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  1. #1
    artemarkantos's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    How to Register Mounts

    1) Talk with the Stabler NPC, click the Register Button and clock on the Mount Icon from your Inventroy.

    2) Click the [Stable] button and then choose “Horse Emblem” for horse, and “Wagon license” for wagon.

    3) After entering the name, click [OK] button to register the mount.

    Horse Level

    Your horse will gain EXP by simply being in use. As your horse gains levels, its HP and Stamina will increase, and upon level up these will be fully recovered.

    Capturing a Wild Horse

    In order to capture a wild horse to use as a mount, players must buy a <Lasso> from the Stabler NPC.

    How to capture the wild horse

    1) After using the lasso, aim for the wild horse you want to capture and click the [left mouse button].

    2) After throwing the rope to the wild horse, press [space bar] in the appropriate timing to wrap the it around the horse.

    3) Get as close as possible to the horse, and press [space bar] when the horse raises its legs.

    4) Repeatedly press[space bar] to outstrength the horse.

    5) After training the horse, press [R] to ride the horse.

    6) Go to the <Stabler> NPC with your new horse to have it registered.


    1) Riding and Control : Function that enables the riding and control of your mount.

    2) Parking : Function that can recover stamina of your mount.

    3) Open Inventory: Function that allows the player to deposit and withdraw items from their mount’s inventory.

    4) Mount Information: Allows the player to check the details of their mount, such as name, level, basic ability, skill list, equipment information, etc.

    5) Use Item: Players use this to feed their mounts items such as carrots to restore stamina.

    Horse Skill

    Other than making the player faster, your mounts also possess skills. The type and number of skills depends on the type of horse, and some may not have any skills at all.

    Upon activating the skill, the horse may activate it automatically or activate a minigame. If the player succeeds with the minigame, the skill is used; if the player fails, both player and horse falls to the ground. The more a player uses the skill, the larger the chance of success for the skill becomes.

    Recovering Your Mount’s Stamina

    When a horse carries a player, its stamina slowly decreases, making the horse slow down. To recover your horse’s stamina, use the Park action and give your mount some food, such as carrots.

  2. Thanks HI5, dopefish1, Veritable, Jackie Chan, Subcore (5 members gave Thanks to artemarkantos for this useful post)
  3. #2
    dopefish1's Avatar Member
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    thanks. +rep

  4. #3
    Veritable's Avatar OwnedCore News Correspondent
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    Don't forget, on NA/EU you have to be Taming lvl 5 to tame a wild horse. Gain Taming levels by riding your horse.

  5. Thanks Domo Kun (1 members gave Thanks to Veritable for this useful post)

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