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  1. #1
    The Devine Mercy's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    The Division leveling and boosting services

    Xbox One

    Division Tech Farming
    50= $10
    100= $20
    200= $35 (Save $5)
    400= $70 (Save $10)
    500= $85 (Save $15)

    Resistance Leveling
    1-5= $7 per level
    5-10= $10 per level
    10-15= $13 per level
    15-20= $16 per level
    21-30= $19 per level
    31-40= $21 per level

    Skirmish Leveling
    1-5= $7 per level
    5-10= $10 per level
    10-15= $13 per level
    15-20= $16 per level
    21-30= $19 per level
    31-40= $22 per level
    40+= $25 per level

    Base Game
    Leveling 1-30= $40
    Max out all wings= $25

    Daily Missions (Must be appropriately geared)
    (Hard)- $5
    (Challenging)- $8
    (Heroic)- $10

    High Value Targets
    HVT Intel Farming- Involves going to the safehouses to gather intel on High Value Targets by performing the Search and Destroy missions.
    15 Intel= $3
    30 Intel= $5
    50 Intel= $10

    Daily HVT (Must have intel)
    $1 per target

    Weekly HVT (Must have intel)
    $3 per target

    High Value Target Bundles (Must have intel)
    All Daily HVTs


    All Weekly HVTs (Must have intel)

    Crafting- $5
    Combat- $10
    Darkzone- $5
    Underground- $10
    Survival- $10

    All Daily Assignments Bundle

    Weekly Assignments


    500k- $5
    1mil- $10

    Phoenix Credits
    100- $10
    250- $20
    500- $30

    Incursions (Must be appropriately geared)
    Falcon Lost

    Hard- $5
    Challenging- $10
    Heroic- $15

    Clear Sky
    Hard- $10
    Challenging- $15
    Heroic- $20

    Dragon's Nest
    Hard- $5
    Challenging- $10
    Heroic- $15

    Stolen Signal
    Hard- $15
    Challenging- $35
    Heroic- $60


    1-30= $20
    30-50= $35
    50-75= $65
    75-99= $130

    Darkzone Extractions
    9 items- $10
    18 items- $15
    30 items- $25

    Hourly Sessions/Practice- $15

    Underground Leveling
    1-10= $2 per lvl
    10-20= $3 per lvl
    20-30= $4 per lvl
    30-40= $5 per lvl
    40+= $6 per lvl

    Completed run with any rank- $10
    Master Rank Run- $15
    Flare Gun Achievement- +$3
    Temperature Achievement- +$3
    100 Extractions from Survival Achievement- $210 (this price will be reduced based on the number of items you already have extracted if you've done them before.)

    Last Stand Leveling
    1-10= $9 per level
    10-20= $12 per level
    20-30= $15 per level
    30-40= $18 per level
    40-99= $21 per level

    Build Making

    Creating a build using gear you already have- $10
    Starter Build- $50
    Specific Gear Set/or stats- $65

    Loadout Checkup/Optimization
    Need someone to check out your loadouts and see if they're any good? Or maybe you just don't have the time, patience, or knowledge to optimize your builds. Either way, I've got you covered.

    Checkup- $10 (Takes notes of your builds and lets you know what could be improved by rerolling or replacing with better gear for the desired effect.)
    Optimization- $15 (Makes your builds the best they can be based on all of the gear, mods, and armor in your stash or inventory)

    Exotic Gear Farming
    Exotic items include: Barret's Chest Piece, NinjaBike Messenger Bag, Ferro's Gas Mask, Skulls MC Gloves, Shortbow Kneepads, and Colonel Bliss' Holster. A full cycle is equal to running each the missions required and farming each of the World Bosses once. These items rarely drop, however there will be a plethora of gear and Phoenix credits gained in the process, all of which will be kept. A LZ full cycle can be completed every 4 hours. The DZ Cycle includes fighting every boss in the DZ one time, extracting any exotics that drop along the way.

    Specific Missions
    10$ per 3 missions (There are 5 missions to run)

    LZ Full Cycle= 50$
    DZ Full Cycle= 50$

    Global Event Grinding
    GE Credits (1500) $10

    Flawless Fighter/Complete all 6 Challenging Missions in a group with no one going down= $30
    Highest Value Target/Complete 20 rank 4 HVTs= $50 (Must be done over the course of a few days)
    Legendary Agent/Finish all Legendary missions= $90
    Mission Master/Complete ? Missions=
    Networking/Complete 100 Missions as a group= $300

    Cut the Rope!/Cut ? ropes in DZ= $60
    DZ Revival/Revive ? Players in DZ= $60
    Extricate/Extract ? items=
    I am the LAW!/Kill 750 rogues in DZ=
    Landmark Master/Clear ? DZ landmarks=
    Mine! Mine! Mine!/Claim ? DZ Supply drops=
    PvP Master/Complete various commendations=
    Ranked!/Reach DZ Rank 99= (See price for leveling)
    The Manhunted.../Survive ? Manhunts=
    The Manhunter.../Kill ? manhunt targets=

    Descent to Madness/Complete ? Underground Phases=
    Directive Executive/Complete 50 underground missions with 5 directives in WT5=
    Living Underground/Complete ? Underground operations=
    The Beast Below/Reach UG Level 40= (See price for leveling)
    Underground Recon/? Missions complete with 5 directives active=

    Black Pigeon Down/Succeed in 20 Survival sessions= depends on progress
    For the Hoarder/Extract 100 items from Survival= depends on progress
    Pacifist/In PvP, kill no other players= $25
    Survival Expert/Complete Various commendations= depends on progress
    Survival Explorer/Complete Various commendations= depends on progress
    Survival Instincts/Achieve Master rank= $15
    Survival Revival/Revive ? players= depends on progress

    Access to All Fast Travel Points- This allows you to have access to all fast travel checkpoints and vendors in and out of the DZ, giving more gear options.

    Collectible Farming- These will be performed assuming you have the locations revealed on your map by completing all side missions in the area. Unlocks various clothing items in game.
    $5 for 20 items.

    Complete All Encounters/Side Missions- Completing all the encounters/side missions in an area unlocks Search and Destroy Missions as well as revealing the locations of all collectibles on the map.
    Side Missions= 5$ per area
    Encounters= 5$ per area
    Bundle (includes both)= 8$ per area

    Contact me on skype- live:kimberlyv12345

    paypal payment
    Last edited by The Devine Mercy; 07-06-2018 at 02:32 PM.

    The Division leveling and boosting services
  2. #2
    latifkhan89's Avatar Member
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    Status: Trade
    The division is game that is exclusively in light of levels, advantages, and abilities. Presently there are plenty of points of interest during the time spent step up in The division leveling which incorporates gathering intel, outfitted with the best weaponry and finishing objectives with your squad. We'll be clarifying every one of the subtle elements, alternate routes, and traps on the best way to level up speedier in your adventure of The Division. You must do these tasks to level up the game.
    - Gear Up
    - Leveling Up
    - Close Encounters
    - Ramping Up completing Mission.

  3. #3
    KARLHUNGUS666's Avatar Member
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    Status: Trade
    She ripped me off and never provided services. Stole my $50. DO NOT USE.

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