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  1. #16
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    The Best BDO Private Server just got even better for thousands of players in and around the EU region who are looking for Silk Smooth Gameplay on Ultra Low Latency Gameservers in their region or simply a fresh start, now is your time to start on an evenly level playing field on our additional EU server launched today!

    Gamez Black Desert Private Server
  2. #17
    SmileyKat's Avatar Member
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    I'm going to give some people advice, they recently kept the russians that played this since its russian owned full pen and there removing the special deals so it takes longer to gear up and keep people from being able to fairly pvp. For people that dont know special deals was for duo+ grinding that allowed the special deals to sell and you got x amount of money for your grind, it allowed you to gear quicker and get to the fun and meat of the game, so instead they nurfed it from 100/80% to 10% so 4hrs of grinding turned into 100m and now the only way you make money is life skills. If you dont enjoy life skilling and just want to get into the meat of the game avoid this server. Newer people that joined are gimp'd from teting up fast enough. Its exactly like bdo as of me writing this, when I was giving suggestions to reduce the nurf on special deals I was kicked from the discord.

    The pvp is extremely buggy and you'll notice that people stay in place most of the time and the dysnc keeps it from being anything but laggy and unfun. The mobs also give no animations for attacking so they crowd around you and can instant kill you. The dev doesnt listen to anyone and hides changes when he puts up patches notes.

    Honestly wouldent buy anything from them and if you value your work and time leave and go to crimson bdo Discord its going to be opening here soon and just got out of its 2nd beta, youll deal with english speakers and better servers.

    Also like to note they recently lost 1/3 there base for the special deals so people are leaving and going to crimson when it opens.
    Last edited by SmileyKat; 11-07-2018 at 06:13 PM.

  3. #18
    Karest's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by SmileyKat View Post
    I'm going to give some people advice, they recently kept the russians that played this since its russian owned full pen and there removing the special deals so it takes longer to gear up and keep people from being able to fairly pvp. For people that dont know special deals was for duo+ grinding that allowed the special deals to sell and you got x amount of money for your grind, it allowed you to gear quicker and get to the fun and meat of the game, so instead they nurfed it from 100/80% to 10% so 4hrs of grinding turned into 100m and now the only way you make money is life skills. If you dont enjoy life skilling and just want to get into the meat of the game avoid this server. Newer people that joined are gimp'd from teting up fast enough. Its exactly like bdo as of me writing this, when I was giving suggestions to reduce the nurf on special deals I was kicked from the discord.

    The pvp is extremely buggy and you'll notice that people stay in place most of the time and the dysnc keeps it from being anything but laggy and unfun. The mobs also give no animations for attacking so they crowd around you and can instant kill you. The dev doesnt listen to anyone and hides changes when he puts up patches notes.

    Honestly wouldent buy anything from them and if you value your work and time leave and go to crimson bdo Discord its going to be opening here soon and just got out of its 2nd beta, youll deal with english speakers and better servers.

    Also like to note they recently lost 1/3 there base for the special deals so people are leaving and going to crimson when it opens.

    Holy crap that could not be more incorrect in every way if you fact it seems very much like you were trying. Is this some sort of a troll or are you on the Crimson dev crew trying to smear GamesZ to get people to come to Crimson? Which would only make me want to go there less if that is the kind of shady stuff they are going to do

    First - They did/are not doing away with Special deals (It was bugged for like 2 days tops, but is fixed), they in fact buffed it to encourage party grinding.

    Second - There isn't much point in bothering with most lifeskills on this server, just go kill stuff if you want money or supplies. You can literally make over 200 mill/hour just grinding.

    Third - Enhancing is a million times faster on here. You can get money, blackstones, sharps, hards, memory frags so fast it's crazy, plus you get free pearls every 30 minutes which means no more spending irl money for artisan memories, AND the success rates are higher so not only is TETing much easier, but there are lots of people running around in full PEN gear (if you're not going for PENs you are playing this server wrong). A hand full of my guild mates (myself included) had multiple PEN pieces in our first month.......Which puts everyone on a MUCH more even ground because it's not hard nor does it take long to close the gear gap with the people who have been playing much longer, and this also eliminates the p2w factor since you putting the people who don't want to spend money on the same ground as people willing to drop 10s of thousands of dollars on the game (Yes, they are out there I know a fair amount of them.)

    Fourth - yeah there is desync, but there is desync on the normal servers too.

    Fifth - The devs are very active in the community, and not only do they listen, but they hold votes for the direction of things to go, personally take time to answer questions, and if there is a problem they fix it right away.

    Sixth - the only thing that has had any real impact on the player base is the new EU server they just opened up for obvious reasons.

    and yes, this IS my first post. I actually made this account to call you out on this.
    Last edited by Karest; 11-09-2018 at 07:56 PM.

  4. #19
    SmileyKat's Avatar Member
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    "First - They did/are not doing away with Special deals (It was bugged for like 2 days tops, but is fixed), they in fact buffed it to encourage party grinding."

    Never said they did away with them, I said they nurfed them to about 10% and if you want I have screenshot proof of this and its still currently active as such.

    "Second - There isn't much point in bothering with most lifeskills on this server, just go kill stuff if you want money or supplies. You can literally make over 200 mill/hour just grinding."

    If you actually played the server you would of known that horse breeding is better to make money since the special deal nurf, lolhero is going to be doing a Q/A with the dev's and intends to bring up the special deals bullshit so what are you even on about?

    Third? Its a private server, every single one should be quick to get into pvp, this isnt one of them.

    Fourth? Dont lap bdo retail into a desync contest with a private server. Its horrific for the amount of "donations" they get.

    Sixth? You didnt call me out on shit, im here to call you out on the bullshit you decided to spew. The EU server has nothing to do with the NA so I could give a shit less about it.

    I could care less about crimson btw. I'm just trying to throw people a heads up if they wanted a private server that isn't ran by retards.

  5. #20
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    GamezBD Remastered edition is now live!

  6. #21
    Maxytop's Avatar Member
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    i hope you re not serious lol, ZBD is on another level vs Crimson dude, Crimson is literally manipulated by 16yo kids with a 40yo boss that stole some files, that s the same reason why they ve lost all their data last year and the server totally failed, now people are just trying to get another chance to crimson again, but actually the day 21/01/2019 people are back on ZBD already lol, was a good server opening but they failed totally.

  7. #22
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    Exciting New Class Archer has been revealed in GamezBD Enhanced Content Update

  8. #23
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    New Shai Content update is now live on GamezBD! New Star Grave spot and Black Star weapons also available.

  9. #24
    sophia616's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by SmileyKat View Post
    I'm going to give some people advice, they recently kept the russians that played this since its russian owned full pen and there removing the special deals so it takes longer to gear up and keep people from being able to fairly pvp. For people that dont know special deals was for duo+ grinding that allowed the special deals to sell and you got x amount of money for your grind, it allowed you to gear quicker and get to the fun and meat of the game, so instead they nurfed it from 100/80% to 10% so 4hrs of grinding turned into 100m and now the only way you make money is life skills. If you dont enjoy life skilling and just want to get into the meat of the game avoid this server. Newer people that joined are gimp'd from teting up fast enough. Its exactly like bdo as of me writing this, when I was giving suggestions to reduce the nurf on special deals I was kicked from the discord.

    The pvp is extremely buggy and you'll notice that people stay in place most of the time and the dysnc keeps it from being anything but laggy and unfun. The mobs also give no animations for attacking so they crowd around you and can instant kill you. The dev doesnt listen to anyone and hides changes when he puts up patches notes.

    Honestly wouldent buy anything from them and if you value your work and time leave and go to crimson bdo Discord its going to be opening here soon and just got out of its 2nd beta, youll deal with english speakers and better servers.

    Also like to note they recently lost 1/3 there base for the special deals so people are leaving and going to crimson when it opens.
    and now they are going back to gamez the most alive p server of black desert, since it's launch last year december 2018 until now no content update, the project lead suddenly disappears for months now, more like scamson desert online is a perfect name for that, they have incompetent developers copy/paste codes from other private servers.

    P.S the project lead runs away with the donations received. i can say gamez has competent devs, they have new content when they have to
    Last edited by sophia616; 08-02-2019 at 08:31 PM.

  10. #25
    sophia616's Avatar Member
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    new class shai is available now in gamez

  11. #26
    sophia616's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by SmileyKat View Post
    "First - They did/are not doing away with Special deals (It was bugged for like 2 days tops, but is fixed), they in fact buffed it to encourage party grinding."

    Never said they did away with them, I said they nurfed them to about 10% and if you want I have screenshot proof of this and its still currently active as such.

    "Second - There isn't much point in bothering with most lifeskills on this server, just go kill stuff if you want money or supplies. You can literally make over 200 mill/hour just grinding."

    If you actually played the server you would of known that horse breeding is better to make money since the special deal nurf, lolhero is going to be doing a Q/A with the dev's and intends to bring up the special deals bullshit so what are you even on about?

    Third? Its a private server, every single one should be quick to get into pvp, this isnt one of them.

    Fourth? Dont lap bdo retail into a desync contest with a private server. Its horrific for the amount of "donations" they get.

    Sixth? You didnt call me out on shit, im here to call you out on the bullshit you decided to spew. The EU server has nothing to do with the NA so I could give a shit less about it.

    I could care less about crimson btw. I'm just trying to throw people a heads up if they wanted a private server that isn't ran by retards.
    maybe you're the one of the crew of scamson desert online. also gamez has competent/skilled devs not like scamson that runs by a copy/paste codes

  12. #27
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    The Shai Awakening Content Update has arrived on GamezBD!

  13. #28
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    Content Update "Elvia's Realm" Released!

    New stunning class "Nova" with awakening and succession added
    New High Level Grind Realm Hadum Server available
    Added Kutum Thunderbolt Boss - New Power and Loot
    Horse Racing Event - Old Moon Grand Prix - New Rewards and Zones
    Added Blackstar Awakening Enhance with Garmoth Heart
    New Season 3 Characters Ready to play

    Full Patch notes available on the website.

  14. #29
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    GamezBD Corsair Awakening Expansion Now Live!

    New exciting class "Corsair" with awakening is here
    New Mansion System: Blue Mane Lion’s Manor
    Added Atoraxxion Dungeon with Co-op and Bosses
    Season IV: New Items, Quests, Buffs and Rewards
    New thrilling class "Sage" now available to play
    New rare exclusive mounts available

  15. #30
    crlfrancis's Avatar Member
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    GamezBD Eternal Winter Expansion is now Live!

    Class Mechanics Rework
    New Node Wars Regions
    New Zones and Spots: Eternal Winter Mountains
    Red Battlefield Rule set: Flags of Valencia City
    Chariot: New Reworked Mount for Conquest Wars

    Patch Notes

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