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  1. #1
    TeeMeest's Avatar Private
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    TeeMeest's World of Warcraft Unbanning Service

    TeeMeest's World of Warcraft Unbanning Service is here. After the recent ban wave from Blizzard I have decided to set up shop here to help you poor souls get your accounts back!

    As I am new here, the service shall be cheap as I build up my reputation so use me as fast as you can!

    I shall write my contact details below (skype preferably but you can also e-mail me). I will ask you a series of questions so I know where to start with the unbanning process. This will include why you were banned, how long for etc.

    After I have received your payment I shall begin the writing process. As a native English speaker and English student my communication skills are exceptional and I will do my very best to get your account back to you. You will receive the writing via e-mail or skype to then send off to Blizzard. It has to be sent by you, otherwise it looks suspicious.

    The payment is not just for the first e-mail. It covers all subsequent responses until you get your account unbanned. I will continue my attempts with the very best responses until the end. If the account still cannot be brought back to you, there is another method I can take which shall not cost you extra but is used as a last resort.


    I am charging £6GBP for my services. Substantially less than you would have to invest levelling a new account (not to mention buying one.) This is much cheaper than other services out there at the current time due to the service being new. I have a lot of reputation to build up. Prices WILL go up at a later date along with my reputation (At least, that's the plan!) Payments must be made through verified paypal accounts.

    The service is understandably non-refundable as, regardless of the outcome, you are paying for my time.

    Contact Details
    Skype: TeeMeest
    E-mail: [email protected]

    E-mail with the subject (TeeMeest unban)

    TeeMeest's World of Warcraft Unbanning Service
  2. #2
    tihifniz's Avatar Contributor
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    Do you think you would be able to get an account unbanned which got a perm ban this time, but previously had a 3 day ban for botting ( inscription shuffle - just standing in sw running back and forth to mailbox and makeing shoulder enchants ) it was 8-9 months ago.
    I also have another account attached to my b.net, which is permenently banned, for the inscription dupe/rollback - but i dont care about that one.

  3. #3
    TeeMeest's Avatar Private
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    I can most certainly try for you. If you wish to discuss further then add my skype and we can chat

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