All - I just bought a non-battlenet old WoW account from september 2009 off of
When I merged it to my Bnet, it told me it sent an email notification to the registered email on the WoW account, which I dont know.
I was given no secret word or CD Keys - I just bound it to my Bnet and it works fine. I then transferred the character off of the bought account onto another account within my same Bnet, and did a race and name change and server xfer.
When the 30 days is up, I plan on creating a NEW Bnet, and transferring the character there.
Will the above precautions keep me safe? Whats to keep this kid from seeing the email (assuming the account I bought was scammed), and just calling blizzard? Now Im mad paranoid to put any time into this toon because Im afraid it will get snatched back right when Cataclysm drops.