Big account for sale/lots of pvp stuff and pve menu

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  1. #1
    dmm03's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2024
    Thanks G/R
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    Big account for sale/lots of pvp stuff and pve

    Items/mogs/sets/collectables etc

    - 444k Gold
    - 2,790 trader's tender
    - 2 x lvl 60 boosts
    - 2 x server transfers
    - 542 mounts
    - 1014 pets (plenty to sell on ah)
    - 420 toys
    - 88/94 heirlooms (plate chars)
    - 99 sets (paladin)
    - 87 sets (DK)
    - 12 elite transmogs (paladin) (from legion season 1 up to DF season 2)
    - 1 elite sets DH
    - 10 elite sets DK
    - 2 fully geared chars but enough resources to buyh gear for more characters)
    - most legendeary weapons for ret paladin including balance of power
    - 47/68 weapon enchants (includes some pvp rating ones)
    - demonic tyranny weapon enchant (2.4 rating legion)
    - shadow flame weapon enchant (2.1 rating DF season 2)
    - primal storm weapon enchant (2.1 rating DF season 1)
    - unchained fury weapon enchant (2.1 rating shadowlands season 2)
    - dreadflame weapon enchant (2.1 rating BFA)
    - demonic gladiator's tabard
    - dominant gladiator's tabard
    - dread gladiator's tabard
    - notorious gladiator's tabard
    - sinful gladiator's tabard
    - crimson gladiator's tabard
    - obsidian gladiator's tabard
    - Varruth's Guillotine (0.03% drop two h sword)
    - 563/781 head
    - 522/696 shoulders
    - 1048/1485 back
    - 554/721 chest
    - 95/115 shirt
    - 93/128 tabard
    - 477/630 wrist
    - 479/626 hands
    - 506/664 waist
    - 482/647 hands
    - 523/711 feet
    - 287/410 two-handed swords
    - 177/317 two-handed axes
    - 202/374 Two handed maces
    - 164/372 polearms
    - 226/476 one-handed axes
    - 397/744 one-handed swords
    - 384/783 one-handed maces
    - 310/747 shields
    - 224/508 held in off-hand
    - and many more items some rare.


    - 24,970 achievement points
    - glory of the legion raider
    - glory of the legion hero
    - glory of the draneor hero
    - glory of the wartorn hero
    - glory of the ulduar raider
    - glory of the dragon soul raider
    - glory of the icecrown raider (10 player)
    - glory of the icecrown raider (10 player)
    - glory of the raider (10 player)
    - Grand Marshal (2.4 rbg in legion, BFA and Shadowlands)
    - Three's company 2200
    - Just the two of us 2200
    - 14 curves (from xavius to scalecommander sarkareth)
    - 90 exalted reputations (94 in total)
    - 500 mounts achievement (Thanks for the Carry!)


    - 5 times elite
    - 1 legend in solo shuffle
    - 2.4 in 2s
    - 2.2 in 3s
    - 2.6 in rbg
    - 689 honor level

    Rare Mounts:

    - Drake of the North Wind
    - headless horseman's mount
    - infinite timereaver
    - raven lord
    - shackled ur'zul
    - prestigious bloodforged courser
    - pretty much all th epvp mounts apart from glad mounts
    - Minion of Grumpus
    - Predatory Plagueroc
    - two blizzcon ticket mounts: Bounds Blizzard and Snowstorm
    - 19 mounts from the store
    - and lots more


    - 17 pets from store


    - 3 toys from store


    - 6 mogs from store


    - bought couple epic editions of the expansions (at least 2/3 most recent ones)


    Ravencrest - 4 characters (mnain ones) (2 paladins and 2 dks) (all level 70) (dks fully geared season 3)
    Outland - 13 characters (most of them level 50+)
    Burning Legion - 4 chars (dh lvl 53, rogue 46, lock 42, mage 70)
    Defias brotherhood 2 chars (dh 57, shaman 46)

    Battlenet account:

    - £100 balance


    - next blling date 8 July 2024


    - lots of gold/coins in hs
    - unlocked arthas avatar
    - bought some expansions
    - and more

    Big account for sale/lots of pvp stuff and pve

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