Full S16 Primal Elite Set Paladin | In Bags | Dreadflame | Elite PvP Weapons | Partial S18 Elite menu

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  1. #1
    AccountShark's Avatar OwnedCore Helper 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Thanks G/R
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    Full S16 Primal Elite Set Paladin | In Bags | Dreadflame | Elite PvP Weapons | Partial S18 Elite

    Visit AccountShark.net for more details about this account and other available accounts!

    To contact by Discord, send your Discord ID via PM on these forums or by email to [email protected] to be added.


    Level 50 Paladin Armory

    Notable Items & Transmog:

    Full S16 Primal Gladiator's Elite PvP Paladin Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Partial S18 Elite PvP Paladin Set (Shoulders, Hands, Boots, Legs) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Elite Primlal Gladiator's Redoubt (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Elite Dread Gladiator's Gavel (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Dread Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Dreadflame Weapon Illusion (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Notable Titles:

    "the Manslayer"
    "First Sergeant"
    "of the Ashen Verdict"
    "the Light of Dawn"

    To contact by Discord, send your Discord ID via PM on these forums or by email to [email protected] to be added.

    Visit AccountShark.net for more details about this account and other available accounts!

    About Us:

    AccountShark.net is a professional service provider that allows for gamers to safely and seamlessly buy and sell access to a variety of personal MMO game accounts. Specializing in World of Warcraft accounts, AccountShark.net began operations on gaming marketplace forums like EpicNPC and OwnedCore. We have consistently been the industry standard for buying and selling only the highest quality WoW accounts on the market; our inventory frequently features such rarities as Scarab Lord, Corrupted Ashbringer, Atiesh, Mighty Caravan Brutosaur, Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, Solar Spirehawk, Guardian Druid Mage Tower, MoP Challenge Mode Armor, Tier 3 Gear, and more. No other marketplace in the industry comes close to offering accounts of the same caliber as we do. Our mission when we began operations was the same as it is now, and that is to offer a safe and secure gateway for buyers and sellers to engage in these types of transactions without fear or worry of potential risks, scams, or losses. We expanded and refined our operations to our own website as part of an effort to more adequately and efficiently continue providing the highest quality services to our thousands of clientele. Millions of gamers globally engage in transactions related to online gaming every day, in more ways than just game accounts, and we recognize that occasionally these types of transactions can pose significant risks to buyers and sellers alike. AccountShark.net and its mission were formed to help mitigate those risks by providing game account buyers and sellers a safe, secure, and worry-free venue to conduct business through. We have the policies, experience, and industry knowledge necessary to ensure that the quality of service you receive is nothing short of excellent. We are the industry standard for reliability, and the satisfaction of our clients has always been and always will be our top priority.

    Full S16 Primal Elite Set Paladin | In Bags | Dreadflame | Elite PvP Weapons | Partial S18 Elite

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