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    chocoboos's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Hammerstorm barbarian exploit guide by chocoboos

    So still alots of people misunderstand it and doing it wrong i decided to make some guide.
    I will upload some new videos with better quality propably tomorrow.

    Here is short movie explaining whats im going to tell about:


    Im gonna try write all i discovered during testing and maximalizing it. I know that my english little sux but i will try to do my best
    There are other more profitable ways on softcore to generate legendaries, but for hardcore players thats the safest (you can not die) and realy easy way to get some gold and items.

    1. Profits
    2. Main Problem -why only bots can profitable do that.
    3. How Battle Shout and Hammer of the Ancients work and generate treasure.
    4. What and how many monsters are we hitting.
    5. Barbarian skill build and items.
    6. Wds skill build and items.
    7. Monster summoner items and its proc rate.
    8. Best place to do that and how you should place barbs and wds.

    You want kill any pets !! You just hit them 16-20 times and then makes new ones!!

    1. Profits

    Becouse mine programing skill = 0 i test it all by hand with is boxer. I made lots of 6 minutes tests and got this resault:

    1,5kk-2kk gph with 550% gf

    400-550 iph with 550% mf. You can find legenderies but maximum ilvl is 62 - still can find Echoing Fury and all rings.

    No exp - i will explain later why.

    2. Main Problem -why only bots can profitable do that.

    After few minutes there is too many unpicked items and gold on the ground and game start lagging like shit. You can easy solve that by picking all items and gold from ground (you can throw white and blue trash items back on the ground just after picking it up - it want lagging game anymore). So like you see it would take too much time and afford for isboxer user and only bots can do that fast and enought effective.

    3. How Battle shout and Hammer of the ancient work and generate treasure.

    We have 2 barbarian skills generating trasure for us:
    1) Battle shout with grim harvest rune - 15% chance to drop treasure and health globe - evry 10 sec
    2) Hammer of the Ancients with Birthright rune - 10 % chance to drop treasure or health globe - 4 attacks per sec. with maximalized ias - thats our main gold/items provider.

    When monster drop treasure all 4 characters - barb and wds got his different treasure drop (for example evry wd will get gold and barb will get item ect.)

    1 pet can drop treasere only 1 time from BS and HotA (do not stuck)but there is big diffrence in procing rate with this skills:
    - Battle Shout procing only one and first time you use that in pets - even if they dont drop treasure after first time, it will drop only healt globes later.
    - Hammer of the Ancient - you can use that until pet drop treasere - after treasure drop it give only healt globes.

    4. What and how many monsters are we hitting.

    All for 1 wd:
    -4 zombie dogs evry 4-5 sec - let barb hit it 16-20 times until you create new ones - its gave best drops results during my tests.
    -8 fetishes every 90 sec
    -1 gargantuan every ~ 30 sec
    -2 illusion from the grin reaper helmet evry 5-6 sec - thats our second monster provider after zombie dogs. I other section i will tell where properly use that.
    -5% chance for extra fetish after attack from the giddbin dagger and Fetish Sycophants passive.

    There are olso few other items that could provide extra monsters - other section.

    5. Barbarian skill build and items.

    Here is barbarian skill build:
    http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/b ... ZWh!cZcZYb

    WotB - + 10 chc and +25% ias - endless with last rune.
    Revange with Best Served Cold rune - + 10 chc for 12 sec - it just helping us reach 100% chc for HotA.
    Battle Rage - + 3% chc and our endless fury generator.
    Whirlwind - it will help with walking througt pets and collect items.
    Hota + BS.

    Ruthless - +5% chc.
    Animosity - +20 to max fury = +4% chc for HotA.
    Unforgiving - dont need other fury generator with that for start.

    We wanna reach maximum APS (4 aps )and chc for HotA (minimum 95%). Ofcorse +mf and + gf if you are not 100 paragon.For not dying we need some hp regen loh. Less dmg you deal the better, couse you want kill monsters - only hitting it.
    Most wanted Affixes: ias, chc, vit, + max furry (evry +5 fury = +1chc for Hota).
    Survival and helping afixxes : gf, mf, Hp regen, LoH, AR, dexterity (dig chance), reduce damage from elites, pick up radius.
    Affixes we have to avoid : Strengt (yes we need smalest dmg we can reach for not killing wds), +dmg, Thorns, fear, stun, cold dmg, freeze, blind ect.

    Best items per slot for 100 paragon char(if you have lover plvl find gf and mf where you can on those items to reach 300%).

    Helmet - 9 ias and vit Mempo with amethyst - if you can afford with + max 6% chc but its realy not needed to reach 100%chc. No andariels couse it makes Poison Nova.
    Armor - Tal'rashas with 9% ias and vit - olso 500 hp regen will help alot.
    Belt - the witching hour with 9% ias.
    Pants - Inna's temperence with 9%ias and 1%chc.
    Shoes - Ashera's tracks with 7% ias and some vit.
    Bracers - Lacuni Prowlers with 9% ias and highest chc you can afford(max 6% chc).
    Gloves - rare with 9% ias and 10%chc
    Rings - rare with 9% ias and 6% chc . Good to get some LoH too.
    Amulets - rare with 9% ias and 10%chc. Good to get some LoH too.
    Shoulders - max vit, all ress, +%life, hpregen you can get.
    Weapons - superior dagger with +20%ias (1.80 aps) and lowest dmg you can get - i got with 9 dps
    off hand - 2 options:
    1) lidless wall with +7% ias , + chc (max 5.5%) and if you are realy lucky with + max fury(max 10 = +2% chc for HotA). We got 3.96 aps all buffed and can cheapest reach 100% chc for HotA with that shield.
    2) second superior dagger - got 4.10 aps all buffed but we lost 7,5% chc from shield.

    Chc max value:
    Base chc - 5 %
    Chc from skills - 28% + 20% from base fury for Hota and + 4% from animosity= 52%
    Chc from items with shield - 50,5% + 2% (from + 10 max fury on shield if you are lucky) = 52,5 %

    After count it, We can see that max chc value for hota is 109,5% so we don't need chc on mempo.On lacuni 3,5%-4% chc is enought and not so expensive.

    6. Wds skill build and items.

    Wd skill build:
    http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/w ... Vdh!.ab.ba

    1) Poison dart with no rune (less dmg)- for procing the giddbin dagger and Fetish Sycophants passive.
    2) Big Bad Vodoo with Jungle Drums rune - +20 % ias for 30 sec
    3) Spirit Walk with Jaunt rune - it help us to position all wds in same place and runing throu pets for collecting items.
    4) Zombie Dogs with life link - 4 pets provider and dmg reducer
    5) gargantuan with no rune- 1 pet provider
    6) Fetish Army with Leggion of Daggers rune - 8 pets provider.

    1) Zombie handler - +1 dog (max 4 in the same time).
    2) Tribal Rites - -25% cool down for most of our skills
    3) Fetish Sycophants - pets provider -5% chance to summon fetish for 60 s when attacking with poison dart.

    Its not so stricted like barb but we need 40k-50k healt and about 2k-3k hp regen to chilly stay in all of that. We need olso to reach cd for dogs on 4 sec (about 0,5 sec spawn for dogs) so you must get -30s zdogs cd from items.
    Olso get ias all you can get to make more poison dart attacks and get extra fetishs.

    Like with barb we wanna reach smallest dmg but dont need chc so affixes we have to avoid : int, chc, chd, +dmg, Thorns, fear, stun, cold dmg, freeze, blind ect.
    Survival and helping afixxes : gf, mf, Hp regen, LoH, AR, dexterity (dig chance), reduce damage from elites, pick up radius.

    Reguired item per slot for 100 paragon char(if you have lover plvl find gf and mf where you can on those items to reach 300%).

    1) Helm - The Grin reaper - socket with max hp you get - it creates 2 illusion every 5-6 sec which are our second monster provider (yes it drop items and gold too.)
    2) Weapon - The giddbin - with +11% ias and less int and dps you can find. - it have 5 % chance when attacking to summon small fetish for 20 sec.
    3) Zdogs cd reduction:
    - Off-hand : Homunculus (max -20s cd) - with smallest + dmg you find
    - Amulet : Mara's Kaleidoscope (max -8s cd) - + ias if you are lucky and can affor it but its usually too expensive.
    - 1st ring - Stone of Jordan (max -8s cd) - with smalest (20%) bonus versus elite.
    - 2nd ring - Skull Grasp (max -7s cd) - with no int.
    You have to balance bettwen all that -cd to get minimum -30s . Its little expensive but try to find for example -17 cd Homunculus, -5 cd maras and -4cd for rings ect.

    Rest slots are free for items with +ias and hp / defensive affixes.

    7. Monster summoner items and its proc rate.

    All this items summon monsters which can give us treasure
    Items we use on wds:

    1)The Grin reaper - it makes 2 skieletor illusion near wd after first attack for 5-6 sec . The illusion droping gold and items and use attacks (no dmg).
    When you dont block them in corner , they will start run from you on distance that HotA can't reach. No cooldown for this proc.

    2)The Giddbin - it have about 5 % chance when attacking to summon small fetish for 20 sec. (usually give 8-12 fettis per min with 2,5 aps). No cooldown for this proc i think.

    1h weapons which we can change for few second with the giddbin:
    1) Genzaniku - summon ghostly Fallen chemion after few attacks for about 4-5 sec. Cooldown for this proc is about 30.
    2) Scycutter - summon Angel after few attacks for about 4-5 sec. Cooldown for this proc is about 30.

    Other items :

    1) Legacy of Wicked Dreams set - 2 rings spawns 1 skieleton or archer skieleton for about 20 sec after few attacks. Unfortunetly we have to put other rings so it won't be helpfull.
    2) Maximus - summon Demon after few attacks for about 4-5 sec. Cooldown for this proc is about 30. Olso usefull for our wd build cose its 2h weapon and we cant put homunculus away.

    8. Best place to do that and how you should place barbs and wds.

    Like you can see in the movie i checked all corners there and its the best. All 3 wds stay in the same place and Barb stay little infront of them (HotA will hit all behind barb). This possition won't let the grin reaper illusion move and escape and Hota can reach all zombie dogs (only them spawn in free area - rest pet under wd feet). Burb use HotA in south-east direction.

    Unfortunetly after 1 week of PTR 1.07 start, blizz nerf proc rate for goldskin and puzzle ring so its no longer works on scorched chapel.

    Thats all i think
    Last edited by chocoboos; 04-30-2013 at 07:45 PM.

    Hammerstorm barbarian exploit guide by chocoboos
  2. #2
    Thaadevil's Avatar Contributor
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    Is this why the server just went down? haha
    +rep for your time

  3. #3
    CreativeXtent's Avatar Moderator Authenticator enabled
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    no sure what this does, but +rep for posting
    "the true wow experience is Maclone"

  4. #4
    191807847's Avatar Member
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    FYI. This has been fixed after tonight's maintenance.

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