Quitting WoW: Hi-End Acc, Acc+Insane, Acc+TopFrostMageTransmog, L60 Classic Accs & L70 TBCC menu


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    HughDaz's Avatar Member
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    Last Chance - Cheap, Sell-out Ausverkauf: Hi-End Acc, Acc+Insane, Acc+TopFrostMageTransmog, L70 TBCC

    No Paypal.

    Quitting WoW: Hi-End Acc, Acc+Insane, Acc+TopFrostMageTransmog, L60 Classic Accs & L70 TBCC Acc

    The choices are:

    L60 Classic Accs,
    L70 TBCC Acc.

    ::: Regular Updates!! :::

    2x60 & 17x50, 28k! + EP, 400+ mounts, CM weapons, Vanilla Rogue, All Legendaries, Much no longer available, SL Epic. [/ SIZE]

    Safe armory: Safe Armory

    Update: Shadowlands Flying Unlocked!

    Update: Violet Proto-Drake!

    Update: 100+ Reps!

    Update: Includes also 5000+ Timewarped Badges to buy your upcoming favorite mount!

    Ex-120's are lvl 50. Main-Rogue lvl 60 with 209+ iLvl ready for Mythic + Dungeons and Heroic + Raiding. Thorgast L8 weekly clear no problem.

    Recently added: 28k! + Reached

    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/gGcun5r.jpg [/ IMG]

    High-resolution screenshots (open with "right click + open new tab") here:

    Account details:

    Classic Account:
    Played since the beginning of the game in 2004 through all expansions
    Paused before Burning Crusade and returned with WotLK
    Acquired a new account and subsequently connected this old original account to this initial account after 2009, after the B.net account merger

    The first owner is the seller of the account:
    There is no account reselling via a third party, but the first owner is expressly and still the original owner and seller of the account
    It is hereby passed on with full certainty that the source of supply and the sale of this account originate from one and the same person and can therefore also be traced back to it
    The account has never had a bad impact and is in top condition
    Extensions, subscriptions and credits
    All World of Warcraft expansions are included along with the base game. Legion and Battle for Azeroth in the digital collector's edition
    30 days of game time is available on the account
    Shadowlands Epic also included.
    Original Diablo 2 + expansion Lord of Destruction + Diablo 3 base game are also included


    Achievement points
    Over [B] 26 [/ B], 000 success points (update of 25,265) have already been earned, as well as 223 classic successes and 51 heroic deeds
    These data put this account in the top 1% worldwide! ([url] http://wow-stats.com/pact03.html [/ url])
    If you are interested in taking a closer look, please use the link to the masked armory ([url] https://www.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5c1222b9576f2d4070ee8054 [/ url]). Masked for legal reasons, which simply creates and displays an anonymous but identical image of the official armory of Blizzard’s website. As a hint, it should be mentioned that the display of success points and even some lack of successes in the Armory is currently normal, is known as a mistake on the part of Blizzard and, according to statements, is already being worked on. For the most exact data, please use the attached screenshots and information here in the detailed process as a yardstick.
    All main quests have been completed on all continents, thereby unlocking the title “The Master of Teachings” including tabard
    A whopping 9892/10000 daily quests have already been completed. Likewise a total of 3534/5000 world quests
    All continents were explored and thereby * the title “Der Entdecker” including tabard unlocked
    All existing scout successes have been completed, so flying is possible in all currently permitted areas
    Battle for Azeroth’s scouts part 1 has also already been completed and when the second part is soon to be released it can then be flown straight away without any problems
    Also worth mentioning is the activation of the [Arsenal: Weapons of the Lightforged] by defeating all rare monsters on Argus, including the difficult-to-reach "Rezira the Seer"
    Player versus player
    Over 100,000 honorable victories (113,147) were achieved in the course of all PvP’s without having a focus on the next highest success of 250,000 and the associated title “The Bloodthirsty”. If it is in your own interest, this can be concluded more easily with the conclusion of the second half, which is only just needed.
    In normal arena games, more than 300 arena fights have already been successfully completed in the past, resulting in the achievement "Brutal Fighter" and the associated tabard [tabard of brute force]
    "Gurubashi Arena Grand Master" Completed achievement and obtained the Heirloom [Defending Champion] for this and acquired [Returning Champion] for the Darkmoon Faire Arena Final Series
    Completed “Master of Fight” of the Battle for Azeroth’s Duelists Guild, thereby earning the title “Champion”. Owned by 0.01% of all players worldwide ([url = http: //wowrarity.com/search? S = contender] 404 - File or directory not found. [/ Url])
    Also recently added the Battle for Azeroth open-world PvP success “Conquerors of Azeroth” with only 0.13% ownership ([url = http: //wowrarity.com/search? S = conqueror% 20of% 20az] 404 - File or directory not found. [/ url]), the activation of the title of the same name and receipt of the [Conqueror's Scythe] mount
    Dungeons & Raids
    All glories of all instances and raids have been completed. Including raid successes that are extremely difficult to almost no longer possible nowadays due to the scaling and are not part of the main successes of fame like Ulduar’s "Weakens the Bummbots!" and many more
    For reaching the maximum level of all professions in all expansions, the achievements "Master of all classes of Pandaria", "Master of all classes of Draenor", master of all classes of Legion "and" Master of all classes of Zandalari "were received, as well as the very elaborate archeology is at the maximum level, as is fishing and cooking
    All major cooking achievements have been completed and the title “Chef” has been unlocked. The matching [chef's hat] for 100 [gourmet prices] is also available.
    All major fishing achievements have been completed and the title “Horrors of the Seas” has been unlocked. With [Nat’s hat] through “Best Friend” and the [fishing raft] toy, as well as the [Masterful fishing rod of the Kalu'ak] (predecessor of the Legion Angler Artifact) with underwater breathing, nothing stands in the way of trouble-free fishing in all waters.
    Archeology is at the maximum level of 950. "Zandalari Curator" was completed by collecting all historical excavations. More than 30 rare excavation treasures were also acquired.
    A total of 88 calls from various factions were made exalted on the entire account. The reputation also includes those difficult to maintain such as "The Argent Tournament", "Nether Wings", "The Mag'har", Ramkahen, Nat Pagle and a few others
    All Allied Races have been unlocked and are ready to play up
    If you are interested in earning the title “Der Wahnsinnige”, then Rabenholdt is missing on Ehrfürchtig and the Blutsegelbukaniere on benevolent. All goblin races, including the Darkmoon Fair, which takes months of effort, are already on the account.
    World events
    All Argent Tournament deeds have been completed to unlock “Awesome Champion of the Horde” and the title “Crusader”. For this purpose, all mounts were then activated in a long and time-consuming process. See more under mounts.
    For the year-round success “What a long, strange journey ...” only 3 of the annual events are missing
    Pet fights
    Over 300 unique battle pets (total 314) have already been collected
    Over 40 animal tamers were defeated, the title “tamer” was unlocked and the [safari hat] was awarded for the achievement “The taming of the world”
    In total, over 400 Battle Pet Achievements have been earned, with the “Time to Open a Pet Store” achievement being recorded and awarded the [Jade Tentacles]
    The account contains all the necessary battle pets with which all fights in the current game can be won without any problems (see a selection on the attached screenshot)
    The latest, secret battle pet [Baa’l] is also in the collection, as is Legion’s fully upgraded [Uuna] that was necessary for it
    Some pets are also available multiple times and can be sold through the auction house in up to 6-digit sums
    In the meantime well over 350 mounts have been collected (a total of 416 on the entire account, 361 on a single character) and the [Biting Frost Shard Core] mount was unlocked through the associated success “We'll need a bigger stable”. Among the mounts there are some that are no longer available (see screenshot and listing below), such as birthdays, sales promotions or simply no longer available game content. There is also the [X-51 Nether Missile X-TREM] of the Official World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, which is no longer officially available, but can only be obtained from third-party suppliers on Ebay or in the auction house in the game. The current value for this mount alone is around € 350-450, with a comparable gold value in the game between 3.5-4.5 million.
    With more than 300 toys (329), the [Mechanical Wood Extractor] mount was unlocked via the achievement “Let the others play too”, with which, like the [Sky Golem], resources can be collected without dismounting
    There are over 30 tabards on the account. Including the [Tabard of the Lightbringer] from the quest line for WotLK’s legendary weapon [Shadowmourn].
    There are also many shirts on the account that are no longer available in the current game, mainly the [wraps of the blood-spattered pit fighter] and others from the previous fighting guild. The [Sleeveless T-Shirt] would also like to be mentioned at this point with its low 0.5% drop chance from the Alterac Valley in terms of rarity.
    By collecting a lot of transmogs, the title “Der / Die Todschicke” was unlocked. Among the transmogs are the unavailable Warlord of Draenor Challenge Mode weapon sets
    Extension features
    6/10 Successes of the “Master of the Thousand Winter” of the almost no longer played, Thousand Winter Battlefield of the same name were recorded live in the past
    The same applies to “Master of Tol Barad”, which with 5/6 completed successes is only waiting for a single one to complete the valuable total
    Over 100 scenarios Mist of Pandaria’s have been completed, which nowadays is very difficult to complete, also due to the low number of accesses. All of Pandaria's scenario achievements have been completed successfully.
    The trial by fire was completed in all 3 categories (damage, healer, tank) on gold and endless waves.
    All naval mission successes of Warlord of Draenor’s are mastered and listed as “Master of the Seas” and receiving the title “Captain”
    “Apexis Master” was obtained by collecting over 100,000 Apexis Crystals
    “Defenders of Draenor” and the associated garrison monument were awarded for achieving 5,000 honorable victories in Draenor (see screenshot with all special achievements)
    The achievement “The Bone Collector” was obtained for collecting over 4,000 bones from defeated players in the past Ashran raid instance, which is no longer in the game. As a result, the building, the sanctuary of the gladiator in the garrison, could be brought to level 3, the arena of the high rock Colosseum unlocked and the title “Lord of War” won victoriously. All of them unreachable in the current state of the game. The successes “Fight, Victory, Greetings!” for defeating 100 players in the arena there, as well as 3 sub-successes “Nemesis: Dwarf Executioner”, “Nemesis: Human Slayer” and “Nemesis: Scourge of the Kaldorei” of the total of 5 required for the main success “Warlord of Draenor” have also been acquired.
    All island expeditions were completed on Mythic difficulty and received the achievement “Island Conqueror”

    Classes & Characters:

    All classes on level at least 50, 2x60:
    2x60, 17 characters are at least level 50, including every class. Furthermore, there are some untouched Warlord of Draenor Twinks at level 100 and others just below (see screenshot)
    Every character at maximum level has a level 3 garrison
    All Legion class campaigns have been completely completed for all classes and thus each class mount has been unlocked
    Item level:
    Equipment was intentionally not given a primary focus on this account. Even if it can be a lot of fun to bring up your own equipment in every expansion, it is immediately devalued when a new expansion is started. Equipping a current expansion adds short-term value to an account, but no long-term value at all, and therefore offers no incentive to make a real investment in the system. Nevertheless, Mythic Dungeons can be completed with all characters of this account without any problems, just like Uldir Normal and Heroic conquered - even Uldir Mythic can be started on progress!
    A total of 104 titles, including, as already mentioned, some no longer obtainable such as Warlord of Draenor's “Lord / Mistress of War”, which only 0.11% of the total player community worldwide owns ([url] http://wowrarity.com/search?s = lord% 20of% 20war [/ url])

    All professions throughout all extensions kept at the maximum level.
    Thus, everything can be tinkered directly without any restrictions without having to laboriously level up a special profession. The very elaborate archeology is also at the maximum level, as is fishing and cooking, with all the recipes for daily quests


    Obsolete items, mounts, and titles
    Some nostalgic items are still available from Classic times, such as the [Chic Stopwatch], which is no longer available in the game and still provides great advantages in raids thanks to its movement speed increase of 40%
    Including mounts, legendary items, transmogs, toys and pets, as can be seen in the individual sections below
    For the fastest level up ever, a now unavailable + 300% experience potion is also included


    Note: Only mounts are deliberately listed and shown on the screenshot that took a lot of time and skill to get hold of them, that drop very rarely or that are simply no longer available. Mounts to buy for gold (such as the [Great Expedition Yak] or the [Champion's Sprocket]) are included on the account, but simply not listed here for reasons of space. The collection of over 350 mounts naturally includes all of the more common mounts and leaves only those of the most difficult to get hold of.
    Noteworthy features of all mounts on the account are as follows:

    [Challenger's War Syeti] - "Challenge Warlord: Silver" A feat of achievement
    [Kor'kron Warwolf] - "Ahead of Its Time: Garrosh Hellscream" A feat of success
    [Vigorous Mushan of the Pit Fighter] - Patch 5.3 Maximum Pit Fighter Rank 10 of the Fighters Guild
    [Warlord's Wheel of Death] - Qualified to win "Azeroth Choppers" contest in June 2014 received
    [Core Dog] - "You bravely looked for the power of Ragnaros" A feat of success, WoW's 10th birthday
    [Primeval Flamesaber] - Heroes of the Storm 2017 sale
    [Ember Mane Warhorse], [X-53 Travel Rocket] Two-Seater, "Recruit a Friend"
    [Frostshard Hell Beast] - "We'll Need a Bigger Stable" Achievement for obtaining 350 mounts for a single player
    [Blood-Soaked Krogg] - "Glory of the Uldir Raider" Achievement +
    [Obsidiankrolusk] - "War-Torn Hero's Glory" success, to name both of the newest
    Trading card game:
    [X-51 Nether Missile X-TREM] - One of the rarest loots in the entire trading card game. Only available on Ebay for around € 400 or in the auction house in the game for around 4 million gold
    Quests and calls:
    [Argent Warhorse], [Argent Charger], [Argent Hippogryph] and all other mounts of the Argent Tournament - a lot of time, a lot of grinding. A total of 105 days of quests completed each day for all mounts.
    [Arcanist Manasaber] - For completing the very long “The Fate of the Nightborne” questline in Suramar, Nightborne Exalted
    All 12 mounts for each class in the Legion Class Hall quest line
    All 6 mounts of the Allied Races Battle for Azeroth’s Patch 8.0.1
    [Mechanical Wood Extractor] - "Let the Others Play" Achievement for collecting 300 toys
    Unusually great effort or skill required:
    [Lucid Nightmare] - Completely underrated and extremely difficult puzzle / maze reward
    [Deep Dwellers] - World Quest Reward, unlocked after completing a series of puzzles. World quest rotates and changes only every two weeks and cannot appear for the intended mount for several months at a time, as in the case here
    [Puzzler's Mind Worm] - Series of puzzles to be solved
    [Long-forgotten Hippogryph] - Obtained for attempting to activate 5 Volatile Crystals hidden in Azsuna in competition with all other players
    [Great Northern Urhorn] - Very nerve-wracking quest for the Lederer profession in Legion, full of game errors. To be regarded as complex once you have completed it yourself.
    World events:
    [Horse of the Headless Horseman] - 0.5% drop chance from the Loot-Filled Pumpkin of Hallow's End
    [Large Brewfest Codo], [Fast Brewfest Ram] - 3% drop chance from the barrel-shaped treasure chest of the Brewfest festivities
    [Giant Cold Muzzle], [Shadowfur Pearl Tooth] - 1% drop chance from the Garrison. Invasion Loot. Invaders' treasure left behind
    Daily quests and rare open-world monsters:
    [Reins of the White Polar Bear] - 3% drop chance from the daily quest reward of the Hyldnir loot
    [Green Proto-Dragon] - 3% drop chance of the Broken Eggshell of the Oracle, which matures for 3 days
    [Darkspore Mana Rays], [Colorful Mana Rays], [Iridescent Mana Rays], [Fel Glimmer Mana Rays] - 3% drop chance of the 3-day-maturing Cracked Devil-Spotted Egg, rare monster of Argus
    [Gall-Tooth Grinder], [Crimson Moist Throat], [Acid Spit], [Evil Fiend], [Crazy Chaos Runner] - 3-4% drop chance of rare Argus monsters, daily reset
    [Golden Yellow Primordial Direhorn], [Jade Green Primordial Direhorn], [Slate Gray Primordial Direhorn] - 5% drop chance from Zandalari Warbringers
    [Armored Razorback], [Warsong Terror Tooth], [Tundraeishhoof] - 5% drop chance from Vengeance, Death Talon, Terror Fist, Doom Roller
    [Gloomwing of the Witherbark], [Donkey], [Tamed Highland Mustang], [Skull Ripper], [Swift Albino Raptor] - 6% drop chance of rare monsters of the Arathi Highlands, reset around every 2 weeks
    [Cleft Worm] - 1% drop chance Mistress Sassz'ine, The Tomb of Sargeras
    [Fiery Warhorse] - 1% drop chance to Attumen the Hunters, Karazhan
    [Invincible] - 1% chance to drop The Lich King, Icecrown Citadel
    [Pureblood Fire Hawk] - 1% drop chance in Ragnaros, Firelands
    [Blazing Dragon] - 1% drop chance of Elementium Fragment, Dragon Soul
    [Big Black War Mammoth] - 1% drop chance Boss loot, Archavon's Vault
    [Dragon of Onyxia] - 1.6% drop chance Onyxia, Onyxia's lair
    [Al'ar's Ashes] - 1.8% drop chance of Kael'thas Sunstrider, Fortress of Storms
    [Alysrazor Flame Talon] - 2% drop chance to Alysrazor, Firelands
    [Dragon of the South Wind] - 2% drop chance Al'Akir, Throne of the Four Winds
    [Azure Dragon], [Blue Dragon] - 5% drop chance from Alexstrasza's Gift, Eye of Eternity
    [Dragon of the North Wind] - 0.6% drop chance Altairus, The Summit of the Vortex
    [Vitreous Stone Dragon] - 0.7% drop chance Slab Skin, The Stone Core
    [Armored Razzashi Raptor] - 0.8% drop chance, Bloodlord Mandokir, Zul'Gurub
    [Swift Zulian Panther] - 0.9% drop chance High Priestess Kilnara, Zul'Gurub
    [Blue Proto-Dragon] - 0.9% drop chance Skadi the Ruthless, Utgarde Tower
    [Raven Lord] - 1.6% drop chance to Anzu, Sethekk Halls
    [Swift White Hawkstrider] - 4% drop chance of Kael'thas Sunstrider, Magisters' Terrace
    [Fossil Raptor] - Rare fossil archeology find
    [Pond nettle jellyfish] - 0.03% drop chance when fishing in the waters of the Antoran Wastes
    [Sky Golem] - Obtainable by building Engineer's Materials over a month. Exactly these 30 are also available on this account, along with other acquired and required materials. So it can easily be built again - and then given away or sold
    [Mecha-Mogul Mk2] * - Built from the very elaborate collection of rare engineering materials. Requires a recipe for this, which has an even lower drop chance and is bound when picked up. (* Note: This mount is unused on this account, ready for use by yourself or for sale in the Autkionshaus to other players with a current value varying between 800k-1.5Mio gold, depending on the server and demand)
    [Alani] - Whose shards of sky are needed nowadays a little more difficult to embrace when Mists of Pandaria was still active
    [Blood Snake of Nazjatar] - Collect and combine 20 Abyssal Fragments, summon and defeat a powerful monster for this purpose (a total of up to 350k gold value, all fragments together depending on the server). Currently only 0.29% of all players own this mount ([url] http://wowrarity.com/search?s=nazjatar [/ url])
    Legendary items:
    [Dragon's Wrath, Tarecgosa's last rest] - Unique transformability of the item which transforms the player into Tarecgosa's image and lets them fly as a dragon
    Player vs. Player:
    [Vicious War Wolf], [Vicious Warhorse] - added because it was bought with a saddle that is now unavailable
    [Ash Skin Mushan] - 500 Bloody Coins, 500 player versus player killing blows
    [Conqueror's Scythe] - "Conqueror of Azeroth" Open-world player versus player success that only 0.23% of all players have ([url] http://wowrarity.com/search?s=Conquerer%27s%20Scythemaw [ / url])
    Collector's Edition:
    [Gold-studded Ravasaurus], [Seaworthy Stallion] - Battle for Azeroth Collector's Edition
    [Illidari Devilstalker] - Legion Collector's Edition

    Battle Pets:

    464+, 314 unique:
    [Melted Core Dog] - WoW's 10th birthday, irrelevant
    [Fighting Machine] - Fighters Guild Reward, not available at the current state of the game
    [Argent Grunt], [Argent Squire] - Works great as a bank, mailbox, and merchant all rolled into one
    [Miimii] - "Freedom for Mummies" success, partial success of the main success "Glory of the war-torn hero"
    [Lagan] - "Poor Souls in Need" * Success, partial success of the main success “Glory of the Heroes of Legion”
    [Jade Tentacle] - “Time to Open a Pet Shop” Achievement for collecting 400 Success Points in Pet Battles
    [Moon Fluff] - 5% drop chance from Moon Catch at the Darkmoon Faire. And many more!
    Most of the most expensive Battle for Azeroth pets were bought, such as the [Cursed Hexxer] and the [Frenzied Cottontail] and many more
    Rare loot such as Legion's Rare drops such as Legion's [Rebellious Imp] or Warlord of Draenor's hard-to-get ", or hard-to-get Warlord of Draenor's [Eye of the Observer], [Servant of Demidos], as well as Cataclysm's [Fox Puppy] and many others are also in the collection. As mentioned above, the [Baa'l] pet, which was kept secret in Batle for Azeroth, and the required and fully upgraded [Una] from Legion are also included.
    All "Best Pets" (according to warcraftpets.com's user rating in terms of combat effectiveness) to win all battles in the entire game are included on the account
    Also included are all 4 rare battle pets of the tournament of the sublime of the Timeless Isle [Chi-Chi, chick of Chi-Ji], [Xu-Fu, offspring of Xuen], [Yu'la, cub from Yu'lon] and [ Zao, calf of Niuzao] for which 3 [coins of the exalted] are required each, 1 can be played per week and thus a total of 12 weeks of collecting time needs to be received by all.
    The very rare [Lantikorschlüpfling] of the eponymous rare monster of the Upper Upper Black Rock Spire has recently been added
    The [Vengeful Chicken] has also been added, which required world quest for it cannot appear in Battle for Azeroth for months again. This has a possible market value of 250-300k, it would like to be sold.


    Many toys from rare monsters of Azeroth, visited for days over weeks, in some cases even months, such as:
    [Victory Flag of the Horde], obtained in the arena of the high rock Warlord of Draenor’s, no longer available in the current game due to the bones required to build the rank 3 building
    [Echoes of Rezan] - Rare Battle for Azeroth World Quest Reward, which may take months to reappear
    [Krastinov's Bag of Terror] - Rare Loot Doctor Theolen Krastinov, Scholomance
    [Orb of the Sin'dorei] - Rare world loot with a 2% drop chance
    [Piccolo of the flaming fire] - Rare booty Herdsinger Forresten, Stratholme
    [Safari Helmet] - “Taming the World” Achievement for defeating 40 master animal tamers
    [Stormforged Vrykulhorn] - Rare Stormborn transforming toy unknown to the gaming community, booty from the Arena of Glory from the Warrior Skyhold class hall, weekly reset
    [Vizz 'bag of tricks] - Rare loot of the equally rare monster of The Seat of the Triumvirate instance on Mythical, weekly reset
    [Unusual Compass] - 5% chance to drop out of sack full of fishinged treasures
    [Nat's Fishing Chair] - "Learned From The Best" Success Nat Paggle Awesome
    [Angler raft] - The Anglers Respectfully. Very useful water walking toy, which can increase the speed of movement
    [Bones of Transformation] - Epic find about Highborne archeology, Naga transformation toys
    [Wisp Amulet] - Epic find about Highborn archeology, Wisp transformation toy
    [Scarab Storm Follower] - Epic find on Tol’Vir archeology
    [Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron] - Epic find about Tol’Vir archeology
    [Darkmoon Seesaw] - Very useful tool for expeditions
    [Reversible table] - 40 iron paw marks. Very fun toy to show your emotions
    [Tiny Mechanical Mouse] - Tiny mouse that chases your own pet, 500 Polished Pet Charms
    [Magical Pet Mirror] - Transform into your own pet, 500 Shiny Pet Charms
    [Snow Master 9000] - Very well-arranged toy, built using a rare engineering recipe, booty from the Winter Veil gifts, which can be sold all year round for 20-50k in the auction house
    [Staff of fur and claws] - What started out as an unfinished quest in the gaming community, and thus keeping this item, has become a toy. The Furbold transformation toy from the Holzschlundfeste on Exalted
    [World Enlarger] - Reduction toy, engineering recipe, 2% drop chance
    [Katy's punching pipe] - Mailbox without limits, usable at every level and on every character
    [Blind Eye] - Rare loot from the rare monster Rezira the Seer, to be obtained after collecting 500 intact demon eyes from Argus demons
    All training dolls toys
    All engineering teleportation toys
    All toys of the Argent Tournament which can only be obtained by completing daily tasks lasting several months


    87/88 are on the account
    All heirlooms have been collected, except for [Rethus Speer] whose required archeology quest in Legion Dalaran simply does not want to appear for months
    With the elaborate to receive [Defending Champion] for the completion of the success “Grand Master of the Gurubashi Arena” in the Schlingerdorntal
    As well as a similar heirloom [Returning Champion] from the Darkmoon Faire arena with even greater effort since only available a few days a month
    The collection also includes the [Schreckenspiratenring] received for taking 1st place in the every Sunday fishing tournament in the Booty Bay, Schlingerdorntal
    All 3 other pirate rings [Admiral Taylor's Loyalty Ring], [Captain Sander's Lost Ribbon], [Third Fleet Signet] for completing Warlords of Draenor’s ghost marine missions are also included
    Unheritable heirlooms include the [Pit Fighter's Knife Claws] as a reward from the past Fighters Guild and all heirlooms that were given to defeat Garrosh Hellscream at the opening “Battle of Orgrimmar” in Mists of Pandaria.

    Legendary items:
    All Legendary Weapons currently available for purchase are on the account. Including the inaccessible cloak from Mists of Pandaria and the ring from Warlords of Draenor. See the screenshot.
    With the receipt of the success “I'll take care of it until you're out again” and the activation of the [Arsenal: War Glaives of Azzinoth], these can now finally be transmogrified.

    As already mentioned, there is a wide range of different transmogs on the account, including some rare and expensive ones
    By completing the minimum requirement "Warlord Challenge: Silver" Warlord of Draenor’s, the corresponding weapon sets were unlocked, which are not available in the current game

    Other noteworthy items:
    The most useful teleportation items have been collected and all of them make traveling in the game as a non-mage class extremely easy. Such as [The last relic of Argus], [Jaina's medallion], [Ring of the Kirin Tor] and many more.

    All previously known secrets in the game have been revealed and the items received, such as the Legion's puzzle series and its rewards [Deep Dwellers], [Starving Claw], [Long-forgotten Hippogryph], [Puzzler's Mind Worm], [Lucid Nightmare] and [Uuna ]
    Battle for Azeroth is also up to date with the receipt of [Blood Snake of Nazjatar], [Baa'l's Dark Omen] and [Time Gilding], the cosmetic waist transmog.
    The remaining item [Abyssal Ether] was also kept from the summoning of the guardian for the [Blood Snake of Nazjatar], called in the community as a required and next reference to the [Swarm Consciousness] mount in patch 8.1.


    Acc+Insane: [SPOILER]1x60, 13x50, "The Insane" Title, Best Xmogs & Mounts. 2 Antorus Scythes, Taeshalach, SL Epic.

    Safe Armory: https://retail.safe-armory.com/en/account/60ee9e6dac2db

    High-resolution screenshots (open with "right click + open new tab") here:


    Classic Account:
    Owner has played the game since early 2004 through all of the expansions
    Paused before Burning Crusade and returned with WotLK
    Acquired a new account and subsequently connected this old original account to this initial account after 2009, after the B.net account merger

    The first owner is the seller of the account:
    There is no account reselling via a third party, but the first owner is expressly and still the original owner and seller of the account
    It is hereby passed on with full certainty that the source of supply and the sale of this account originate from one and the same person and can therefore also be traced back to it
    The account has never had a bad impact and is in top condition

    Extensions, Subscriptions and Credits:
    All World of Warcraft expansions are included along with the base game. Legion and Battle for Azeroth in the digital collector's edition
    30 days of game time is available on the account
    Overwatch is also included


    Success Points:
    Over 10,000 success points (10.3575) have already been earned.

    Classes & Characters:

    13 classes at level 50, 1x60:
    1x60, 13 characters are at level 50, including all classes and 2 druids. Including 110 prestige villains with the best Antorus gear for his level. Furthermore, some Legion Twinks are at level ~ 40.
    Every character at maximum level has a level 3 garrison
    All Allied Races class campaigns have been fully completed for all classes as of 8.1 and each of their class mounts has been activated.
    Item level:
    Equipment was intentionally not given a primary focus on this account. Even if it can be a lot of fun to bring up your own equipment in every expansion, it is immediately devalued when a new expansion is started. Equipping a current expansion adds short-term value to an account, but no long-term value at all, and therefore offers no incentive to make a real investment in the system. Nevertheless, Mythic Dungeons can be completed with all characters of this account without any problems, just like Uldir Normal and Heroic conquered - even Uldir Mythic can be started on progress!

    "Der Wahnsinnige" / "The Insane" has been unlocked. With one of the most coveted titles in the game, which takes a lot of effort to get it.

    Professions throughout all expansions kept at the maximum level, including Legion's profession quests.
    Thus, everything can be tinkered directly without any restrictions without having to laboriously level up a special profession. The very elaborate archeology is also at the maximum level, as is fishing and cooking, with all the recipes for daily quests

    Note: Only mounts are deliberately listed and shown on the screenshot that took a lot of time and skill to get hold of them, that drop very rarely or that are simply no longer available.

    Noteworthy features of all mounts on the account are as follows:

    [Blackpaw] - Sought-after bear mount, low drop chance Rare Darkshores
    [Llothien Prowler] - Reward of a quest series, which required item has a very low drop chance.
    [Brinedeep Bottomfeeder] - Desirable underwater mount, caught by Legion's Conjurer Bring Margoss to maximum reputation
    [Fathom Dweller] - Underwater mount, to be had after solving a Legion's riddle and a certain daily appears, which cannot appear for months.
    [Long-Forgotten Hippogryph] - Received for collecting time-limited crystals in Legion's Azsuna against other players.
    [Obsidian Worldbreaker] - Earned for defeating Chromie's 15th birthday WoWs memories
    [Ratstallion] - Obtained for long collecting 20,000 Sightless Eyes in Dalaran Sewers
    [Sky Golem] - Flight mount, suitable for resource farming without having to dismount
    [Wonderwing 2.0] - Obtained for unlocking flying in BfA
    [Bloodflank Charger] - BfA Reward war campaign
    [Crimson Tidestallion] - Rarely appearing water mount for sale at dealers in Nazjatar
    [Grand expedition Yak] - 120,000 gold expensive transmog and repair mount
    [Prestigious Bronze Courser] - Honor Level 15+ Prestige
    [Antoran Charhound] - 1% Raiddrop Antorus. Very popular mount.
    [Arcanist Manasaber] - For completing the very long “The Fate of the Nightborne” questline in Suramar, Nightborne Exalted
    [Skull Ripper] - 6% chance to drop rare monsters of the Arathi Highlands, reset around every 2 weeks
    [Ashenvale Chimeaera] - 6% chance to drop rare monsters from Darkshore, reset around every 2 weeks
    [Soaring Skyterror] - WoD fly activation
    [Spirit of Eche’ro] - Very rare archeology daily legion, which cannot appear for months
    [Sandstone Dragon] - Pandaria's Endgame Alchemy Art Mount, very rare recipe, requires a lot of rare materials
    [Azure Water Strider] - Formerly walkable over water, nostalgically mentioned former watercourse mount

    Battle Pets:
    All important pets to win all pet fights are on the account.
    Worth mentioning the [Vengeful Chicken], which required world quest for this in Battle for Azeroth again cannot appear for months. This has a possible market value of 250-300k, it would like to be sold.

    All the essential heirlooms available for leveling new twinks.

    Some of the most coveted transmogs in the game have been collected over months, many of them from Antorus and the tomb. Including both Antorus scythes, red and blue! As well as the Illidan glaive and also a coveted PvP transmog for the paladin.

    Acc+TopFrostMageTransmog: [SPOILER]2x60 + Perfect Frost Mage Transmog[/SIZE]

    Safe Armory: Safe Armory

    Hochauflösende Screenshots (mit "Rechtsklick+Neuen Tab Öffnen" öffnen) hier :

    Seller = owner
    Condition: Never badly noticed and in the best condition.

    Extensions, subscriptions and credits
    All World of Warcraft expansions are included along with the base game.

    Classes & Characters
    2 classes at level 60
    Mage + Hunter. Mage features Epic iLvl.

    Unlocked Legion class mount for Mage. Suitable for the perfect transmog.

    The most sought-after Frost Mage transmogs in the game have been collected. [/ SPOILER]

    L60 Classic Accs: [SPOILER] [B] Lvl 60 Nightelf Druid, Lakeshire GER / EU-PVE: [/ B]

    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/LRf1z9I.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/EN2UWBF.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/swDmafd.png [/ IMG]


    - Top T1 & T2 Gear ready for higher raiding
    - Professions on 300+ cooking, first aid
    - Epic Mount.

    [B] Lvl 60 Orc Shaman, Venoxis GER / EU-PVP: [/ B]

    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/YkQGdgG.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/HKMgmRX.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/cpxM11I.png [/ IMG]


    - Epic Mount.
    - Top AQ / ZG Healing Gear ready for higher dungeons + raids.

    [B] Lvl 60 Human Paladin, Everlook GER / EU-PVE: [/ B]

    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/yqtHymg.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/yx9lxEy.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/J3y0Bpd.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/xeYdyVs.png [/ IMG]


    - Molten Core Attutenment done. Onyxia Pre-Quest completed until the last UBRS Quest raids.
    - Epic Mount.
    - Top starter gear ready for 60 dungeons + raids.

    [B] Lvl 60 Disc / Holy Human Priest, Everlook: [/ B]

    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/gkLainD.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/fLiKp0Y.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/Wbcp59R.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/J3y0Bpd.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/njBUF1T.png [/ IMG]


    - Molten Core Attutenment done. Onyxia Pre-Quest completed until the last UBRS Quest raids.
    - Epic Mount.
    - Top starter gear ready for 60 dungeons + raids.

    [B] Lvl 60 Undead Warlock, Everlook GER / EU-PVE: [/ B]

    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/Jboy9kQ.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/isdh8Xn.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/DduQLeo.png [/ IMG]


    - Epic Mount.
    - Top Starter Gear ready for 60 Dungeons + Raids + PvP.

    [B] Lvl 60 Orc Warrior, Dragonfang EN / EU-PvP: [/ B]

    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/TUXe2VJ.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/1ROB4SY.png [/ IMG]
    [IMG] https://i.imgur.com/u8SghU1.png [/ IMG]

    - Epic Mount.
    - Top Starter Gear ready for 60 Dungeons + Raids + PvP. [/ SPOILER]

    L70 TBCC Acc: [SPOILER] [B] Lvl 70 PvP Resto / Ele-Shaman, Epic Mount, Great Blue Gear, 700 + G. Venoxis GER / EU-PVP [/ B]

    [img] https://i.imgur.com/UZ1ZGK6.png [/ img]
    [img] https://i.imgur.com/bTuvc9f.png [/ img]
    [IMG] [url]https://i.imgur.com/8m459XU.png[/IMG]

    [B] Details: [/ B]

    - Great Blue Gear, ready for highest dungeons + starting raids
    - Very Fast Epic Mount,
    - 700G + free to spend (Flying / AH-Gear!) [/ ​​SPOILER]

    EU: 70 Pvp Balance/Resto-Druid, Epic Mount, Great Blue Gear, Max Profs, Flying


    - Great Blue Gear, ready for highest dungeons+starting raids

    - Very Fast Epic Mount,

    - Flying
    - Max Profs (Alch/Herb)

    Hi-End from only 800 available,
    Acc + Insane from 150,
    Acc + TopFrostMageTransmog from 40,
    L60 Classic Accs from only 25 possible,
    L70 TBCC Acc from 120.

    Simply PN with a realistic price proposal. Purchase via secure bank transfer. After receipt of payment, data transfer of login, PW, email login, email PW, secret question and answer, masked personal ID eye-black. No problem.

    Steam-Acc required? For sale: Since the beginning "Steam Account 16.5yo, Lvl 10, 75+ games, EA sub 2022, 0 infractions" here:
    Last edited by HughDaz; 08-31-2021 at 03:40 AM.

    Quitting WoW: Hi-End Acc, Acc+Insane, Acc+TopFrostMageTransmog, L60 Classic Accs & L70 TBCC
  2. #2
    HughDaz's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Thanks G/R
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