Hello there.I'm selling gold on most EU realms.My current stock is:
Kazzak-Horde: 30k
Auchidoun-Ally: 25k
If you need gold on any other realm feel free to add me on skype: lindairoki
We will discuss about the price and demands there.
How does it work? (Learn more about CoreCoins here)
Hello there.I'm selling gold on most EU realms.My current stock is:
Kazzak-Horde: 30k
Auchidoun-Ally: 25k
If you need gold on any other realm feel free to add me on skype: lindairoki
We will discuss about the price and demands there.
hey, if you want to sell gold contact me in skype: knute16
i pay 0,38€ per k on many servers! got much feedback from other site, just ask me to show!
^ Dont trust this guy here (Gernil), he scammed me 100K
We know him already,his old acc was banned on ownedcore.Thanks for reminding tho.