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  1. #1
    Nikusha'sServices's Avatar Banned ★ Gold & Powerleveling Premium Service ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Dennis Wadenfors / Wa Deffors SCRAMMER!!!

    He scammed my 47 lvl mage.
    Be careful ppl !

    [28.06.2015 19:11:34] Nikushaaa: Are u still interested about buying 45 plus mage ud male?
    [28.06.2015 19:14:36] Nikushaaa: Hello?
    [28.06.2015 19:14:47] BDSM: Hey
    [28.06.2015 19:14:48] BDSM: ye iam
    [28.06.2015 19:15:20] BDSM: Was about to buy another guys account but waited 5 days for h im now, sent him 320 euro for it
    [28.06.2015 19:15:34] BDSM: Belive he scammed me
    [28.06.2015 19:15:45] BDSM: But Iam getting my money back tomorrow evening
    [28.06.2015 19:15:59] BDSM: But yeah you have a 45+ ud male mage?
    [28.06.2015 19:16:46] Nikushaaa: 47 ud mage on nost
    [28.06.2015 19:16:51] Nikushaaa: mount all spells
    [28.06.2015 19:16:57] Nikushaaa: 80g on it
    [28.06.2015 19:17:21] Nikushaaa: Offer
    [28.06.2015 19:17:24] BDSM: How much would you take for it?
    [28.06.2015 19:17:48] BDSM: well I guess 150 euro mby is worth? as its not 60
    [28.06.2015 19:17:59] Nikushaaa: Mm on nost its hard to level
    [28.06.2015 19:18:24] Nikushaaa: sure
    [28.06.2015 19:18:26] BDSM: sec, need to check my bank account how much I have left
    [28.06.2015 19:18:34] BDSM: mby can give a bit higher offer
    [28.06.2015 19:19:21] BDSM: ahlright had 270 euro left, so 190 is my offer, cant really offer more
    [28.06.2015 19:19:50] Nikushaaa: mm interesting offer gimme 5 min
    [28.06.2015 19:19:55] Nikushaaa: To think, ok?
    [28.06.2015 19:20:07] BDSM: okok
    [28.06.2015 19:20:14] BDSM: Where you from btw?
    [28.06.2015 19:20:43] Nikushaaa: Im from georgia
    [28.06.2015 19:20:53] Nikushaaa: u?
    [28.06.2015 19:21:03] Nikushaaa: Awesome
    [28.06.2015 19:21:05] BDSM: Ahlright well think about it, ill go offline for 1 hour
    [28.06.2015 19:21:07] BDSM: Sweden
    [28.06.2015 19:21:09] Nikushaaa: Sure contact me in hour
    [28.06.2015 19:23:38] Nikushaaa: When u come online tell me, ill show u character
    [28.06.2015 19:24:02] Nikushaaa: u have to see what are u buying 
    [28.06.2015 19:30:25] Nikushaaa: Btw ill give u a link. I sold gold on other server. Im trusted seller
    [28.06.2015 19:31:04] Nikushaaa:
    [28.06.2015 19:31:15] Nikushaaa: Here.
    [28.06.2015 19:44:48] Nikushaaa: im online atm if u wanna check character
    [28.06.2015 19:44:59] BDSM: Ahlright, may I log and see character?
    Btw are you verified paypal user or have skrill?
    [28.06.2015 19:45:01] Nikushaaa: paypal verified
    [28.06.2015 19:45:18] Nikushaaa: log another character i can come any place
    [28.06.2015 19:45:20] Nikushaaa: U want
    [28.06.2015 19:45:31] Nikushaaa: 88g on character
    [28.06.2015 19:45:39] Nikushaaa: Good gear for leveling
    [28.06.2015 19:45:46] Nikushaaa: Half exp bar is rested
    [28.06.2015 19:45:55] Nikushaaa: 1800 hp 4200 mana
    [28.06.2015 19:46:11] BDSM: Ahlright, well send a request of 190 euro then to [email protected]
    You let me log to see the character etc so I know the account name if you try to scam me
    Then when I checked Ill accept the payment after that we change the account info
    [28.06.2015 19:46:31] Nikushaaa: I never scammed people bro
    [28.06.2015 19:46:36] Nikushaaa: Join any 1 level character
    [28.06.2015 19:46:44] Nikushaaa: Inspect mine etc
    [28.06.2015 19:47:04] Nikushaaa: name: bestmagworld
    [28.06.2015 19:47:10] BDSM: Well I got scammed couple of days ago, I do not have the time to wait again on getting money back
    [28.06.2015 19:47:17] Nikushaaa: i wont. Not in my interest
    [28.06.2015 19:47:24] BDSM: If i got your account name, and you scam me, then I can ban your account atleast if you get me
    [28.06.2015 19:47:28] Nikushaaa: sure
    [28.06.2015 19:47:36] Nikushaaa: Account name is destiny2000
    [28.06.2015 19:47:51] Nikushaaa: join any 1 level character and inspect
    [28.06.2015 19:49:38] Nikushaaa: which city? Uc?
    [28.06.2015 19:50:15] BDSM: No I need to log for 5 seconds thats all so I have it registrated on my computer pretty much
    [28.06.2015 19:50:21] BDSM: or even 1 second
    [28.06.2015 19:50:26] Nikushaaa: what u mean?
    [28.06.2015 19:51:14] BDSM: If you let me log your account, then I see the character in login screen+ the ''data'' is stored on my computer so they can see you tried selling ur account so I can ban you if I dont get the account after I sent money
    [28.06.2015 19:51:39] BDSM: Ive sold and bought many nostal accounts
    [28.06.2015 19:51:44] BDSM: Have some posts if you can see
    [28.06.2015 19:51:47] BDSM: on ownedcore
    [28.06.2015 19:52:16] Nikushaaa: Sorry on nostalrius u cant get ur password back. By sq or email
    [28.06.2015 19:52:23] Nikushaaa: So i cant trust anyone like this
    [28.06.2015 19:52:32] Nikushaaa: I can show u that character exists etc
    [28.06.2015 19:52:43] BDSM: No but you can change password after i log 1 second so its fine
    [28.06.2015 19:53:00] Nikushaaa: Buy the account and do anything u want bro
    [28.06.2015 19:53:08] Nikushaaa: im not scammer or smth
    [28.06.2015 19:53:41] BDSM: Other guy said that aswell, im in no hurry of getting a mage So Ill just keep waiting
    [28.06.2015 19:53:49] BDSM: Thing is I have no insurance
    [28.06.2015 19:53:57] BDSM: u show ur char, i send you the money, and ur gone
    [28.06.2015 19:54:03] BDSM: cant do anything, cant ban u etcetc
    [28.06.2015 19:54:07] Nikushaaa: [email protected]
    [28.06.2015 19:54:14] Nikushaaa: Its the paypal
    [28.06.2015 19:54:26] Nikushaaa: i can show u character join any 1 level
    [28.06.2015 19:54:33] Nikushaaa: Can show u gold
    [28.06.2015 19:54:41] BDSM: Its not enough sorry
    [28.06.2015 19:54:48] Nikushaaa: Seems like ur trying to steal my character
    [28.06.2015 19:54:54] Nikushaaa: so no..
    [28.06.2015 19:55:04] Nikushaaa: u can join
    [28.06.2015 19:55:10] BDSM: Nah trusted seller and buyer on ownedcore
    [28.06.2015 19:55:12] BDSM: even verified
    [28.06.2015 19:55:12] Nikushaaa: Change the pass
    [28.06.2015 19:55:15] Nikushaaa: And its gone
    [28.06.2015 19:55:24] Nikushaaa: online
    [28.06.2015 19:55:26] Nikushaaa: Easy?
    [28.06.2015 19:55:27] BDSM: how can I change the pass?
    [28.06.2015 19:55:34] BDSM: if i disconnect you for 1 second
    [28.06.2015 19:55:38] BDSM: then you log back on
    [28.06.2015 19:55:41] BDSM: im not logging into the character
    [28.06.2015 19:55:44] BDSM: only character screen
    [28.06.2015 19:58:30] BDSM: anyhow good luck selling it, wish u best of luck
    [28.06.2015 19:58:36] Nikushaaa: Sure thanks
    [28.06.2015 19:58:46] Nikushaaa: I cant risk account like that
    [28.06.2015 19:59:08] BDSM: Yeah Understand and I cant risk more money
    [28.06.2015 19:59:13] Nikushaaa: ur not risking
    [28.06.2015 19:59:17] BDSM: If you had 30 rep+ or something it would've been a deal
    [28.06.2015 19:59:19] Nikushaaa: Btw
    [28.06.2015 19:59:37] BDSM: Iam
    [28.06.2015 19:59:38] BDSM: ye?
    [28.06.2015 19:59:38] Nikushaaa:
    Whats ur ownedcore acc?
    [28.06.2015 19:59:42] Nikushaaa: To check
    [28.06.2015 20:00:06] BDSM:
    [28.06.2015 20:01:11] BDSM:
    [28.06.2015 20:01:13] BDSM: and this
    [28.06.2015 20:01:22] BDSM: I changed facebook name from Wa Denfors to Dennis Wadenfors
    [28.06.2015 20:03:02] BDSM: Got good ''reputation'' overall, reporting scammers, selling accounts, buying accounts,trading gold etc
    [28.06.2015 20:03:21] BDSM: Never really ask for feedbacks or so on
    [28.06.2015 20:04:18] Nikushaaa: sec checking posts
    [28.06.2015 20:05:05] Nikushaaa: how can i check
    [28.06.2015 20:05:08] Nikushaaa: all posts?
    [28.06.2015 20:05:13] BDSM:
    [28.06.2015 20:05:45] Nikushaaa: mm shows nothing
    [28.06.2015 20:06:18] BDSM: should come up
    [28.06.2015 20:06:51] BDSM: Gyazo - 1c1ae94ca60324a31885bd762b886cdb.png
    [28.06.2015 20:06:54] BDSM: 3 pages full
    [28.06.2015 20:06:58] BDSM: of trades done
    [28.06.2015 20:07:50] Nikushaaa: sec
    [28.06.2015 20:07:59] Nikushaaa: yep 31
    [28.06.2015 20:08:24] BDSM: y
    [28.06.2015 20:09:49] Nikushaaa: Destiny2000
    [28.06.2015 20:09:51] Nikushaaa: arminvanbuuren
    [28.06.2015 20:09:58] *** Пользователь Nikushaaa хочет внести вас в свой список контактов Skype

    Здравствуйте, BDSM! Я хочу внести Вас в свой список контактов в Skype. ***
    [28.06.2015 20:10:11] Nikushaaa: correct ?
    [28.06.2015 20:10:48] Nikushaaa: i joined now
    [28.06.2015 20:11:45] Nikushaaa: scam ?
    [28.06.2015 20:12:19] Nikushaaa: So?
    [28.06.2015 20:13:30] Nikushaaa: ??
    [28.06.2015 20:14:17] Nikushaaa: u here ?
    [28.06.2015 20:15:15] *** Абонент BDSM не отвечает.
    Отправить видеосообщение ***
    [28.06.2015 20:16:23] Nikushaaa: SHOULD I ADD on ownedcore
    [28.06.2015 20:16:28] Nikushaaa: that ur not trusted seller?
    [28.06.2015 20:16:59] Nikushaaa: waiting for ya 5min.
    [28.06.2015 20:23:47] Nikushaaa: seems like u changed the passwrd
    [28.06.2015 20:23:55] Nikushaaa: sent Paypal Request
    [28.06.2015 20:26:56] *** Абонент BDSM не отвечает.
    Отправить видеосообщение ***
    [28.06.2015 20:44:49] Nikushaaa: should i block the account ?
    [28.06.2015 21:24:35] Nikushaaa: Nice u have changed password from website 
    [28.06.2015 23:46:49] Nikushaaa: ??
    [28.06.2015 23:47:31] Nikushaaa: U here?

    Dennis Wadenfors / Wa Deffors SCRAMMER!!!
  2. #2
    Dennis Wadenfors's Avatar Member
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    This is not me, rather some imposter. Out of curiosity, could you upload screenshots rather than just the chatlogg?
    Was never called BDSM on skype/messenger

  3. #3
    Ballyy's Avatar Member
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    Sorry to see you got scammed mate, i have his full info irl pm me if u wanna do something about it :-)

  4. #4
    Dennis Wadenfors's Avatar Member
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    ashkandii you should rather wait with doing anything before he proved that I scammed him.

    He wanted to sell me a 60 mage for 225 euro, but he could not show the character so I said no.
    He got around 3 different skypes and tried getting me to send money : Vaiime, Nikushaa2000 and siqula2000

    [2015-06-28 21:47:00] Dat: hi
    [2015-06-28 21:47:13] - Crain: whjo are you?
    [2015-06-28 21:47:51] Dat: want to buy 60 lvl mage?
    [2015-06-28 21:48:06] - Crain: ye
    [2015-06-28 21:48:16] - Crain: Undead?
    [2015-06-28 21:48:27] Dat: yes
    [2015-06-28 21:48:34] - Crain male?
    [2015-06-28 21:48:50] Dat: male
    [2015-06-28 21:51:13] Dat: are you interested or scammer)
    [2015-06-28 21:52:38] - Crain: Im intrested
    [2015-06-28 21:53:01] - Crain:

    Wa Denfors on ownedcore , a know trader
    [2015-06-28 21:53:10] - Crain: How much do you sell it for?
    [2015-06-28 21:53:52] Dat: my price is 240€ trusted seller,first money on paypal then account. its simple
    [2015-06-28 21:54:18] - Crain: Link ur ownedcore
    [2015-06-28 21:55:34] - Crain: Anyhow as you are so far away, japan and have no rep on ownedcore im sceptical about going first. I rather not, get a middleman or you go first.
    [2015-06-28 21:55:45] - Crain: Im verified on paypal aswell and got skrill too
    [2015-06-28 21:57:41] - Crain: I can give you 225 euro for the account, not 240 sorry
    [2015-06-28 21:57:59] Dat: i will link my user and topics but am not agree ,i said first money then acc. I'm not sellin first time to give you acc and waitin your money for a century.
    [2015-06-28 21:59:38] Dat: ok
    [2015-06-28 21:59:41] - Crain: If you dont have + rep I wont just send you money,
    [2015-06-28 21:59:56] - Crain: Then I rather wait for someone with reputation to sell a mage to me
    [2015-06-28 21:59:59] - Crain Im in no hurry so
    [2015-06-28 22:00:20] Dat:
    [2015-06-28 22:00:33] Dat: you can check
    [2015-06-28 22:01:25] Dat: + rep ?
    [2015-06-28 22:01:30] Dat: are u kiddin
    [2015-06-28 22:01:58] - Crain: plqskam_dypeta
    [2015-06-28 22:02:00] - Crain: that is not you
    [2015-06-28 22:02:42] Dat: its second skype
    [2015-06-28 22:02:49] Dat: i can show you
    [2015-06-28 22:02:56] Dat: mage
    [2015-06-28 22:03:51] - Crain: Anyhow, take it or leave it. Get a middleman,
    [2015-06-28 22:05:02] Dat: hah
    [2015-06-28 22:05:04] Dat: no man
    [2015-06-28 22:05:18] Dat: i m not newbie
    [2015-06-28 22:05:28] Dat: if u buy
    [2015-06-28 22:05:39] Dat: i know how to buy
    [2015-06-28 22:05:44] Dat: or good bye
    [2015-06-28 22:06:22] - Crain: Goodbye! Im a common trader on ownedcore,
    If you are not repped I wont just send you money
    [2015-06-28 22:06:23] - Crain: goodluck
    [2015-06-28 22:07:48] Dat: listen now
    [2015-06-28 22:07:56] Dat: i wont be anymore
    [2015-06-28 22:08:06] Dat: i can just promise it
    [2015-06-28 22:08:12] Dat: mr scammer
    [2015-06-28 22:08:26] Dat: ill spam ownedcore
    [2015-06-28 22:08:31] Dat: i can add
    [2015-06-28 22:08:36] Dat: pictures of skype
    [2015-06-28 22:08:49] Dat: that u scammed me on 60 mage
    [2015-06-28 22:09:02] Dat: goodbye rep
    [2015-06-28 22:09:20] - Crain: ok?? bb
    [2015-06-28 22:09:20] Dat: forgot password?
    [2015-06-28 22:09:23] Dat: hahaha
    [2015-06-28 22:09:25] - Crain: scammer
    [2015-06-28 22:09:28] - Crain: good try
    [2015-06-28 22:09:30] Dat: im the mage
    [2015-06-28 22:09:32] Dat: owner
    [2015-06-28 22:09:44] Dat: who is scammer?
    [2015-06-28 22:09:55] - Crain: You tried getting me to send you 225 euro
    [2015-06-28 22:09:57] - Crain: for thin air
    [2015-06-28 22:10:00] - Crain: good job
    [2015-06-28 22:10:01] Dat: really?
    [2015-06-28 22:10:03] - Crain: gl scamming someone else
    [2015-06-28 22:10:18] Dat: 60 level
    [2015-06-28 22:10:23] - Crain: anyhow no time for this goodluck!
    [2015-06-28 22:10:32] *** - Crain blockerad Dat ***

    So basically he pretended to be someone else as well

  5. #5
    Nikusha'sServices's Avatar Banned ★ Gold & Powerleveling Premium Service ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    it wasnt me at all.. u told me that ure Rep ed on ownedcore, i trusted u, u changed password on account, then blocked me on skype.. be careful people... this guy is a scammer. i hope ownedcore administration will warn/ban this guy.. he even edited his thread, removed his skype (Nostalrius 45+ Undead male mage paying good)

    Paypal: [email protected] DONT TRUST!!


  6. #6
    Nikusha'sServices's Avatar Banned ★ Gold & Powerleveling Premium Service ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    he send forum screenshoot on skype, also u can see there's his forum account.. otherwise he couldnt do it

    Gyazo - 1c1ae94ca60324a31885bd762b886cdb.png

    his skype

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