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  1. #61
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by KillerJohn View Post
    ohh I can't find a word, wow This will make the entire "default minimap size and position" algorithm universal

    So, if I'm correct, then
    size = 350 * (resy / 1200)
    center_y = 55 * (resy / 1200) + size / 2 or 115 * resy / 600
    center_x = resx - 27.5 * (resx / 1920) - size / 2

    btw what is the R on your graphs?
    I was wrong, center x is related to res_y too, and I already implemented it, so after a little "test in practice" here are the final functions:
    size = 350 * (resy / 1200)
    center_y = 54 * (resy / 1200) + size / 2 or 114.5 * resy / 600
    center_x = res_x - 27 * (resy / 1200) - size / 2

    giving so perfect results my mind is blown away

    Originally Posted by neF4ST View Post
    You have the equations on the graph:
    size = 0.29*res_y
    center_x = 0.89*res_x
    center_y = 0.19*res_y

    (R² is the fit error, R²=1 means perfect fit)
    in your format the formulas are the following:
    size = 0,29166666666*res_y
    center_y = 0.1908333333*res_y
    But center_x is not related to res_x, because the distance of the right side of the minimap and the right side of the screen is derived from the height of the screen.
    The values has to be insanely perfect because the slightest deviation will skew the entire minimap.

    Insane Now I have a perfect solution for any screen resolution
    Last edited by KillerJohn; 12-15-2012 at 02:13 PM.

    [MOD] TurboHUD <-- The very first thread TurboHUD had ever
  2. #62
    Huggarn's Avatar Member
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    And you wondered about only few ppl being interested in it This topic already reached top of hottest threads in main page. It should bring you some + reps ^^

  3. #63
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by Huggarn View Post
    And you wondered about only few ppl being interested in it This topic already reached top of hottest threads in main page. It should bring you some + reps ^^
    Haha, now I'm 29, plus 2 kids, so I don't give a *** for "online reputation". I got far enough reputation 7 years ago in D2 era, enough for 5 full lifetime I love developing, I can't live without it, and now I have some free time to do whatever I want to do.

    Sadly it seems that nowadays being in the "hottest threads" is not a big deal

  4. #64
    neF4ST's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    2 questions:
    - if you don't care about online reputation, why do you keep complaining about the fact that only a few people posted in your thread?
    - how do you still have free time with 2 kids??? (i'm 29 too and first kid scheduled for March!)

  5. #65
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by neF4ST View Post
    2 questions:
    - if you don't care about online reputation, why do you keep complaining about the fact that only a few people posted in your thread?
    Because I've no idea what would be a good or bad feature. I would love to see ideas, discussions, theories about what Blizzard will react when this project will hit the public.
    7 years ago when TurboT was online, about 7000 people used it, and blizzard never did a single ban against it (everybody knew the risks). Now I'm afraid that people - I mean mostly KIDS - will start to use this for optimizing farming routes, and the big brother will start to ban their accounts. I don't want that.

    Originally Posted by neF4ST View Post
    2 questions:
    - how do you still have free time with 2 kids??? (i'm 29 too and first kid scheduled for March!)
    I lost my biggest contract a few months ago, so now I have a lot of time. I have a small dev company working in educational and government scene, but now I'm without a contract for a few months --> plenty of free time

    Congratulation for your first child! It's so fun, being awake 17 times in a night ^^ My smaller son will be 2 years old in march

  6. #66
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    An example stat log file (aka "packet", becaused it'll be sent to the aggregator server)

    integrity check: bXCPYAMmRP3Es+VAzpEZnpfjoumZYaccSyyFTiGBd7+ykYNNh6QaxJ4XoRIq+SvyAvYvzPVG2wtm5xP9kHk3KA
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <packet type="run" created_on="20121216011702512" instance_public_id="29383f7d-3f330bd8-281586db-e4d98c1e-b6fe49f7">
    	<run started_on="20121216011653442" started_on_utc="20121216001653442" length="9069" gained_xp="0" gained_gold="0" monsters_killed="0" area_count="4">
    			<loot count="0" />
    		<area name="New Tristram" started_on="20121216011653442" started_on_utc="20121216001653442" length="2615" gained_xp="0" gained_gold="0" monsters_killed="0">
    				<loot count="0" />
    		<area name="The Royal Crypts" started_on="20121216011656057" started_on_utc="20121216001656057" length="2502" gained_xp="0" gained_gold="0" monsters_killed="0">
    				<loot count="0" />
    		<area name="The Old Ruins" started_on="20121216011658561" started_on_utc="20121216001658561" length="2660" gained_xp="0" gained_gold="0" monsters_killed="0">
    				<loot count="0" />
    		<area name="New Tristram" started_on="20121216011701221" started_on_utc="20121216001701221" length="1290" gained_xp="0" gained_gold="0" monsters_killed="0">
    				<loot count="0" />
    This is very far from complete. There will be item count by iLvl and quality, and the complete item stats (with all properties and values).

    btw, aggregator server... If I can arrange it with my brother then he will make a simple aggregator server which will collect that "packets" and aggregate them.
    Of course anonymously. You will be able to watch your statistics and data online, with your instance id. There are no names, passwords, emails, login names, battletags, character names, anything. Only your guid based, random-generated instance id which will be created first time you use the HUD.

    I already have some fancy ideas about stat aggregation
    http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diab...on-levels.html (item count vs paragon levels)
    Last edited by KillerJohn; 12-15-2012 at 07:21 PM.

  7. #67
    sed-'s Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    well there is a program that i use to use in d3 that just said "Goblin detected" when your within xyards of it, blizz said it was fine. but mind you that was like 3patches a go so. it had no fancy arrows or anything just a simple alert.

  8. #68
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by sed- View Post
    well there is a program that i use to use in d3 that just said "Goblin detected" when your within xyards of it, blizz said it was fine. but mind you that was like 3patches a go so. it had no fancy arrows or anything just a simple alert.
    Thanks for your reply! Maybe when the beta is out, somebody should send a support ticket to question them about TurboHUD's features.

    About the first beta: I'll delay it until the item drop log is not finished. I'll see how fast I can implement it in a proper way, to be able to detect the following events:
    - unid item dropped (to make item count stats gouped by item level and quality level)
    - item identified FIRST time (to log the exact properties of the items)

    Maybe I'll not target to be PERFECT, so I'll allow the engine to sometimes make redundant log entires about the same items (for example: you pickup, you identify, you drop and pickup and drop again). It'll stress the CPU less than removing the duplicates (by "seed" value) at the aggregation stage.

  9. #69
    nitromc's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by killerjohn View Post
    i was inactive for a few years (but i have 2 sons ) , so now i'm a little out of the picture about diablo community trends.

    it'll log your drops, and you will be able to upload the (anonim) statistics to a website which will aggregate the stats and make fancy statistics - in theory, my free server capacity will determine the future of that.

    It'll be a closed source, heavily obfuscated .net 4.0 project based on a simple take-it-or-leave-it mechanism.
    If you don't like closed source, or you feel fear about it, or don't trust, please close this browser session.
    History proved it once that a free, closed source project can survive - maybe you know what i mean

    i can read pretty much anything from d3 memory, which seems legit from blizzard standpoint - based on some loot tracker and loot alert posts.
    Which can change at any time

    if you have any idea, please post it here. Don't even think about requesting any kind of input simulation or memory writing. Thanks!

    Already implemented:
    - insanely fast and stable memory reading
    - transparent, alpha channeled hud
    - item recognition, stat readings
    - special "pickit" language to define what is important and what is not
    - ilvl, qlvl, itemgroup display
    - xp graph
    - xp in run, xp in area, xp/h in run, xp/h in area display with run and area length values
    - gold graph
    - gold in run, gold in area, gold/h in run, gold/h in area display
    - pickup range readout and display
    - almost everything is customizable via config file (see below)
    - automatic config reload when the config.xml is changed
    - complete monster readout (location, name, maximum/current hp, etc)
    - kill counter and stats /run and /area
    - saving paths and showing them on the hud

    my ideas:
    - dps graph
    - path recording and showing the saved paths on the ground (and maybe on minimap)
    - show legendaries on the minimap, even outside of the current viewport (~ +1.5 screen extra range over the normal viewport)
    - log all drops in file
    - anonim send all logs into a server
    - website for the statistics
    - sound and visual notification on 6 stat rare and legendary drops
    - normal leveling xp and paragon leveling xp statistics in different areas
    - log gold-in-stash
    - log runs and areas (length, normalxp/paragonxp gained, gold gained ,etc)
    - visual danger alert (molten, arcane, poision pools, etc)? (i'm not sure, maybe blizzard would not like that...)

    pickit example:

    1h		= name=nailbiter & dps+940 & at_least[1, sock+1, critdmg+70, main_stat_vita+320]
    -1h		= name=nailbiter
    -1h		= name=the gidbinn
    -1h		= name=skycutter
    -1h		= name=doombringer
    all = quality+9
    uber_keys = quality+1
    ;keep all plan
    ;plans = quality+1
    ;keep all tome
    ;tomes = quality+1
    ;tome_of_secrets = quality+1
    ;keep all gem
    ;high_ruby     = quality+1
    ;high_topaz    = quality+1
    ;high_emerald  = quality+1
    ;high_amethyst = quality+1
    ; example rares
    1h = dps+850 & sock+1 & at_least[3, main_stat+150, critdmg+75, vita+130, loh+400, lsteal+1]
    1h = dps+900 & sock+1 & at_least[2, main_stat+120, critdmg+50, vita+100, loh+300, lsteal+1]
    1h = dps+950 & sock+1 & at_least[2, main_stat+90,  critdmg+35, vita+70,  loh+200, lsteal+1]
    1h = dps+1100
    ring = ias+5 & crit+3 & at_least[1, critdmg+20, loh+200]
    ring = ias+5 & crit+3 & loh+100
    ring = at_least[3, main_stat+100, main_stat_vita+150, crit+3, ias+5, allres_armor+45, loh+100, critdmg+20]
    pickit will be evaluated on-the-fly by the hud:
    - i can't hide items on the ground, because hud can't alter d3 client. But you can turn off the "show items" feature in d3 settings and let the hud decide what is worth to see.
    - unid items cannot be read!
    - this pickit affects showing or hiding identified item names on the ground
    - showing/hiding unidentified items on the ground will be controlled by much easier rules (ex: Show only ilvl>60, show only qlvl>8, etc)
    - my master plan is that if you open your inventory, the hud will put a big fat red circle (joking) around that identified item in your inventory which is evaulated to "keep" by your pickit config. So, after you made a huge perfect pickit rule file, you don't even have to read the identified items' stats after iding, because the good ones will be circled automatically. Yeaaah

    latest hud config file template
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    		<show item_level="1" item_quality="1" item_groups="1" item_groups_all="0" />
    		<font size="9" family="arial" bold="0" foreground="255,255,255,255" background="128,128,0,0">
    			<offset x="0" y="0" />
    		<experience enabled="1" x="100" y="5" h="30">
    			<collection interval="5000" />
    			<colors border="192,0,0,0" background="64,255,255,255" value="192,196,0,128" text="255,255,128,192" />
    		<gold enabled="1" x="345" y="5" h="30">
    			<collection interval="5000" />
    			<colors border="192,0,0,0" background="64,255,255,255" value="192,196,0,128" text="255,255,128,192" />
    	<gain_panel x="5" y="100">
    		<font size="8" family="courier" bold="0" foreground="255,255,255,0" />
    		<background enabled="1" color="48,0,0,0" />
    		<border color="96,0,0,0" />
    		<experience enabled="1" />
    		<gold enabled="1" />
    		<monsterkill enabled="1" />
    		<run enabled="1" />
    		<area enabled="1" />
    	<item_quality_names q0="???" q1="gray" q2="white" q3="magic4" q4="magic5" q5="magic6" q6="rare4" q7="rare5" q8="rare6" q9="unique" />
    	<custom_radius_circles count="1">
    		<idx1 range="10" thickness="1" color="192,192,64,64" enabled="0" />
    		<pickup_range show="1" color="40,255,165,0" width="3" />
    		<strong hp_limit="800000" notify="1" />
    		<goblins notify="1" />
    	<saved_paths enabled="1">
    		<line color="40,255,64,64" width="5" />
    		<font size="8" family="courier" bold="0" foreground="192,255,165,0" />
    saving paths

    if you press f8 ingame, then the hud is adding a new line into a path file (.\saved_paths\a1_trout_newtristram.path for example) with the current coordinate.
    With notepad you can name every point like in the following example.

    2966.39, 2814.12, 28.3, start
    2993.51, 2813.67, 28.3, noname
    3005.14, 2837.17, 28.3, noname
    2989.72, 2862.30, 28.3, checkpoint
    2957.75, 2856.56, 28.2, noname
    the path file are auto-reload too, like the main config.xml. Every change is reflected realtime in the hud.

    Nef4st - helping with minimap size and location calculator

  10. #70
    rushone2010's Avatar Corporal
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    @killerjohn please release this I am so looking forward to this! I love your work and dedication man. Kudos. ****ing kudos.

  11. #71
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by rushone2010 View Post
    @killerjohn please release this I am so looking forward to this! I love your work and dedication man. Kudos. ****ing kudos.
    I'll release it when it's done and can log items properly.

    Originally Posted by KillerJohn View Post
    About the first beta: I'll delay it until the item drop log is not finished. I'll see how fast I can implement it in a proper way, to be able to detect the following events:
    - unid item dropped (to make item count stats gouped by item level and quality level)
    - item identified FIRST time (to log the exact properties of the items)

    Maybe I'll not target to be PERFECT, so I'll allow the engine to sometimes make redundant log entires about the same items (for example: you pickup, you identify, you drop and pickup and drop again). It'll stress the CPU less than removing the duplicates (by "seed" value) at the aggregation stage.

  12. #72
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    I've a problem about drop detection, because if you drop an item to the floor, the D3 client forgets it's actor ID and shows up a second later with a new one... argh..... pff........
    I have to make a hashtable to store all ever-seen items by their SEED number (it's constant but multiple items can have the same SEED number, but the chances are astronomical(ly low))
    and if a new actorid appears, I have to check that item info object...

    EDIT: new feature added [for Huggarn ]: you can show/hide a "compass" which is represented by two lines pointing into X and Y direction of WORLD coordinates. You can define color, transparency, and line width too. It's called "world_directions" in the config file.
    Last edited by KillerJohn; 12-16-2012 at 05:37 AM.

  13. #73
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    first post updated with latest config file example, and feature list

  14. #74
    neF4ST's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    DO ... WANT
    You're such a tease!

  15. #75
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by neF4ST View Post
    DO ... WANT
    You're such a tease!
    still having some problems about re-dropped items. maybe on monday. But I really dont want to give ETAs. I have a lot of work in this, believe me I know it like my hands, and D3's memory is not an easy thing to read - in case you want to be 99.99% and not just 99% I have to implement a craptons of error and validity checks.

    For instance, there is a chance that the "collector" is gathering info from D3 and while the process is running, D3's internal garbage collector rearranges the memory. Rare? yes, pretty rare. but for example it can cause the HUD to read that you have 0 level. Or gold. Or xp. Or items. It can cause ****ups everywhere

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