot) on him , for exsample 1 tank up side , one tank left side , one tank right side , and behind side leave clear for the melee dps classes. the tanks must do a fast tank rotation and the melee classes run to boss at beginning do dmg after he cast blood ritual the melee dps classes run back and wait , then boss cast blood draw this guy which got blood draw run away from raid without infecting any other around him (range dps classes,because they stay at range all the time) and other melee classes run to boss dmg boss till he cast blood ritual again. it very very depends where the melees and range dps classes stand so everyone have enought place to run away from raid and dont infect someone else. for exsample our range dps classes did stand in a formation like a circle around the boss but leave back side from boss free for melee's only. we tanked boss in the middle of the room.

    if the boss cast a orange circle on floor all have to run outside of thats circle before it explode and do aoe dmg on players it dont kill you but it do heavy dmg you lose like 75% hp and if you get blood draw after then you die for sure .
    Last edited by Ultima Deus; 04-03-2010 at 07:09 AM.

  4. #19
    monger93's Avatar
    Cool thread, thanks for vids

  5. #20
    Muslimgauze's Avatar Member
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    Any tips for louhi ? :p

  6. #21
    Ultima Deus's Avatar Member
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    Master Gyas Tactic:

    The Boss casting a Dot which is a coluum attack and he will put the Dot on the guy who have the biggest range to the boss , take 2 conqs and give em the highest range and no people should stand between boss and this 2 conqs as i already said its coluum attack it works like piercing shot from xbow ranger otherwise those people between master gyas and conqs will get the DoT too.
    The 2 conqs doing a DoT tank rotation and stand 5-10 meters away each other or both tanks will get Dot even if you do the rotation , for exsample conq 1 gets dot then conq 2 go 5 meter backwards so he have more range to boss and will next get dot then he move 5 meter forward and conq 1 go 5 meters back so he get higher range and get dot and continue this steps.

    The boss itself doing 90° cone dmg so there can be only 3-4 tanks on boss but remember the tank should not stand on this direction where the conqs standing otherwise he will get DoT too.

    when boss is at 50% health he will transform and also got a 360° 5 meter range combo hes a bit harder to tank now and he will start oneshooting people (random) he cast a spell that means you can slow him so it takes longer to run to the weapons and oneshot someone but the problem is that you cant avoid the oneshot and you will get some aggro issues if boss moving and dps stay the same and tanks cant build up good aggro since boss is moving.

    i prefer you guys tank master gyas exatly near the weapon and just tank him there and dps him down , remember you cant avoid the oneshot anymore and its a DPS race.

    good luck

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